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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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The missing companion business is very frustrating! My son and I did Iokath side by side with our knights (no point in actually trying to play together after all...). I got Elara just fine, my son did not. Unfortunately one of his favorite things to do is collect companions. He keeps asking me to fix it 😟 I'm already in hot water because I didn't realize he wanted to play Star Wars with me soon enough to get his account subscribed for Nico, HK-55, Shae & Ranos 🙄 I don't think he had an open chapter. He does now so he can game the system and play with HH-55, so I can't check.
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Hell the devs admit they don't play the game and it really shows.

I've said it before but I'll say it again. To the devs SWTOR is a job and they don't really have the passion or drive to make SWTOR what it could be. I don't even think the change in producer will save SWTOR.


For real?! This is ridiculous. I have never ever heard of a video game company where the devs don't play their own game. :( Now I understand why things turned out this way. Bioware used to be one of the best companies, it's so sad.

Edited by Dylinrae
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For real?! This is ridiculous. I have never ever heard of a video game company where the devs don't play their own game. :( Now I understand why things turned out this way. Bioware used to be one of the best companies, it's so sad.


This happens sometimes with Bioware. I don't remember what game it was, but I think it was one of the Dragon Age titles, where one of the females admitted that "she didn't like to play video games"... And my question is, why in the world would you hire a writer, who doesn't enjoy video games?

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This happens sometimes with Bioware. I don't remember what game it was, but I think it was one of the Dragon Age titles, where one of the females admitted that "she didn't like to play video games"... And my question is, why in the world would you hire a writer, who doesn't enjoy video games?


This is just unbelievable. :eek: What would I give if I could work in a video game company, let alone in one of the most famous ones! I would be so enthusiastic and proud.

If this attitude continues there's not much hope for this game. :mad:

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That's the problem with KotFE/KotET in general. Almost none of the people working on SWTOR now had nothing to do with the original 1-50 game and it really shows. We saw the rot start in RotHC and SoR and the writing/story quality has gone one way and that's down. Hell the devs admit they don't play the game and it really shows.


I've said it before but I'll say it again. To the devs SWTOR is a job and they don't really have the passion or drive to make SWTOR what it could be. I don't even think the change in producer will save SWTOR. I'm dreading the rest of the companion returns for many reasons but if they're anything like Quinn's they'll be lackluster at best.

I think that the people above the Devs have started to realise this. When (Emperor) Keith introduced himself as the new producer one of the first things he said was that he played the game and understood our frustrations. I really hope that translates into understanding our fury at all of the issues with Malavai's return. Simple things like Quinn showing in cut scenes as his customised self was a huge oversight. It didn't matter so much to me as I kept his original look, however for those who wanted to film his return with their own Quinn's it was a disastrous decision. If this continues for future companions I will unsub as my Corso, Zenith, Khem Val, Iresso and Vector are all customised and they won't be "my" companions if they come back looking different.


The other thing they need to learn is that a good story and unbugged gaming is a good thing. I have a feeling they have been rushing in content because subscriber numbers were slipping and they know that new content brings in money regardless of whether that content is good or makes any sense, purely due to the SW factor.

If they've got no ideas to expand on the story for Malavai they should have a competition and ask us to submit a story line for them.


In addition to more Quinn, they also better start thinking something good up for Vector. They really don't need the Quinnmancer and Lovebug fangirls/boys outside their headquarters pitchforks ready!

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Am sad to see Quinn no longer have a mouth that moves...but perhaps in my absence, he has finally mastered his side hobby of ventriloquism.....


Quinn: Of--

--course I haven't.

Quinn: ...wait, what? How did--

--that happen?

Quinn: ...uh...Grand Admiral Jagaimee?


Quinn: Are you finishing my sentences?

No...? What makes you say that?

Quinn: The fact that--

--whatever I say is now appearing IN WHITE TEXT THERE IT GOES AGAIN!

Quinn: :eek:

...is this that ventriloquism Darth Nightfrogger mentioned?

Quinn: I...I never knew--

--I could do that HEY STOP IT!

I'm not doing anything, Malavai. That's all you. Putting words in my mouth, you ought to be ashamed. :p

Quinn: *eye twitch* You are a very good liar, sir.

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Quinn: Of--

--course I haven't.

Quinn: ...wait, what? How did--

--that happen?

Quinn: ...uh...Grand Admiral Jagaimee?


Quinn: Are you finishing my sentences?

No...? What makes you say that?

Quinn: The fact that--

--whatever I say is now appearing IN WHITE TEXT THERE IT GOES AGAIN!

Quinn: :eek:

...is this that ventriloquism Darth Nightfrogger mentioned?

Quinn: I...I never knew--

--I could do that HEY STOP IT!

I'm not doing anything, Malavai. That's all you. Putting words in my mouth, you ought to be ashamed. :p

Quinn: *eye twitch* You are a very good liar, sir.


uh oh....we gave him ideas lol

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Quote: Originally Posted by knoXr View Post

At least even with bugged companions, lazy writers, and devs who don't play their own games, we still have THIS.


Ahhh, we'll always have Gucci. <3


That is actually pretty funny! :D

Edited by Swingkittie
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Ok I am on my 4th warrior now. As you can tell I liked the romance line for female characters best with SW, but this time I am noticing a glaring glitch. I have had three conversations now with Quinn on my ship and he is giving zero influence. I am pretty bummed because I don't know if it is impacting the relationship badly. I chose flirt and praising options and get nothing. I think the Quinn haters have got jobs at Bioware and are making our lives more miserable. :confused:


So far my favorite line is when leaving Balmorra she says "Quinn, I am going to miss your rugged good looks." ;) and when he shows up in the starport to help her fight the jedi, "Quinn I could kiss you". it is fun to see him get all flustered, lol.

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Ok I am on my 4th warrior now. As you can tell I liked the romance line for female characters best with SW, but this time I am noticing a glaring glitch. I have had three conversations now with Quinn on my ship and he is giving zero influence. I am pretty bummed because I don't know if it is impacting the relationship badly. I chose flirt and praising options and get nothing. I think the Quinn haters have got jobs at Bioware and are making our lives more miserable. :confused:


So far my favorite line is when leaving Balmorra she says "Quinn, I am going to miss your rugged good looks." ;) and when he shows up in the starport to help her fight the jedi, "Quinn I could kiss you". it is fun to see him get all flustered, lol.


Hm, I just made my first male sw for the purpose of unlocking zabrak so I'll let you know if it happens to me too. What about Vette, did you get any influence from her?

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Ok I am on my 4th warrior now. As you can tell I liked the romance line for female characters best with SW, but this time I am noticing a glaring glitch. I have had three conversations now with Quinn on my ship and he is giving zero influence. I am pretty bummed because I don't know if it is impacting the relationship badly. I chose flirt and praising options and get nothing. I think the Quinn haters have got jobs at Bioware and are making our lives more miserable. :confused:


So far my favorite line is when leaving Balmorra she says "Quinn, I am going to miss your rugged good looks." ;) and when he shows up in the starport to help her fight the jedi, "Quinn I could kiss you". it is fun to see him get all flustered, lol.


Do you get the little "Malavai Quinn approves" note on the bottom of the screen? Are you looking at him on the character list, not his influence when you pull up his character sheet? I don't think they're using the one on the character sheet anymore (I could be wrong, though).


I just started replaying the SW story again just so I can record all the cutscenes. I've actually gotten a few pleasant surprises because I actually opted to make a different choice in some conversations than all my previous characters. Example being the second romance scene after you finish his companion quest. I always chose the "Well, it's about time" option, but this time I chose "Don't play games" and really liked his response to that!


I'm really pondering trying to write some fan fic from all of it since my character has a definite backstory, and so far all of the romance scenes have been perfectly placed within the storyline for me. Hence why I'm recording a ton of videos, so I can rewatch as much as I need to in order to capture the nuance (or add it if need be, since some are kind of awkward).

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I have had that happen on a few characters on several of the classes, usually when they give a whole bunch of quests back to back to back, more then they should for a single planet. What I have done is just hold off on those conversations and do the next planet and go back to them, seems to help.
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Do you get the little "Malavai Quinn approves" note on the bottom of the screen? Are you looking at him on the character list, not his influence when you pull up his character sheet? I don't think they're using the one on the character sheet anymore (I could be wrong, though).


I just started replaying the SW story again just so I can record all the cutscenes. I've actually gotten a few pleasant surprises because I actually opted to make a different choice in some conversations than all my previous characters. Example being the second romance scene after you finish his companion quest. I always chose the "Well, it's about time" option, but this time I chose "Don't play games" and really liked his response to that!


I'm really pondering trying to write some fan fic from all of it since my character has a definite backstory, and so far all of the romance scenes have been perfectly placed within the storyline for me. Hence why I'm recording a ton of videos, so I can rewatch as much as I need to in order to capture the nuance (or add it if need be, since some are kind of awkward).


Am currently lost in the editing of my own Quinn fan fics. I don't have a way to record my own scenes in game yet, and would have to roll another warrior to do so. I am just glad there are several you tubers out there who have posted just about every conversation choice out there so you can pick and choose dialog to fit the narrative you are trying to weave.


Lost in imaginings with our favorite Major...it is a great place to be :)

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So... there's that "All classes should've been able to kill Quinn" thread floating around. It got me thinking. Sad thoughts. :(


If you side with the Republic on Iokath... Quinn betrays you again. I don't know all the circumstances or what exactly happens, but that's what it seems like.


Are we interpreting his character completely wrong? Is he really just that spineless that he'd blindly choose the Empire/a more powerful Darth over his friend/ally/lover/his own wife? Or is it truly just bad writing that makes him appear that way?

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Am currently lost in the editing of my own Quinn fan fics. I don't have a way to record my own scenes in game yet, and would have to roll another warrior to do so. I am just glad there are several you tubers out there who have posted just about every conversation choice out there so you can pick and choose dialog to fit the narrative you are trying to weave.


Lost in imaginings with our favorite Major...it is a great place to be :)


It's the best place to be, lost amid Quinn art and stories. I was thinking people could post their recs of stories they've encountered, that would be cool. :)

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So... there's that "All classes should've been able to kill Quinn" thread floating around. It got me thinking. Sad thoughts. :(


If you side with the Republic on Iokath... Quinn betrays you again. I don't know all the circumstances or what exactly happens, but that's what it seems like.


Are we interpreting his character completely wrong? Is he really just that spineless that he'd blindly choose the Empire/a more powerful Darth over his friend/ally/lover/his own wife? Or is it truly just bad writing that makes him appear that way?


I saw that, what is wrong with people. The other classes have no reason to kill him. Don't let the haters sway you. He's a victim of lazy writing again, because they've forced both returning comps to throw a flash bomb. No one gets killed, it's just a distraction, so I don't think he was trying to kill anyone, just disrupt things. He loves SW and I think he's quite sincere when he expresses his feelings for her. Remember...puppy dog face. :)

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Lost in imaginings with our favorite Major...it is a great place to be :)


Yeah well, guess what, I had a dream last night and Quinn was in it. And it wasn't even a good dream! I dreamed I met him for the reunion and he was old. Like really old, like 115 years old-old. I was like :eek::confused::jawa_redface:


I blame the Capt America movie I watched.:o

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