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New AOE Targeting Animation/Indicator Looks Terrible - Why "Fix" What Isn't Broken?


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While it's true the range of a given AOE could sometimes be a little "exaggerated" depending on the class and ability used, it was very easy for players to intuitively understand what fell into the damage area and what did not in the original targeting animations.


Generally speaking, newer animation replacements, especially those seen in 5.x, have been cheap looking, and this includes the new targeting indicators.


If BW doesn't have the budget to properly make new animations any longer, please leave the old ones be. With very few exceptions, those all looked great.


Mixing in the new cheap animations isn't aesthetically consistent and makes the user experience worse.


EDIT: To add to the above, the new indicators aren't clearly visible on some planets (why I assume the originals were designed as they were), and as has been noted elsewhere and in this thread, do not function properly in PVP. Some remain for the duration of an effect, and others disappear. The ideas for this general change were flawed, and the implementation sloppy.

Edited by arunav
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Not to mention all AoE indicators look green, even if they're being used against you in PvP. Makes it hard to know what AoEs are okay to stay in and which aren't until after you take a bunch of damage. Guess EAWare devs are not only lazy and cheap with their coding, but they're sloppy as all get out too. Edited by AscendingSky
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I find it really hard to see on certain surfaces. This is a huge step backwards from what we had.


Looks like a developer's kid complained he didn't know where the old holo indicator ended, and decided he'd fix it. Grats, it looks like bantha poodoo and is functionally worse than before.


Please, for all that is sacred, at least add a toggle option in. I shouldn't have to strain to see if my target indicator is even there.


Also, this:

You know what's even worse? They are all green. Even the enemy ones. Sure, they have their faction symbol in them... but that's hard to differentiate in the heat of battle. What was so bad about using red target markers for enemy AoEs?


Seriously, look at this and tell me that's easy to see: http://imgur.com/uAv82GH

Edited by SamsungNinja
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the old gearing system wasnt broke and the change that too.


If your gona change something make SURE the change is something BETTER not WORSE. It like the devs dont care no more and brain storming ways of pissed people off.


aslong as they insist on not Listening to us and ingoreing what we say, they will never win. and they will see there number plummet.


5.0 has been huge joke so far.

Edited by Kyuuu
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I didn't care that much for the old art, so for me it's purely about function.


In moderate or low lighting against a medium to dark background, I love it. Orbital Strike and XS flyby now have the benefits of JTAC laser designation.


Take that to bright lighting on light surfaces though, and you can barely see the outline at all.


A shadow/dark element to that outer ring would be nice. That'd give it good functionality in all lighting/surface conditions.



The new design is slightly better in ideal conditions, but pretty much broken in worst conditions. Wouldn't be all that hard to fix though.


A for effort.

D- for technical execution.


If they fixed the contrast issues and brought back the friend/foe element in colors that colorblind people can actually differentiate, they could bring the technical execution grade up to an A+.

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Honestly, if your guildmates complain about this, please encourage them to come and post.


This is something they can easily revert if enough people make their voice heard.


In the past 5 years, I can't recall BW ever changing an animation back to a former version. This is slightly different, since it's a targeting indicator, but I don't think there's any room for our input.


That said, PVP players have been complaining the entire evening and in matches, and nobody in the guild I'm in (a PVE one) likes the change. We all had the same reaction, basically -why change this of all things? There are so many bugs in the past 2 expansions that have gone unfixed, but AOE targeting is prioritized?

Edited by arunav
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I agree. Yet another unnecessary change that nobody has ever even brought up.


Why make friendly/enemy AOEs both green? Really silly change prompted by... what exactly?


If any changes to this were needed I would have liked to see the faction logos gone completely and replaced with just a regular-looking target icon or something. Maybe a different icon on the ground depending on the ability (ie force storm (could be lightning bolts on the ground), death from above (big skull on the ground), etc) but why would my ability care which faction I'm representing in the first place? I didn't like this from day one. Even just plain circles would make more sense.


I'm really sad that I'm at the point now where I'm talking smack about SWTOR and rapidly losing faith and I never thought I'd get here.

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Another example of bad management. Bioware cries about their limited resources, but then this is what they do with them? Nobody asked them to change this, and the new one is a sideways move rather than an improvement. It has pros and cons, just like the previous one.


Employees with weak programming skills want to make changes they know how to make, instead of changes that need to be done but they don't know how to do them. They want safe busywork rather than something they could screw up on. If management is weak, it will let them waste time doing what they want rather than what needs to be done. Clear example of that right here.

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I dislike the new AOE terget indicator not only because it is terrible to see in certain lighting or terrain conditions but also because it is green and I think it is not even in the patch notes - the only mention of AOE is...


Adjusted the size of the effect for Vengeful Slam, Oil Slick, Sweeping Slash, Sweeping Gunfire, Plasma Probe, Fusion Missile, Force in Balance, Smash, Orbital Strike, Explosive Dart, Grenade, Cyclone Slash, Kolto Missile, and Kolto Bomb to better match the abilities areas of affect.


Assuming that we have no way of getting the old AOE target art back can we at least have the blue or red colours back again so we know what the heck is going on?

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i like the new aoe.


probably will get flammed for this, but i like it - so they dont need to fix what it is fine for me.


You may not have played with it enough. There are certain maps (Oricon) where you cannot see it. The first time that happens to you I doubt you will like it.

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You know what's even worse? They are all green. Even the enemy ones. Sure, they have their faction symbol in them... but that's hard to differentiate in the heat of battle. What was so bad about using red target markers for enemy AoEs?


The faction symbol means squat on Odessen proving ground map.


Maybe they thought a red marker was too complicated I guess :rak_01:

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I generally hate almost every change in 5.x but this AOE one doesn't bother me and was actually beneficial for raiding. The change went over fairly well with my guildmates too. What do you hate about them the solid circle? I didn't PVP last night so I don't know if both factions show up as green or not like another player said, if that's happening that is broken.
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