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What happened to the info regarding the legacy perk to boost command xp. Not only was indicated in previous posts but it was in the original patch notes that it would be up to 10%. There IS a perk that can be bought, for an extortionate fee, for each character but that is not a legacy perk, its a character perk. The introduction was supposed to be to make the game more alt-friendly and having to spend over 3million credits per toon is NOT alt-friendly!


Quote from a previous post (emphasis is mine):

"legacy bound boosts you can purchase with Command Tokens, and the LEGACY PERK to speed up leveling"

I asked about this in the original post, whether this would be a true Legacy perk, and apply to all characters in your Legacy, or be like the other "Legacy" xp perks (Class Mission xp boost, Exploration xp boost, etc.) and just be "Legacy" in the sense that you buy it through your Legacy page and it (maybe) has Legacy level reqs for the different "tiers".


I guess I have my answer now.

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What happened to the info regarding the legacy perk to boost command xp. Not only was indicated in previous posts but it was in the original patch notes that it would be up to 10%. There IS a perk that can be bought, for an extortionate fee, for each character but that is not a legacy perk, its a character perk. The introduction was supposed to be to make the game more alt-friendly and having to spend over 3million credits per toon is NOT alt-friendly!


Quote from a previous post (emphasis is mine):

"legacy bound boosts you can purchase with Command Tokens, and the LEGACY PERK to speed up leveling"


The otherwise useless CMD tokens we got granted can be traded in on the fleet for CMD boosts that are legacy bound.

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WThe introduction was supposed to be to make the game more alt-friendly and having to spend over 3million credits per toon is NOT alt-friendly!


You're surprised? the devs decided the game won't be alt friendly. They claim to give a "fix" but that fix isn't any more alt friendly than the system they clam to be fixing. They want you to spend hundreds of hours grinding on each character. That's how they plan to keep subs subbed longer and get more subs. They refuse to admit they hosed it up totally. They won't admit it until there is no one left playing.

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Hey folks,


Two quick notes for you with Game Update 5.1:

  • We have some known issues for this Update, including that the new Uprisings are currently missing from Group Finder. We are working to address this ASAP, more details here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=911889
  • The Stalwart Leader Pack is not currently live but will be in the next 30-60 minutes (from the time of this post).
  • Don't forget that in order to get your retroactive Command Tokens you will need to log into each character individually to have the grant occur.


Thanks everyone.




i just unsub first in 4.5 yrs cuz of 5.1/ you killed pvp so good luck with this fail game

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Let me get this straight:


They said we will release story in large chunks, which was KOTET in December.


We will focus on group content soon after the new year. Which of course is the new uprisings.


They do not like the PTS because they do not want to spoil story and such.


New uprisings add zero story.


No PTS for new uprisings.


New uprisings do not work.


Working as intended?

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You nailed it. They are granted the first time you log into a character.




You don't think that having command tokens in the currency tab, being legacy bound, is going to confuse people? I foresee a ton of confusion.

There's already a lot of confusion with the unassembled pieces. I think if you just changed the name to warzone coms, it would help people understand the system a little bit better.

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Eric, seriously *** is this: Bolster now improves players up to 232 Item Rating (down from 250).


So now new players and casuals will be at even more of a disadvantage in WZs? Who thought this was a good idea?


Somebody saw players having fun in pvp and by having fun, they started to ignore the grind. That's a big NO-NO. You have to sweat it. There should be no fun implied in that. The ppl that are having fun after 5.0 are to be considered exploiters!

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Somebody saw players having fun in pvp and by having fun, they started to ignore the grind. That's a big NO-NO. You have to sweat it. There should be no fun implied in that. The ppl that are having fun after 5.0 are to be considered exploiters!

And we all know exploiting isnt against the rules anylonger. See the uprising exploit. See the flying hakcers in pvp. No consequences.

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Eric, seriously *** is this: Bolster now improves players up to 232 Item Rating (down from 250).


So now new players and casuals will be at even more of a disadvantage in WZs? Who thought this was a good idea?


The greedy, incompetent jerks who hold the pursestrings at EA did. Because they think if they slow down the grind even more (which is effectively what lowering bolster does, because people who don't have tier 3 gear already will always, ALWAYS lose against people who do, ranked or regular), they will keep people playing longer because it will take them 250% longer to earn the same number of unassembled components.


They don't seem to realize that ramping up the grind is just going to make them lose more subs--which is the whole reason they made these emergency changes in the first place, a month after 5.0 dropped. That means less people playing, less people buying command boosts, and less people buying cartel packs. The lower population servers get, the more people will quit because it takes forever to find groups to do anything, and on and on into a death spiral.

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You nailed it. They are granted the first time you log into a character.




I am command rank 69. This means I've earned 68 command crates. By my math (68*5) I should have 340 command tokens. I only have 240. I have not logged into any of my other characters and I have put in a ticket with CS.

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Hey Eric, could we get clarification on the Arena and Huttball CXP nerfs? And the rationale behind the disastrous nerf to Bolster? Because cynically it looks like you guys mistakenly felt that PvP was not grindy enough.


Honestly - I cannot think of a way to make PvP more alt-unfriendly than the Bolster change. I thought that correcting the 5.0 unfriendliness for alts was a focus of 5.1? You just took a giant step backwards.

Edited by stoopicus
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The greedy, incompetent jerks who hold the pursestrings at EA did. Because they think if they slow down the grind even more (which is effectively what lowering bolster does, because people who don't have tier 3 gear already will always, ALWAYS lose against people who do, ranked or regular), they will keep people playing longer because it will take them 250% longer to earn the same number of unassembled components.


They don't seem to realize that ramping up the grind is just going to make them lose more subs--which is the whole reason they made these emergency changes in the first place, a month after 5.0 dropped. That means less people playing, less people buying command boosts, and less people buying cartel packs. The lower population servers get, the more people will quit because it takes forever to find groups to do anything, and on and on into a death spiral.

Do you really think the people at EA who never played a game in their life behind the incompetent devs know better about this game?

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The bolster nerf is almost like removing bolster altogether. Simply say tier 3 > tier 2 > tier 1 in PVP, its the same results, same stupid unfairness.


The new cxp gains for warzones are terrible as well, what was wrong with the old and higher numbers? It won't reduce the number of afk grinders, since they don't waste their time while grinding anyway (because they can do something else meanwhile, like watching a movie...), the only ones losing from this are those who really want to play the PVP and benefit.


The rate at which PVP components are granted is also ridiculously low. I know some NM players never liked the idea of PVPers getting the top gear possible, but since this is already possible with RNG crates, the damage was done. With the current system, imagine something like that: someone does tons of PVP, consumes tons of time and gets enough cxp to buy 1x 242 item. Lets say he buys the mainhand. Few ranks later, he gets an RNG mainhand, and the refund time has expired already. How many times should this story repeat itself before the guy ragequits the game? I barely give it 1...


Double buffs for all tank classes (and merc/mando) were indeed a mistake that should have been corrected. However: Did bioware test ops and class balance with or without these double buffs? becasue it actually seems like ops bosses were designed to deal damage which fits the doubled buffs, and as a result, the tanks are now pretty underpowered and take too much damage. And as we all know that double buffs were mainly fixed to balance the classes, let me ask you: what the **** were you thinking when you left the mercs with 3 possible heal-to-full mechanics (and thats for the dps ones)? Is that class balance?? Who is going to oppose a group of 2 mercs working together now that tanks are nerfed, and operatives are nerfed, and deception is nerfed?

Having a "worst class" in PVP is bad, but people can simply avoid taking that class. Having a "best class" is far worse, since many players exploit the situation (not "exploit" in the ban-able meaning, but you know what I mean), and play only the best class, which is currently mercs. Doesn't it kind of ruin PVP when everyone who wanna try another class simply isn't competitive?


The above was a list of terrible mistakes with that patch, and thats even excluding the unintended bugs. The game used to be awesome, get your brain together bioware, actually start thinking before you act, before its too late!

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