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Who actually kills the L/D bosses?


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Since they got introduced I saw about 4 of them. One on hoth and 3 I searched for on droomund kaas. So far NOBODY was interested in killing them, neither on the fleet or on the planet.


Does anyone actually kill these? Is it actually possible to get the achievement for all kills?

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There are L/D bosses and an achievement?


Seriously, when grinding out cxp the last thing I am thinking of when that L/D thing dings over is running off to hunt some special boss and try to get a group before it dings over again. As far as I am concerned they do not exist and I do not care one bit about killing one. Totally wasted development resources as far as I am concerned. The worthless content of the boxes kills my interest in redoing years old content again and again anyway. Between crafted stuff and box drops I was at all 228 and 230s within the first 8 boxes with one set piece. Since then, disintegrate everything, nothing of worth at all, now mostly playing other games and ignoring SWTOR and only playing maybe an hour or two a week.

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Well, I'm not sure now, but month ago, when 5.0 was fresh, and I was interesting to try, I could easy find the group for it, and I did. Killed few light sided bosses, but achievements for them are bugged it seems (you only have dark side bosses in achievements).

Dont know if situation changed.

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There are L/D bosses and an achievement?

The worst part of that is that there are some really neat banner decorations gated behind them. That requires hunting down every one of them.


Totally wasted development resources as far as I am concerned.

Hear, hear. If BINO's using focus groups they need a serious rethink of their selection criteria. If not, yet another reason their design team needs to find alternative employment.

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Never seen a group forming for them either.


Accidentally ran into one on Alderaan.

Got a group going with my guild.


We ended up wiping (due to being infamiliar with its capabilities, it was more of a "feeler" group to see what he had in store for us).

Boss dissappeared (as they dissappear when you wipe), never tried again.

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I know boss locations, I found good few like 5 times this week. After that I go fleet / or custom dvl channel to look for people. No one wants to do it. Why would you do anything that's unrewarding? They literally offer nothing for the amount of time and effort you put into grouping. Single dvl token (must be opposite alliegance... so an entire alliegance is excluded from potential player pool) and a lol-amount cxp pack. They want players to do pve? they need to make decent gear as an incentive but they'd rather put it into cartel market and not make any good looking Jedi sets anyway. Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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People want group content but no one talks about how the same people ignore all the DvL bosses and added group content it provides. I imagine though that they'll just say 'it's not worth doing' or something.


That's because BW refuses to understand that those of us that want group content, want OPERATIONS, not open world bosses that we've been not bothering with since launch, due to the fact the reward for killing them has always been a waste.

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That's because BW refuses to understand that those of us that want group content, want OPERATIONS, not open world bosses that we've been not bothering with since launch, due to the fact the reward for killing them has always been a waste.


So you guys don't actually enjoy group content in and of itself; you just care about the reward.

Edited by Lionflash
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People want group content but no one talks about how the same people ignore all the DvL bosses and added group content it provides. I imagine though that they'll just say 'it's not worth doing' or something.

Those bosses are the antithesis of what progression raiders find "fun" or even "manageable".



  • There's no fixed time they're available. They only spawn when their alignment affiliation is in the victory state. Maybe some of the superguilds have the active bodies to influence the meter enough to force a spawn but there's only a handful of those around.
  • There's no guarantee that a specific boss will spawn at all. The ones that spawn are chosen randomly.
  • There's no fixed location to find them. While there are known locations you need to scouts to find them and pray they have a summon.
  • They're open world. Any schmoe can come along and take a whack at them. I almost did one day until I realized what it was.
  • You only get one pull. If the raid group wipes the boss despawns. If the boss has mechanics it takes several wipes to learn them. If not that's tank-and-spank which is pretty boring.


There are NO redeeming qualities to this feature. Whoever greenlit this idea needs to be employed elsewhere.

Edited by PlasmaJohn
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So you guys don't actually enjoy group content in and of itself; you just care about the reward.


Yes, it's group content, but It's not "friendly" to the groups that want to do it. From what I've seen... the bosses don't spawn in the same location and if I was informed correctly, only a handful of the total spawn period. To top it off, you have to wait for one side in DvL to be victorious (and here's hoping that dark side and light side have equal wins). And to throw one last monkey wrench in things... if anybody pulls the boss and fails to finish, they de-spawn - so one wipe, or one oblivious passer-by, or one troll and the assembly of said group becomes wasted.


No, not everything should be simple and easy... but making things inconvenient to access decreases the odds that the content will even be pursued. It'll take a lot of diligence and patience to kill these bosses and I can only hope that the rewards for such are worth it to the folks who follow through.


EDIT: What that guy (Jon) said... ... ...

Edited by RatPoison
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So you guys don't actually enjoy group content in and of itself; you just care about the reward.


Some people do, others don't. it all depends. I've done the World bosses once that were out since launch, found them dull and boring personally, and the purple items they drop, I've been able to craft (So it's not any reward what so ever). It's a matter of entertainment of the boss, and the effort of making a group for it. At launch you needed a lot more people for them, so it was more of a pain to get groups. Most people did them in groups of 16 or 24. Making such large groups has always been a pain. Operations could be done in 8 man groups so realistically they have always been more popular then world bosses. As for these DvL bosses These are only up during Times when either the Lightside or Dark side are Victorious. The problem with this is that we are Gaining more CXP during these times, so wasting time looking for a random boss isn't in our best interest. With that combination of world bosses not being as popular as Ops, and the fact we'd lose out on more CXP during those times due to the bonus, BW has made it less worth the time for us to do them.

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Never seen a group form. Sometimes see some soletary person suggesting its a good idea on fleet but never gets any takers.


Lets face it hunting round the galaxy for some fight that drops a few tokens for reskin cosmetic gear is not a good idea so who is going to really be interested in it. Let along hunting your own faction boss to stop other people getting it as Ben suggested people would do, or jumping into the PvP instance.


DvL has pretty much been a failure from start to finish so it will go the way of all the other elements of the game and soon be abandoned.

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DvL has pretty much been a failure from start to finish so it will go the way of all the other elements of the game and soon be abandoned.

With any sort of luck this feature won't be just abandoned but ripped out and thrown away. I know it'll never happen. It'll just be abandoned and left to rot and annoy people until the game goes EOL.


I think it's my disappointed optimism that makes me cynical.

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Just to throw out a linkie: http://dulfy.net/2016/11/29/swtor-galactic-command-guide/#DvL_Bosses


I still have half the world bosses, including the ones for the other events, that I've never gone after.


Running Makeb on the Imperial side this week since I've never done it. After they removed being able to finish Loremaster, it was no longer a high priority for me.

Edited by dr_mike
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  • There's no fixed time they're available. They only spawn when their alignment affiliation is in the victory state. Maybe some of the superguilds have the active bodies to influence the meter enough to force a spawn but there's only a handful of those around.
  • There's no guarantee that a specific boss will spawn at all. The ones that spawn are chosen randomly.
  • There's no fixed location to find them. While there are known locations you need to scouts to find them and pray they have a summon.
  • They're open world. Any schmoe can come along and take a whack at them. I almost did one day until I realized what it was.
  • You only get one pull. If the raid group wipes the boss despawns. If the boss has mechanics it takes several wipes to learn them. If not that's tank-and-spank which is pretty boring.


There are NO redeeming qualities to this feature. Whoever greenlit this idea needs to be employed elsewhere.


AND The Pugging of the group, finding the boss, travelling to the boss (less and less people I find have summons lately) and killing of the boss all have to happen within a one hour time frame. That would be tight even if the "finding of the boss" were not a problem, because you can't PLAN for when this happens.


I wouldn't mind killing these bosses but I can't. Even with all those limitations above, the biggiest hurdle is simply insurmountable: These bosses are never up. I rarely even see a Victory state when I'm logged in. My prime playing time seems to be a see-saw light/dark time with no victories.

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So you guys don't actually enjoy group content in and of itself; you just care about the reward.


The DvL bosses are a good idea that was poorly executed, for the reasons listed in PlasmaJohn's excellent post.


Even if you want to go after the bosses, there are too many restrictions that work against a group forming to take them on. You don't know ahead of time when the bosses will spawn, you have a very short window of time that the bosses will be active and you don't even know which ones spawned or where they spawned, and one wipe and that boss disappears.


That's a lot of hurdles to clear for one DvL token that would be more easily obtained by running other content while your preferred alignment is ahead.


Bioware needs to tweak it. At the very least there should probably be a quest and fast travel (similar to heroics) activated through galactic command that takes you right to the spawned boss(es). The rewards should probably be upped as well.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Effort vs Reward



When the other side has happy you have to get an Ops Group together never easy even on Harbinger.

Travel to some remote location, guild ship summons helps but SOMEONE has to get there.

Actually defeat the boss and loot the corpse., admittedly shouldn't be an issue but every once is a while you get in one of THOSE group and UGH!



A token. That when you'be gathered up a whole bunch more can eventually get you a pet, a mount or some legacy gear. Does anyone really need more of any of those? Really?

CXP. A wee little for an hour effort, in that same time you have legally run Fractured 6 times and made around 4200 CXP.



Effort vs Reward.

Edited by AmadanNaBrona
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Did like 3 but since there like Open World it's lagfestapolza. Not as bad as AT and the Yavin WB when they launched but still bad. Bosses themselves are jokes and did it with 4 (3 DPS and 1 heals). So yeah 3 FPS is not my style lel, although it was entertaining to see what Boss mechanic was rehashed into it (I saw Raptus Force Execution and Revans Trail of Agony on one)


But yeah I prefer to save my frames :^

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I once joined a group to kill one Dark Side boss on Coruscant (Justiciar Territory).

It felt like hitting a WB.

Especially at THAT level ( Level Sync ! ).

No-one seemed to be really prepared for it, and the group leader has his information on the boss only from a YouTube video, nothing else.

So, we were doing "basic first-hand research", so to say. ;)

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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ANDI wouldn't mind killing these bosses but I can't. Even with all those limitations above, the biggiest hurdle is simply insurmountable: These bosses are never up. I rarely even see a Victory state when I'm logged in. My prime playing time seems to be a see-saw light/dark time with no victories.


This ^^. I would love to get the achiements for these and I enjoy world bosses, but I would never be able to find a boss and get a group of same faction, like minded individuals together in the narrow timeframe allowed. Even if my guild wanted to make an event of it, given the randomness of it, how could they?

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