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Seriously guys... is it so bad now?


I left the game long ago to finally come back and what? The situation in low level bracket is so bad on Pub side that it's just unexplainable... where i play, imps are winning 8 out of 10 wz's. When you try to explain, you are beeing called names, and when you waste time of pub player in their fp's...al hell breaks loose... Simply, they can waste your time in a wz but you cannot waste their time in a fp...


I came back after 2,5 years and back then i left due to reasons that pve players were allowed to waste our time in wz's...now it seems they are allowed to do the same...


This game is basically beyond repairing pvp wise...am i correct to think that?


I aloso cannot understand why it is so hard for so many people to learn the basics which are easier than kindergarten...

Edited by Endel
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I came back after 2,5 years

I'm guessing you are on Red Eclipse? I don't know anything about faction balance on TRE, but I'm guessing it might be imp dominated. I'm guessing you are European due to the usage of "2,5" opposed to "2.5" like Americans use.


I'm on harbinger. I used to play Repub side almost exclusively, but after the demise of pvp servers and cheap transfers brought a bunch of imps from Bastion and other places, that was pretty much the death of pub side. I've been playing almost exclusively imp side now for quite a long time. The only way to have any reasonable amount of fun on pub side is to queue in groups with pub buddies. Since I queue solo 90% of the time, and since I am not a masochist, I gave up on pub side. Imp vs imp games are generally much more balanced on harbinger. Imp vs pub is usually one of two things: 1) Pubs are premade with at least 1 healer + tank (sometimes double premade), 2) Pubs are randoms and will get utterly destroyed. So I generally dread the Imp vs pub games on harbinger.

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I don't know how you guessed that i play on TRE but you are correct :)


I rolled a new char on pub side but it seems that i have just two options. Go back to my 55 Operative and continue with it or transfer to another server where there is no guarantee that the situation will be different in lower bracket.


The only reason that i didn't go back to my OP upon returning is that i read that it is now even more nerfed than it was back when i played. And looking on forums, it seems that another nerf is inevitable because no matter what, threads about nerfind OP's are appearing as often as they were when game started and every year after that.


Well i am deffinitely switching to imp side in this case as i would like to have at least a bit of fun.


I just don't get why people think it is ok to queue for wz's with 0 research on how to play and refusing to learn when people try to explain...

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I came back recently too mate and I've been experiencing the same thing. It truly baffles me that in 2017 people can cap and then leave the node undefended. Yes i get that there are new players but surely human nature kicks in and 'learned the hard way' experience is gained through the mistakes...such as leaving undefended nodes. You know, you touch a hot iron, get burnt...and learn pretty quickly not to do it again. But, it's still the same mindless stuff...and the same names too.


Personally i am not going to switch as i would like to at least try and contribute to any hope of balance in the future but i don't blame those who do switch, games meant to be fun right?


Eventually it might get so bad that PvP as imps is the only way as times are half that of reps due to the imp vs imp games. Rep's will be left waiting for the minimum amount of people just to get globaled.


Its actually kind of funny if you queue later on in the evening and an 8v8 map pops. You might find you have 6 reps facing the 8 imps...it's an absolute slaughter.

Edited by Marstrike
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Its actually kind of funny if you queue later on in the evening and an 8v8 map pops. You might find you have 6 reps facing the 8 imps...it's an absolute slaughter.


Yes, this is exactly what happens.


I simply leave a warzone in such case. Yesterday we even had 4 or 5 vs 8 imps.


To me, playing in such conditions is a complete waste of time and since i only pvp here i refuse to have my time wasted like that so i leave.

I might consider continuing with my new pub char but could someone tell me, is it the same in the highest bracket? Is there the same problem with republic players who have no idea what to do and refuse to learn in highest bracket?

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I left the game long ago to finally come back and what? The situation in low level bracket is so bad on Pub side that it's just unexplainable...


Think of it this way, you'll be prepared for the nightmare that is TRE 70lvl pvp. It gets somewhat better during late night hours though, but this has more to do with lots of rather mediocre Imp players joining the queue so it evens things out a little bit.

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Seriously guys... is it so bad now?


I left the game long ago to finally come back and what? The situation in low level bracket is so bad on Pub side that it's just unexplainable... where i play, imps are winning 8 out of 10 wz's. When you try to explain, you are beeing called names, and when you waste time of pub player in their fp's...al hell breaks loose... Simply, they can waste your time in a wz but you cannot waste their time in a fp...


I came back after 2,5 years and back then i left due to reasons that pve players were allowed to waste our time in wz's...now it seems they are allowed to do the same...


This game is basically beyond repairing pvp wise...am i correct to think that?


I aloso cannot understand why it is so hard for so many people to learn the basics which are easier than kindergarten...


I too came back after a long hiatus and found the same problem except not until level70. As someone pointed due to everyone transferring to TRE or Harbringer, since BW is too lazy to merge servers, imps seem to dominate in terms of numbers and often in win percentage. Your only option IMO is to make imp toons or hope and pray that a couple large guilds get bored with the imbalance and switch to pub side (not likely).

Edited by JudgeNot
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That was always like that.


These things depend on a lot of things, mainly the time of the day you play. Like today i played 3 matches on TRE on my shadow and we won all 3, was the just below 70 bracket, the imps were just terrible, Assassins not using stealth, sorcs not bubbbling (they were mostly levels 66 and up), its was terrible.


There was a time on TRE when in ranked you had only reps vs reps and when you got qued against imps they lost badly. It is a known fact that the PVPers are running premades on imp side, they dont have same guild but you can see it on their behaviour, reaction time on how they come help when u try to cap etc.


Imp side is simply preffered by the players and NOW due to the CURSED CXP system people had to pick 1-2 toons to actually bring to tier 3 so no wonder many decided to main an imp toon.

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Before the ToFN invasion there were maybe a 40/60 Ratio on TRE when the best Imp players rolled their Pub toons that shifted quickly to a 60/40. I felt that was a quite nice thing we had going, due to that there were some faction balance and it actually felt like we were getting an increase of the pvp population overall not only by transfers but decent upcomers.


Then the ToFN players started to transfer and that balance went down the drain and add to that the frequent shut outs that started to occur, slowly pub side got drained, people pub side were losing more and more for some it was either quit or roll a Imp toon. And as a living proof of that pvp order you're posting to that effect.


What in some ways felt like a pvp community was lost, and will continue to diminish. I would even argue that the pvp on TRE is at an juncture, 1 faction pvp is a actuality becoming more and more real and with it the Fun will slowly die. And when the Fun dies so do the pvp population.

Edited by t-darko
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It depends on what time of day in my experiences.


Playing PvP on Harbinger after midnight EST is a nightmare if you're imperials. The pub have a player base that seems to take over and they play like a perfect 8 man premade in a televised tourny. They win so badly it's impossible to even make a dent. I could have the most amazing performance in all of swtor history and still get slaughtered.


You will see random imps doing 400 (yes, that's three digits) dps over the course of a 15-20 min match as a pure DPS class or a healer that ends up doing less than 800 hps in perfectly min-maxed bolstered gear.






Any other time I would agree with you, the pubs get creamed! :)

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Seriously guys... is it so bad now?


I left the game long ago to finally come back and what? The situation in low level bracket is so bad on Pub side that it's just unexplainable... where i play, imps are winning 8 out of 10 wz's. When you try to explain, you are beeing called names, and when you waste time of pub player in their fp's...al hell breaks loose... Simply, they can waste your time in a wz but you cannot waste their time in a fp...


I came back after 2,5 years and back then i left due to reasons that pve players were allowed to waste our time in wz's...now it seems they are allowed to do the same...


This game is basically beyond repairing pvp wise...am i correct to think that?


I aloso cannot understand why it is so hard for so many people to learn the basics which are easier than kindergarten...


It depends on the time of day. Remember imps have more players. So even if the percentages of good players is the same on both sides, imps have a higher chance of having more good players on at the same time. It's when the populations online are about the same, that you start seeing pubs dominate.

There is also the win-loss factor. People hate to lose and some players need others to carry them, while others just want to win at any cost, so they will always play the faction who is winning at the time. This means that if there aren't as many good reps on at the same time, some of those people will switch factions to play.

The imps have the population advantage and it only takes a small number of reps to jump factions and the reps don't have enough good players on at the same time. But the opposite also happens when the reps start winning more than the imps. All of a sudden you see this influx of people jumping factions to reps and the remaining imps just get rolled.

Unfortunately that only happens at certain times of the day and is a much small time bracket so that most people only ever see imps winning.

What is interesting to me is everyone saying how bad reps are when the same percentage of the imp population is just as bad. You can see this demonstrated when you get lots of imp vs imp matches and when you get lumped in the rotations with the bad players. What compounds the issue even more is when good players see they are with a bunch of bad players and they requeue to brake the endless pop cycle of being grouped with those guys. This keeps happening until the better players start filtering into the better teams. Once that happens there is nearly complete dominance of those bad imp players. I'm pretty sure this is how the reps start to make a comeback. When the good imp players are lumped together, any other good players that login and keep getting rotated into the bad imp teams, not matter how many times they requeue, will often jump to reps to see if there are any good reps on at the moment. If there are, then they stay and the rep teams get better. But because there are less of them, it's faster to get filtered into a good team. Usually the other bad reps get sick of losing and log off or stop queuing. Then the one or two rep teams start to dominate the bad imps. The only good and close matches are when they come up against those one or two good imp teams remaining.


So people need to consider the population percentages and the lure of winning the easiest at any cost, even if that mean switching factions. Imps will always have the advantage as far as numbers, so they will dominate a larger portion of the day. But Reps still have the same percentage of good/bad players as the imps, it's just there are less of them. Saying reps are bad in a sweeping statement doesn't represent the actual situation, the problem is more population imbalance.

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I can't really comment on TRE rep side but as I'm leveling new characters atm I can guarantee there's also terrible players imp side in pre-70 brackets.

Like yesterday, on Alderaan warzone, there were people guarding turret then leaving it without telling anyone. In another Novare Coast I got a group of 3 marauders + 1 jugg running together but they were always running to a turret to cap it too late dieing together because of low damage/defense. I had a Huttball, I think they only tried to get the ball once in middle, rest of the time randomly killing people and completely ignoring the ball. We even stopped scoring at 3-0 and let the ball mid but they didn't try to get it.


I also remembers having terrbile imp teams against good rep ones last week end.


For me, it just seems as always it's just a matter of who's online or not, if I start to lose 3-4 wzs in a row with mostly the same people, I do some GSF or PvE mission hoping they would stop playing once I restart queing for PvP.

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I can't comment on the quality of players on TRE - always found them reasonably balanced in the past. - But the best thing to do if you want to stay on the server with pub-side is to find a few like-minded individuals who actually perform in PvP and want to improve. - Make friends, add them to your contacts list and maybe form a guild - That way you can form a foursome or ops group and queue together. - MMO 101 really.


If that's not so easy, you can always ask in general chat on the imp-side if anyone wants to join you pub-side for PvP - A lot of players main two characters -one on either faction, so you might have better luck there.


Pugging PvP is always a crap-shoot. - But you can even the odds a little - If you have credits or some shiny CM things to tempt people then they will often come and help you out. - Be friendly and they'll often respond in kind.



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So i have revived my lvl 55 OP yesterday. The experience was deffinitely way much better than in low bracket on pub side.

First game was a classic Huttball and to my surprise, every person, played objective and we had an easy win.


In next wz's situation was also not so bad but as someone mentioned here, as the hours passed, it all evened out because more and more obviously unexperienced playeres started to join wz's and Pubs started winning some wz's.


The experience was still much better than Pub side low bracket.


I understand all the arguments that because of joining imp side, we cause the imbalance but when you have just couple of hours of play time, you do not want to have that time wasted by players who are not willing to learn. It is the complete ignorance of many players on pub side that is causing this imbalance. There are just too many lvl 30's with lvl 1 valor joining. They have absolutely no idea what to do. There are players that would say at the start that they are new and they are willing to learn. I offered couple of players like that yesterday to team up and they got a hold of things preety quickly....but they were willing to learn.


I was wondering... what if the brackets were valor based and not lvl based? Probably not going to work because the queue times would be muchlonger i guess?

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Well, I, too, would like to know which server has the better PUB-side PVP/PVE. I haven't main-ed a toon since I started but I've always favored Sentinels; and almost every-time i try to PvP on PUB, it's a stomp fess, if you want to stay alive longer than two seconds, you have to play a tank. Pubs are generally better in PvE content though. Cause yesterday, i literally carried aN imp team through Blood Hunt; and by carried, I mean, all three died, and I had to kill Jos, vaulk and Shae Vizla by myself. needless to say it took forever, cause I was on my tank.
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