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So what is your Bounty Hunter legacy name?


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Hey, Post your name. Im sure there are alot of good ones. If you are too ashamed you can just post about other names.


My legacy name is: Cerius Payne





Edit: Also got Only and Know on the same server as Cerius.

Edited by DukSaber
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so annoyed by the legacy thing. it wasn't explained in game *AT ALL*.


My BH is "Neverdawn", my alt char, a sith marauder, is "Alwaysdusk"


so when my BH was prompted to pick a surname, i was like "uh... i guess i'll do Neverdawn Alwaysdusk and Alwaysdusk Neverdawn for my marauder.."


so i picked Alwaysdusk.


then i logged onto my marauder. what was over his head? (and is still there)


"Alwaysdusk Alwaysdusk"



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so annoyed by the legacy thing. it wasn't explained in game *AT ALL*.


My BH is "Neverdawn", my alt char, a sith marauder, is "Alwaysdusk"


so when my BH was prompted to pick a surname, i was like "uh... i guess i'll do Neverdawn Alwaysdusk and Alwaysdusk Neverdawn for my marauder.."


so i picked Alwaysdusk.


then i logged onto my marauder. what was over his head? (and is still there)


"Alwaysdusk Alwaysdusk"





lol funny.

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fett - I know I know.. but I had to have it.

I'm surprised it let you have that name. I would have thought they'd outlaw that one; along with Skywalker and Solo.


Mine is Mystwalker. So my BH is Jynza'rah Mystwalker.


It sounds cool, but is sorta lame. Like an above poster, I didn't really fully realize what I was choosing when it prompted me for it. I wish there was a way to change it.

Edited by USSDefiant
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I'm surprised it let you have that name. I would have thought they'd outlaw that one; along with Skywalker and Solo.


Mine is Mystwalker. So my BH is Jynza'rah Mystwalker.


It sounds cool, but is sorta lame. Like an above poster, I didn't really fully realize what I was choosing when it prompted me for it. I wish there was a way to change it.


i think i read somewhere that general PVE servers (as opposed to RP servers maybe?) have no name restrictions really?

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I went with Shadowhunter. It will fit nicely for not only my BH, but any other Sith characters I create.


Kulis Shadowhunter.


To one of the above posters that chose and received Fett, very cool. If I knew that was possible I would have gone for it. I saw a guy running around on my server with the "Norris" surname. He was not a BH.

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