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  1. FINALLY got the epic pattern tonight. I probably RE'd about 45 staves to get it. Now I have made almost 20 staves trying to get one with an augment slot. If anyone on The Twin Spears is looking for one, send an ingame email to Dtrick.
  2. Can you post a pic of this weapon. I have an armstech and made the redoubt version of http://www.torhead.com/schematic/byekC9H/grand-vanquishers-electrostaff . It has the same amount of damage as the Techstaff that you get from the Lights Out quest just higher stats. I have RE'd close to 40 of these staves and I can not get the purple version to proc. I have yet to see one and I am curious if it is bugged, there is no recipe, or if I am just having really bad luck. And on a sidenote, why would the armstech level 50 techstaff recipe be called Grand Vanquishers ELECTROSTAFF
  3. The look from the custom speeder is not exclusive, just a different color from the one you can buy from a vendor. And the level 50 one is the exact same just a red color, which is BS. The only useable item for cybertech at level 50 is the bombs. I am very disappointed choosing cybertech and maxing it out. I thought I would be able to craft exclusive speeders that no one but cybertechs would have access to (not an exclusive color) and also be able to craft the best mods and armoring.
  4. Homewrecker Dtrick Hideyowife The only bad thing is that I can not get the Homewrecker title on any of my alts, unless i make another BH.....
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