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What is your GTN/CM White Whale?


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Havoc Squad armor set

I have the supplementary piece, but I can`t find any other pieces of the set, and if I do, it usually goes way over of my credit stash.

Another ones what I would really want would be Jori Daragon`s armor set, Xoxaan`s set and for te weapon, I do admit that the Unstable Peacemaker lightsaber would look cool. Still, way too over on how much credits I have :p

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I'd like to find ish my anddedu set soi can unlock it, I bought the cute shorts for 9m couple months ago but the rest stayed expensive, now it's even more expensive than ever on TRE.

Aside from that, I'd like the satele weapon and the white hover chair!

I got the Revan reborn pants and shoes from DvL, which is the nicest part, but I'm.not really interested in the full set as it's too baggy and it has too many parts you can't dye.


I'd also like black/black dye.:rak_03:

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I'd like to find ish my anddedu set soi can unlock it, I bought the cute shorts for 9m couple months ago but the rest stayed expensive, now it's even more expensive than ever on TRE.

Aside from that, I'd like the satele weapon and the white hover chair!

I got the Revan reborn pants and shoes from DvL, which is the nicest part, but I'm.not really interested in the full set as it's too baggy and it has too many parts you can't dye.


I'd also like black/black dye.:rak_03:


Thank you- I'm not the only one who checks to see how well pieces dye. I actually have the Satele dualsaber from a Grand Chance Cube, it's sitting in a cargo bay, it's a pity you're on TRE and not Harbinger... they seem to be fairly cheap here, how much are they on that server?


I somehow got most of Tulak Horde's armor set in those damned crates despite not wanting it- can't sell, can't give it away... 'sigh'.

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Thank you- I'm not the only one who checks to see how well pieces dye. I actually have the Satele dualsaber from a Grand Chance Cube, it's sitting in a cargo bay, it's a pity you're on TRE and not Harbinger... they seem to be fairly cheap here, how much are they on that server?


I somehow got most of Tulak Horde's armor set in those damned crates despite not wanting it- can't sell, can't give it away... 'sigh'.


Sorry, that was supposed to say Senya's lightsaber* Autocorrect interfered! ;/ Satele's is only 1.5m on TRE for the dual saber, though I play a SI.

I always check all armors in black black dye first, even though I've never been able to afford one. ;/

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Sorry, that was supposed to say Senya's lightsaber* Autocorrect interfered! ;/ Satele's is only 1.5m on TRE for the dual saber, though I play a SI.

I always check all armors in black black dye first, even though I've never been able to afford one. ;/


There are some gorgeous dualsabers... it's a pity that they aren't usable for Marauders- they're essentially two blades and since I don't like the Assassin/Shadow AC, never going to use it. Senya's is pricey, the only reason I've ever wanted those to drop is to use the credit proceeds for my Collections wardrobe.


I have on occasion, afforded black/black dyes but I've refused to buy them. (9-10 million mark) Too expensive for something that disposable since on occasion I'll want to change an entire outfit. I will sell dyes that go for millions of credits, I refuse to use them myself.

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(9-10 million mark) Too expensive for something that disposable since on occasion I'll want to change an entire outfit. I will sell dyes that go for millions of credits, I refuse to use them myself.

Basically the story of my life!

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Revan Reborn

Sith Recluse

Either dancer set without the leg bands on the bottoms.


Also I just brought an old character over to Harbinger with armor pieces from some of the first cartel packs so if anyone is looking for something old PM me and I will see what I have.

Edited by QuinlanSaathis
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Not a single item but I would like to get one of each stronghold decoration.


edit: The one most out of my reach would probably be the [Trophy: The Ancient Threat] but that resellable on the GTN. I;ve got the money for it but just because I do doesn;t mean I;m going to spend it on that.

Edited by dr_mike
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A Defiant Vented Lightsaber. Drops out of the Revenge, GEMINI and Battler packs, These packs are currently out of sale with CCs and go for 2-4 mill each on the GTM. The saber itself is currently going for 150 mill on the GTM on the Himberger server. so there you go.


i got one from a chance cube yesterday :)

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Weird, seems prices have dropped after the weekend at least on Jedi Covenant. Dathomir was up in the 80s, now its like 28 mil. Sensuous was up in the 40s and 50s, now it's 27.5.. although Satele Shan's was down to 24 mil and now the cheapest complete set is 70 mil lol.


My guess would be the lower listing prices you see now are actually much closer to actual fair market value. I define fair market value to be: a price range where players on the sever are willing to pay, and therefore hold off until list prices come into the fair market range.


People do list things at absurd high prices sometimes and they quickly get cut down through listing competition, even super rare items.. though they take longer to push down the price via market rate ranging. By the same token, some people list valuable things at absurdly low prices too (and I'm not talking about a default list price error). There is wealth to be earned by working the spreads below/at market value. I most often undercut the market listings by at least 10%, though if I know the list price is absurd... I will undercut it to known fair market pricing. For obvious default listing price errors, if it is a rare and valuable item on the market.. I snap it up, send a mail to the listing player offering to return it for purchase price if they replay within one week, and wait one week... but if no reply I move on.


As for the question of the topic... I have no white whales. I'm an in game billionaire for a reason... I don't spend frivolously, and spend much less then I earn playing the market. I don't buy in to some of the Kylo Ren wannabe type nonsense where players chase an item because it makes them feel "movie-cool". I do buy expensive items on occasion, but I have never spent more then 10M, and most items I want I buy up early in a pack release cycle as I have found that about 2-3 weeks after a pack drops prices are best on super rare items.

Edited by Andryah
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Satele Shan's boots and chest.

I need to boots to make so many other outfits look good and the chest just so I can unlock it.


When I *can* find them on sale, they're WAY out of my price range.

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I lucked out with a couple of the Gold Mount packs this weekend and picked up the Overlord and Imperator Command Thrones, so I can scratch those off my list, but I still have a pod of white whales lmao:



  • Underworld Bar
  • Blue Rishi Tree
  • Satele's Set
  • Visas Marr's Set
  • Secret Agent Set
  • Sith Recluse Set

Edited by gaelicvixen
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Ok tonight it's the shrewd rascal armor set and toothpick. :D not quite there yet.


If you are on Harbinger I think I can help with the Shrewd Rascal.

Please msg me a character name and I will check when I log in tonight, approx 8 hours time.


I lucked out with a couple of the Gold Mount packs this weekend and picked up the Overlord and Imperator Command Thrones, so I can scratch those off my list, but I still have a pod of white whales lmao:



  • Underworld Bar
  • Blue Rishi Tree
  • Satele's Set
  • Visas Marr's Set
  • Secret Agent Set
  • Sith Recluse Set


As above, if you are on Harb I believe I have a Visa set going spare.

Please msg me a character name and I will check when I log in tonight, approx 8 hours time.

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Managed to snag a Women's Underwear set recently specifically for the shorts. Found a cheaper set about a week later that I picked up to sell once the supply influx from the gold packs goes down. The 60cc collections unlock was a very pleasant surprise :D


Got -real- close to springing for the Sensuous Dress set last night but that would have required the transfer of two different characters and I was already late for an IRL appointment. By the time I got back somebody else snapped it up.


I like the Xoxxan set but the baked in shadows make it look a bit off. I like the foot piece, just wish it extended up the calf higher. The similar looking footwear you can get from the Flashpoint vendor would be great but those don't unlock in collections and the tokens are pretty much impossible to get.


I too seek the Luxury Spa piece. Actually I'm quite put off that so many good decorations are gated by expired packs. That's just criminal. If decorations unlocked in collections like costumes I'd be far less irritated and much more likely to pay a bunch of credits for the higher cost things. Same goes for dyes.

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I got extremely lucky several months ago and found the Dramatic extrovert upper armor box for 50k credits. It was also 3AM, and I thought I had bought the ENTIRE set. But... beggars can't be choosers... as the chest piece is easily the most expensive piece on my server :p I was able to get the rest of it pretty quickly... except for the helm.


Which then eluded me for the next 3 months. There was NEVER one up, and I refused to buy the entire armor set for some 60 million credits. I had CC saved up, so I decided to check out Harbinger's GTN and saw the helm for 3 million. Didn't even think about it... just did. Transferred the 3 million with the character, made a new one... and sent the helm back to BC. Set complete.


One before that was the Sith Recluse set. But I bought that BEFORE it disappeared off the market. I'm glad I spent 15 million on it...


The only thing now I'd want is one of the hover thrones. But I can't justify spending 80 million on a mount. My husband would. But not me... but I did spend 3 million on the last kowakian monkey-lizard I needed. So who am I to talk? :p

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