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what is your #1 complaint about this game right at this moment?


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The players. More specifically, the group that use time they could have been playing to go on the forums and whine how its not exactly the same as WoW.


Same as people who blindly defends Bioware without seeing that they made MMORPG that is prolly worse than any "wow killer" before. But hey, lets stick Star Wars on it and it will sell.

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My number one complaint by a vast margin is the "companions on rails". For most classes you don't even get any choice in companions until half your levels are past. Levels 1 to 20-30 you're mostly stuck with a single companion and it's frustrating as hell. And what's more, you generally only have one romance option (unless you're a lucky Sith Warrior), which is also very little choice. So there's very little choice companion-wise in the first half of the game. Either you summon the starting world companion or you adventure solo. And either you romance her or you romance nobody. If you don't like soloing and you want a romance subplot, you're pretty crap out of luck until options start appearing much much later in the game.


I'd like to see at least 3 of the 5 companions obtained by the end of the second planet, and at least two romance options by that time.


I have faith that this will improve over time as more companions get added to the game, but right now, the underdevelopment in this area is really bugging me. I'd pay $20 right away for a "companions add-on pack".


Other than that though I'm super-happy with everything. An LFG tool would be nice though.

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I'm going to educate you, and it will be free!


Definition of entitlement: a right to benefits specified especially by law or contract.


So, in this case, or entitlement comes from purchasing a product. For instance, if you were to buy a new vacuum from walmart and you have issues where during the application of this vacuum, it wasn't sucking properly, you could then contact either walmart or the vacuum manufacturer and request it either be fixed or outright take it back.


So because you bought the product you are "entitled" to requesting it to function properly.


In our case, the game is our vacuum and we want it to in-fact, not suck.



Most of the entitled whiners want a vacuum that cooks them dinner and walks the dog.

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my number one complaint is the complaining. there must be some of the devs looking through these threads to monitor the feedback and improve upon it what annoys me most is all the wow lovers out there complaining because it's not wow, personally if you want a game like wow go play wow or start a suggestion thread that stands out and can help devs improve the game. personally i think the game is great, granted it has issues i would like to see something similar to champions online customization and a bit of eve online's space free roaming. but that wont stop me playing the game. personally i think everyone should let the game take its baby steps and see what it matures into you never know there might be big plans to improve the game
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My number #1 complaint is this game's forum community , nothing but endless complaints and never satisfied .


But, it's fun to complain and attack people, haven't you heard?

Completely agree with your statement though. The community for this game seems to be full of complainers, people who expect the game to work on their 5 year old PC, who have no clue what actually goes into development.

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Of the stuff I experienced in the game, my #1 complaint is the inconceivable lack of stun immunity in pvp. This company has had 3 years worth of Warhammer players screaming at them about this stuff and here it is again, like they never oversaw a pvp game. Incredible.
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Sluggish, unresponsive, choppy combat is the #1 problem with this game right now.


Runner up goes to the Galactic Trade Network interface. Or maybe the lack of a "speaking" animation. I know chat bubbles are on the horizon or else I'd say that.

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my overall #1 complaint is that it cost $40,000 credits for speeder training and $8,000 on top of that for the damn speeder at 25, im only level 27 and just now got 24k. I think it is downright ridiculous that it costs that much and guild mates telling me at level 40+ skills cost 30k each.
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The Stun/CC spam is an absolute joke. Anyone who plays against me knows I use cheesey tactics too. The real PvPers are going to leave the game when Guild Wars 2 comes out because it's a joke to disable a skilled player and chain stun them to death. Let people fight it out with their skills.


This isn't a skilled PvP game....it's a gank squad game. You don't need any individual skill to dominate with a gank squad.


DAoC bled their subscription base dry because of the resentment towards excessive CC-ing.

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