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  1. Interesting dyv, thanks for that - I know most of my guild are levelling alts due to the severe shortage of tanks on our server since the first month ran out. I already have 2 50's because I hated my first class (Gunslinger). So I suspect a goodly amount of people online are on alts.
  2. If you think about it a touch more, if the Sorcs had the same numbers as the other classes then the overall numbers would be about 1k and 1.6k - and if they made the mirror classes as popular somehow, then the numbers would be more like 1.2k 1.4k.
  3. Not sure if you were being sarcastic, but if you were I personally consider counting the number of people online at peak time on a weekend as a pretty good snapshot.
  4. I will keep an eye on it from time to time... if I decide to re-sub after this month, which is looking extremely doubtful at the moment.
  5. Good shout, I have edited the original post. So a reasonable estimate might be: Light: <1000 Standard: 1000-2000 Heavy: 2000-3000 Very Heavy: 3000-4000 Full: >5000
  6. Hello all, Out of curiosity of the post-1st month numbers, in terms of balance, I thought 8pm GMT Sunday would be a good time to take a snapshot of the server I play on from both Empire and Republic sides and make a short comparison. The method I have used for this empirical study was the /who system in combination with level range filters such as 1-9 10-13 14-17 and so on, and then doing a class analysis for level 50 where greater than 100 results were returned - such as 50 gunslinger, 50 juggernaut, and so on. In all cases but one this was sufficient, I will cover the one exception later. This study was done on Hex Droid EU at around 8pm GMT. So the raw data: Total Players Online Republic: 1007 Empire: 1905 An approximate 2:1 ratio of Empire to Republic players over all. Interestingly the server population showed as "heavy" at the time, which sort of suggests that the server cap might be around 5000, or perhaps a little more, given that there is "Very Heavy" followed by "Full". Currently Online Players by Level Republic: 1-49: 777 50: 230 Empire: 1-49: 805 50: 1100 So we can see that while the numbers below level 50 are very close, there is a huge disparity between factions at level 50, in fact there are almost five times more Empire level 50 players than Republic. None of this is particularly surprising given the player experience on the Republic side, however the only thing I did find surprising was the class distribution for level 50 characters currently on-line. For every advanced class in the game there were less than 100 results for a specific search combination of class and level 50. In fact the numbers ranged from as little as 13 online (Gunslinger) to as many as 95 online (Mercenary) with one exception: Sith Sorcerer. In fact the only way I could get an accurate number of sorcerers currently online at level 50, was to search by area, through every single area in the game (50 sorcerer belsavis, 50 sorcerer fleet, , 50 sorcerer palace, 50 sorcerer korriban, 50 sorcerer vault, and so on. Due to the nature of people moving around this means that the numbers for Empire side were a bit less accurate as it took a bit longer to gather the data, but the end result was that there were around 400 Sith Sorcerers online at the time of the study. This was a number that surprised me, it meant that not only were there four times as many sorcerers as the next most populous level 50 class, but in fact there were nearly twice as many sorcerers online at level 50 than the entire combined 8 advanced classes at level 50 on the Republic side. I leave you to draw your own conclusions on these numbers, I just found it interesting and thought I would share it. Tl;dr version: Player ratios: Empire 2:1 Republic, Level 50: Empire 5:1 Republic, Sith Sorcerer 4:1 Next Biggest Class, Sith Sorcerer 2:1 Entire Republic Level 50 population Super Tl;dr: There are a lot more Empire players, and there are a crap lot of Sith Sorcerers compared to every other class in the game.
  7. Class specific: Gunslinger Cover Bugs (and horrible mechanic in general). General: Very poor Auction House UI.
  8. Are you for real? You expect a thriving, robust economy one week into launch? I assume this is your first MMO?
  9. A further update on this, I have now spent more than 16 hours crafting since the patch, and I have only gained 1 purple recipe and no blue recipes. I am a Cybertech and I have been crafting and dismantling ear pieces and armouring of different levels using both grade 4 and 5 materials. I am now absolutely convinced that this has been nerfed, without bothering to be noted in the patch notes. Maybe not for all crafting, but absolutely 100% cybertech REing has been nerfed.
  10. I couldn't find anything in the patch notes about a nerf for the rate at which you learn new recipes from Reverse Engineering (RE), however since the latest patch I haven't learned a single recipe, despite REing a large amount of things that should have. Pre-patch it rarely took more than 10-20 REs of a green item to get the blue recipe. Anyone else noticing this?
  11. That's not the sodding point, I pay my subscription for game access when I want it, for many people, the holiday is the only time they will get to play a lot, once work/school begins again playtime is massively limited for many people. Having a downtime for nearly a full working day, in the middle of the day here (and the middle of the night in the US) is a clear indication that Bioware values its North American customers more than its EU customers, and as someone in the EU this is frustrating, annoying, and unfair. It is this perceived lack of empathy/support for EU customers that can and will drive someone to cancel their subscription, not the actual missing of play time on this occasion.
  12. It wasn't a complaint it was a suggestion, stop being so aggressive. If the forum had a search feature I would use it, and I did spend 15 minutes trying to find patch notes, but why should I spend hours trawling every single forum to find what I want? A lack of search feature in a forum is, to me, a critical error that should be fixed as a top priority - it would massively reduce the amount of repeat posts. I do not read the PTR forum, why the hell would I? I don't care about the PTR, I test in beta, in live I play. Seems like an odd place for the patch notes but thank you to all the people who pointed out where they are.
  13. I would just like to add my +1 to everyone else in this thread that has stated strong disagreement with the original post. The auction house, for me, is the single most important part of an MMO. I literally could not disagree with he OP more and further I found myself getting angry, as I read it, that someone who obviously has no interest or experience trading in MMOs has chosen to voice his opinion on a subject that he doesn't care about. Thankfully the vast majority of the community aren't like the OP.
  14. Quick suggestion to Bioware, it would be useful if you could post the patch notes of forthcoming patches before they are implemented so that we can see what is upcoming.
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