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Poll - Would You play Star Wars The Old Republic if it didn't have a Star Wars skin.


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SWtoR without the Star Wars skin is called World of Warcraft.. so would you play WoW for free.., is the real question.


I can't claim personal knowledge as I've never played WoW, but I would find it surprising if you were right since WoW has a lot more content as far as I know... and about it being free... well, you have to sub for endgame entirely in SWTOR now.

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Honestly if you asked me this just before 4.0 i would of said hell yeah 4.0 onwards HELL NO.


This MMO and i stress the word MMO massively here is honestly one of the worst now that i have ever seen.


For the whole KotFE their was no true group content added at all and i don't count star fortress's those are single player flashpoints with a tacked on group option and now with 5.0 they add uprisings which 90% of the player base hates and now they are turning EC one of the most treasured OPS into a uprising to try and get some supprot towards uprisings when it's not even out yet and they have alreadyed pissed off every raider in the game.


So yeah no and if their is no new FP's or OP's mentioned at all in the January livesteam i'm out and i know i won't be alone.

Edited by Darkchip
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LOL Hell no. And thats why they can abuse there customers. Reminds of Rollercoaster tycoon world and atari making the 4th installment which was absolute trash with just a logo.then the sun shined and Frontiers Planet coaster emerged. And people dumped rctw like a bad habit. Side note this german guy reached gc300 with not even a full set of 240 lol


Edited by Skummy
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Hell no.

I wouldn't have even started playing this game if it wasn't star wars


I think BW/EA worked this out prior to releasing KOTFE. They knew people would continue subbing even though they "cheaped out" by moving away from character focused dark/light story and making it generic (even Ilum, ROTHC & SoR still felt individual to my characters). They probably also thought "its star wars, no one will leave" when they came up with the 5.0 RNG grind. How wrong they were.

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If this game did not have a Star Wars skin I would probably still at least try the pre-RotHC stuff, just because I really like story driven content.


For RoTHC and Revan I'd avoid it as the quantity of story driven content was significantly diminished.


For KotFE and KotET I'd uninstall, and then burn the SSD just to make sure the infection was neutralised, because not only has story quantity been cut to a minimum the quality is so bad its like most of it was written by a barely literate summer intern.


Still that is what happens when you promote the guy who wrote the very worst of the class stories to lead story writer.


All The Best

Edited by DarthSpuds
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No. I don't like MMOs generally and don't play any others but this one, only reason I started was because of the Star Wars story and lore. Wouldn't touch it otherwise. I like it at the moment (haven't gotten to the actual 5.0 content yet but we'll see I guess) so I'll keep subbing and playing for the sake of the Star Wars/Old Republic lore because I like it but wouldn't have stayed if it was any other MMO tbh XD
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No because I have zero interest in playing mmo's and would never have touched this game let alone played it for 4 years if it was not a great star wars story game.

Pretty much this. I had been waiting for KotOR 3 for years, and the only reason I started playing this game was because it is essentially that.


Now I wait here patiently until they remaster KotOR 1 and 2...

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No because I have zero interest in playing mmo's and would never have touched this game let alone played it for 4 years if it was not a great star wars story game.


Thirded. I was so disappointed when I heard the follow-on to the great KOTOR was to be an MMO. Had no interest in online at all at that time. And even then, after open-Beta, I didn't touch it again for 2 years.


Still no real interest in MMO's in general. So no, wouldn't be here without the KOTOR/BW/SW pedigree.

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I played it because I loved KotOR, I love Bioware adventure games in general, and I love Star Wars, in particular the old republic era.


Would I have played it if it were Jade Empire: The MMO? Oh hell yes. If it were just a random fantasy MMO? Nope nope nope.

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Someone mentioned this on a site comments under an article talking about the GXP changes. Got me thinking, would I? The answer is no I wouldn't, the Star Wars IP is the only thing that makes this game appealing to me as the game itself is only mediocre and the dev team have no idea how to make it better or successful.


Was wondering what others think.


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I wouldn't stay if it wasn't for the Star Wars skin. My sub ends today and I'm just gonna finish the story on a few select toons and then I'm done. I'd comeback if they make serious changes to endgame gearing that brings back a REAL reason to raid. Other than that the "casual" players can have this once decent game.

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Tough call. The game system itself is meh.


City of Heroes, Tera, WildStar, FFXIV, Blade and Soul. Those have been some of my favorite MMOs that I've only quit for reasons that usually amount to "My guilds keep leaving" (B&S, Tera, FXIV), not solo friendly at end game (WS because I couldn't find a fun guild) or it closed down (CoH).


SW does have the multiple story aspect, so that may have saved it. So it depends on how the stories went, would they have stayed multiple stories if it wasn't SW? Would the art style have been different (not a fan of TORs...better than ME tho)?


So, I voted no.

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