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This is why I laugh whenever someone says non-force users fit in KOTET.


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This among many other reasons. Lmao, what the hell was that ****??? That would never happen in a million years. There's a point where even Vitiate's ridiculous plot armour isn't an excuse anymore.


Vaylin wasn't using her lightsaber in this scene. They could've had the character pick it up to kill her with it. Then at least the Vitiate BS would still be somewhat believable.

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The majority of the story telling in the latter half of KotFE and all of KotET has been so full of plot holes and inconsistencies that it makes you think they got a summer intern to write it.


But then the story has been going steeply downhill since Revan to be honest, trying to shoo-horn so many varied character profiles into the exact same mono-story elements was doomed to fail from the start; as anyone who knows anything about story writing would have told them.


All The Best

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I don't get why this doesn't make sense given the fact that you know why it happened in the end. Valkorian was absorbing her power into you. You did nothing, it had nothing to do with you having access to the force or not.


I'll agree the story suits force users more, but it still makes sense from the perspective of a non-force user.

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Just because your PC is not trained in the force doesn't mean your not strong in the force. I found that this game doesn't make much since for non Jedi/Sith unless you figure we are force-sensitive but just untrained.


Which is why I laugh when I see short-sighted threads like this one. Clearly despite the OP playing a star wars game he knows very little about star wars. If he did he would know there are a dozen or more characters from the films/books/comics/cartoons that had force abilities having never been brought up as a jedi and were strong in the force. In the star wars universe it is possible to be force sensitive without have powers.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Gonna be honest, this scene doesn't come across as even slightly ridiculous to me. The main issue with the scene seems to be that a force blind outlander would have no defense against Vaylins force push and the continuous wave of energy she is projecting. Under normal circumstances, yeah this may be a game breaker. However, you gotta take into account that the player has one of the most powerful force users in star wars lore acting as their personal guardian. It's made clear that Valkorion is capable of directly protecting the player during their fight with Arcann, so there is no reason he wouldn't be able to come to their aid here. With the force wave taken care of, all that's left is for the player to land the finishing blow by pushing their gun past Vaylins barrier and shooting her in the gut. And yes, a single blaster bolt IS capable of killing a powerful force user if they're not expecting it. Even Valkorion was taken out by a single shot in the back way back in chapter 1 of KotFE.


Yeah, I'll admit that the last two expansions feel like they have been created specifically to pander to the Knight and Warrior, the two most generic and commonly played classes in the game, but the idea that a force blind character killing Vaylin (even with her father protecting them) would somehow "not happen in a million years" just comes across as dumb to me.

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Which is why I laugh when I see short-sighted threads like this one. Clearly despite the OP playing a star wars game he knows very little about star wars. If he did he would know there are a dozen or more characters from the films/books/comics/cartoons that had force abilities having never been brought up as a jedi and were strong in the force. In the star wars universe it is possible to be force sensitive without have powers.


^^ Agree. The main female protagonist in The Force Awakens exemplifies this very clearly.


I'm however not surprised by yet another role-play-of-anguish thread by the OP, who has a history of posting demands and complaints because the game is not hand coded to their personal wants/needs.

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Which is why I laugh when I see short-sighted threads like this one. Clearly despite the OP playing a star wars game he knows very little about star wars. If he did he would know there are a dozen or more characters from the films/books/comics/cartoons that had force abilities having never been brought up as a jedi and were strong in the force. In the star wars universe it is possible to be force sensitive without have powers.


The ability to see stupid writing means I don't know much about Star Wars? Pure nonsense. That doesn't apply here at all, as the non-Jedi/Sith characters aren't force-sensitive. The developers shouldn't just try to say they are every time they write themselves into a corner. Even if they were, what good is being force sensitive without the powers?


That's also only part of why this is so ridiculous. If you honestly can't see how idiotic and nonsensical it is, you're choosing to remain blinded by some form of bias to the non-force characters. They don't belong in KOTFE, and especially not KOTET.

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That's also only part of why this is so ridiculous. If you honestly can't see how idiotic and nonsensical it is, you're choosing to remain blinded by some form of bias to the non-force characters. They don't belong in KOTFE, and especially not KOTET.


I'm simply amused at the notion you are anymore an arbiter of space magic in the realm of fantasy lore, than another player here or anywhere. As if you have access to some gauge that accomplishes any sort of qualified determination how or what makes something called The Force to work or not work, that others lack, mind you.


It's a make-believe story!


So have a merry Life Day!

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I'm simply amused at the notion you are anymore an arbiter of space magic in the realm of fantasy lore, than another player here or anywhere. As if you have access to some gauge that accomplishes any sort of qualified determination how or what makes something called The Force to work or not work, that others lack, mind you.


It's a make-believe story!


So have a merry Life Day!


I never claimed expertise, so I'm not sure what you're getting at. I'm just saying that based on everything we've seen from the Star Wars universe just in this game alone, it's nonsense. Non-force users are vastly inferior to adept force sensitives. They can be killed instantaneously. I just find it hilarious when they have our non-force characters fight these powerful force sensitives and somehow win against all reason.

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This among many other reasons. Lmao, what the hell was that ****??? That would never happen in a million years. There's a point where even Vitiate's ridiculous plot armour isn't an excuse anymore.


Vaylin wasn't using her lightsaber in this scene. They could've had the character pick it up to kill her with it. Then at least the Vitiate BS would still be somewhat believable.


The one with a non force user jumping around Arcann on the ship is funny to watch too. :D


It's even more weird as Vaylin already took two blaster shots and brushed it off. (One from Scorpio, the other from that Aries droid.)


Hell I got stabbed by Arcann and walked away fine.

Edited by fishpeople
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Laugh it up fuzzball.


My Bounty Hunter killed many jedi and sith. He's also a Valkorion family killer. How? Many people asked why. When they found the answer it was too late for them :cool:


How do I know this? Because it happened. Yeah, a Bounty Hunter killed them all and now rules the galaxy. You think it can't happen? Prove me wrong. It did happen, as in that cutscene you linked. And I like it.


You don't like it? There's an idea for you: play force using classes. There, problem solved.

And leave smugglers, troopers, agents and hunters away from your biased beliefs

Edited by jstankaroslo
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^^ Agree. The main female protagonist in The Force Awakens exemplifies this very clearly.


I'm however not surprised by yet another role-play-of-anguish thread by the OP, who has a history of posting demands and complaints because the game is not hand coded to their personal wants/needs.


I think you're missing the point, though. In TFA, the female protagonist was (clearly) created to be the next featured Jedi/Force-based hero of the saga. In this game, WE create the heroes. You create yours, I create mine, and we put them through their paces based on how WE want them to react. If you WANT your Bounty Hunter to be Force-sensitive, then hooray, three-cheers-and-a-bantha-for-you! But with KOTFE and KOTET, it's no longer MY SMUGGLER'S story... he's not Force-sensitive, that's not how I created him or how I play him. He's a loner, he's a pirate. There are many paths he could have followed in the new expansions (but for him, they would be paths of profit - he would be Gault in this scenario) but none of them are the "new Emperor" who somehow manages to defeat Vitiate who swallowed an entire planet.


(Valkorian's story and timeline STILL don't make any sense... at ALL. That cripples this story out of the gate, but that's a different concern.)


Non-Force users are indeed shoe-horned into this plot where they don't really fit... and how so many of our characters don't WANT to fit. Imagine the world of PR genius BW would show if they created an Eternal Throne side story as a character who isn't in charge of the Alliance and gets involved through a series of (more or less) class-specific adventures. You can't erase Eternal Throne, but if you could create a secondary path through it (I haven't been able to bring myself to take the overwhelming majority of my characters through the story for many reasons) and give players the option to participate with their beloved characters in a way that made sense to the character... I think you'd win back a LOT of disenfranchised folks right now.


Then move on with the story post-ET...


That would be a Christmas present for the ages!

Edited by HoloTweed
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Non-Force users are indeed shoe-horned into this plot where they don't really fit... and how so many of our characters don't WANT to fit. Imagine the world of PR genius BW would show if they created an Eternal Throne side story as a character who isn't in charge of the Alliance and gets involved through a series of (more or less) class-specific adventures. You can't erase Eternal Throne, but if you could create a secondary path through it (I haven't been able to bring myself to take the overwhelming majority of my characters through the story for many reasons) and give players the option to participate with their beloved characters in a way that made sense to the character... I think you'd win back a LOT of disenfranchised folks right now.


Then move on with the story post-ET...


That would be a Christmas present for the ages!


And this actually is a cool idea. They used to do (at least Ilum and Makeb) 2 different stories for Imp and Rep side.

They could've created 2 different (or slightly different) stories for force and non-force users.

That would be really nice

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Imagine the world of PR genius BW would show if they created an Eternal Throne side story as a character who isn't in charge of the Alliance and gets involved through a series of (more or less) class-specific adventures. You can't erase Eternal Throne, but if you could create a secondary path through it (I haven't been able to bring myself to take the overwhelming majority of my characters through the story for many reasons) and give players the option to participate with their beloved characters in a way that made sense to the character... I think you'd win back a LOT of disenfranchised folks right now.


Then move on with the story post-ET...


That would be a Christmas present for the ages!


You should post this again after the holidays, many people would actually pay for a non force user side story for KOTFE/KOTET, i know i would.

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This among many other reasons. Lmao, what the hell was that ****??? That would never happen in a million years. There's a point where even Vitiate's ridiculous plot armour isn't an excuse anymore.


Vaylin wasn't using her lightsaber in this scene. They could've had the character pick it up to kill her with it. Then at least the Vitiate BS would still be somewhat believable.


I watched the video... it's pretty ridiculous to me, as I've only done this on Warrior. Essentially, your plan is to wait for Vailyn to do some random Force channeling lightning thingy directed at absolutely no one in particular (those walls sure got cracked, though) and then simply walk up to her and put your blaster through her Force bubble... and fire one in the center. Really? That's all it takes? Jarjar could have pulled that off, FFS...

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I watched the video... it's pretty ridiculous to me, as I've only done this on Warrior. Essentially, your plan is to wait for Vailyn to do some random Force channeling lightning thingy directed at absolutely no one in particular (those walls sure got cracked, though) and then simply walk up to her and put your blaster through her Force bubble... and fire one in the center. Really? That's all it takes? Jarjar could have pulled that off, FFS...


Raises the question as to why it didn't work when Scorpio shot her, or when the Aries droid shot her in the back.

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