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One: we are never getting class story again. It costs way too much for very little return they would get.

Two: if they don't release story for two years this MMO would die. High-quality storytelling is the only thing this game has that differentiates it from other games and story has ALWAYS been the primary focus. You could focus two years on OPs and it wouldn't matter because Bioware can produce decent Ops but can't compete with other MMOs like WOW which have always had that as their focus. The same applies to PVP.


People who are raiders and pvpers already have MMOs on the market that cater to them well. SWTOR just can't compete with that as that is not what they specialise in. I'm not saying that they don't need PVE and PVP content, just that the traditional type of content isn't necessary going to work well in this MMO nor can it take away from story. And personally, I LOVED the story in KOTET!

Yep, I totally agree with you. This game dies because it fails to deliver on exactly what it meant to deliver on (I highlighted in your post).

We can disagree on the story quality, but having only ONE story means one either likes it or not.

You do, I don't, it's ok to disagree, but if all those that don't like, don't find anything and leave, it's a death sentence, and I am an avid Bioware fan (used to be at least, a long time ago).

With different class stories, at least there was something to like for everyone.

I don't buy the story of not being able to afford it.

They launched with it, the game was popular, I yet to hear a single person who hated the class stories, because they were good quality and offered choices (let's now compare to KotFE/KotET), it was not the reason people kept leaving, but because they forgot the MMO leg of the game.

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But here's the deal. You won't keep a subscription based game built of an MMO with that direction.

And the name Star Wars is what keeps this going. If your call for lack of riads and pvp is becasue there are others that do those better, there are other games that do story better. This is one story for 8 different classes. Only in 2 (maybe four if you count all force classes) does this story feel like it fits. It felt very forced for non force users.


What this game has that nothing else does is Star Wars. People who like raids and pvp will settle for a game that doesn't do them as well as other titles if they get to do it in a star wars setting. I know because myself and many of my in game friends are those types of people. You're proving that with your story love.


I said that Story is their primary focus, the thing they use to draw people in. And putting Star Wars on something is no guarantee people will actually buy into it, there are many Star wars games out there and I would say that most were a flop. The other content is basically provided for something people to do while they wait for new story content. It can be really fun and awesome but it is not the main thing that will get people into the game. People don't flock back for an Op or PVP map. That's why while they need new Group content I'm not sure that traditional Ops are going to be what will work for the total game population. It's really about the type of people this game attracts and it's just not the hardcore raider crowd. Even concentrating on that group won't get enough coming to this game because they have better options.

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Yep, I totally agree with you. This game dies because it fails to deliver on exactly what it meant to deliver on (I highlighted in your post).

We can disagree on the story quality, but having only ONE story means one either likes it or not.

You do, I don't, it's ok to disagree, but if all those that don't like, don't find anything and leave, it's a death sentence, and I am an avid Bioware fan (used to be at least, a long time ago).

With different class stories, at least there was something to like for everyone.

I don't buy the story of not being able to afford it.

They launched with it, the game was popular, I yet to hear a single person who hated the class stories, because they were good quality and offered choices (let's now compare to KotFE/KotET), it was not the reason people kept leaving, but because they forgot the MMO leg of the game.


No MMO can produce that much story. No regular RPG can do it regularly either. It took them FIVE years to produce SWTOR with all 8 class stories and they had the biggest game budget ever at the time. It takes 4 years normally to make a AAA rpg. They just aren't able to produce 8 different stories in the volume required.

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I said that Story is their primary focus, the thing they use to draw people in. And putting Star Wars on something is no guarantee people will actually buy into it, there are many Star wars games out there and I would say that most were a flop. The other content is basically provided for something people to do while they wait for new story content. It can be really fun and awesome but it is not the main thing that will get people into the game. People don't flock back for an Op or PVP map. That's why while they need new Group content I'm not sure that traditional Ops are going to be what will work for the total game population. It's really about the type of people this game attracts and it's just not the hardcore raider crowd. Even concentrating on that group won't get enough coming to this game because they have better options.


People have better options on all fronts. Story, Operations, PVP. This game is not the front runner for telling a great story. What you described above fits your gameview and style. You treat the other content as filler between stories but many do not. Story content will net a one month sub to get full access to it. The other content keeps people subbed.

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People have better options on all fronts. Story, Operations, PVP. This game is not the front runner for telling a great story. What you described above fits your gameview and style. You treat the other content as filler between stories but many do not. Story content will net a one month sub to get full access to it. The other content keeps people subbed.


It is the front runner for producing story in the MMO genre. No other MMO comes close to it. Sure you have RPGs that have more story but they don't regularly put out new content. Even in the same franchise you have to wait generally at least 4 years between games (ie The Witcher series or Dragon Age). Most of the promotional material for SWTOR has always been about the story. If people came into the game expecting something different, that's on them. We need to stop expecting every MMO to be the same as WOW. Look, I would like Bioware to provide new group content and that is what they are planning to focus on next year. I do however think that Story is the most vital component to this MMO and hope they keep up the quality on that front.

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No MMO can produce that much story. No regular RPG can do it regularly either. It took them FIVE years to produce SWTOR with all 8 class stories and they had the biggest game budget ever at the time. It takes 4 years normally to make a AAA rpg. They just aren't able to produce 8 different stories in the volume required.

Yep, they produced 3 chapters in 4 years, which took about 100 hours to finish each.

It exactly means that they could produce a new expansion every 1.33 years with a new chapter for each story, worth about 33 hours of play.

They just should have stayed with the original strategy, but the insta gratification suits got scared of the wow spacebar happy kids leaving after a few weeks.

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Yep, they produced 3 chapters in 4 years, which took about 100 hours to finish each.

It exactly means that they could produce a new expansion every 1.33 years with a new chapter for each story, worth about 33 hours of play.

They just should have stayed with the original strategy, but the insta gratification suits got scared of the wow spacebar happy kids leaving after a few weeks.


I do think that one of the problems at launch was that people expected it to be just like WOW and rushed through the content to get to an end game which was never the point of the game. However, it cost $265 million to produce the base game with all the stories. Sure it would cost less to do a third but they're not going to get a return on that investment. And they would still need to produce other content while people wait between expansions (it would take about two years) which would cost additional money (OPs no cheap). It's just not feasible.

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I do think that one of the problems at launch was that people expected it to be just like WOW and rushed through the content to get to an end game which was never the point of the game. However, it cost $265 million to produce the base game with all the stories. Sure it would cost less to do a third but they're not going to get a return on that investment. And they would still need to produce other content while people wait between expansions (it would take about two years) which would cost additional money (OPs no cheap). It's just not feasible.

Probably yes, probably not, we will never know, because they did not attempt it.

They way they went was that they started to rush out group content, 8 operations in total in 2.5 years.

Did that save the game?

Hardly. People kept leaving, even though they were catered for.

Did the One story Fits all strategy save the game?

I don't know. But somehow I was feeling better off with RotHC and SoR (even WITHOUT or very little class stories, heck I wanna play though SoR ONLY for the bite sized class story parts) than KotFE or KotET.

It's not story focus that I am criticizing, it's the bad quality story focus what I am criticizing.

I sign up my wallet for good Bioware storytelling anytime (as I have in the past 20 or so years).

If I want bad fan fiction, I go to the internet for free.

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I am a story/solo player, but I would have gladly changed KotFE and KotET for some normal MMO content, they could have saved themselves the trouble, wait two more years and release class stories again.

At least the game would be alive as an MMO (and I don't really care about MMO content, tbh), which could finance some GOOD story content, like class stories, later on.

In this instance, it's a non-MMO, bad story driven online game.


Well, I for one loved KoTFE and KoTET. It felt a lot more like KOTOR which was one of the reasons I was even interested in SW:TOR to begin with.


I'm not saying the others don't need content. Everyone should get content. Last year SWTOR was one of the highest grossing MMO's so if you think they aren't making $$ think again. The issue is EA not putting enough of that back in to the game. They could easily keep doing story content as well as some group content and raiding content throughout the year. The game makes the $$ but EA wont part with their precious funds to make the game better leaving the Devs stuck with a limited budget.

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Probably yes, probably not, we will never know, because they did not attempt it.

They way they went was that they started to rush out group content, 8 operations in total in 2.5 years.

Did that save the game?

Hardly. People kept leaving, even though they were catered for.

Did the One story Fits all strategy save the game?

I don't know. But somehow I was feeling better off with RotHC and SoR (even WITHOUT or very little class stories, heck I wanna play though SoR ONLY for the bite sized class story parts) than KotFE or KotET.

It's not story focus that I am criticizing, it's the bad quality story focus what I am criticizing.

I sign up my wallet for good Bioware storytelling anytime (as I have in the past 20 or so years).

If I want bad fan fiction, I go to the internet for free.


I hope you get some story that you enjoy. I did really love the story though I felt there were some points that were a bit rushed and some themes that just weren't quite developed enough, though I've found that this has been a common trend in recent Bioware games (like DAI where I found the villain wasn't developed enough and there was some interesting themes that they just didn't push enough in the end ). I still enjoyed the story though.

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So I ask this. Other MMO's are story based, WoW has one hell of a story in it the last expansion, and yet they make content for everyone for each expansion. So when does a Story driven MMO, stop being an MMO? The answer is when the have content for all group content come out so slowly a snail could bypass it on the way by. Story is nice and a unique addition compared to the old sandbox MMO MMO, however, without the Operations, Flashpoints, Ground (and space PvP), this game is just another RPG that you pay more $ then any other RPG on the market, since you have to pay $15 a month for (cheaper if you get multi month subs).


I would hardly call WoW "story based" not like SW:TOR is story based.


WoW is very loosely story based. Your character doesn't have a specific voice. You don't make conversation choices. You can't change the outcome of the story with choices. WoW is a questing, raid instanced, group instanced MMO. It is not what I would call a story driven MMO. Yes I have played it all the way through to the second last expansion ( not the newest one ). This is one of the reasons I have never had any real interest in repeating the WoW "story" once completed I unsub and move on. At least in SW:TOR the replay value is there - to make different choices in different situations. That will hold my attention for maybe another few months, but I can't see me sticking out an entire year with no story.

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I hope you get some story that you enjoy. I did really love the story though I felt there were some points that were a bit rushed and some themes that just weren't quite developed enough, though I've found that this has been a common trend in recent Bioware games (like DAI where I found the villain wasn't developed enough and there was some interesting themes that they just didn't push enough in the end ). I still enjoyed the story though.

Well, if it was a Netflix special or a Youtube channel series, I would have given it a B-, but maybe only because star wars (in the name).

The point is, I put too much effort and time into the story to be NOT my story, but the devs' story.

If there is no variation of outcome based on choices or classes or anything, I could just watch someone play it on Youtube.

Anyway, back on topic, I hope they find a better way to tell stories in 2017 or whenever, I don't mind if it's later if it's GOOD, it's not like I can't do anything else, while waiting for a good story piece (and I don't even care to remain subbed, if the good story is warranted, I know, one can dream).

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It is the front runner for producing story in the MMO genre. No other MMO comes close to it. Sure you have RPGs that have more story but they don't regularly put out new content. Even in the same franchise you have to wait generally at least 4 years between games (ie The Witcher series or Dragon Age). Most of the promotional material for SWTOR has always been about the story. If people came into the game expecting something different, that's on them. We need to stop expecting every MMO to be the same as WOW. Look, I would like Bioware to provide new group content and that is what they are planning to focus on next year. I do however think that Story is the most vital component to this MMO and hope they keep up the quality on that front.


It is losing its case as an MMO though. It has become more of an RPG with old MMO pieces.

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What don't you understand exactly? Some people like MMOs. Bioware was hired to build an MMO. I didn't play this game because it was a Bioware game, I played it because it was a Star Wars MMO. What don't you get about that? Hell, they even created a "Bioware" office for this game...it's not like this was a Bioware Canada game.


They have said from the moment this game was announced that it was going to be story-driven and NOT like other MMOs. Anyone who knows Bioware's games should know by now that they are known for story. You can get an MMO anywhere that will probably satisfy people's MMO needs far more than this one. This leads me to believe that anyone who is staying and has no interest in the story isn't all that bright.


I hope that new group content comes, I really do because those people who enjoy it need to be heard. However I assume that most people who like group content are here for both group content and story. If you have no interest in the story whatsoever then there's really no reason for you to be playing this particular MMO when literally any other would do. I love SWTOR but the ONLY thing that makes it different from other MMOS is the focus on story.

Edited by Neshira
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We need them to cater to each pillar, not just one at a time.


So much this. I would rather wait two years for a FULL expansion that covers ALL aspects of the game, than go two years without this, or three years without that, or one year without something else.


If they haven't got the development team, then the management is doing it wrong.

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They have said from the moment this game was announced that it was going to be story-driven and NOT like other MMOs. Anyone who knows Bioware's games should know by now that they are known for story. You can get an MMO anywhere that will probably satisfy people's MMO needs far more than this one. This leads me to believe that anyone who is staying and has no interest in the story isn't all that bright.
You probably should have read what I wrote...you know, the exact thing you quoted, since I addressed exactly this.
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No story for an ENTIRE year? What's the point in story folk hanging around for nothing?


Welcome to the club.


PvPers have had one new map in two years.

Raiders have had no new Operations in over two years.

I think that the next part of the story can wait until Nov. 2018. Then everyone will be in the same boat.


Don't worry though, we will have GC V2.0 to regrind the same old content in that time. And maybe another DvL event.... but one thing is for certain, no one is getting any meaningful content because we need to treat everyone fairly.

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It is the front runner for producing story in the MMO genre. No other MMO comes close to it.


Just to point out, it is not the front runner, nor is any other one close. The Secret World actually has a much better story and probably, hands down, does it better than any MMO today. The story is deep, complex and layered. In addition, even the main "non-story" missions actually layer into the overall story.


The only thing BW did different, was voiced your characters and gave you a selection wheel.

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They have said from the moment this game was announced that it was going to be story-driven and NOT like other MMOs. Anyone who knows Bioware's games should know by now that they are known for story. You can get an MMO anywhere that will probably satisfy people's MMO needs far more than this one. This leads me to believe that anyone who is staying and has no interest in the story isn't all that bright.


Just a clarification, they never said it was story driven. They clearly stated that the game was going to have all the elements players have come to expect in a AAA MMO (thus why they pretty much copied WoW) but they would also being adding story as "another layer". In specific terms, you may remember all the talk they did about the "fifth pillar" in MMOs that they were adding.

Edited by Wayshuba
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Just a clarification, they never said it was story driven. They clearly stated that thee game was going to have all the elements players have come to expect in a AAA MMO (thus why they pretty much copied WoW) but they would also being adding story as "another layer". In specific terms, you may remember all the talk they did about the "fifth pillar" in MMOs that they were adding.

EXACTLY! People pretend this was marketed as an online Bioware story.

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Just to point out, it is not the front runner, nor is any other one close. The Secret World actually has a much better story and probably, hands down, does it better than any MMO today. The story is deep, complex and layered. In addition, even the main "non-story" missions actually layer into the overall story.


The only thing BW did different, was voiced your characters and gave you a selection wheel.


Tastes vary by player.


I have played both and I found TSW story arcs to be OK, but nothing spectacular and nowhere near as good as SWTOR. Tedious, drawn out, and too gothic for my tastes. Not to mention TSW character animations and mechanics are inferior to most MMOs


"Level-less" horizontal leveling progression is really TSWs novel innovation in the market. It still a grind... but a different grind. It does pretty well decapitate the concept of playing alts as well.


PvP in TSW... much better then most MMOs in my view. Though I have not played it in over a year, so maybe they have borked it up by now.

Edited by Andryah
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Tastes vary by player.


I have played both and I found TSW story arcs to be OK, but nothing spectacular and nowhere near as good as SWTOR. Tedious, drawn out, and too gothic for my tastes. Not to mention TSW character animations and mechanics are inferior to most MMOs


"Level-less" horizontal leveling progression is really TSWs novel innovation in the market. It still a grind... but a different grind. It does pretty well decapitate the concept of playing alts as well.


PvP in TSW... much better then most MMOs in my view. Though I have not played it in over a year, so maybe they have borked it up by now.


Just to clarify, I was not referring to game play or mechanics at all, just that it has a rather deep, interconnecting and layered story. To my original response on SWTOR being the only MMO with story in it. Sure BW does it different, in line with their signature style, but TSW and others also have some pretty engaging stories in them as well.

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Posting in GSF forum by dev: 2020 ( on current four-year cadence :mad:)

Fix Credit rewards for GSF matches ( currently still zero) 2024

Actual reply to GSF community concerns : 2028

Actual changes to GSF: 2048

New map: 2066 - by which time I'll be coffin-ready.


So quit whining about new ops and content: enjoy life in the slow lane.....:rolleyes:

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