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10 Good
  1. YES!!!!! MY HEADCANNON IS CONFIRMED!!!! That is comp;letely the way I've always seen it. Now I'm a very happy Quinn Fangirl
  2. The warrior is the Empire's Wrath. A symbol of the Empire. Alot of the Quinn romance is based on them both serving the empire. Just cus Quinn went to prison for 7 years for the wrath, his wife doesn't mean he would understand the defection to the Republic. If anything it makes it worse. The wife he loved and trusted so much, that he sacrificed everything for has abandoned what he most believed in. If anything he might be questioning if his wife is the same person he fell in love with. The only thing I think is out of character is him coming at the end round to the republic warrior. I mean, I'd feel pretty betrayed if that was me.
  3. Yeah you're right. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rymar_Quinn Being Pro-Empire is such a huge part of Quinn's character. It's not out-of-character at all for him to first side with the Empire. It's MORE out of character for him to come round to your side after you sided with the republic. Though I suppose you could headcannon that he lost hope for the Empire after Acina died as she was one of the few that was really trying to improve the empire? Afterall, I do vaguely remember he sided with Baras because he thought it was best for the Empire, as the Emperor had done nothing for the Empire in a long time? Part of the reason I like Quinn is he isn't you're typical PC-centric companion that pretty much just goes along with whatever the player decides regardless of their opinions. But then I love Carth as well and so many people hate him too.
  4. Would the new changes in 5.2 not give you that back? I mean, soon GC will be a way just to let soloers/ casuals have a chance of grabbing BIS gear without committing to Ops and PvP. I like GC cus it encourages me try different things in the game . I wouldn;t have tried PVP without it, and I found I actually really enjoyed it. Same for flashpoints, the DvL event got me to try all of them. Before I was put off cus I thought I wasn't good enough. I encountered some right *insert favoured swear word* people but found I had a really good time.(I also encountered some nice people too ) It also helped me improve my skills. I LIKE being able to try all these different things and still be rewarded for all of them. Though I've really liked the new changes they brought in for GC. GC really benefited my playstyle and I would hate to see it thrown out when they've improved it so much as well.
  5. I like GC so I guess I'm not a player then? Shame, that I pay the same amount as all the "proper" players. I really don't get what people keep harping on about, now with the drops for ops in 5.2 gearing will be quicker than last year. The only thing that could be argued is to increase UCs in PVP though I'd personally prefer them to increase the bolster level. Getting rid of GC at this point would just be giving way to the elitist OP and PVP players who think BIS gear shouldn't be available unless you are hardcore. Ironically, these are the people who prevent new people from entering OPs and PVP in the first place. Personally, I also think it's kinda sickening the amount of people here and on reddit that are hoping Ben was fired. I hope that he's will be happy wherever he goes next and ignores the nastier comments. I think it will be hard for Bioware to attract the top talent when in any of their game, their developers keep getting harrased and insulted by the so called "fans". We all need to step back and release that these developers are people. There are ways of bringing criticism without getting personal
  6. Dang, I wish this forum had a like button. This like a thousand times! Plus, how do you get people into pvp and ops if they don't have good enough gear to try it? There's already a bunch of people that have a go at newbies making mistakes without adding extra difficulty of having no chance of getting good gear to ease the transition
  7. I think it's going to be the same as all other returning romances that you just choose to start things up with Quinn again
  8. I also guess now it's confirmed for everyone from the stream that he defo has the rank of Major.
  9. It's really not. As a person that has er looked at the spoilers that must not be talked about, I think that they handled stuff really well and really got the character. i think alot of people in this thread will be pleasantly surprised.
  10. I hope you get some story that you enjoy. I did really love the story though I felt there were some points that were a bit rushed and some themes that just weren't quite developed enough, though I've found that this has been a common trend in recent Bioware games (like DAI where I found the villain wasn't developed enough and there was some interesting themes that they just didn't push enough in the end ). I still enjoyed the story though.
  11. I do think that one of the problems at launch was that people expected it to be just like WOW and rushed through the content to get to an end game which was never the point of the game. However, it cost $265 million to produce the base game with all the stories. Sure it would cost less to do a third but they're not going to get a return on that investment. And they would still need to produce other content while people wait between expansions (it would take about two years) which would cost additional money (OPs no cheap). It's just not feasible.
  12. It is the front runner for producing story in the MMO genre. No other MMO comes close to it. Sure you have RPGs that have more story but they don't regularly put out new content. Even in the same franchise you have to wait generally at least 4 years between games (ie The Witcher series or Dragon Age). Most of the promotional material for SWTOR has always been about the story. If people came into the game expecting something different, that's on them. We need to stop expecting every MMO to be the same as WOW. Look, I would like Bioware to provide new group content and that is what they are planning to focus on next year. I do however think that Story is the most vital component to this MMO and hope they keep up the quality on that front.
  13. No MMO can produce that much story. No regular RPG can do it regularly either. It took them FIVE years to produce SWTOR with all 8 class stories and they had the biggest game budget ever at the time. It takes 4 years normally to make a AAA rpg. They just aren't able to produce 8 different stories in the volume required.
  14. I said that Story is their primary focus, the thing they use to draw people in. And putting Star Wars on something is no guarantee people will actually buy into it, there are many Star wars games out there and I would say that most were a flop. The other content is basically provided for something people to do while they wait for new story content. It can be really fun and awesome but it is not the main thing that will get people into the game. People don't flock back for an Op or PVP map. That's why while they need new Group content I'm not sure that traditional Ops are going to be what will work for the total game population. It's really about the type of people this game attracts and it's just not the hardcore raider crowd. Even concentrating on that group won't get enough coming to this game because they have better options.
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