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Too much junk in the Command Crate loot tables


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The moment I saw the CZ-198 token in the livestream, I knew it was pointless. Yes, I know that reputation token doesn't take the place of higher level gear, but it seems like such a useless thing to include. Its not even the limited time events like Gree or Rakghoul, but the fact that they included rubbish like that shows how worthless the crates are.


You know what might actually been useful? Reputation tokens for the vendors in cartel bazaar and cartel certificates. Let's face it Galactic Command is the new slot machine, it might as well drop what new slot machines would have until they totally f'd that up.

Edited by Boomdiddy
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Agreed...I was just talking about this in guild. I disintegrate 90 to 100% of the crate contents every crate. It's primarily garbage and might as well not even exist in the game.


The skins so far are all awful, the stat gear is garbage ( I craft better).


Schematics are great but I'm getting heavy duplicates already which started at rank 15 or so...which is pretty early.


Reputation trophies I occasionally use but most are not relevant so they get disintegrated.


Jawa Junk I keep but they are also less important as the top tier crating materials are not on the Jawa vendors last I checked...


It's a horrid design they intentionally added garbage rewards so they could talk up the Disintegrations system...which would not be needed if they put something useful in the crates...


Awful design meant to penalize players progress offering only the illusion of a carrot...It's not on a stick, they are beating us with the stick...

Edited by Soljin
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You know what might actually been useful? Reputation tokens for the vendors in cartel bazaar and cartel certificates. Let's face it Galactic Command is the new slot machine, it might as well drop what new slot machines would have until they totally f'd that up.


I assume what faction the rep is for is random, but I think they should remove CZ/Yavin/Voss rep from these drops, since they're so easy to get by playing. I want rep for either things that literally cannot be obtained anymore (rep from buying CM packs that aren't sold anymore) or event ones that are not constantly available (like Gree). I have so many Cartel Certificates left over that I can't use because I don't have the rep needed to buy what I want.

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Schematics are great but I'm getting heavy duplicates already which started at rank 15 or so...which is pretty early.


I had three or four artifice schematics (from one or two lvl 70 characters who are still in single-digit command ranks). Sent them to my artificer only to realize I've already got a duplicate. (And since it's not in the command stash anymore, I can't disintegrate it for command points, so my only alternative is to vendor the duplicate.) Made me realize I'll have to keep track of which ones I have so I can check whether to disintegrate them or if I can actually use them. Kind of annoying.

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I assume what faction the rep is for is random, but I think they should remove CZ/Yavin/Voss rep from these drops, since they're so easy to get by playing. I want rep for either things that literally cannot be obtained anymore (rep from buying CM packs that aren't sold anymore) or event ones that are not constantly available (like Gree). I have so many Cartel Certificates left over that I can't use because I don't have the rep needed to buy what I want.


And I would like cartel certificates to drop because I have all the CM reps maxed and have just 1 cartel certificate.


Go figure...

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I am ok with rep certs and companion gifts. What I am not ok with is the green gear. Maybe for filler re add previous expansion gear only legacy: (Deceiver, Dark Reaver, Exemplar, etc).


All of the complaints about 5.0 can be solved by substantially increasing CXP

Edited by jimmorrisson
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When they told you the RNG gets better at higher levels, it's a lie. I have gotten 3 usable purples on my main toon in 86 command levels. I get so many freakin' greens it's insane.


Honestly, the crates are a joke. Maybe slightly less of a joke for PvErs. My advice for newbies till gearing changes, just craft or buy what you want. 99% of the time what you get in crates is garbage if you specifically looking for gear upgrades.

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All bias aside it seems to me if you look at how the Galactic Command system was designed... the intention was to sand bag the entire player base.


Gearing is completely ridiculous, the main incentive is garbage in crates that you can break down to get more garbage in crates....all the while not gearing up with any certainty at all.


You can (and most certainly will) go through all of GC rank-1 and not get a full tier-1 gear set...What kind of system is that? They created 2 entire tiers of gear that a large amount of players will never actually posses...what kind of sense does that make? Seriously..


Tier 3 was just designed as an indefinite time sink...could take a year, could take 3...who knows.


The changes are not going to cut it. RnG has to go completely, period.

Edited by Soljin
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For casuals, the system falls short at present, IMO, because it doesn't offer enough "shinies", the kind that casuals would be interested in.


After all, casuals likely care little for top end gear. High end gear, gear that is perhaps one or two levels below top end is really only useful in end game content, like the knight expansions, and only to make the content easier.


For hardcores the lack of appeal is obvious. No need to repeat what has been said many times.


I think the proposed changes DO cover some of the hardcore players concerns, but I am not sure it is a proper solution, aside from perhaps complete removal which I find unlikely. We will have to see on that.


The system remains flawed however across the board. Here are the flaws as I see them, even with the proposed changes...

1) System itself is buggy (invisible items in stash, lack of CXP payout, etc.)

2) Inconsistent CXP payouts outside of bonus content

3) Drop table does not contain enough variety for casual appeal (should include cartel market loot table)

4) Weekly cap is too high, payouts are too low, levels 1 to 100 cost too much CXP.

5) Command level itself is next to meaningless.

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I agree. I cant believe they are focing players to subscribe to experience this RNG garbage. Once my Sub runs out, (14th Jan) i wont be resubbing. Ill be spending 70% of my gaming time on ESO, 25% on other games, and 5% on swtor. Not quitting entirely, staying purely for my guild.
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For casuals, the system falls short at present, IMO, because it doesn't offer enough "shinies", the kind that casuals would be interested in.


After all, casuals likely care little for top end gear. High end gear, gear that is perhaps one or two levels below top end is really only useful in end game content, like the knight expansions, and only to make the content easier.


For hardcores the lack of appeal is obvious. No need to repeat what has been said many times.


I think the proposed changes DO cover some of the hardcore players concerns, but I am not sure it is a proper solution, aside from perhaps complete removal which I find unlikely. We will have to see on that.


The system remains flawed however across the board. Here are the flaws as I see them, even with the proposed changes...

1) System itself is buggy (invisible items in stash, lack of CXP payout, etc.)

2) Inconsistent CXP payouts outside of bonus content

3) Drop table does not contain enough variety for casual appeal (should include cartel market loot table)

4) Weekly cap is too high, payouts are too low, levels 1 to 100 cost too much CXP.

5) Command level itself is next to meaningless.


I agree with your points, 1-5. Considering 230 is the equivalent of basic gear from the earlier expansions, this is taking far too long to have acceptable gear for pve. It should no more than a week to have full 230 gear (non set bonus) to allow players to tackle the lvl 70 higher difficulty pve content. This will also make the playing field more even in pvp. Further, it takes far too long to reach command rank 90, T2, to get the better gear crafting schematics. This system was clearly designed as a long term grind to attempt to stick players to it. It had the opposite effect.

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And I would like cartel certificates to drop because I have all the CM reps maxed and have just 1 cartel certificate.


Go figure...


Almost makes one wish they made some way to trade such things between players. Like I could trade half my certificates for enough rep to use the ones left over (at least get to 'friend' level). Oh, well.

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Junk is there really only to disintegrate for points towards the next command rank. However there no reason to complain about it because nothing will change except maybe instead of getting 3-4 items you will only get 1-2 items. BW will then say, well you want us to get rid of it. Also junk to you, may not be junk to others.
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Mounts drop.


*disintegrate* (I have ~100 mounts on my main....).


I probably need to add that it is HIGHLY desirable for thous mounts and armor to be unique to the crates - not stuff that you can get elsewhere. If they really can't model a few new ones than add some of the old cash shop mounts (thou I would consider that to be a lazy cope out).

Not everyone will find it exciting - there are still people who just want their darn gear and no shiny will ever do, but an average and half casual player may enjoy the high quality "fluff".

The gear drop rate is a whole different topic that everyone else in the tread already mentioned and I completely agree with the general sentiment... :(

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This whole system is joke, 30 command rank crates and nothing but empty shells comp gifts and jawa crap and when I do get something good it something I already got like relic.


IF they left Ops loot alone meaning all bosses drop gear pieces based on there difficulty for the people that actual raided + the command rank crates for people that dont want to raid to get gear there would of been no issues.


But no the devs are beyond stupid. I actual want strangle them death


This system is complete and utter slap to the face of the raiders more like they pissing on them, Who were quiting slowly cause of new no OPS few that did stick around will quit at some point.


the 5.1 change are nothing more then bandaid attempt to fix something that shouldnt of been an issue to begin with.


I Seriously hope This was all EA idea and not BW cause it was BW idea then they just became another dead developer to me

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if i haven't already


I fully, wholeheartedly concur. At least my odds are slightly better than those cartel market garbage packs. Someone announced finding a light saber and a dual saber in 2 out of 4 boxes. I bought 3 boxes. I got "disguise yourself as a life day tree." I'm a ******* tree. :eek:


So yeah...don't mind me, I'mma be in the corner pretending to be a tree. :rolleyes:

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if i haven't already


I fully, wholeheartedly concur. At least my odds are slightly better than those cartel market garbage packs. Someone announced finding a light saber and a dual saber in 2 out of 4 boxes. I bought 3 boxes. I got "disguise yourself as a life day tree." I'm a ******* tree. :eek:


So yeah...don't mind me, I'mma be in the corner pretending to be a tree. :rolleyes:



I opened 104 of those boxes from coins I got from all my passes I got ZERO platium stuff and about 15 gold...They actaul purposely do low rates to keep the people with gambling additions pay 100$+ month on packs and now they had the nerve to do almost the same rates on command crates set pieces fall someplace between rate of gold item and platium item drops in the cartel packs.


I have in total opened about 100 command crates across 6 toons and got about 9 set pieces across them all and alot of them were doubles I already got.


If there idea was to pissed off there renaming subs then they nailed it. forget about the fact they alienated the f2p/perfer population after 4 years of them actual being able to do end game content.

Edited by Kyuuu
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*Make set bonus gear armour mods applicable on any piece of armour, getting duplicates won't be a problem any more. My character only has two feet, he doesn't need two pairs of the same boots. Since we no longer purchase these from vendors, there's no longer a potential currency exploit involved if we were able to move these pieces into the slot of any gear piece. It's just disheartening to grind through a Command Level to get something I already have, demotivates me from the system.

*I enjoy vanity items, but single pieces delivered so scarcely make them feel like pointless rewards. Alliance crates dropped them like candy and those crates you could achieve in bundles. Perhaps give us bonus crates every few levels?

*1 million credits to increase the size of our command stash? That's a tad too much for something so unnecessary, don't you think?

*Traditional Encounter looting has tremendous immersive value in any RPG. You slay a dragon, you make armour from its hide and daggers wrought of its teeth. You open its stash of goodies and get rewarded as the story of any brave party's adventure into a perilous dungeon tends to end(unless you wipe and douchebags leave). This has been a part of RPG culture for a long, long time and substituting it with "experience" toward a new grinding system is quite the slap in the face. Old content isn't bad, I enjoy playing through old flashpoints and I'm glad that you keep making them relevant at each level cap, but I don't feel as though I'm being sufficiently(or fairly) rewarded for all the time I've put into this.

*Crafting is nice, but it's currently the only method of acquiring proper gear. Not everyone is interested in crafting, I find it a tad silly to force players to do this as their best option of getting gear. There is the GTN, to purchase from players who are crafting, but it hardly feels rewarding, merely a walk around the system that you've introduced -- which should not be the case here.

*Jawa Junk is nice, but what's the point if the new crafting mats aren't available at the vendors? This has absolutely no benefit to players participating in the end-game.


I believe that the Galactic Command system can work, but in its current state it is highly repelling and demotivating to grind through; stale. In my opinion some severe reconfiguration is required. It could have been included to accompany the traditional looting methods, but as the singular means to obtain gear (or anything) this system is feels - quite frankly put - like a waste of time.


I enjoy this game and all of its aspects extensively and I think that Bioware has done a great job trying to cater to a community with broad and diverse interests, having countless expectations that they expect Bioware to meet for the sake of their own contentment. This system isn't a feature of the new end-game, but it encompasses it entirely. It's relevant to everything that we do in-game now and if this system is unsatisfying, then I'm afraid that the entirety of the game's end-game is going to be an unsatisfying experience.

Edited by nightsoflove
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if i haven't already


I fully, wholeheartedly concur. At least my odds are slightly better than those cartel market garbage packs. Someone announced finding a light saber and a dual saber in 2 out of 4 boxes. I bought 3 boxes. I got "disguise yourself as a life day tree." I'm a ******* tree. :eek:


So yeah...don't mind me, I'mma be in the corner pretending to be a tree. :rolleyes:


I was so bored, I bought a few packs myself...and I swear I get better odds than those crates. I just had to disintegrate another crate tonight while my lag had made a flashpoint into a nightmarish experience where I swear, it was trying to kill me and my group.


The thing is, the CM packs are voluntary and I don't have to touch them- if I want to continue endgame activity, I have to open the nightmare crates.

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Agreed. I dropped 70 mil on 240 mods, enhancements, and 334 barrels / hilts for my main toons cause I was just sick of the crap that was dropping. Now I don't care about the grind so much cause my main chars have a mix of 224 / 230 set pieces with decent mods and enhancements. **** this grind. I can now unsub and not give a ****.
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