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Livestream Thoughts and Feedback


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you mean buy that tier 2 set piece that's stuck on that character that doesnt help alts at all.


stop white knighting.


Except that you can rip the mods out, put them in legacy gear, and send them to an alt. So, yes, you can totally gear an alt from your main this way. Isn't this one of the ways we have always geared alts? Well, except for ear, implants, and relics?

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you mean buy that tier 2 set piece that's stuck on that character that doesnt help alts at all.


Story mode bosses drop tier one tokens.


Veteran mode bosses drop tier two tokens.


Master mode bosses drop tier three tokens.


If your guild is reasonable enough to pull a completely new command rank one character through a veteran mode operation, he can gain tier two tokens and assemble them into tier one/upgrade them for command tokens he and other characters earned across his legacy. As far as I noticed during the slides, there was no GC 180+ requirement to obtain tier 3 gear. You can also rip out the mods from the gear pieces you purchased on your main and send them to an alt via the legacy armour.


You are purposefully mixing wrong information (you can only obtain tier tokens based on your command rank) with infactual statements.


So long. Had a bunch of fun over the last four years, but am not having any more like this.


Sayonara and good sailing! If you can't even be bothered to give feedback beyond the usual "They are discussing a system that's changing all the time, but my form of content was not specifically mentioned in detail! I'm off! rambling, then I bit you farewell.


What did you expect? Instant set bonus items from every story mode chapter? Seriously?

Edited by Alssaran
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They did. They might not have listened to your concerns about the system, but the current suggestion is a good start at improving the system.


I think they are clearly trying to address the concerns players have however their solution is far too confusing, more confusing than the 4.0 system which they claimed was too confusing.

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I think they are clearly trying to address the concerns players have however their solution is far too confusing, more confusing than the 4.0 system which they claimed was too confusing.


I think it's actually quite easy to understand if you take the time to read/listen to it. They are trying to come up with a system that keeps GC and the aspect thereof (do the content you want for gear), but also adress the issue of certain player groups needing a surefire way to get gear.


You run into an operation and get a set token piece based on the difficulty of that operation. If you need a helmet, go and kill that last operation boss that drops the head slot. Then you take a few command tokens (which you receive by playing the game and opening crates) and the set piece and turn it into a vendor for the set item.


It's the 4.0 system with a few tokens inbetween. It's really not all that confusing in practice.

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I think they are clearly trying to address the concerns players have however their solution is far too confusing, more confusing than the 4.0 system which they claimed was too confusing.


This is a valid argument. While they have made it easier to gear alts, addressed going for specific pieces, it was totally unnecessary. GC is a great thing for those who don't want to run Ops, etc. However, I think it would have just been simpler to introduce GC as a complement to what was there before. This new way is sort of a convoluted piece of this, piece of that, throw in a mixing bowl, and voila.

Edited by ChristienB
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So, the livestream hit annnndddddd.... The whiners and criers and doomsayers were completely wrong.


Cannot emphasize how much I am laughing right now at just how pathetic and stupid this livestream made the whiners look whose assumptions were dead wrong on every account. Not only are ways being added in to target gear for both pve and pvp, both setups are completely reasonable and perfectly fine. Job well done Bioware on the fixes. Now YES, it should have been this way from the start, but hindsight is 20/20 and the fixes are just fine.



So as they admitted, these changes are the result of the feedback from the whiners - not initially their plans.

You think that 2 unannounced livestreams and a survey being sent out for the first time in game history was not the result of a tremendous backlash from the community???


The announced changes are a great step in the right direction. There is still the issue of gearing up to play 2 year old+ end game content that needs addressing soon. But not to take away from today finally showing that they are lsitening to the playerbase and not trying to double down on a mistaken system.

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It's the 4.0 system with a few tokens inbetween. It's really not all that confusing in practice.


True. And, I do applaud them for trying to fix the issue people had. However, as I said above, it is sort of an unnecessary addition. However, I prefer this to them not taking any action at all.

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But NOT Legacy Wide Command Ranks which is what is needed to gear up Alts.


The gear rating of the gear you create/get is wholly dependent on your Command Rank.


So my main having a lot of spare tokens I can use on my 2nd Toon doesn't help because the 2nd Toon's Command Rank means I'll only be able to get rubbish gear.


All The Best


Nah. That doesn't matter. Command tokens ARE legacy wide and that's what you'll make gear with.

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So I still don't get what's the problem with making galactic command legacy wide.


I guess raiders and PvPers got a decent compromise but still the grind must go on I guess.


1 crate for all of your toons to share would suck, no? That's one piece of random gear for one of your toons per level. Legacy tokens are much better.

Edited by americanaussie
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I agree, they still haven't fixed RNG.



I was hoping they would remove RNG, give us back vendors and drops from bosses and introduce weekly passes for people / friends who are prefered.


RNG is needed for solo story players who want to play master mode later on. It gives them a way to slowly earn gear. If you do ops or wzs then you can earn gear more efficiently by assembling what you need specifically.

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So what have they fixed?




They've added an even more complex system for gearing up and given no indication as to how many tokens, components etc will be required in total to complete a set of gear.


They have NOT addressed the issue of the current system being extremely grindy.


They have NOT addressed the issue of the current system locking out Alts and Alt-Specs.


They have NOT addressed the RNG issues of the base system - which they are retaining.


They have NOT admitted they were wrong to ignore the pre-release feedback.


They have NOT listened at all to the majority of concerns about this system.


They learned nothing.

They've done almost nothing.

What little they have done has done nothing to address the core faults with the system.


Oh, but they did promise "exciting stuff" next month.

Been promising that for a year and we still haven't seen it.

All The Best




they took out the crystals because that was too complicated but then added back in an ever more complicated system to the RNG gearing that was also broken. bw has lost their marbles and theyreally didnt address the bulk of the issues gamers have mentioned.


Its like I said in another post. bw might be listening but they do not in any way fully understand what the problem is.

Edited by Quraswren
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they took out the crystals because that was too complicated but then added back in an ever more complicated system to the RNG gearing that was also broken. bw has lost their marbles and theyreally didnt address the bulk of the issues gamers have mentioned.


Its like I said in another post. bw might be listening but they do not in any way fully understand what the problem is.


So make a post, keep it simple, and say what the problem is. Quite honestly I'm happy with the changes. Yes. They didn't want to use tokens but players wanted them. Players wanted to go for specific items. So now we can. The gear from rng crates will be for solo players who want to do master mode next month.

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Putting a way to get gear outside of the New Gambling Experience "all RNG all the time" is good. But replacing a simple and functional gearing system like 4.0 had with this weird complicated combination system they're talking about now just feels like a step backwards.


I still think the easiest solution would be to put gear drops back on ops bosses just like they were before (raised for the new gear levels, of course), and let the GC system serve as a supplement to that. Don't put the highlighted HM operation rotation back on, so if people want the top tier gear, they have to go into NiMs instead of waiting for EV and KP to come around and farming that to death. That will help throttle gear progression all on its own.


That way, casuals/story players would still have chances at good gear just for playing the parts they want to play, AND hardmode heroes would be able to plan out their gear progression as before (and every now and then they could get a bonus from a random drop from a crate). Everyone would win.

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So, the livestream hit annnndddddd.... The whiners and criers and doomsayers were completely wrong.


Cannot emphasize how much I am laughing right now at just how pathetic and stupid this livestream made the whiners look whose assumptions were dead wrong on every account. Not only are ways being added in to target gear for both pve and pvp, both setups are completely reasonable and perfectly fine. Job well done Bioware on the fixes. Now YES, it should have been this way from the start, but hindsight is 20/20 and the fixes are just fine.


First I will say again.... LOLOLOL @ whiners being made to look stupid on "RNG forever no changes" assumptions.


Now, onto feedback to their questions.


The pvp valor requirements.


So to this, they wanted ideas to the valor level requirements on tiers, what I think is reasonable is this.


Tier 1: Valor 20

Tier 2: Valor 40

Tier 3: Valor 60


These levels are reasonable, still require actual work put into PvP, but nothing too extreme like valor 100 req or anything.


PvE Feedback


For the non master mode bosses. Well I think only thing you can do is just have a small chance to drop a piece of the tier 3 gear. I mean there's just not really any other ideas for that, at least none that I can think of. Maybe someone else has a wild idea out of nowhere for that?


Command Token Uses


So for these, add a full suite of "stuff" you can buy with them. Nice things I would like to see:


Weapon Tunings (3 tiers, based on command rank tier, upgrade to - tier 1, then 2, then 3)

Mounts (3 tiers, upgrade as above)

Cosmetic Armor and Weapons (3 tiers, upgrade as above)

Titles (3 tiers, upgrade as above)


Unique Color Crystal


These are my ideas and feedback to the stream, and hope it helps you devs out getting some neat stuff in. Looking forward to the fixes coming in but I have to ask this.


We need a dev response -------ASAP--------- to the current PvP and class imbalances and what changes are incoming as well as response to things such as the current PvP queues getting PvE'ers queueing into ranked, and afking and exploiting /stuck for fast cxp, at the rating loss at others expense.




How long have you been waiting to say that first part.

I'm all for a thread like this, I think it's good and some of your actual feed back makes sense. But that first part was a bit over the top and wasn't needed. It makes you just as bad as the Doomsayers.



Valor 70-75 should be for teir 3, which by the way is where they need to put the ranked pvp gate. Not Valor 25

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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So make a post, keep it simple, and say what the problem is.


I did in the survey to the extent they would allow me. That has to be better feedback than here because while they claim to listen. its clear they do not understand.


Quite honestly I'm happy with the changes. Yes. They didn't want to use tokens but players wanted them. Players wanted to go for specific items. So now we can. The gear from rng crates will be for solo players who want to do master mode next month.


I cant say this is a good thing. RNG is staying in game so thats got to be dealt with and all the garbage that brings. GC is still there so all the problems that brings is still there. Be it the massive grind or the hindrance to alt play.


Players did want specific tokens but what did we really learn here? Not much because how many items will it take to get one. 10? 30? All it would take for bw to screw this even more complicated system than crystals is to make the numbers to high for Unassembled Gear Pieces or components or command tokens.


They get rid of a simpler system of gearing because they claim its to complicated but then introduce a more complicated one. Even if you like RNG thats a problem and i dont care for RNG at all much less what bw is doing to keep it in game.

Edited by Quraswren
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So to this, they wanted ideas to the valor level requirements on tiers, what I think is reasonable is this.


Tier 1: Valor 20

Tier 2: Valor 40

Tier 3: Valor 60


That works, if you split the queue the same way. If not, you're just letting people with higher gear farm peopel who can't get it yet. That's not such a good thing.

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So as they admitted, these changes are the result of the feedback from the whiners - not initially their plans.

You think that 2 unannounced livestreams and a survey being sent out for the first time in game history was not the result of a tremendous backlash from the community???


The announced changes are a great step in the right direction. There is still the issue of gearing up to play 2 year old+ end game content that needs addressing soon. But not to take away from today finally showing that they are lsitening to the playerbase and not trying to double down on a mistaken system.


That's a good point, if people hadn't complained as hard as they did, then these changes would never have happened.

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I think they are clearly trying to address the concerns players have however their solution is far too confusing, more confusing than the 4.0 system which they claimed was too confusing.


That's because it was never setup to work this way. They thought it was simple and perfect, which it wasn't, so now every change they make to try and make it easier to gear, the more complex or confusing the process will be.

They are building it on uneven ground, so to prop it up, they need supports and extra ways to hold it up.

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Solo players will be able to do master mode next month? Your RNG drops must be ******* outstanding.


Actually the rng gods have been exceedingly kind to me. 2 set pieces 12 crates opened. Orange and purple main and offhand. But that's beside the point. I should have said this:


Solo players need gear for Master level FULL STOP.

Master level comes out next month. FULL STOP.


:D better? I can't be bothered repeating chapters and doin heroics until I can't see straight. I much prefer pvp but if my Internet cooperates then maybe I'll try ops sometime.

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Actually the rng gods have been exceedingly kind to me. 2 set pieces 12 crates opened. Orange and purple main and offhand. But that's beside the point. I should have said this:


Solo players need gear for Master level FULL STOP.

Master level comes out next month. FULL STOP.


:D better? I can't be bothered repeating chapters and doin heroics until I can't see straight. I much prefer pvp but if my Internet cooperates then maybe I'll try ops sometime.


This is the problem with RNG, some people are exceedingly lucky, while others aren't

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