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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Knights of the Enternal Throne Survey


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I have it.


What's annoying about this survey is how little they allow you to say in the description.

"Your answer must be at most 50 characters long, but I only counted 56." :rak_06:


I get not wanting whole life story novels but 50 characters...Jeez.

Edited by Eshvara
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Got this too. The last question limits responses to 50 characters! lol. That's not enough room to say anything meaningful.


I know right ? So many to say..such a Limit! F2p kind of limit no less ! So I said the only thing I could think of ''Answer your player base on the forum!'' :D

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Got this too. The last question limits responses to 50 characters! lol. That's not enough room to say anything meaningful.


yep. that was silly. even twitter gives you more space. i had this in depth reply typed up and... it kept telling me to make it shorter. I can't tell you what would make KOTET better for me in just 50 characters, bioware!!!

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I'd upvote you but this ain't reddit. :( But yeah, good points.


Surprisingly . You know the last maintenance we had ? I was hanging on Twiddle....and they got alot ''when is it over ?!? I wanna play!!!''....


that was kinda weird to see......


I feel like they are taking the same attitude from old BSN.......but because this forum is for Sub only , they wont shut it down . But they wont participate either .

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I responded but found it pretty ridiculous that when they ask "How can we improve KOTET" you are limited to 50 characters. What can you really say in 50 characters that is constructive or meaningful?


Only characters ya need to write is #removerng and #removeGC

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I responded but found it pretty ridiculous that when they ask "How can we improve KOTET" you are limited to 50 characters. What can you really say in 50 characters that is constructive or meaningful?

I had 54 characters and I thought I was being VERY brief...50 was WAY too low, but hopefully that's so they can get through the feedback quickly.

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Yeah, I got it, too. And I found my marks to be much lower than they would have been even for 4.0 and a lot lower than for 3.0. BW has so totally screwed this game up. :(


And 50 characters for the last field was a totally stupid.

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