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I can't bring myself to play a non-force using Class


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I have been here since day 1 of release. I have Quit a few times and came back but in all my time playing I have only played force using classes. I did at one point level up a BH and a agent to get class buffs but right after I got the buffs, the characters were deleted and I didn't finish the stories. I have played all the Sith and Jedi stories countless times, and they never get old but I have never finished any of the other stories for other classes because they bore me and i just hate it. This even includes the agent story, which I thought was good, but still not something I enjoyed because I hate the idea of being a lowly agent...


I don't know what it is but I hate the idea of playing as a non-force using class in star wars. Its one reason I'm not excited about rogue one,


Anyone else like that or maybe the opposite and can't bring themselves to play a force class?

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I have been here since day 1 of release. I have Quit a few times and came back but in all my time playing I have only played force using classes. I did at one point level up a BH and a agent to get class buffs but right after I got the buffs, the characters were deleted and I didn't finish the stories. I have played all the Sith and Jedi stories countless times, and they never get old but I have never finished any of the other stories for other classes because they bore me and i just hate it. This even includes the agent story, which I thought was good, but still not something I enjoyed because I hate the idea of being a lowly agent...


I don't know what it is but I hate the idea of playing as a non-force using class in star wars. Its one reason I'm not excited about rogue one,


Anyone else like that or maybe the opposite and can't bring themselves to play a force class?


I'm pretty much exactly the same. Leveled all classes for buffs, but yea I can't get into the ones that aren't a Jedi or a Sith.

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They honestly should of done this game from the start like Knights of the old republic where you start as a lowly trooper/normal person and turn into either a Sith or Jedi.


I wish they didn't include non-force using courses in the game personally. I am sure others are happy about it and enjoy it but I hate it.

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I can't bring none force characters into the expansions. They make zero sense to be there. Shadow of Revan was pushing it...


People keep saying this, but they never explain the 'why' of it. I've played through Kotfe and Kotet with a smuggler and I'm not seeing any discrepancies.

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I do feel you.


I've been here since beta and played all the stories. The only ones I've ever replayed are the Warrior (many times), Inq (a few times), and Knight (twice). I'm going to do the Knight again next to have a ls character :)


Ive never taken a non-force user through an expansion and I have no desire to with how Kotet ends. If I can make a dumb Smuggler Emperor of the Galaxy ..... I don't want to live there anymore. lol. The Emperor title is reserved for my Warrior only. :mad:


Plus, I'm sick to death of gun based combat. If there were some sort of Teras Kasi like melee class, I'd be down for it.


Star Wars, for me, *is* the force. The way that it can elevate a person through race, sex, birth status, species into something amazing or terrible is the whole point. There have been a zillion movies made about "war", so the Imp vs Rep only creates context for the wider conflict of dark vs light sides of the force.


The Rogue One movie I'll definitely see, but mainly for Vader, Ben Mendelson, and Donnie Yen.

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Gotta agree here. I love all my alts (and I have way too many, I know ~smile~), and I really enjoyed all eight starting stories that meshed together so well, showing the "Old Republic" universe not just from the vantage point of the Jedi and Sith, but soldiers, spies, smugglers and even bounty hunters.....it was amazing.


When Makeb came and put them down to an Imp and Republic story, all the classes still made sense..... But I agree that Shadow of Revan was when I first stared to think about it.


But KOTFE changed all that when the Eternal Emperor said, "Through all the centuries, you alone have warranted my full attention." (I'm paraphrasing, but the gist is right)..... That made perfect sense for my Jedi and Sith, they were the four "cream of the crop" in Force Users in the current galaxy.... And even if the Agent, Trooper, BH or Smugger were the very best in their professions, I still couldn't imagine the Eternal Emperor feeling *they* were better than any Force user in the galaxy...... Still, I did push all my alts through it..... but after completing KOTET with my first character (Jedi Shadow), the story in its conclusion (which I'll comment on below in the "spoiler" tag) really only made sense with Force using characters....


So far I've run KOTET with most of my Jedi and Sith alts, but haven't been able to bring myself to run my other professions through it (which are half my alts).... The only way the story makes sense is if the non force users are really "latent" force users and only the Emperor knows how to unlock their full potential?


But mostly.....



All of the Eternal Emperor's power comes from his mastery of The Force....why would he ever want to lock himself into a "shell" that doesn't have any Force mastery or aptitude? Makes absolutely no sense.



I know getting eight stories is a thing of the past, but I wouldn't have minded two....one for Force users and a different story line for Non-Force users.

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I know getting eight stories is a thing of the past, but I wouldn't have minded two....one for Force users and a different story line for Non-Force users.


YES. whatever they have in the works, I hope they keep that in mind. Making a story that's supposed to fit a Sith AND a smuggler is kind of insane.

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People keep saying this, but they never explain the 'why' of it. I've played through Kotfe and Kotet with a smuggler and I'm not seeing any discrepancies.
Because even in a sci-fi/fantasy universe like Star Wars, a smuggler or agent, etc. would stand zero chance against Vaylin or Arcann. They were tough even for Jedi Masters and Sith Lords.


Remember that scene from ESB when Han Solo shot at Darth Vader and he simply stood there and deflected the laser blasts and force grabbed the gun out of his hand? Or how about that scene from AOTC when Jango Fett, the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, faced off against Mace Windu. It was a three-second fight.


Star Wars is about Jedi vs. Sith. Anytime they try to make it about a non-Force character, it's somewhat boring and unbelievable. It's like a superhero movie without the superheroes.

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I first played SWTOR during open beta. I started KOTOR with a smuggler, which I kind of liked, but ended it with a Jedi, which I loved. So I wanted to play a Jedi in SWTOR. To not spoil the experience on the live servers, I started a smuggler during beta. And I loved her so much that instead of a Jedi I recreated her in the live game and for 5 years she has been my main. (My imp side lieutenant is a SW, though.)


I love this character. But I agree that she has no place in the ultimate fights against force users. (This is utterly ridiculous.) I have to admit I'd be perfectly happy with her doing her own part on the sidelines - I love the smuggler life and business -, but leaving the glow stick wielders to the glow stick wielders. In that regard the vanilla class stories mostly make sense, and the side quests could be chosen accordingly. The streamlining of the story since SoR make this character feel out of place and, well, out of character. It's breaking RP and lore immersion.

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That's why the Emperor is in you. If you're non-force you have him helping you. I haven't done Kotet yet. But don't forget Jango held his own for awhile against Obi-wan. Han didn't believe in the force and didn't understand it against Darth Vader. If he was more like Boba Fett maybe he would have thrown more at him with some trickery. Also remember the agent uses deception and drugs and tech... like Inspector gadget :D. If I remember even Kaliyo asks how you can keep going with all that stuff in your system or some such question.


I think Kotfe was fine with Non Forcers. You are one in a million. The Bruce Lee/Chuck Norris of the galaxy. You know how to overcome the best fighters. Malgus didn't see that grenade did he?


EDIT: Vader didn't sense Han Solo during the trench run. K Ren didn't block Chewie's bowcaster shot. Jedi/Sith are not ALL powerful. Even the best have flaws. Normal humans have always shown to overcome the toughest enemies. Yes, 99/100 times you go up against a tiger you're dead. But ... Kotfe was that 1/100. Plus you did have help from friends. :)


Ps. and that shield against Arcann that even force users had to use.



Edited by Zerileth
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People keep saying this, but they never explain the 'why' of it. I've played through Kotfe and Kotet with a smuggler and I'm not seeing any discrepancies.


Arcann would snap the Smuggler's neck without thinking twice about it. The final fight is just comical with a non force user. None of the non-force characters should be fighting force users. It's just silly. Maybe an apprentice or padawan that isn't adept with the force yet. Anyone else, no. When I played Bounty Hunter, I didn't fight Darth Tormen for this reason.


Maybe if BioWare actually gave us a reason to believe these non-force sensitive characters could stand a chance against a force user, I'd be more open to the idea. But they didn't. I MAY take the female Bounty Hunter through KOTFE simply because it's Grey DeLisle. Screw all those other guys.

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Arcann would snap the Smuggler's neck without thinking twice about it. The final fight is just comical with a non force user. None of the non-force characters should be fighting force users. It's just silly. Maybe an apprentice or padawan that isn't adept with the force yet. Anyone else, no. When I played Bounty Hunter, I didn't fight Darth Tormen for this reason.


Maybe if BioWare actually gave us a reason to believe these non-force sensitive characters could stand a chance against a force user, I'd be more open to the idea. But they didn't. I MAY take the female Bounty Hunter through KOTFE simply because it's Grey DeLisle. Screw all those other guys.


You didn't read my post above yours did you? :(

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My very first character and main is a smuggler. I love the story and the playstyle of my smuggler. The second one I made was the agent and I have leveled both up to 70.


Then I made a sorcerer and then sage.


I enjoy them but I tend to play more on my smuggler and that one is better geared than the rest.

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they honestly should of done this game from the start like knights of the old republic where you start as a lowly trooper/normal person and turn into either a sith or jedi.


I wish they didn't include non-force using courses in the game personally. I am sure others are happy about it and enjoy it but i hate it.


what i'd love to see in a sw mmo:

1) race & gender of character having an impact on the story and interaction wiht the npcs.

2) class & side chosen during story lol (close to start ofc, but it would show us a bit of pre-story, who our toon is why they want to do this job and so on lol);

3) story smoothly continued through out expansions, or at least has a bridge between what happens in say 3.0 and 4.0 lol;


i have 15 sages and 10 sorcs, that's pretty much all i play, though between my 42 toons on harb, 30 on ebon hawk and 16 on red eclipse i've leveled all classses and AC over and over. but for sure my favorite ones are sage, sorc, jug, guardian, commando and merc =)


Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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That's why the Emperor is in you. If you're non-force you have him helping you. I haven't done Kotet yet. But don't forget Jango held his own for awhile against Obi-wan. Han didn't believe in the force and didn't understand it against Darth Vader. If he was more like Boba Fett maybe he would have thrown more at him with some trickery. Also remember the agent uses deception and drugs and tech... like Inspector gadget :D. If I remember even Kaliyo asks how you can keep going with all that stuff in your system or some such question.


I think Kotfe was fine with Non Forcers. You are one in a million. The Bruce Lee/Chuck Norris of the galaxy. You know how to overcome the best fighters. Malgus didn't see that grenade did he?


EDIT: Vader didn't sense Han Solo during the trench run. K Ren didn't block Chewie's bowcaster shot. Jedi/Sith are not ALL powerful. Even the best have flaws. Normal humans have always shown to overcome the toughest enemies. Yes, 99/100 times you go up against a tiger you're dead. But ... Kotfe was that 1/100. Plus you did have help from friends. :)


Ps. and that shield against Arcann that even force users had to use.




No, my smuggler is not a one in a million super hero. She's a smuggler, she's allergic to the limelight. She doesn't want to be a leader or ruler of the Galaxy or whatever. She hates it when people follow her. She'd kick Corso if she could. She allows Risha to stick around because she does wonders to... the engines. She keeps Bowdaar because he's a loyal meatshield who can raise a decent ruckus as distraction while the smuggler does the smuggling. And Akavi is allowed as a refugee for as long as she wants, as long as she pulls her weight and tones down the lectures on honor and worthwhile battles. (She also knows a couple useful tricks for getting around in imperial space.)


The whole Valkorion-lives-inside-me is a cheap cop-out that actually proves that only force users stand a chance and the story was written for force users.


In KotFE, my smuggler would rather work for Hylo than Lana or Valkorion or whoever it is we're working for.

Edited by KyaniteD
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You didn't read my post above yours did you? :(


I missed it. Even still, that begs the question of why the Emperor would choose some schmuck to be his vessel instead of Darth Marr. Even though the explanation fits, it's still pretty silly seeing Arcann struggle against blasters. Valkorion must be doing 99% of the work.

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I missed it. Even still, that begs the question of why the Emperor would choose some schmuck to be his vessel instead of Darth Marr. Even though the explanation fits, it's still pretty silly seeing Arcann struggle against blasters. Valkorion must be doing 99% of the work.


with how powerful vailin and arcann are i just really can't seem not being able to defeat a not sith / jedi. i mean...... maybe out not-force-sensitive toon has some latent ability? maybe they can be a bit force-sensitive but not enough to be able to trais as a jedi/sith? 0.o or something?

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Actually the classes I find myself enjoying the most storywise and gameplay wise are the non force users.


I do share the opinion that the story was clearly made with force users in mind. Especially when we interact with the emperor. Don't mind it much though. Hard to create a single story that adapts to all possible characters.


So to me, the character is actually force sensitive, but for some reason has never been trained or inducted into either jedi or sith. It manifests through heroic feats, unusual charisma, force of will.

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I still feel people miss the point on the non-force classes. Being a Jedi or Sith doesn't instantly make you into a powerhouse. They ran the gamut of power/ability just like non-force sensitives. The non-force using classes are just as powerful, thru the honing and training of their own abilities. Yeah a jedi may have the force, but I doubt he has the tactical or warfare knowledge that a Trooper has (just to put it in perspective).


The only thing that felt weird, imo, was the horribly animated cut scenes with the PC using a blaster (seriously, there are multiple one in the class story of the BH that can be pointed to as being much better) and the political landscape/motivation.


I main a PT so most of my points will come based on that. My character wasn't a total ********. His loyalty was to his crew and who paid him. He wouldn't complete mass genocide just for cash, but if someone was slightly an *** (think of the Alderaan incident) and he was paid to off them, he would. So what's my motivation? At first yeah, the Emperor was a douche and needed to be taken down. Darth Marr was still rolling the Empire into a much better place than they were before so helping them isn't a stretch. End up with more profit in the long run.


Now they Emperor is dead and I get froze for 5 years. Yeah that sucks, but after I get out, why would I fight Arcann (and why would he give a crap about me anyway)? They tossed the line about the Mando's fighting him, but honestly, they're always fighting someone so that's not a good motivator. Cause I did a few missions with Lana? We had a working relationship, that's all. I'd consider her an asset but not someone I would help over throw a powerful (and probably super wealthy employer) just because the Empire and Republic are getting stomped.


All my PT wants to do is find his team, find some jobs, and go back to collecting bounties and getting paid. But instead they kept throwing him into this BS without any clear motivation, so in the end I just accepted it. Everyone else is incompetent so it might as well be me calling the shots on a galactic scale since I won't screw it up as much as everyone else in the universe apparently does by default.


Side note, felt the Trooper fit really well. SpecForce commander, guerilla warfare against a superior enemy, developing and leading a rebellion. Fit like a charm, just as good as any force character. Figure the same could be said of the agent. Smuggler probably has same issues BH does.


And remember, battle droids killed hundreds of Jedi. And those schmucks were the most incompetent force the galaxy has ever seen.....

Edited by Raynn
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I have 1 of each of the force classes, but I honestly have more fun with the gun classes.


Commando and Mercenary have been the most fun, they feel like the "warrior vs evil wizard" story. Like many fantasy stories a guy with skill beats the wizard with all his power.


If you ever played DnD or any other tabletop rpg, the Fighter and Thief were just as valuable as the Magic User and Cleric.

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