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Life Day Gift Droids Broken


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So last year people were throwing their snowballs at their companions and turning off the buff. Instead of thinking it through, BW blanket nerfed all npcs including the droids. God forbid people get 999 decos of holo trees. I mean giving all the bugs still in the game ( some since launch) this was high on the list after the Lifeday event was over.


Well, I doubt we'll get a new patch by EOY. And some are saying the cannon is not available. Is this confirmed? I thought I saw it there today.

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It may still be listed on the GTN. I know I had 5 stashed and they went real quick this morning.


And it is unlockable IF you have it so you can pull for new characters. However that doesn't help anyone who didn't buy it last year or wasn't playing last year.


I have the cannon not a problem for me personally but the snowballs need to be fixed asap for new players.

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And it is unlockable IF you have it so you can pull for new characters. However that doesn't help anyone who didn't buy it last year or wasn't playing last year.


I have the cannon not a problem for me personally but the snowballs need to be fixed asap for new players.


One of my characters has it but I didn't see it as an unlock with the vendor.

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This is very frustrating. My server is dead so being unable to target NPCs basically means not being able to participate. I hardly ever see another living soul to throw snowballs at unless I were to spend hours on fleet or something instead of playing as I want.
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Is it a bug or have they made it that way ? Cause if they only made it so that people who got the cannon last year can get gift from droids, its a very effective to stop people from doing the event. Edited by Falmark
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Is it a bug or have they made it that way ? Cause if they only made it so that people who got the cannon last year can get gift from droids, its a very effective to stop people from doing the event.


I have not seen any response from BW yet. If the snowball bomb is "working as intended", they didn't think it through very well. All they have done is enable people who salted away cannons last year to make a killing on the GTN.

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  • Dev Post
As the title says, the gift droids are broken now. Since snowballs can only be used on players, the gift droids serve no purpose since they can't be hit with snowballs. This includes the overheated gift droids, as far as I can tell.


Thank you for the report, the team is aware and looking at addressing this soon. I will pass on updates as I have them.



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I find it amusing that the attempt to stop players from farming their companions has resulted in everyone that didn't buy a rocket launcher last year not being able to participate in the event this year. Edited by SirUrza
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People can use last years equipment, but apparently, you need to get infected with the plague, take the antidote, when it wares off do it all over again.
Um, no. The snowball thing has absolutely no connection with the Rakghoul plague. Used my snowball cannon many times to get parcels by targeting players, companions, NPCs.... all without ever getting, never mind removing, the Rakghoul plague.
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It seems like this should have been the FIRST thing a good quality assurance team would have checked or possibly a good question for a developer to have asked themselves when deciding to make this change.

If I take away the ability to throw snowballs at NPC's how will players be able to throw snowballs at the gift droids?

The SWTOR devs make a lot of mistakes that indicate that they tend to get tunnel vision when working on projects and changes. If I made the kind of mistakes these guys make I would have lost my job a long time ago...

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This makes me sad as a returning player. I live for these events but sadly I have noticed sooooooo many bugs since I came back. I thought the one where it zoomed in on people breast during the end scenes of the chapters was bad, but the droid one kind of made me say.. really?? Like I get no target NPC even though it's been going on for like 3 years but is it really hard to QC work now a days or is it really hurry up and rush to put it out and fix later. Hopefully they fix soon.
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As a new player who subbed and started playing a few weeks ago i have found out that this event, in its current state, is hardly any fun. It took me 5 hours of snowballing players standing in one spot, clicking players and pressing a button every 15 seconds, just to get the first 100 parcels and i'd need about 400 more to get everything once. Yet I see so many old players boasting their 80-100 parcels an hour in chat because they still have the cannon and it really feels like a punch in the gut, especially when the math says i need to snowball players for about 20 more hours. 20! What madness is this?!?

I would've liked to see a serious increase in the parcel chance for snowballs (while lowering the cp gain per parcel of course), lower the snowball cooldown by at least 10 seconds, make the snowball an AoE radial like a grenade and tag everyone inside or simply lower the initial price on items.

Sure, these suggestions might not fit a profitable business model but you know, sometimes you just gotta have some fun and not think about all those pockets with their pennies just sitting there. Besides all those pennies are much more likely to roll your way when all those happy and cheerful people, who didn't have to grind their sanity away during this event, want to reward themselves or spread the cheer and do some holiday shopping!

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