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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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But that was not the intention of this game. It's about story, voice and animation. The game looks great and they story is great and the animations are awesome.


It's a Bioware game, so they made a Bioware game. Bioware makes story driven game, Blizzard makes multiplayer games. So you are playing a Bioware game.


So you're saying Bioware's response to this topic and elaborate thread will be "Go back to WoW"? I'm fairly confident that Bioware themselves read, understand and support this thread to some degree. All you defenders of this flawed and buggy system are really not doing them any justice...

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This is seriously garbage. This has been an issue since beta began.


How much longer do they need to figure out how to respond to these issues when players are bringing them up?


This has been a known issue for over a year, and beta testers constantly brought it up, and they ignored the issue and released the game with this crap in game.


This is starting to look like another snatch and grab the quick cash on game sales of a no where near done product like warhammer to me.


Coincidence that EA is running both?


Maybe cause it isnt a easy fix? If he doesnt know the problem and/or the dev team hasnt figured it out, what more can they say???


You must remember...Not all of us are experiencing the same problem...I have no problems with delay at all or lining up attacks one after another at all


What I do occassionally have a problem with is hitting the button and nothing happening...It doesnt happen often and with another press of the button it goes off, but it does happen from time to time..Mainly in PvP


And I know a lot of us in game and in my guild are not having this problem because our group yesterday played together for about 4 hours and consciously trying to see/feel/be effected by the delay and we had no problems...We ran 2 FP's and 4 WZ's...Like I said the only problem I had was sometimes I'd hit my button and my toon would like shrug but nothing would happen...Part of that was cause I was spamming my buttons, but I still dont think that should matter...The first time you press it should have priority...There is definitely a problem with the UI and I aint arguing that point at all!


I will say this though, even though it isnt a "fix", once I stop spamming the buttons, I didnt have the problem even a 10th as much :)

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http://www.arenajunkies.com/user/174129-threatslol/ is all I can really prove at the moment, unless you want some pictures from my Facebook.


That link is good, also could you just list here tournaments you've attended and placements/team names? I only ask this so that I can incorporate it well into the OP and hopefully raise Bioware's awareness to your post... Though I believe they at this point read every page of this thread.

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So you're saying Bioware's response to this topic and elaborate thread will be "Go back to WoW"? I'm fairly confident that Bioware themselves read, understand and support this thread to some degree. All you defenders of this flawed and buggy system are really not doing them any justice...


I have to disagree with you here. Bioware knew about this issue early in the beta. The truth has come out and a light has been shined by your thread here.


The beta testers were telling bioware about this issue the entire time. They did not do anything to fix it before release.


Seems like another early unfinished release EA cash and grab, just like warhammer.

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Some people will deal with anything as long it's a franchise they're fond of.



Which, although I like Star Wars, is not enough for the rest of us.


The fanboys would be stepping over each other to buy SWTOR even if it was just a StarWars version of PONG.

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Maybe cause it isnt a easy fix? If he doesnt know the problem and/or the dev team hasnt figured it out, what more can they say???


You must remember...Not all of us are experiencing the same problem...I have no problems with delay at all or lining up attacks one after another at all


What I do occassionally have a problem with is hitting the button and nothing happening...It doesnt happen often and with another press of the button it goes off, but it does happen from time to time..Mainly in PvP


And I know a lot of us in game and in my guild are not having this problem because our group yesterday played together for about 4 hours and consciously trying to see/feel/be effected by the delay and we had no problems...We ran 2 FP's and 4 WZ's...Like I said the only problem I had was sometimes I'd hit my button and my toon would like shrug but nothing would happen...Part of that was cause I was spamming my buttons, but I still dont think that should matter...The first time you press it should have priority...There is definitely a problem with the UI and I aint arguing that point at all!


I will say this though, even though it isnt a "fix", once I stop spamming the buttons, I didnt have the problem even a 10th as much :)


To say you're not experiencing this is like me saying the sky is, oh to hell with it never mind. You're experiencing it and are just slow or don't care mate.




It's there, I promise you. Have you tried playing this game with keybinds? As a Trooper? It feels -and plays- awful.

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Of course this is completely wrong. Eve made a ton of money and lasted nearly a decade, a success by any measure. But most of your posts are completely devoid of facts so why stop now.

Success is relative. SW:TOR chose to make their success relative to the success of World of Warcraft. It would be like if you were 4'1" and you said, "I'm taller than you." and then we found out that you weren't, and that you had some type of disability that made you unable to react to anything quickly and then you said,


"well, height is relative. I have been alive for 10 years and I am taller than most animals and otherwise creatures that come across my happenstance so really I am quite tall."




And hey, moron, why not show me what it is in my posts that isn't factual and provide references like I have instead of trying to discredit me with baseless allegations. Quantify your nonsense instead of spewing it. Or just stop altogether.

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This may seem stupid to yall but Im gonna ask anyways...How many of you having this delay problem made sure your install of TOR was done properly?


What I mean is, did any of you play the weekend beta's and not do what was suggested if you didnt have a certain file in the TOR directory???


I'm wondering if a lot (maybe not all) didnt follow the instructions properly and just used the older client you installed for beta and just patched it..


Mind you, it probably doesnt matter in the slightest and I cant really see it mattering...But just for ***** and giggles

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Like I said the only problem I had was sometimes I'd hit my button and my toon would like shrug but nothing would happen...Part of that was cause I was spamming my buttons, but I still dont think that should matter...The first time you press it should have priority...There is definitely a problem with the UI and I aint arguing that point at all!


I will say this though, even though it isnt a "fix", once I stop spamming the buttons, I didnt have the problem even a 10th as much :)


Sorry but any melee character with semi fast reflex using his off GCD interupt and defensive cooldown find himself "spamming" as hiting quickly 2 buttons. Not doing so on purpose to avoid getting bug is unaceptable.


Just try it, find some strong or elite caster mob, wait for him to cast a spell then trigger one of your ability and immediatly launch your interrupt. Doing this i get buged half the time.

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This may seem stupid to yall but Im gonna ask anyways...How many of you having this delay problem made sure your install of TOR was done properly?


What I mean is, did any of you play the weekend beta's and not do what was suggested if you didnt have a certain file in the TOR directory???


I'm wondering if a lot (maybe not all) didnt follow the instructions properly and just used the older client you installed for beta and just patched it..


Mind you, it probably doesnt matter in the slightest and I cant really see it mattering...But just for ***** and giggles



My install was done via disc and with zero problems.

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And hey, moron, why not show me what it is in my posts that isn't factual and provide references like I have instead of trying to discredit me with baseless allegations. Quantify your nonsense instead of spewing it. Or just stop altogether.


Hey moron, I just did. Eve made tons of money and was a success by any measure, contrary to your ignorant rant.

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Maybe cause it isnt a easy fix? If he doesnt know the problem and/or the dev team hasnt figured it out, what more can they say???


You must remember...Not all of us are experiencing the same problem...I have no problems with delay at all or lining up attacks one after another at all


What I do occassionally have a problem with is hitting the button and nothing happening...It doesnt happen often and with another press of the button it goes off, but it does happen from time to time..Mainly in PvP


And I know a lot of us in game and in my guild are not having this problem because our group yesterday played together for about 4 hours and consciously trying to see/feel/be effected by the delay and we had no problems...We ran 2 FP's and 4 WZ's...Like I said the only problem I had was sometimes I'd hit my button and my toon would like shrug but nothing would happen...Part of that was cause I was spamming my buttons, but I still dont think that should matter...The first time you press it should have priority...There is definitely a problem with the UI and I aint arguing that point at all!


I will say this though, even though it isnt a "fix", once I stop spamming the buttons, I didnt have the problem even a 10th as much :)


This is one contradiciting reply,you say you dont have the problem then you say you do.


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Hey moron, I just did. Eve made tons of money and was a success by any measure, contrary to your ignorant rant.

Did EVE cost $300 million to develop? Did EVE say it would take subscribers away from World of Warcraft? If EVE had done either, would it be safe to say that in its current state it is a failure?


Yes, it would. Therefore I am right in saying, "turning into EVE online," with negative connotations because by those measures of success it IS a failure. You can't just lower the bar because you didn't live up to the hype you created.


Now, I have quantified every statement I have made thus far and you are wrong because you have no reading comprehension and embrace logical fallacies because you're a Star Wars fanboy and you suck at video games.


Nice try. Next.

Edited by Reedful
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Speaking from a professional gamer's standpoint, the game is simply unplayable. It is barely possible to outplay your opponents with a 2 second median reaction time. Olympic is .4, I'd settle for .8. It is hilarious how they were bragging about taking subscriptions away from World of Warcraft when anything in this game after the single player parts might as well have been made in 2003... by Blizzard, and then discarded so their game would actually be successful.


I can interrupt my own instant casts. There's at least a 1 second delay on every single one of my abilities(even instants not on the global) with a professional gaming computer and 3 MS. I live right down the road. You should hire me, throw away the Hero Engine and maybe we can fix your issues.




Say I'm CC'd by the door in Voidstar and I want to trinket to interrupt the cap - here we have a perfect example of how you've ripped off World of Warcraft almost to the letter with everything from the battleground style in this, "Warzone," to "Tenacity" AND it's cooldown, et al, holy moly.


So anyway, here I am playing a WoW clone, stunned by the door. I trinket(I am not going to call it Tenacity because it is a blatant rip off of World of Warcraft and it hasn't established a real name for itself.) Nothing happens. Nothing happens for almost an entire global. I am spamming Concussion Charge. At this point I have only casted Tenacity, which does not use my global and I have waited for 1.5 seconds. Finally, the game registers that I have casted my PvP trinket, takes the cooldown 2 seconds late, frees me from my CC and allows my Concussion Charge spam to activate the ability except I get knocked back, the UI tells me my instant cast ability was interrupted and my Resolve bar has already decayed to 75%.


There is no saying, "hehehe don't spam your abilities." There is no saying, "well I still like the game anyway!" There is no saying, "well if everyone has the same lag, it's balanced!"


Those are stupid excuses for a stupid problem. This should have never been released. This literally ruined the game for me and my entire organization. Have fun having less than a million subscribers in 6 months and then turning into EVE online. Yes I have the ability queue set to 0.0. And no, you're not playing the game without these problems: you're just a bad player with a slow reaction time.


Fact: Blizzard spent $63 million making World of Warcraft


Fact: BioWare does not own the Hero Engine


Fact: If you don't find some way to fix this, your game is dead. No matter what excuses all these Star Wars fanboys make, eventually Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2, Mists of Pandaria are going to bleed your game dry because those game companies don't think built-in lag is a cool feature.


Oh yeah, and are we going to be able to turn off camera auto-follow anytime soon, or is everyone being forced to have terrible awareness another cool feature?


Thanks for the $300 mil 1-50 quests I spacebar'd through, so long.


well said. completely agree as a competitve player.

from where i stand things are looking very bad for swtor, since it just looks like a game to feed on the name of Star Wars. Voice acting, space combat, cool animations mean nothing when you have built in lag. atleast the reddit guy said they are aware of this issue. well i know they are aware of this issue since beta :) dont get your hopes high folks, fixing a game engine that you havent programmed yourself is almost impossible.

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Sorry but any melee character with semi fast reflex using his off GCD interupt and defensive cooldown find himself "spamming" as hiting quickly 2 buttons. Not doing so on purpose to avoid getting bug is unaceptable.


Just try it, find some strong or elite caster mob, wait for him to cast a spell then trigger one of your ability and immediatly launch your interrupt. Doing this i get buged half the time.


I cant agree...Maybe in pvp..Which I still didnt experience much if at all...I was able to interupt during the Boarding Party last boss fight everytime I needed to...


And I aint saying we should accept bugs if there is away around it..Not saying that by any means if you read my post correctly...I'm just saying it helped...thats all

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This is one contradiciting reply,you say you dont have the problem then you say you do.



Wow...Yall just dont get it






Delay and no response are to different things...Try and put your thinking cap on and understand that home boy

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Now, I have quantified every statement I have made thus far and you are wrong because you have no reading comprehension and embrace logical fallacies because you're a Star Wars fanboy and you suck at video games.


Nice try. Next.


Because you apparently have the memory retention of a 5 year old, I'll requote your own words "I bring up EVE, "as a negative" because the game didn't make a lot of money and wasn't very successful in the long run


So I'll repeat myself, since it's obvious your WoW kiddie brain is a bit thick. Eve made tons of money and was a success by any measure.


You, on the other hand, spew WoW kiddie garbage at every turn and suck at posting.


So please stop.

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well said. completely agree as a competitve player.

from where i stand things are looking very bad for swtor, since it just looks like a game to feed on the name of Star Wars. Voice acting, space combat, cool animations mean nothing when you have built in lag. atleast the reddit guy said they are aware of this issue. well i know they are aware of this issue since beta :) dont get your hopes high folks, fixing a game engine that you havent programmed yourself is almost impossible.


Well now I will try it a bit different, yes there is bugs that might be hard to remove, but the flame of his post is that the gave will fail.

Well look at WoW as you say it as a competive player as you are, is that the main base of the players in WoW.

Not to my knowlage.


So will a game like this die of that reasson, I dont belive so. Will it be better if they fix it yes I will not disagree on that. It's more the way most competive players approch this issue.

That only of the ones I have seen.

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I agree with the overall point of the OP. Something needs to be done. I don't believe it will destroy a game, only prevent it from getting to "WoW" like status. (Which is honestly where I would LIKE to see SWTOR).


I have played all of the MMO's mentioned, and quite a few more. It is disappointing to me that the character responsiveness of DaoC (Released in 2001) is significantly better than this game.


I disagree with you on Rift. I played rift and MT'd raids. I don't think that character responsiveness is what stopped rift from being great. I personally think it was a lack of a good story, and extreme class imbalances that made others quit (possibly instance difficulty for some). I personally stopped when free server transfers became available and my guild broke apart. Character responsiveness was actually quite good in that game.


Aion on the other hand was bloody terrible with character responsiveness, and I believe that lent a hand in it's demise. Animations in that game would prevent you from even moving, and animation cancelling by jumping was a skill.


A simple fix to me as an outsider would be to make it like wow, daoc, or rift. Make the animations clip when you use a new ability. I have had this happen accidentally sometimes in swtor pvp, I'm not really sure how, and when it does I'm like WUHUU NEXT ABILITY COMIN' UP. It needs to feel like that all the time.


Is the game a little buggy? Yes.

Is it too early to unsub because of how buggy it is? Yes

Was wow this buggy on release? Damn right it was. Just different bugs. What they did successfully was they fixed their problems, and fast.


I also plead like the OP, please fix this, please allocate the resources necessary. Turn off slicing while you fix it if you're worried about it's balance still, and stop to address this very important issue.


I want to completely love your game, truly I do, and at the moment You, the developer, are the only one stopping me,

Edited by Nyliana
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first. im not sure where this 300 mill dollar thing came from, (link anyone?) Last number i read was like 30 mill.


on topic. I'm sorry you dont like it but ii highly doubt its something that can be fixed.

Go play Modern warfare if you want twitch gaming.


MMO's come from RPG's which were turn based, they will never be twitch. Wow was faster yes. AOC wasnt , Warhammer was fast. Everquest wasnt really. etc. etc.


I really dont see the point in complaining.


YOu stated you didnt like it. I'm sorry.


I have been having a blast in PVP. but then again i am a casual pvper, im lvl 36/valor 15 or so.

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Wow...Yall just dont get it






Delay and no response are to different things...Try and put your thinking cap on and understand that home boy




A) all(100% of) your abilities aren't keybound


B) you turn with your keyboard


C) you don't understand your damage rotation in its most basic form


any of those options apply to you, you aren't qualified to say whether or not you have the delay. Simple as that. If I just ran around and did a cool attack or spin-move sometimes, the game would probably be fine for me, too. Unfortunately, I expected the game to have a polished, smooth feel to its gameplay which, apparently, still isn't a standard feature even after 10 years of WoW clones failing because of the exact same issue.

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Because you apparently have the memory retention of a 5 year old, I'll requote your own words "I bring up EVE, "as a negative" because the game didn't make a lot of money and wasn't very successful in the long run


So I'll repeat myself, since it's obvious your WoW kiddie brain is a bit thick. Eve made tons of money and was a success by any measure.


You, on the other hand, spew WoW kiddie garbage at every turn and suck at posting.


So please stop.


What's with this "WoW Kiddie" term, by using it you immediately pay a severe price to anyone of intelligence reading it.


Also reedful in case you missed it, I'd like you to list some tournaments you attended and teamnames if possible before I add your contribution to the OP



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all the casual noobs who still don't understand the point of scoring in huttball will still play this game in spite of glaring flaws/glitches/imbalances/etc.


if people will play the abortion that was FFXIV, then they will play SWTOR - which is still FUN as a KOTOR sequel of sorts with a big chat room


The ball is in BW's court too so they can always make the game better.


don't forecast doom and gloom until we're a month or 2 in. then you'll get an idea of the kind of customer support for their game.


i played aion - which had awful support - so i won't be playing SWTOR if the devs take forever to deal with the game's flaws + the horrible community here who cannot deal with criticisms meant to better the game (take note: no improvements were ever made because a fanboy white knight'd a thread)

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