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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Did you not look at the videos in the OP? Or are you just in denial?


I've seen the videos, and in all of them he was either spamming, or getting pummeled which caused his abilities to get interrupted or prolonged. I know because it happens to me but I've learned to adapt and move on.

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More like, "I don't have your problem ANYMORE because I did these things."




Panic healing/attacking won't get you anywhere. You have to anticipate, use common sense, plan and use strategy.




They DO work when you press them. That is CLEARLY not an issue.


The animations can be interrupted or prolonged if your character is under stress of attack.


Not many bugs in the combat system that I've noticed.




This is why you anticipate. Panicking gets you NOWHERE. If someone is even at HALF health, heal. If the bar is even down just a BIT, heal. Because in terms of the cast time and animation along with any interruptions or prolonging that may come, their health would AT LEAST be halved, maybe more. It helped me, it should help you.




Sorry, but you have to learn to adapt. Just take the advice of someone who DOESN'T have your problem.


Can YOU understand that? Yes? No? Probably not.


You think pressing a button more then once while CC'd, to make the ability activate as soon as the CC ends is exploiting.


Still not hearing your reasoning as to why that is exploiting, everything else you are saying is white noise, until we get a good explanation for that.

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I've seen the videos, and in all of them he was either spamming, or getting pummeled which caused his abilities to get interrupted or prolonged. I know because it happens to me but I've learned to adapt and move on.


We don't want to adapt, we want a working, responsive and crisp game engine. Cheers.

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I don't know what all the fuss is about. I'm a high level player and I can't say the combat feels incredibly horrid. Considering the fact that the game just came out, it's in a better state than any other MMO I've ever played or tested, and that's quite a long list, believe me.


Sure, some bugs happen where I'll use Full auto after using my reload and nothing will happen, but the numbers still appear when they should and the damage is there.


I'm not saying you guys aren't right, but I don't think it's horrible nor do I think this should take priority over many, many features and bugs that are seriously horrid at the moment.


Ancient EQ had responsive combat controls a decade ago, you must only test games like warhammer and vanguard.

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Ancient EQ had responsive combat controls a decade ago, you must only test games like warhammer and vanguard.


How about WOW when it came out? You remember **** being responsive?


Cause I remember kneeling down at a *********** copper node for 5 minutes.



My point is, that **** will be tweaked and fixed as time goes by, it's no where critical in it's current state.

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How about WOW when it came out? You remember **** being responsive?


Cause I remember kneeling down at a *********** copper node for 5 minutes.



My point is, that **** will be tweaked and fixed as time goes by, it's no where critical in it's current state.


the swtor unresponsive combat feels exactly like warhammer, you think that is a coincidence?

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I've seen the videos, and in all of them he was either spamming, or getting pummeled which caused his abilities to get interrupted or prolonged. I know because it happens to me but I've learned to adapt and move on.


The door out of this thread is over there, it leads straight into solo-questing-pve-happy-land, its already open.

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We don't want to adapt, we want a working, responsive and crisp game engine. Cheers.


.5 sec? oh The HUMANITY! How dare bioware release a game in which you can't buttonmash your way to the top, hide your women and children lest they fait at the horrible sight waiting .5 sec.


as mace said ADAPT, dont play like WoW, this isn't wow so dont expect it to be like WoW.

buttonmashing wont get you anywhere so suck it up for now, maybe they'll "fix" it later but I, for one, have never had any problems with it, maybe because im not smashing the keyboard buttons in a fit of rage.

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I've seen the videos, and in all of them he was either spamming, or getting pummeled which caused his abilities to get interrupted or prolonged. I know because it happens to me but I've learned to adapt and move on.


What is the point of a GCD if it's not accurate? What is the point of castbars if there is a hidden delay independent of both the cast time and global cooldown? What is the point of the stat "ALACRITY"?


Load up the game, mount your speeder and try moving forward as soon as the cast bar (you know that thing that tells you when a spell is finished?) is done, see what happens...

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We have this wicked long thread with a lot of peeps arguing...I think its easy to figure out what needs to be done for those that are REALLY feeling the effects of it and it doesnt involve changing the combat system to an exact clone of WOW's...There is no need to attack or defend the combat system itself


1. Fix the sync of cast time, animations, and make sure it ends on time with the GCD


2. Fix the U.I so it responds perfectly when you hit the button


And thats that...If that means speeding up animations a .5 or full second so they end perfectly, then so be it...The U.I is definitely a different scenario but is obviously bugged the hell out for most of you


Some of us experience no response occasionally but even I have experienced that in WOW from time to time

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How about WOW when it came out? You remember **** being responsive?


Cause I remember kneeling down at a *********** copper node for 5 minutes.



My point is, that **** will be tweaked and fixed as time goes by, it's no where critical in it's current state.


Using your own full of stars language, you have no *********** clue what the **** you are talking about. WoW had deadlocking database issues with looting, not combat issues. You are confusing *********** apples with ****** oranges.

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.5 sec? oh The HUMANITY! How dare bioware release a game in which you can't buttonmash your way to the top, hide your women and children lest they fait at the horrible sight waiting .5 sec.


as mace said ADAPT, dont play like WoW, this isn't wow so dont expect it to be like WoW.

buttonmashing wont get you anywhere so suck it up for now, maybe they'll "fix" it later but I, for one, have never had any problems with it, maybe because im not smashing the keyboard buttons in a fit of rage.


Have you never played any video games besides WoW warhammer and swtor? all GOOD video games have responive combat.


ancient EQ did a decade ago.


Stop telling us it is ok for swtor to have unresponsive lagged combat because wow does not, that is a terrible argument.

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.5 sec? oh The HUMANITY! How dare bioware release a game in which you can't buttonmash your way to the top, hide your women and children lest they fait at the horrible sight waiting .5 sec.


as mace said ADAPT, dont play like WoW, this isn't wow so dont expect it to be like WoW.

buttonmashing wont get you anywhere so suck it up for now, maybe they'll "fix" it later but I, for one, have never had any problems with it, maybe because im not smashing the keyboard buttons in a fit of rage.


It has nothing to do with button mashing at all.

Edited by Meluna
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You think pressing a button more then once while CC'd, to make the ability activate as soon as the CC ends is exploiting.


Still not hearing your reasoning as to why that is exploiting, everything else you are saying is white noise, until we get a good explanation for that.


Spamming is exploiting. There's no two ways around it.


But more importantly, you have to learn to anticipate and think several moves ahead. Learn to use strategy and planning and learn to rework your plans when new situations arise.


This takes time and practice, NOBODY has a COMPLETE understanding of the combat system despite what they may tell you, we can only learn as we go and THIS is what I've learned.

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Where did the other 180 pages in this thread go?


Anyways I agree with the OP. Character responsiveness is the most critical part of an MMO and if this is not fixed SWTOR is going down the drain by this coming summer.

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Does nobody remember vanilla WoW and FAR more importantly early TBC... OMG what a mess! It was literally unplayable for many people for whole patches!


WoW has one major advantage over every other game... It has 7+ years of fixing fark-ups under its belt to make it look now like a beautiful thing...


Comparing this to WoW is like comparing a 13 year old middle school basketball phenom to Kobe Bryant, of course the kid isn't polished on that level yet but geez let the coaches train him a bit and we'll see.


WoW has had 7 years and something like 50+ content patches (not just major raid content patches) to tweak a little here and little there to get it just right. Im now flashing back to the AQ gate opening and worse yet the quest grind to get there... UGH...


Give them at least one major content patch before you all start screaming LOLHAMMER 2.0!!!!


This game in one week has already destroyed all other MMOs EVER, including WoW. Compare this to patch 1.01 WoW not 4.3 is all im saying.


Your analogy couldn't possibly be any more flawed. It's as flawed as any that I have ever read by the people saying that you cannot compare a game that has been existing for years to one that has just launched. I'm tired of it.


WoW was far from the product it is today when it launched. It was bugged, it was flawed, it had issues. Does SWTOR need to have these issues as well? Your 13 year old will have to go through the same training that Kobe Bryant went through, and he'll have to experience all the hardships of this training.


SWTOR doesn't need to be as flawed as WoW was. It's not a human being that needs training, it's a product made by a company that should have analysts working on examining the competition very closely when it comes to making design choices. Bioware had the rare chance of being able to look back at seven years of World of Warcraft and learn from it.


Yet sometimes, I think they were so enamoured with their own product, they didn't even bother to look outside. They have emulated lots of elements that WoW has - but they have also emulated elements that WoW once had - and which were removed or changed later, because they turned out to be not perfect after all.


Now, why does Bioware have to go through that at all?

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I love people who think that this isn't a crippling technical issue but a matter of changing your approach to the game, ie not button mashing, anticipating more, etc.


When you press a button, your ability fires later than it should, or not at all, and this creates an overall gameplay that is objectively less fluid than other popular MMOs of similar size and aspiration. These are facts. Disputing them means you either:


A. Do not have extensive experience with other AAA MMOs, namely WOW, which has the most fluid gameplay in the genre




B. Are blindly defending the game because you enjoy it.



TOR is not WOW, it is its own game. The thousands of People who are here posting WANT this game to succeed on its own terms, otherwise why bother posting at all? But TOR will absolutely be relegated to a second class MMO if they can't improve the most basic and fundamental functionality of the game.


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