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Patch notes are up...no merc nerfs???


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If it isn't Sorcs killing PvP, Skank Tanks or cheaters. It's now Mercs. Sheesh people get a grip, I went against a grp full of juggs the other day with 2 healers. Ha! killing one of them was like climbing Mt Everest, naked with one arm tied behind your back. Did I come here calling for nerfs? NO. I completed the match.


Screw calling for nerfs, deal with it and move on. It happens. Life's a *****, you don't always win.

Or we just nerf everyone, take away healers and remove anything defensive from all toons as it *may* upset someone in PvP.

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If it isn't Sorcs killing PvP, Skank Tanks or cheaters. It's now Mercs. Sheesh people get a grip, I went against a grp full of juggs the other day with 2 healers. Ha! killing one of them was like climbing Mt Everest, naked with one arm tied behind your back. Did I come here calling for nerfs? NO. I completed the match.


Screw calling for nerfs, deal with it and move on. It happens. Life's a *****, you don't always win.

Or we just nerf everyone, take away healers and remove anything defensive from all toons as it *may* upset someone in PvP.


I'm right there with you but people are now quitting if they can see the classes they're up against.

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I'm right there with you but people are now quitting if they can see the classes they're up against.


Simple solution, make a cap on advance classes per entry. No more then 3 of the same advanced class allowed on a team (2 for 4 vs 4), so if you enter a pug WZ there will be no more then 3 mercs, sith sorcs, jugs etc. This fixes everything.

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Simple solution, make a cap on advance classes per entry. No more then 3 of the same advanced class allowed on a team (2 for 4 vs 4), so if you enter a pug WZ there will be no more then 3 mercs, sith sorcs, jugs etc. This fixes everything.


I think that's an excellent idea. It might slow down matchmaking a bit as the system waits for players of other classes to enter the queue, but I think the benefits would be more than worth it. Getting a severely unbalanced team in a 4 v 4 or an 8 v 8 is no fun for the unlucky team.

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You could remove all stats, give everyone exactly 10000 HP, make all attacks do exactly 1000 damage with 30m range, remove all heals, stealth, buffs and stims in pvp and some people would still consistently win, and some would still consistently lose. Edited by HelinCarnate
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I think that's an excellent idea. It might slow down matchmaking a bit as the system waits for players of other classes to enter the queue, but I think the benefits would be more than worth it. Getting a severely unbalanced team in a 4 v 4 or an 8 v 8 is no fun for the unlucky team.


Yup, no one likes a 4 vs 4 when the entire team is full operatives (happened to me in 5.0 with stealth class improvements IT SUCKED because we had no stealth detection) or sith sorcs. Plus with the influx of PvP due to it giving nice chunk of CXP points and all it probably wont slow it down by much for matchmaking. With this everyone wins, and people wont be complaining about nerfs.


We can all agree that having a full team of 8 operative 3 of which are healers in an 8 vs 8 sucks to play against in 4.0 did they need a sever nerf no not really at all, they just need to make team matchmaking better so it doesnt happen that you play against a team of the same AC

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It's not a bug, it's a feature!


At least they're fixing the broken Powertech/Vanguard tank proc. That's been miserable to deal with.

Yep been miserable to deal with for sure. No mention of the VG Ion storm compared to the PT firestorm fix though. Ion storm does half the damage of firestorm.

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Please note the Patch Notes refer to a "Shay Vizla".


Is this Shae Vizla's twin sister?


Or more evidence that Bioware just doesn't care enough to get even the basics right anymore?



All The Best


All that over a dumb typo? Person who wrote it probably doesn't even play the game and never has. Not all people who work on a game actually play it, or even know the genre it comes from. Not really required to write a bit of code or type out a few patch notes. It's also why when people put in bug reports they need to be specific and assume the person on the other end doesn't know the game.

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Never fails. People think everything they aren't skilled enough to win against with 3 button mashing needs to be scaled down.


Do you jump into every thread to lend your virtual sword and shield against all criticism of EAWare? XD


Commandos/Mercenaries are definitely in a really sweet spot right now, especially in PvP. I understand why people want them nerfed.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Yup, no one likes a 4 vs 4 when the entire team is full operatives (happened to me in 5.0 with stealth class improvements IT SUCKED because we had no stealth detection) or sith sorcs. Plus with the influx of PvP due to it giving nice chunk of CXP points and all it probably wont slow it down by much for matchmaking. With this everyone wins, and people wont be complaining about nerfs.


We can all agree that having a full team of 8 operative 3 of which are healers in an 8 vs 8 sucks to play against in 4.0 did they need a sever nerf no not really at all, they just need to make team matchmaking better so it doesnt happen that you play against a team of the same AC


OMG that would suck. Stunned to death...ops stealthing away. That would be rage quit worthy. Although my first 4.0 go in pvp on my old laptop about 4 wKS ago went like this: defend the door. 8 mercs show up aND pummel us with their now gone aoe. All at the same time. My laptop could NOT handle it. It lagged horribly. I'm glad now that I have a bether one that can handle that much aoe.


(I say my 1st go at 4.0 pvp as I hadn't played pvp since 3.0)

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I think that's an excellent idea. It might slow down matchmaking a bit as the system waits for players of other classes to enter the queue, but I think the benefits would be more than worth it. Getting a severely unbalanced team in a 4 v 4 or an 8 v 8 is no fun for the unlucky team.


1 AC per Arena match, how about that?

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I main a commando, and understand the complaints. I have 3 abilities that can heal me an insane amount. Some fights, 3v1 for example, my commando lasts LONGER than my better Geared Immortal Juggernaut which I am far better at playing (i am terrible with the commando compared to Jugg) yet my commando is so...tanky with those heal abilities.


Now, I am not calling for a "nerf", as dps in general have too many dcds (defencive cooldowns) imo. It should go back to dps having one or two key dcds, no crazy healing ones, none that make them invulnerable. So if they mess up, they die. Rather than crutching on some ability that makes them invulnerable/able to escape, resist slows/roots, and pick up a healing powerup if available. It feels so cheap at times.


Please note: No, I am not "salty" because i have lost games and blame these changes, no. It is the opposite. I dont like how i can rush in with my dps commando, and sit there taking damage and healing whilst bursting. Surviving 3 decent players bursting me. Winning matches purely due to these abilities. It just feels too powerful. Also, yes, I play all the classes. Powertech/Sniper/Scoundrel/Shadow/Jugg/Guardian dps/Commando/Sentinel/Sorcerer. So far, commando/merc is the "Flavour of the month" by far.

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If only there was some way to see when they have their shield up and then some way for people to stop attacking them for a few seconds to prevent the merc/mando from getting healed that way. Its just stupid that the game requires everyone to keep on attacking someone when it ends up healing them. :D Edited by HelinCarnate
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