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5yr Veteran Anniversary Gift...a joke?


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Yeah! Give Founders a mount that's like one of those luxurious carrier wagons or whatchamacallits and have four Imperial or Republic footsoldiers carry them around! Or in-game BW dev NPCs, parading their Founder around on shoulder! Would look great at max mounting speed too..
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As it should be!


I remember my sub lapsed unintentionally once because I changed my credit card. I was locked out of all but 2 characters and was like, "what the hell?". I guess even if I had stayed subbed for 5 continuous years minus that one blemish it was all in vain. The prophecy of this statues was made 20 years ago. It was to be the culmination of my entire life's existence. All the sub money was for the glory of one day owning this virtual item. Now what am I to do? What is the point in living?

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Same here, my subscription only lapsed 3 or 4 months during those 5 years. The game is about to die over Galactic Command anyway, and now they're adding this as a slap in the face to the founders.

You don't qualify for an in game item, big whoop. After 5 years of exclusivity, I would like to have the collector's edition perks made available to the masses. We can't get everything we want.

Edited by StrangeDais
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founders who stayed subscribed continuously. which means unless they use rewards as their tracking method? if you let your subscription lapse even for a few days across these 5 years? no statue for jooo.


at times their crappy system would fail to renew your subscription. guess you dont qualify due to their screwup.

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I think my lapse was a total of about a month and a half? maybe 2 and a half. one being about a week maybe at a tail end of SoR, and most recent being during LvD drought, oh. I bet you, I bet you that's their subtle dig at people who took a break during this non event .


I had 1 day that I logged on and it decided I was preferred. I get the pref bundle on all new charcters. I had never unsubbed and I had to go into account management to reinput my cc data..but that counts as not having been a continuous subscriber

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Because the 20-30+ mails we get in game, each new character we make, don't make us feel like we got "enough" free stuff and that one missing reward will make us feel totally unloved and appreciated. :p


Never said we feel unloved. That's your own added drama. lmao


So much unbridled emotion over people asking for a ugly statue.

Edited by Radzkie
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We finally get to find out how many people who brag about being a sub since beta really have been. :)


because lapsing for even a day, means they don't get to make this claim anymore, even though its technically still true?


aka - seem my explanation for why some people want this statue. they would literally take ANYTHING they can to be able to lord it over other people who got excluded from getting it. no matter how janky. aaah, humans. never change.


Exactly it is a gift to those of us that have remained for 5 years and kept a subscription, since they never seem to give us anything else that sets us apart from everyone else.


CE edition got the VIP area only to the wristband sold by a vendor for 1m credits. The vendors up there have dont seem to get updated at all either.


uh. ViP band was never CE only not since day one. it was always purchasable, or accessible via deluxe upgrade. since day ONE (its just back then - one mil was a LOT harder to get) it didn't give you acess to any of the vendors then? it doesn't give you acess to any of the vendors - now.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Never said we feel unloved. That's your own added drama. lmao


So much unbridled emotion over people asking for a ugly statue.


That was just some added sarcasm, just to make light of all the tears and unbridled emotion. LOL


Your comment just gave me the jumping point to snark, that is all. :rak_01:

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uh. ViP band was never CE only not since day one. it was always purchasable, or accessible via deluxe upgrade. since day ONE (its just back then - one mil was a LOT harder to get) it didn't give you acess to any of the vendors then? it doesn't give you acess to any of the vendors - now.


It always gave you access to the VIP vendor but not the CE vendor. But the VIP vendor's inventory was changed to only the Tirsa Prime back in 2012 or so, so it kind of feels like 'no vendor'.

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I think they have a bit of a pickle here - if it's a super amazing reward, then thousands of players are frustrated.

If it's a very tame reward, then the few qualifiers might be disappointed.


Since there's probably more people who don't qualify, they went the latter route. I can't say I blame them.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. As it is, there are quite a few people who are upset that they won't get the statue because of a credit-card mixup or whatever--just imagine how many people would be upset about missing something really great.


I'm pretty sure I'll qualify, unless there was some kind of brief lapse in my subscription that I don't remember. If I do get the statue, I'll enjoy it, and I appreciate the thought. But for me, being a long-term subscriber has actually been pretty rewarding in itself. I have quite a few now-rare decorations and armor sets that I was able to buy on the GTN for almost nothing when the packs originally came out. Also, as other people have mentioned, I have a mailbox full of rewards on every new character. Sure, some of them aren't incredibly inspiring, but I've enjoyed most of them. I even like my Lucky 77 speeder, which pretty much everyone on the forums hated--my smuggler rides around on it all the time now.

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We finally get to find out how many people who brag about being a sub since beta really have been. :)


And how are you going to find that out, exactly? It's a deco. Nobody has to actually open their mail and retreive it, nobody has to actually use it (i.e., add it to their deco collection), nobody has to actually use it in a GSH, nobody has to let you into their GSH even if they are using, and even if you could inspect everybody's private and public GSH's, you have no way of telling which ones are owned by multiple character's of a single legacy or which ones in different legacies belong to the same account, not to mention that players can change the owner of a GSH (and it's title) at will, so any statistics you did obtain have little to no probative value.


At most you can get a rough count of people currently subbing that complain about not being able to get it (which, since you have no way of evaluating the veracity of those statements makes them as valid as counting the number of posters who say they got it).

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It always gave you access to the VIP vendor but not the CE vendor. But the VIP vendor's inventory was changed to only the Tirsa Prime back in 2012 or so, so it kind of feels like 'no vendor'.


yeah I phrased it badly. poster made it sound like getting that ViP band gave people acess to CE vendor.. which it didn't not. you just get to go up to the lounge essentially.


though I still don't regret that deluxe upgrade, even though I paid full $20 for it. toys were fun to play with, especially since at the time there weren't all that many toys in a first place, and mount was actualy pretty darn useful. credits were harder to get, so getting that little jump of a first mount was nice.

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....Do you ever have anything constructive to even add to the topics or do you just look to make any sort of statement opposite of the general sentiment of said threads??




You sure assume a lot Aeris. Although it's not nothing new from you. lol

I normally try to get the anniversary decos, so was just glancing when I read the small print. It is a very dumb looking deco to be such a "status" thing for the requirements. Hence my OP. Like Andryah & others have actually stated, it would make more sense to have been a mount, or something displayable instead of a decoration that most won't ever see, or even use.




IS that what you CALL it?! :eek: rofl


I'll have you know I disagreed along with the majority of the community with Bioware taking the DvL achievements and companions as well as making Lana cheat. :) See I do find fault with things Bioware does. It's simply that I find fault with the instant gratification doomsayers alot more often so I get erroneously mistaken for 'white knighting'. :o

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I seem to vaguely recall Aeris once saying she was studying psychology or something along those lines. Perhaps we're all just test subjects for a thesis of sorts. :rolleyes:


LOL doom & gloom has no business outside the pitt :p Surprised you remembered my mentioning that. IIrc it was over half a year ago in an argument with the Lord golden grump over why I didn't frequent the forums so often. :D

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It's not anything with substance- it's a shiny and those who've been here from day one have earned it. They aren't gating any important item behind having been subbed five years...


Yeah, pretty much this.


I probably won't qualify if they take the "continuous" too literal (and I actually wonder if the 30 days free sub in April 2012 actually count? if they don't because they've not been paid for, fecal's gonna hit the fan), I think it's pretty cool for those who qualify for it. No compromise, no ifs or buts.


I'd just feel bad for those who would have wanted but couldn't due to things way out of their influence sphere, like our Greek friends who faced sudden payment restrictions imposed by their government.

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They obviously don't know what "founder" means. I don't qualify either way, but if you played the beta, were subbed at launch, and were subbed at the time of the announcement, you should get the reward. If they don't want to do it that way, then don't call it a founder's reward. Call it a "loyalty" reward. If I started a company that went on for five years, I don't suddenly get my name removed from the founders list if I leave the company for any amount of time.
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They obviously don't know what "founder" means. I don't qualify either way, but if you played the beta, were subbed at launch, and were subbed at the time of the announcement, you should get the reward. If they don't want to do it that way, then don't call it a founder's reward. Call it a "loyalty" reward. If I started a company that went on for five years, I don't suddenly get my name removed from the founders list if I leave the company for any amount of time.

It's called the '5 year Distinguished Veteran Reward'.

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