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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

5yr Veteran Anniversary Gift...a joke?


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I'm pleased to say that I logged in today and I did get the reward. So apparently there is some small amount of leeway in there if your sub lapses. (Mine lapsed for less than 2 days because my credit card expired and I didn't notice.)


I'm guessing that their system checked on certain dates, maybe once a month, and if you were subscribed on the date they checked, then it counted.

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Yeah, I think my sub was only discontinued for a few days at the most because my card expired. When I had seen I went preferred, I went and restarted my sub with the new card within a day. And the only reward I've claimed for the 5th year anniversary was the...Galactic Alliance Statue. Of which you can only own and collect 1 of. That's kinda harsh. And I had gotten the Collector's Edition. And probably unlike most CE buyers, I still have the Malgus statue that came with it. So I'm feelin kinda jipped here.
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which is why suggestion to reward it based on total months subscribed was the fairest. I think it was on.. page 3 maybe? make it 56 months so that it leaves a bit of a leeway there for occasional lapse, while still requiring long term subscription and as a bonus? someone who may have missed founder, but stayed subscribed without break? would still qualify and feel rewarded.



Still wouldn't remove complaints:

"But I"m at 55 months!!!!"

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lol That's some stiff restrictions for a dumb looking decoration.


Did you really think that Bioware/EA would offer anything worthwhile as a reward? They're like the poster-child for worthless rewards. When's the last time Bioware/EA actually paid attention to its customers' expressed interests?


Now, a black core-white color crystal would be a fitting veteran reward, but we all know that's not going to happen.

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I was mistaken on my rewards. I could access the Anniversary Personnel vendor on fleet to get everything else for nothing. I wasn't aware at first that that's how you got everything. Anyway, while it's not exactly spectacular, it's not completely awful. Granted it's not very useful and I hardly think anyone does Conquest events anymore and most peoples strongholds would be clustered with items as is.


It would've been nicer if we could have more than just 4 active and gotten some new strongholds with the 5.0 drop and Anniversary. Like a place on Manaan and Voss. Or especially a place opening on Zakuul after completing KOTET. That would've been a most superb reward for people.

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friend has been a sub for the whole 5 years except for this month he had a prob with his card on star wars side, his sub was off for a few hours! contacted them today to ask if he was getting this deco, big nope........ he wont be comeing back next month.

Made me lol

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friend has been a sub for the whole 5 years except for this month he had a prob with his card on star wars side, his sub was off for a few hours! contacted them today to ask if he was getting this deco, big nope........ he wont be comeing back next month.

Made me lol


Good, they never honor there promotions or deals I wouldn't have either tbh

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Nice!! I haven't seen the statue but I'm glad they're recognizing founders on the anniversary of the game. I can't believe it's been five years already. I can still remember rolling my first toon and first starter planet. Here's to five more years!


I concur and I'm glad the forum isn't 100% filled with people who need to complain about every little detail.


Thanks for the recognition, Bioware!

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I let my sub relapse many times over the last few years. I was never subbed at launch so there was no way I was going to get it anyway.


I just wanted to pop in here and say that people who did get it paid roughly $900 for it. Congratulations! You got ONE big shiny piece of trash that NO ONE will ever see unless they go into your stronghold.

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I let my sub relapse many times over the last few years. I was never subbed at launch so there was no way I was going to get it anyway.


I just wanted to pop in here and say that people who did get it paid roughly $900 for it. Congratulations! You got ONE big shiny piece of trash that NO ONE will ever see unless they go into your stronghold.


Aren't we a paragon of good sportsmanship. :csw_jabba:

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I let my sub relapse many times over the last few years. I was never subbed at launch so there was no way I was going to get it anyway.


I just wanted to pop in here and say that people who did get it paid roughly $900 for it. Congratulations! You got ONE big shiny piece of trash that NO ONE will ever see unless they go into your stronghold.

Actually, I like it that way, at least it's not something that people can boast about.

If it's important for you, you will see it for yourselves, if you wanted to boast with it, well sorry for you.


If you think that people paid $900 for this, you must be kidding. They couldn't have possibly known that they will get this, hence, they paid for the game, this is just extra, and it being just a cosmetic stuff, it's value is purely a non-financial one.


And I agree that it's not much of anything, could have been much better, but compared to the exactly NOTHING that very long time subs got, it's a step up.

Caveat: I was not eligible for it.

Edited by Galahard
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Just so you know... my post wasn't a stab at the players who were awarded the deco. It was at Failware for giving out more trash as a "reward". Surely they could have come up with something better for you guys.


Well thanks a lot for the clarification. Now I have no jelly to enjoy with my toast. Harumph :mad:

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Just so you know... my post wasn't a stab at the players who were awarded the deco. It was at Failware for giving out more trash as a "reward". Surely they could have come up with something better for you guys.


They could have, and for the same low low price of nearly nothing creating that decoration would have cost. I wish they'd taken the opportunity of creating those new 'flair' things to make one up for the vets. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love decorating, but only a few of my friends are ever going to see the thing. Some flair you could choose to wear would be a nice way to show off a bit, while remaining perfectly cosmetic and giving no kind of advantage.

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It seems that Aussie subscribers may miss out. Most of us started playing with the launch of the Australian servers in March 2012. We were actively discouraged from starting on an American server (I can't recall now if we had to even re-route via a US IP to gain access). I am a founder from the Aussie launch and I have been continuously subbed since - but no deco. I will lodge a ticked and see what happens.


Have any Aussie founders received the deco?

Edited by DiamondDove
spelling mistake
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