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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Safe to say BioWare has the absolute worst customer service team EVER


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I paid to transfer my 8 main toons to a new server the day of early access. None of they got their credits for the credit conversion that day, and none of them got them on any subsequent days. I keep ALL my toons with $0 credits except for my main toon who has all my money, so I would notice.


After 2 weeks of nothing, they respond to my ticket and say this:


Thank you for contacting us in relation to missing out on credits on some of your characters from the conversions recently. I have looked into all 8 characters that you mentioned to me and have confirmed that all 8 of the characters received the credits prior to being transferred to the Jedi Covenant, if you logged in on them before the 3rd of December, or else on the Jedi Covenant if you did not. Apologies about the delay in getting back to you about this but I had to 100% confirm that this was the case and complete a full investigation about this. I ensured the correct amounts were added to each character. If there is anything else I can help you with please don't hesitate to contact me.


What a crock of crap. They didn't read my ticket or do any research, otherwise they wouldn't be using such vague nonsense language above (they'd know the exact date and time my toons transferred, and the date they supposedly got the credits). They each should have gotten the max of $2 mill, as I stocked each with 1000 basic comms, tons of WZ comms, and whatever Glowing and Radiant crystals they might have had. So essentially I'm beat for $16 million credits and/or the comms they stole from me. Thanks Bioware!


I just unsubbed; as soon as my playtime is out I'm done. These guys are pathetic man....


Can't wait for this thread to get deleted too. Everyone else please reply below with your nightmare tales of terrible Bioware customer service :rolleyes:

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Well. This is the same customer support that hands out bans and refuses to tell for what, because they "will not reveal their internal procedures." The ruleset is simple.


1) BW makes no mistakes.

2) If there is clear evidence of BW making a mistake, refer to Rule 1.

3) You should count yourself lucky that we allow you to give us money.



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I sent in a ticket almost a week ago and haven't heard anything. It's easily the worst customer support I have seen. Probably not the Customer Service department's fault. I'm guessing it's because EA has reduced the number of people and budget for support. So customer support is probably understaffed and underfunded.
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Yep, what Molly said.

There is at least one thread already started about this. Just open another ticket, be polite, & explain the situation. But don't put in the part about transferring as that might throw them off. Just be short & simple.


CS has been nothing but good to me, even my husband who's had tons of problems with his account & billing. They may not know everything, but they try to fix it asap. Even tickets get answered in a timely manner for me & hubby, most the time.


Just because one CS agent is bad, doesn't mean they all are. The phone agents are usually quite friendly & helpful.

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I've only had about half a dozen interations. One was a weird issue that tier 1 wasn't able to fix, but finally got to someone who took care of it. Latest was with my Armstech. I RE'd 140+ assembly components but didn't get the MK10 components. Took about a week, but they restored the original assembly components. Unfortunately I tried RE'ing a couple of them, still not yielding the MK10 components, but they did something at least.


Obviously experiences vary, but I've actually had good interactions overall.

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As far as I've heard, no one got their credits from the crystal conversion yet, so it likely had nothing to do with your character transfers.


One guy said he has to threaten to chargeback his 6 month sub and over $300 in CC purchases to even get someone to admit that they hadn't delivered his credits.


He had to threaten a $400 chargeback to get them to admit that there was a problem, they still haven't promised to fix it....



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As far as I've heard, no one got their credits from the crystal conversion yet, so it likely had nothing to do with your character transfers.


I got all my credits, and all the correct amounts, across 50 other characters on the date they said it was getting sent. The only people that didn't for me are the ones I transfered, which of course are the only ones that were STOCKED with comms. I even wasted like 2 hours consolidating all my Basic comms down to those 8 people the night before early access.... :mad:

Edited by MrsFen
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they used to be good. they haven't been good since.. SoR, I think its when the service started going downhill. becasue I remember being pretty happy with customer service around launc hand even during Makeb expac, but lately it was just... awful, whether you talk phone support, or in game tickets. sad :/
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I got all my credits, and all the correct amounts, across 50 other characters on the date they said it was getting sent. The only people that didn't for me are the ones I transfered, which of course are the only ones that were STOCKED with credits :mad:


From what I've heard from friends and guildmates, some people got their credits, and some didn't. It seems to be random. People can have alts that got credits and alts that didn't, all on the same account.


This doesn't surprise me at all. Every time EAWare puts together a script to push items or other rewards to people in game, it always seems to break. PvP rewards from past seasons, for example; some people who had never PvPed got the rewards at random, while people who actually got to the highest tier in ranked PvP that season got nothing.


Sounds like calling and threatening a chargeback might be a potential strategy, if that post above is to be believed.

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it always seems to break.


"If you get a bonus, consider it a plus. If you don't get it, consider it normal operating procedure around here."\


I've been burned 3 times now I believe.


Sounds like calling and threatening a chargeback might be a potential strategy, if that post above is to be believed.


I can't see it. We've seen too many "My account was closed when I did a chargeback!" threads here, elsewhere and with other games. Plus I believe the normal time period would be 3 months max for doing a chargeback.


But maybe the person got lucky.

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I can't see it. We've seen too many "My account was closed when I did a chargeback!" threads here, elsewhere and with other games. Plus I believe the normal time period would be 3 months max for doing a chargeback.


But maybe the person got lucky.


Oh, yes, your account will absolutely be shut down if you do a chargeback. When I worked at Blizzard, that was automatic, and I'm expecting EAWare would have a similar policy.


That said, EAWare probably isn't eager to not only lose past monies already paid, but also future sub/CM monies from that customer. So it might work, but only might.

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Tokens to crystals conversions overall have not gone smoothly it seems. Personally, I spent all mine before the patch, as simple math showed the returns were better if I took matters into my own hands rather then wait for the conversion process.


But to throw all of CS under the bus over a basic mechanics flaw in 5.0 is not very objective in my view. Some things that the devs mess up simply cannot be easily or actively addressed by CS.


I have needed help from CS 3 or 4 times over the years, and they always responded and did address the issue. Accurate, concise, and polite requests DO help too.


And of course right here on page one of general discussion, running parallel to this complaint thread ..... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=905820

Edited by Andryah
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Oh, yes, your account will absolutely be shut down if you do a chargeback. When I worked at Blizzard, that was automatic, and I'm expecting EAWare would have a similar policy.


True, and it is a policy developed and broadly applied across the gaming industy.... because..... of abuse.


If players did not resort to charge backs or threats to chargeback to try to force remedy or expedites, rather then following the process for support and remedy ... this would probably not be todays industry norm. Companies can of course dispute questionable charge backs, and would win in a good number of cases... but it costs them less in the end to just ban the account, take the loss, and move on. Plus there is a good amount of data that suggests people who do a chargeback will indeed do it again, and again, and again.


I really think players need to read their credit card companies terms and guidelines for chargebacks. They are meant to be applied ONLY when all other remedy and course of action has been pursued and failed. A measure of last resort, not first resort, or even second. Too many people jump the gun and try it too quickly and too frivolously. Yes, your credit card company will tend to lean on your side... but not if you are being totally frivolous with it. If you have a pattern of doing charge backs that get disputed... you may find yourself without a credit card.

Edited by Andryah
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I think their customer service use RNG :p because sometimes your issue get fixed in 2 days and everything is dandy ! and sometimes you will get unlucky and get a droid to reply to your ticket .


EA customer service for Origin and such is Far FAR FAR worse though . I contacted them about buying something trough Origin and I had to go through 4 peoples before I got an answer . And the main baffeling issue , was there didn't seem to be any communication between those who help . Guy Number 4 knew the answer , while the three others guy didn't know it and kept telling me ''we will forward your issue to engineer or something , hang tight! this shouldn't happen'' .


My issue ? I was trying to buy DAI from Origin as it came out . Guy number 4 told me you cant buy a game that just came out with a pre-paid master card . You can only buy old games with that .


I was like : why don't the others know that ? sheesh , update them on this !


The Secret World has the best customer service I ever seen . I've seen peoples complain in Game that they didn't have any issue , cose they wanted to talk to those guy again lol :p

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I think their customer service use RNG :p because sometimes your issue get fixed in 2 days and everything is dandy ! and sometimes you will get unlucky and get a droid to reply to your ticket .



I have had a very mixed bag of interactions with the Customer Service people. Some of them have been great, some have been barely literate and ignored my problem, and some of the time I just got their automatic boiler plate response from that protocol droid thing.


I have a theory about this. All the good CS experiences I've had, have been from representatives working out of their Ireland facility. Don't ask me why, but it's always been like that. Maybe they have a better office culture about how to treat the customer over there than in other EAWare locations?


EA customer service for Origin and such is Far FAR FAR worse though . I contacted them about buying something trough Origin and I had to go through 4 peoples before I got an answer . And the main baffeling issue , was there didn't seem to be any communication between those who help . Guy Number 4 knew the answer , while the three others guy didn't know it and kept telling me ''we will forward your issue to engineer or something , hang tight! this shouldn't happen'' .


My issue ? I was trying to buy DAI from Origin as it came out . Guy number 4 told me you cant buy a game that just came out with a pre-paid master card . You can only buy old games with that .


I was like : why don't the others know that ? sheesh , update them on this !



This is most likely the result of high turnover in the EA call centers. You keep losing people with experience, who already know the idiosyncrasies of the systems, and replacing them with brand new people who only know what they covered in probably no more than a week of training. Unfortunately there's not a lot to be done about that; high turnover is common in most--if not all--call centers.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I have had a very mixed bag of interactions with the Customer Service people. Some of them have been great, some have been barely literate and ignored my problem, and some of the time I just got their automatic boiler plate response from that protocol droid thing.


I have a theory about this. All the good CS experiences I've had, have been from representatives working out of their Ireland facility. Don't ask me why, but it's always been like that. Maybe they have a better office culture about how to treat the customer over there than in other EAWare locations?


This is most likely the result of high turnover in the EA call centers. You keep losing people with experience, who already know the idiosyncrasies of the systems, and replacing them with brand new people who only know what they covered in probably no more than a week of training. Unfortunately there's not a lot to be done about that; high turnover is common in most--if not all--call centers.


Same . The good experience I had with them , was when I called to France (I'm in Québec, Canada) . So I don't know what to think . They fixed my issue in 2 days as they promised and even told emailed me to let me know it was done .


But again , that was when Shadow Of Revan came out . I by mistake registred my expansion on a new account instead of this account , cose I was tired when I did it . They were very nice and changed it to the right account and deleted the new made account .


So maybe there are less peoples working for them ? Or maybe it depand on the issue ? or the day ? .

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