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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Command Rank 95 and I have yet to complete a set bonus.


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It's pathetic that Bioware has to stoop this sort of business to force people to do their material or even stick around in the game.


I think you will find, as will Bioware, that this has no hope of getting people to stick around in the game playing already well past stale content.


After Ben and Charles' trolling livestream I have not logged in once, and even though my sub runs out Dec 23rd I have no intention of logging in between now and then.


I know when someone is trying to take me for a fool, trying to scam me by telling me something is other than it actually is, and I will not be a party to that deception, to that lie.


RNG Command Crates are NOT there to create excitement, because no one but the most masochistic of individuals would derive excitement from being constantly conned and disappointed.


RNG Command Crates serve one purpose and one purpose only - to stretch out the grind to give the illusion of meaningful content and progression. It took just a few hours to clear the new content in KotET.


If someone wants to see what genuine content and progression looks like I suggest getting Orsinium for ESO - playing 4-6 hours a day it took me close on 12 days to clear all the new content there. And some of the storytelling was far better than anything we have seen since the original class stories.


All The Best

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I know how set bonuses work chief. I'm one of the few that realizes I could keep my old ones and still update my mods/enhancements. Seems 90% of the people are forgetting this obvious fact.


You know what? I've returned back from 2014. I have full ranked PvP and BiS PvE gear on my characters.


So, if I just change mods, I can keep my quite awesome set bonuses working and still get close to best gear at 70?

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I'm guessing I have been lucky. I'm CR 22 and got 4 total pieces. One being a duplicate and one on another character. The character that I got that one from is CR 5. Plus I have the 230 Devastating, FR and the Shrouded Crusader relic schematics. And lastly I got the schematics for the Adept Enhancement, Quick Savant enhancement, the Lethal mod and the Versatile armoring. And that is not counting all the schematics I got for the 230 gear that you can craft that isn't moddable.


I guess what I'm saying is that the RNG hasn't been too bad for me. And I am a person who was upset about the RNG implementation and hates it. But I can't sit here and lie and say that it hasn't been good to me. I'm now taking a wait and see approach to it instead of just full on hating the system.

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I'm guessing I have been lucky. I'm CR 22 and got 4 total pieces. One being a duplicate and one on another character. The character that I got that one from is CR 5. Plus I have the 230 Devastating, FR and the Shrouded Crusader relic schematics. And lastly I got the schematics for the Adept Enhancement, Quick Savant enhancement, the Lethal mod and the Versatile armoring. And that is not counting all the schematics I got for the 230 gear that you can craft that isn't moddable.


I guess what I'm saying is that the RNG hasn't been too bad for me. And I am a person who was upset about the RNG implementation and hates it. But I can't sit here and lie and say that it hasn't been good to me. I'm now taking a wait and see approach to it instead of just full on hating the system.


aka - I got mine, to hell with anyone else.


you got lucky. you are in a minority. me, i haven't gotten a single useful schematic (I don't consider schematics for non moddable 230 armor to be useful, personaly, and even though I got doubles off), mostly just orange shells and greens, few gifts. and I was lucky enough to get an offhand and a single tier piece. but there are far too many people out there, who haven't even gotten that much. and the clincher is - the "do what content you want" is a crock of bull unless you don't care about leveling GC. because the disparity between different types of content is enormous.

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XPacs been out for a little over a week. What's the complaint? Some people almost have full set bonuses already? Or is it that some people don't already have full set bonuses? What content -needs- full 230 gear with full set bonuses that can't be done with people in almost full set bonuses (or with full set bonuses but with one or two armor pieces @224 or even @208)? Is this system a "fail" because OCDers hate being OCDers? People need to take a bit of responsibility for themselves and stop blaming games for their problems, imo.
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Keep in mind the devs had the mindset that 1 crate takes 1 hour to grind, so another words, that's 100 hours of grinding and they still don't intend for you to be fully geared.


I'll be blunt. It takes far more then 1 hour to grind 1 crate unless your at the very beginning. Like level 1. Level 70 takes me 2-3 hrs of grinding PvP matches. (they need to give Operation players more).

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It's never ending crying on these forums there is a very good reason nobody who plays this game comes to the cesspool known as swtor general forums.


Amusing. If "nobody" comes to these forums, then why all the sudden is there a large percentage of players who normally don't post here, commenting, frustrated at this system? :rolleyes: Why is there the normal players commenting on the forums??

Stop speaking in absolutes. Contribute to the O.P. or just move on. Don't try to throw in junk just to aggravate players.


Oh please if the people crying they don't have a full set of gear after ten days they would be crying they gave a full set and nothing to do after ten days.


Days aren't even the issue dude. Understand that point. It's Command Levels/Rank. The higher the rank, the more hours they've spent in the game.

If a rank = one hour of game play time, as has been stated previously, then CR 95 = 95 hours of play time. Same with CR 101 or CR 130.

To not have decent gear to show at that rank/play time is beyond ridiculous. It's sheer idiocy on the Devs part. Irregardless of what you think the player base wants or will do if they're geared up.

Gearing in simple set bonus gear, e.g. SM set bonus gear pre 5.0, shouldn't take 100+ hours of game play. HM gear & NiM gear, yes should take longer, but still nowhere near 300 hours of game time.

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XPacs been out for a little over a week. What's the complaint? Some people almost have full set bonuses already? Or is it that some people don't already have full set bonuses? What content -needs- full 230 gear with full set bonuses that can't be done with people in almost full set bonuses (or with full set bonuses but with one or two armor pieces @224 or even @208)? Is this system a "fail" because OCDers hate being OCDers? People need to take a bit of responsibility for themselves and stop blaming games for their problems, imo.


Hmm guess you've not bothered to read any of the previous posts, the OP's O.P. or any of the other threads stating the same stuff.


The complaint is that after hours of game play, they've yet to get a decent set of gear. NOT a complete set mind you, but just a 2 or 4 piece set bonus set of gear.

As has been stated 1 command rank is supposed to equal 1 hour of game play (we know that's not the case as it takes longer, but just for arguments sake since that's what Eric stated, we will go with that.).

At command rank/level 95 you have played for 95 hours in game, to not have a 2 piece, 4 piece or more set bonus set of gear is ridiculous. Keep in mind also this is not HM or NiM gear set bonus either, but simple SM style set bonus gear.

There are others who have a lot higher CR & have yet to have even a decent set of gear, not including set bonus gear.

Therein lies the problem. If you're going to invest that much time into the game, just so you can play harder content, you need to be rewarded with the gear that will allow you to play the harder content. As it stands, that is not happening.

That's the complaint.

It has nothing to do with being OCD or not being OCD.

There is nothing that the players need to accept the responsibility for about gearing. This is all on the Devs at doing a bad job at trying to entice players to play a game without introducing new content aside from reskins basically.

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Oh please if the people crying they don't have a full set of gear after ten days they would be crying they gave a full set and nothing to do after ten days.


I would be fine with a long gear grind. Absolutely fine with it, so long as I knew that X effort would reach Y result at Z point down the road. I agree 4.0 was really abuseable in terms of BiS gearing, what with EV and KP HMs being in the highlighted HM weekly rotation. So the idea of slowing progress in that regard is just peachy to me.


That said, I am not at all fine with a random gear grind. I want to know that if I put effort in, I will get a reward. Just by the nature of probability and the bell curve sort of graph that forms from randomly generated results, some people may NEVER get even one piece of set bonus gear at any tier, while some may have BiS pieces showering down upon them. The fact that the amount of effort you put in has no bearing on how likely you are to get a good RNG result--because it's random by definition--is the part I object to.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Not gained a set piece but completed? There are people over level 110 that have uncompleted sets. Once they set an average level for completing theirs, then you complain about not having yours.


The grind is working as intended. You can be assured that you will have completed both of your sets within the next three years. Well, not actually assured, but there's a good probability.


Have you tried sacrificing to the RNG gods? I hear they especially enjoy devouring spoiled kids who expect instant gratification a few days after the release of a major game update. Oh, wait...that describes...um...


You may want to hold off on the sacrifice thing.

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Amusing. If "nobody" comes to these forums, then why all the sudden is there a large percentage of players who normally don't post here, commenting, frustrated at this system? :rolleyes: Why is there the normal players commenting on the forums??

Stop speaking in absolutes. Contribute to the O.P. or just move on. Don't try to throw in junk just to aggravate players.




Days aren't even the issue dude. Understand that point. It's Command Levels/Rank. The higher the rank, the more hours they've spent in the game.

If a rank = one hour of game play time, as has been stated previously, then CR 95 = 95 hours of play time. Same with CR 101 or CR 130.

To not have decent gear to show at that rank/play time is beyond ridiculous. It's sheer idiocy on the Devs part. Irregardless of what you think the player base wants or will do if they're geared up.

Gearing in simple set bonus gear, e.g. SM set bonus gear pre 5.0, shouldn't take 100+ hours of game play. HM gear & NiM gear, yes should take longer, but still nowhere near 300 hours of game time.


Because that's a lie made by the couple dozen forum warriors since they've been called out. The other day on the big cry thread 20 POSTERS had almost 200 out of 300 post!!! Oh yeah all the "new" poster lol


Yeah I'll post how and when I want if you don't like the FACTS I put out too bad. I see you are in all whatever the couple of dozen whiners on here tell you to whine about.

Edited by Furh
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Because that's a lie made by the couple dozen forum warriors since they've been called out. The other day on the big cry thread 20 POSTERS had almost 200 out of 300 post!!! Oh yeah all the "new" poster lol


Yeah I'll post how and when I want if you don't like the FACTS I put out too bad. I see you are in all whatever the couple of dozen whiners on here tell you to whine about.


If you want to claim facts, bring proof. Otherwise it's just another opinion.


I know one guy who posts a lot in his very own whine thread...Aowin. Of course he's whining about people whining...well according to him at least.

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Because that's a lie made by the couple dozen forum warriors since they've been called out. The other day on the big cry thread 20 POSTERS had almost 200 out of 300 post!!! Oh yeah all the "new" poster lol


Yeah I'll post how and when I want if you don't like the FACTS I put out too bad. I see you are in all whatever the couple of dozen whiners on here tell you to whine about.


Hmm really now? Show me that proof.

What big cry thread are you talking about? New posters = the ones starting new threads & when you check their history they've only posted maybe once since their account has been created. Not talking about the main forum goers. So you might want to ease up on that.


IF you put out facts, instead of emotionally charged responses, it might garnish a better debate. But instead you keep steeping to ad hominem attacks & general assumptions with no basis of facts around.

Your last sentence makes no sense either. Might want to fix that.

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Because that's a lie made by the couple dozen forum warriors since they've been called out. The other day on the big cry thread 20 POSTERS had almost 200 out of 300 post!!! Oh yeah all the "new" poster lol


Yeah I'll post how and when I want if you don't like the FACTS I put out too bad. I see you are in all whatever the couple of dozen whiners on here tell you to whine about.


I'm one of those people showing up to the forums who don't usually post. I spent most of my 5 years with this game never touching the forums. I've seen other people posting on here whose post history shows they don't post here regularly either. So your 'facts' aren't all that accurate and you're the one spreading lies. :D

Edited by AscendingSky
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Oh please if the people crying they don't have a full set of gear after ten days they would be crying they gave a full set and nothing to do after ten days.


Well it's not like any of us have alts, or dual spec in content. /s


Seriously, how bad does this system have to become before you finally see that it's a hinderance, it isn't exciting getting yet another green earpiece when your crafted one is better (I've seen 3 so far, each one disintegrated).


The system is attrocious. I can't sum it up any better than that.

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Here's what irritates the hell out of me, which I see as an upcoming reality for a lot of players.


A guy slogging through Tier 1. Ends up with a 230 Set piece bracer. does not get another set piece from Tier 1.


Hits 101 and is now working on Tier 2, RNG is with him throughout the Tier 2 grind, and he gets 3 240 set pieces, and nothing else.


Grinds all the way to Tier 3. The CXP levels are coming slower and slower, he finally gets a 244 set belt.


My worry, you have to intentionally gimp yourself wearing different ratings on your armoring (230/240/244) if you want a full set bonus, while trudging slowly through the last tier hoping you'll end up with replacement pieces for the pieces you already have with a lower rating, if you want to min/max your gear.

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Eh I think the easy fix they'll end up doing is to have a vendor that has GC rank requirements. So it'll be like reputation vendors, in that you'll be able to purchase a set when you hit a certain rank.


I guess whatever the tiers are in GC...after you finish the GC climb to tier 2, it would make sense for the vendor to let you purchase the tier 1 set. Or maybe earlier...not really sure how it'd be calibrated, I leave that to the pros.


Yeah I wouldn't leave that to the pros, they were the ones that come up with this clusterf.

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Here's what irritates the hell out of me, which I see as an upcoming reality for a lot of players.


A guy slogging through Tier 1. Ends up with a 230 Set piece bracer. does not get another set piece from Tier 1.


Hits 101 and is now working on Tier 2, RNG is with him throughout the Tier 2 grind, and he gets 3 240 set pieces, and nothing else.


Grinds all the way to Tier 3. The CXP levels are coming slower and slower, he finally gets a 244 set belt.


My worry, you have to intentionally gimp yourself wearing different ratings on your armoring (230/240/244) if you want a full set bonus, while trudging slowly through the last tier hoping you'll end up with replacement pieces for the pieces you already have with a lower rating, if you want to min/max your gear.



Edited by ottomadduxone
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aka - I got mine, to hell with anyone else.


you got lucky. you are in a minority. me, i haven't gotten a single useful schematic (I don't consider schematics for non moddable 230 armor to be useful, personaly, and even though I got doubles off), mostly just orange shells and greens, few gifts. and I was lucky enough to get an offhand and a single tier piece. but there are far too many people out there, who haven't even gotten that much. and the clincher is - the "do what content you want" is a crock of bull unless you don't care about leveling GC. because the disparity between different types of content is enormous.




Ummmmmm....no. That isn't what I said at all. I said that I got lucky. And that I would take a wait and see approach. I don't like the way CXP is set up at all. Hell. I think it was the biggest waste of resources cause I liked the previous system. If anything, this should have supplemented it. It needs a revamp because it's stupid that the best way to gain CXP is to farm KP SM trash.


So don't put words into my mouth that I didn't say.

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Hmm really now? Show me that proof.

What big cry thread are you talking about? New posters = the ones starting new threads & when you check their history they've only posted maybe once since their account has been created. Not talking about the main forum goers. So you might want to ease up on that.


IF you put out facts, instead of emotionally charged responses, it might garnish a better debate. But instead you keep steeping to ad hominem attacks & general assumptions with no basis of facts around.

Your last sentence makes no sense either. Might want to fix that.



that was the argument he was trolling on the harb roll back thread. looks like he lifted it and tried it here...not very original

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