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Command Rank 95 and I have yet to complete a set bonus.


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Not defending the RNG, but it's only been just over a week and you're complaining that you haven't got a full set already?


Week, two weeks. That doesn't matter when someone grinds 100 levels or more. Number of boxes opened matter more.

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This is not a shocker. Once I hit rank 50 with only two set bonus peices I realized that my chances of getting a complete tier 1 set was slim to none. I wouldnt be shocked if I never got a complete set of any tier. Good thing I dont take this game seriously anymore. Lmao


Crafting is going to end up being the way to gear, for mods, enhancements, mainhand and offhand at least. I may have to drop my set bonus armorings for crafted armorings at some point but we'll see. My guilds farming some NiM bosses and HMs for schematics now, not cxp. Hahaha...


Basically its not going to be possible to rely on GC crates to gear.

Edited by Radzkie
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Week, two weeks. That doesn't matter when someone grinds 100 levels or more. Number of boxes opened matter more.


Keep in mind the devs had the mindset that 1 crate takes 1 hour to grind, so another words, that's 100 hours of grinding and they still don't intend for you to be fully geared.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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Keep in mind the devs had the mindset that 1 crate takes 1 hour to grind, so another words, that's 100 hours of grinding and they still don't intend for you to be fully geared.


Getting one crate an hour does not happen after a certain rather low point. Every rank takes more points than the previous one.

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Getting one crate an hour does not happen after a certain rather low point. Every rank takes more points than the previous one.


I know that's not how it works and everything due to KP grinding and all that, but someone claimed at around level 58 cxp you only go up 10 xp needed to get the next crate, so it would stable out around there. Regardless if working or not, they still intended for this incredible grind fest.

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I wouldn't expect to complete a new set bonus by rank 95. I of course still have my old armorings until I do get one.


Same, my main still holds on his 6 old piece till I can replace the 6 of them at once but I feel bad for someone who still needs set bonus because what we got is beyond stupid. I wouldn't say that RNG has been bad for me, I already have a 4-piece set bonus ready, 2 implants and 1 ear piece at rank 60 or so. Yet I am starting to see the limitation and the absurdity of that system, I already got 2 duplicates and my fear has come true: I suddenly realized that there were a ton of relics and that it would take forever to get the couple I want. Case in point, I just got my first relic last night and it was a useless one.


So as much as GC has been quite nice to me, this system sucks big time and needs a revamp yesterday. How hard was it to reward 1 token for each rank and have a vendor selling all the pieces for this currency?! So that we can actually choose what we need. Isn't it the point of gearing?!

Edited by demotivator
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On the flip side, I got my first set piece, looked at the set bonus and like so many sets the bonuses are lackluster to utterly pointless. All this focus on set bonuses, just like WoW, which has the same problem, some sets are OP, others are total garbage. Would be better just to remove sets and set bonuses entirely and balance everything around not having them.
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How do you still defend such a thing when you know how bad the results are?


Because it's not that bad. Sure, some are luckier than most, but the thing people keep forgetting is the cap is like lvl 300 and bio said the chance of gear drops increases evermore the closer you get to max. 95 out of 300 is just scratching the iceberg. Eventually people will reach levels where gear is a guaranteed drop.


Well you seem to be more fortunate than most so of course you wouldn't mind as much.... Not to mention... do you do anything where you actually NEED the gear, like operations and pvp? or simply story.


Not really. I do sm flashpoints & uprisings sometimes, but nothing that really requires gear of that level. It's a help no doubt, but unnecessary in my activities.

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And that right there demonstrates why RNG gearing fails.


Yet you continue to claim it is a good thing.





All The Best


Like I said to peter, the max level is 300. The percentage of gear drop increases the closer one gets to that max. Eventually that gear is going to come no matter what. Just because some are luckier to get their earlier than others doesn't make it a bad system. In the early days of wow I remember only 2% were able to achieve the ultra rare orange gear drop no matter how hard everyone else was grinding for it. Simply because those people were luckier than the majority didn't make it a bad or unfair system.

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Because it's not that bad. Sure, some are luckier than most, but the thing people keep forgetting is the cap is like lvl 300 and bio said the chance of gear drops increases evermore the closer you get to max. 95 out of 300 is just scratching the iceberg. Eventually people will reach levels where gear is a guaranteed drop.


There's 3 tiers in this system, for you to go through A ENTIRE TIER without completing a set is ridiculous and should be changed.


Not really. I do sm flashpoints & uprisings sometimes, but nothing that really requires gear of that level. It's a help no doubt, but unnecessary in my activities.


Well of course you don't need to worry about the drops, you have bolster to take care of yourself and don't relatively need it with how easy most of the story is. You don't need refinement in rotation, timing, postioning, awareness, or to know mechanics, and for us mere mortals some of us need gear to make up for some of our faults. To say everyone needs to adopt a carelessness attitude when you yourself don't really need to invest the time into the system is a bit... funky.

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Because it's not that bad. Sure, some are luckier than most, but the thing people keep forgetting is the cap is like lvl 300 and bio said the chance of gear drops increases evermore the closer you get to max. 95 out of 300 is just scratching the iceberg. Eventually people will reach levels where gear is a guaranteed drop.


That also depends what the set gear is sharing a loot table with. I have this suspicious feeling that the set gear shares the same loot table as the relics, mh/oh, schematics, and possibly the purple jawa junk. In other words, all purple items share the same loot table so while your chances to get a piece of gear improves as you go higher the question becomes what do you actually have a chance in getting.


Of course, this still doesn't rectify the problem of getting nothing but duplicates even if the set gear doesn't share a loot table with anything.

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Ah man it's 10 days into the xpac and I don't have a full set




Ah man it's 10 days into the xpac I have a full set and there is nothing to do.


It's never ending crying on these forums there is a very good reason nobody who plays this game comes to the cesspool known as swtor general forums.

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My expectation of this system is by the time you reach Command Tier 2 (Command Rank 90-100) to receive tier two gear you should be relatively close to fully geared in Tier 1........


Meaning a moderately "Lucky" player has full tier 1 gear by the time they are eligible for tier 2 in the Command Rank system....A person of "Poor" luck is a piece or two short (12 or 13 pieces)....and so on.


That said....this is clearly not the case. Seems funny they made three tiers of gear and many players will never get the chance to wear most of it....

Edited by Soljin
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My expectation of this system is by the time you reach Command Tier 2 (Command Rank 90-100) to receive tier two gear you should be relatively close to fully geared in Tier 1........


Meaning a moderately "Lucky" player has full tier 1 gear by the time they are eligible for tier 2 in the Command Rank system....A person of "Poor" luck is a piece or two short (12 or 13 pieces)....and so on.


That said....this is clearly not the case. Seems funny they made three tiers of gear and many players will never get the chance to wear most of it....

that would mean that i should get at least 10-11 pieces within the next 50 crates.......... i'll get back to u when i get htere, but knowing my RNG luck, i'll be lucky if i get a second set piece before i reach tier2

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Not defending the RNG, but it's only been just over a week and you're complaining that you haven't got a full set already?


Erm, are you oblivious here?


These people have rank 95. How many hours played is that? Most people surely don't play quite that much. And at which rank do you start getting tier 2 gearboxes? So what's the point of tiers if you cannot even complete them before you start on the next one?

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Erm, are you oblivious here?


These people have rank 95. How many hours played is that? Most people surely don't play quite that much. And at which rank do you start getting tier 2 gearboxes? So what's the point of tiers if you cannot even complete them before you start on the next one?


Oh please if the people crying they don't have a full set of gear after ten days they would be crying they gave a full set and nothing to do after ten days.

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Well, looks like I'm going to have to be satisfied with crafted purples, because there is no way I'm going to waste time grinding through a system for hours on end that doesn't reward the effort.


It's pathetic that Bioware has to stoop this sort of business to force people to do their material or even stick around in the game. They no longer understand what fun is, and that fun, is what they're in the business of providing.

Edited by Lunafox
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Oh please if the people crying they don't have a full set of gear after ten days they would be crying they gave a full set and nothing to do after ten days.


They must be pve peasants. There's a ton to do for PvP


We have been able to fully gear up within a week in the past. RNG failed in that respect.


3 set bonus armorings received at rank 13, 18, 21 and I started getting doubles at rank 30, 42

Started a 2nd jugg tank to improve my chances and get crates faster.

2 more set bonus doubles.


In total I have received 4 bracers and 2 pairs of boots. But only 1 helmet.


Ranks 48, 28, and 15 on 2 jugg tanks and my operative healer. The healer has none and is still using 4.0 armorings

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Oh please if the people crying they don't have a full set of gear after ten days they would be crying they gave a full set and nothing to do after ten days.


Only if there is nothing to do. Like no new planets. No new dailies. No new ops. No new PvP maps.


Stuff like that.


But since this whole expansion is nothing more than a command crate grind, you have a point.

Edited by Piepyr
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There's 3 tiers in this system, for you to go through A ENTIRE TIER without completing a set is ridiculous and should be changed.


Not when there is no promise of it. There is a promise of the chance percentage reaching higher and higher the more levels you obtain, but there was never a promise that people would have full sets by tier 1. Only instant gratification demands that.



Well of course you don't need to worry about the drops, you have bolster to take care of yourself and don't relatively need it with how easy most of the story is. You don't need refinement in rotation, timing, postioning, awareness, or to know mechanics, and for us mere mortals some of us need gear to make up for some of our faults. To say everyone needs to adopt a carelessness attitude when you yourself don't really need to invest the time into the system is a bit... funky.


Everyone should adopt a careless attitude. People get too aggrieved over the silliest of matters. Time to stop getting worked up over non definitive possibilities. There is no point in getting worked up hoping every box opened will contain a piece of gear, only to be even more disheartened when it turns out to be something else. There was never any promise every box would so no need to invest such expectation into it. Just relax, accept every win & loss with gratitude and let good things come in their own time. Stressing out because unfounded gratification isn't coming quickly enough helps no one and nothing. People will get back into the ops & hm fps in time. They haven't gone anywhere in the last half decade and I doubt they'll be going anywhere anytime soon. :o

Edited by Aeristash
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