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The Way Forward- No More Chapters


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The chapter system you are using to tell the story can be fun short term but it cannot be the way forward. This game is losing what it once had and in order to revive it you need to go back to your roots.


Drop the chapter system and go back to open, unique, class driven story lines. Let us go back to all the planets that we grew to love in the past except this time it is post war.


Send us to Coruscant to aid in rebuilding the Republic. Send us to Tython to re-establish the Jedi Order. Let us quest on Corellia as pirates attempt to overthrow what remains of the shipyards the Republic desperately relies on.


Allow both factions to go to specific planets, open world- non instanced with full story lines as it was in the original game. That is what we need. We need to advance the story and feel as if we are a part of the galaxy.


With the chapter system I finished it I became Empress and then...nothing....Nothing changed.


Please, reopen the galaxy, remake the existing planets to post war instead of worrying about making a brand new planet for 1 hour of content. If you do this this game can be great again.

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BioWare stopped doing class stories because they aren't fiscally or practically feasible. It's not that they don't want to continue those stories. BioWare is literally unable too. The KOTFE/KOTET chapter format is the new standard for storytelling in SWTOR and it's not going anywhere. It's far better than what we got with ROTHC and SOR.
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It would be possible to make a season of 3 chapters per class, one faction per year. It would ot take any more effort or cost than Kotet and would certainly be more unique. with decent writing story could be written in a way that every hero (class) plays a different role in the bigger story and each hero's perspective takes 3-4 chapters. Instead of alerts we could have short companion quests. Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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If I could I'd execute all the ex-pubs under my command then take over the Sith Empire (kill or marry the Empress) and merge Zakuul into it. Making my Empire the largest in the galaxy. Then go back to crushing the republic. Edited by Radzkie
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If I could I'd execute all the ex-pubs under my command then take over the Sith Empire (kill or marry the Empress) and merge Zakuul into it. Making my Empire the largest in the galaxy. Then go back to crushing the republic.


This was my plan too.


I was hoping for a evil/good and neutral choice at the end. Thats why I chose a certain option with Shae vizla for after zakuul was defeated.

I wanted some mass executions of Jedi on odesson

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You can make 8 chapters accessible to 100% of the characters or 1 chapter accessible to each separate advanced class for the same effort.


It should be no surprise why they've chosen the route they are taking, asking for something different will not happen, get over it.


I don't care why they do what they do. If I don't like the game I won't play it and that's pretty much where I'm at right now. So yeah, I am over it. A lot of people are.

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Class story is wonderful, I would prefer that in the way that we first got it, that would be great, but sadly I think that ship has sailed and the way we're getting story now, is how its going to be, and I'd rather this than nothing at all.


No story = me going bye bye forever. :(

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BioWare stopped doing class stories because they aren't fiscally or practically feasible. It's not that they don't want to continue those stories. BioWare is literally unable too. The KOTFE/KOTET chapter format is the new standard for storytelling in SWTOR and it's not going anywhere. It's far better than what we got with ROTHC and SOR.


Agreed. It gives the story driven aspect back to the game.

I even though the way they did pop ups for side quest instead of dialogue was a lot smarter too. Vanilla SWTOR was their first MMO and they took on a lot. An overwhelming lot.

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Even tho I love the class stories and I hope one day they can expand on them, I still somewhat like the new storyline but I wish if they open some of the worlds for explorations and questing. Nathema is amazing its like Ziost, wish if I can explore it more and do missions in there.


Doesn't making the existing planets react to post war be redoing the entire planet? will probably cost a lot. Since Bioware probably can only work on either story or group content at a time, probably have a small staff/budget.

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You can make 8 chapters accessible to 100% of the characters or 1 chapter accessible to each separate advanced class for the same effort.


It should be no surprise why they've chosen the route they are taking, asking for something different will not happen, get over it.


I agree. I think the 8 class stories were a mistake because most people would play maybe 2-3. That means potentially 6 classes' worth of story that they would miss out on.


I just wish there was something for story fans to keep doing. 25 chapters, if you do 1 chapter per day, by the time you finish Veteran mode, Master difficulty would be opened.


After that, what else do you do? I guess the selfish part of me wants the devs to do more to keep me subbed. Maybe Master can have extra bonus objectives? A "story reputation" for us to grind? Master needs extra carrots.


Or are they happy for us to just sub for a few months, unsub, and be happy to see us again at their new expansion?

Edited by ConradLionhart
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As I am sure others have pointed out op your idea is exactly how this game got into trouble at launch. It is also the reason why every single expansion is generic to the core for every single class.


They went full on with voice and individual chapters for each class. In exchange the game was not finished at launch, lacked any sort of sand box, had a ton of bug and lag issues at the Illum faction world pvp area, none of the armor sets seen in the cinematic were in the game, and everyone was going through shock from what they expected, and what they got. They bet everything on voice and individual chapters and lost big time.


Chapters are chapters but before they forgo chapters they need to get the story back to Empire vrs Republic. Dump the eternal throne/fleet into a dark abyss never to be used ever again. After that to improve the end game. Get rid of arenas, get rid of the cross faction warzone, and bring back 8 person qs for ranked warzones only. Though the arena lovers would argue differently the fact is arenas was just another nail that harmed swtor. The one chapter with a full scale war on voss, something like that for a faction world pvp zone would be awesome. GSF needs to have gunships dumped or brought more into line with other craft. They need to solve the raiders progression problem. Honestly given the direction they want to go, the last is not going to be easy to solve.


Ask 100 people about the suggestions I just made and 90 percent of them will say no way. Simply because of the forum posters here are looking out for there class, for what they want, and not the whole. So for right now lets see what the devs have in mind. Betting the farm again on voice and individual class stories bad idea.

Edited by CrazyOldMystic
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I agree. I think the 8 class stories were a mistake because most people would play maybe 2-3. That means potentially 6 classes' worth of story that they would miss out on.


I just wish there was something for story fans to keep doing. 25 chapters, if you do 1 chapter per day, by the time you finish Veteran mode, Master difficulty would be opened.


NO. just NO. yeah it may seem that 8 stories is too much at first, but eventually we all get to them. and they are all awesome, admittedly some more so than others, but at least it's FUN to level an alt, experience something different. whereas in kotfe/kotet u do one toon through chapters and u know exactly what to expect when u decide to lvl another one. where is the fun in that? At the VERY least i expected there to be differences for rep / imp walkthrough, but nope, couldn't even manage that much. THe chapters are awesome........... when you do them the FIRST time. and once you do them on 2-3 toons, most people don't ever want to do it again. because there is no difference. it doesn't matter if you are a jedi or a bounty hunter, if you are chiss or human, if you are male or female, republic or imp. You do all the same things in the same order. Why? why the hell would they think that it's okay to have ALL races, ALL classes, BOTH factions react absolutely the same to EACH AND EVERY SITUATION????????? that doesn't even make sense 0.o sure, you can choose to go with light choices or with dark choices or a mix of, but ultimately the choices you get are ALL THE SAME.:(


After that, what else do you do? I guess the selfish part of me wants the devs to do more to keep me subbed. Maybe Master can have extra bonus objectives? A "story reputation" for us to grind? Master needs extra carrots.

Or are they happy for us to just sub for a few months, unsub, and be happy to see us again at their new expansion?

.... dude, we have 300 GC levels to gring PER TOON and you want them to give you MORE grind?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: did you drop on your head when you woke up today?:D:D

Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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It is for Counselor. I literally rush through that story line just to get out of their bloody 'class story' - it's the worst and only starts to shine - in my opinion - when Makeb hits.

yeah after lvling 15 sages and 3 shadows i can confirm, the only thing as bad as the consular story is the chapter 3 of trooper. as in go do 1 quest - come back to coruscant - do quest - come back to coruscant. LOL

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yeah after lvling 15 sages and 3 shadows i can confirm, the only thing as bad as the consular story is the chapter 3 of trooper. as in go do 1 quest - come back to coruscant - do quest - come back to coruscant. LOL


UGH. And you can't even do the "Travel to your Coruscant SH and exit." No. You have to LOAD into your ship, fly to Coruscant, load into the hangar, speeder through the huge spaceport, speeder all the way to the senate tower, then run through half of THAT, JUST so Garza can say, "Good job, Major. Here's your next assignment."

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