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Dark side SI Romance


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So I've recently rolled a Sith Inquisitor (I think I picked Sorc as his advanced but not 100% on that)


I know the main LI for the male Inq is Ashara but from what I've looked up so far in other threads etc. she seems to prefer light-side/meciful actions and there are very...mixed responses as to whether or not you can still romance her if you're dark sided. I guess my question has two parts in that IS it possible to do that and/or turn Ashara dark sided like some of the older threads seem to say, or is there an alternate Dark sided love interest for the Inq (like SW has Dark Jaesa)


I rolled this Inq so he could be an evil, manipulative bastard, and it doesn't seem right that because of that he doesn't get to get laid? XD

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Nope . Ashara no matter how many puppie you kill before her eyes....she won't turn DS .


And you can romance her I think (I play female only) no matter what LS or DS you are .


I mean , my Sorc is DS 5 and she tell me we gonna fight for peace...Urgh.....

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hmm yeah I mean so far I've read that you can shower her with companion gifts and still get her to marry you, so guess I'll just have to try that.:rak_02:


Kind of wish they did have a darkside love interest option though, especially since they're meant to be Sith, I mean...most of them are meant to be evil right? :rolleyes: xD Bit odd the SW got one they could influence when they're less about manipulating people than Inq's were meant to be (thought that was their thing? O_O)

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oh cool, Lana's darksided then? I haven't got that far in the content (in any of my toons) yet. XD I'll just wait and see what happens with Lana when I get there, then. Apparently you're not able to marry her, though? :eek:


Love is Love lol so yeah....no wedding or anything . :p

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hmm yeah I mean so far I've read that you can shower her with companion gifts and still get her to marry you, so guess I'll just have to try that.:rak_02:

That information is way out of date. Before 4.0 companions had a stat called "Affection" which was a like/dislike thing, and progress through the companion story was gated on a combination of progress in Affection and progress in your class story.


In 4.0+, Affection is gone, replaced by Influence, which measures your impact on your companion (it goes up a bit if they don't like something, because you still made an impact, and up more if they do like it), and progress in companion stories is now gated solely on your progress in your class story.


So the answer is that you just have to progress though your class story, and flirt carefully, and you'll get to bed her.

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oh cool, Lana's darksided then? I haven't got that far in the content (in any of my toons) yet. XD I'll just wait and see what happens with Lana when I get there, then. Apparently you're not able to marry her, though? :eek:


Yeah, Lana is DS and way more fitting for DS Inquisitor than Ashara. Ashara don't put up with none of that, lol.


I don't think you can marry Ashara from what I know. There's no option to marry Lana yet, but who knows in the future.

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Yeah, Lana is DS and way more fitting for DS Inquisitor than Ashara. Ashara don't put up with none of that, lol.


I don't think you can marry Ashara from what I know. There's no option to marry Lana yet, but who knows in the future.


I don't know if I'd say Lana is fitting for a psychopathic DSer, but I would agree she's DS.

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I would like to point out that Ashara does, in fact, approve of quite a few Dark Side options down the road. Particularly on Voss; she really does not seem to like the Voss at all. In her companion convos, manipulative Inquisitors can even get her to the point where she is, in effect, a Sith, albeit one who hasn't admitted it to herself yet. Kreia from KotOR II has a line that sums Ashara up perfectly; "It is such a quiet thing, to fall. Yet far more terrible to admit."


Did I mention that she approves of killing Voss?

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Ashara is an interesting companion that a lot of people write off (usually because they only make it a few convos in, when she is at her most annoying)


You can never truly turn her crazy dark but she has an aggressive personality and develops her own amalgamation of the Sith and Jedi codes essentially. Valkorian refers to her as the "Impure Jedi"


Her method of achieving peace is by showing the Empire strength through combat.



she definitely has denial issues, but she is a far more subtle companion than most give her credit for.



The main thing for her is she approves of rational, or far-sighted choices (regardless of alignment). She disapproves of pettiness. To get the highest rate of approval for her would probably leave you pretty neutral overall.

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she definitely has denial issues, but she is a far more subtle companion than most give her credit for.



The main thing for her is she approves of rational, or far-sighted choices (regardless of alignment). She disapproves of pettiness. To get the highest rate of approval for her would probably leave you pretty neutral overall.


It's not that I dislike the idea of her being neutral, she actually strikes me as very much like Atris from KOTOR II where she IS very darksided but doesn't want to admit it herself yet, it's just that ALL my other characters are played as grey/neutral and I specifically rolled this guy to just be a completely evil fella to be different to how I usually play stuff haha

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On my SI I just pretend that he didn't want her to fall completely because then she must go the standard Sith route and betray him.


He lets her skirt the edge between Light and Dark so he doesn't have to watch his back.


My Sorc is convinced that Xalek is planning on helping him become a God, in the Kaleesh fashion.;)

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Look at it this way, I don't think *any* female characters get more than one LI option (among their class companions). Men are already privileged in at least some classes getting one light and one dark option. Given that the characters have personalities of their own, obviously not all companions are going to be a great match for all possible types of player characters. So your options are basically: A) play your character in a way that will best match with the LI companion available to you, B) force the romance on a character who doesn't really fit or make any sense with that LI (because I think no matter your personality, if you consistently choose flirt options, you can force a romance to happen), C) romance Lana, Theron, or one of the short-term NPCs instead, or D) avoid all romances (with the option of still flirting with/having flings with the short-term NPCs).
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