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Bravo Bioware for not giving into kneejerk reactions of a vocal minority


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I can officially declare I am not one of the developers mothers or fathers.


Wow, Peter, you're right, that was liberating! I should start trying to engage the gang more frequently. Thanks for helping me see the light.


Doesn't deny being part of the family or close to a dev however....


Not going to lie I choked up on my orange drink here.


One step away from being a renown troll, remember now, baby steps, wouldn't want you to lose that humor.

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Who are you Op? Do you know what the majority of the player base wants? How do you know your opinion is shared by most of the community? Do you have some hard data to back up your statements? If so, I'd like to see it. Show us you know what you're talking about. Because I know a whole lot of people that would disagree with you.

As a matter of fact, how do we know you are a player at all? You could be a bioware employee posing as a player and sticking up for your employers; or you could just be some story only, gear doesn't affect me, casual who would like to see the world burn for anyone who doesn't play like you do. You could even be a subbed player who believes what you posted.

Every time the Devs do something unpopular our community gets a little bit smaller. Sooner or later this community will be too small to support keeping the game running in its current form. Then where will you be? Playing SwtoR on Steam maybe.

The key to a successful MMO is having just enough content to keep ALL segments of the player base happy, not just one. Having fresh WZ, Ops, FPs, and Story along with a gearing system that is relatively simple for all but the most hardcore players is key to a long lived MMO. So don't be so quick to be that bioware fanboi; demand more of your game Dev's (co-workers) or we could be seeing you posting on the WoW forums in a few months.......


He doesn't have any data or facts. He's just a white knight who defends every decision EAWare makes, based on his posts in previous threads.


To be fair, beyond taking a poll of everyone playing the game, none of us know right now how the majority feels about the game. That said, the fact EAWare came out with an unscheduled livestream (as we weren't supposed to get one until January) tells me they're seeing numbers they don't like. If everyone loved the expansion and no one was unsubbing, why would they hastily put together a livestream full of reassurances?

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I was sad they didn't mention anything with new ops, they did tease into it a couple of streams ago, and they mentioned after the new year. But they don't even talk about it at all and just keep blabbering on about the stupid Command crap




I just want new content to do, uprisings are cool but they're so damn short.

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He's just a white knight who defends every decision EAWare makes, based on his posts in previous threads.

This isn't exactly accurate. Bruticis is not pro-EA. What he IS, is anti-other posters in the forum.


Given an opportunity to:


a) Make a counter-argument, or

b) Attack, insult, or make a snide comment towards the person who made the original argument


He'll inevitably pick b)


And he periodically engages in an epic level of hypocrisy when he talks about being "bullied" (or something similar).

Edited by Khevar
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Hey, I'm a new player. I have a lot of content to get through before I am as fed up as some of the veteran players may be, so I have a reason to want to play and explore the game, HOWEVER, the current endgame gear progression being tied to RNG is wrong. You see if players are playing progressively harder content the rewards need to scale with their ability to progress. When you tie that to RNG it hinders progression at no fault to the player. The best way to fix this problem is to keep GC, RNG can be exciting. But there still needs to be a way for progression Raiders to get gear from killing raid bosses and keep their progression going. I really don't understand why their couldn't be both. Progression raiders don't play for loot, they play to be challenged, but they won't stick around if they can't get geared up for those challenges in a meaningful way.


OP I honestly do not feel like you are helping this game out in any way by trying to shut down players with legitimate criticisms no matter how much of a minority you think they are. It is obvious that's it's not just a handful of people that dislike the system, whether it's a minority or a majority I don't know, but I promise you it is significant enough to matter.

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He doesn't have any data or facts. He's just a white knight who defends every decision EAWare makes, based on his posts in previous threads.


To be fair, beyond taking a poll of everyone playing the game, none of us know right now how the majority feels about the game. That said, the fact EAWare came out with an unscheduled livestream (as we weren't supposed to get one until January) tells me they're seeing numbers they don't like. If everyone loved the expansion and no one was unsubbing, why would they hastily put together a livestream full of reassurances?

Yep, the sole existence of this livestream was a tip of their hat to the so-called "vocal minority." If they were truly seeing the uptick of subs from this expansion like you'd expect from one, today would never have happened. Which actually brings up an interesting point: The entire debate on this forum has been over whether SWTOR has lost subs as a result of KotET, with even the supporters of BWA and CXP merely suggesting the game hasn't lost a large number of subs over it. In fact, if they have a net loss of a single sub, or hell, even broke even on sub count, that makes for a badly failed expansion by any metric. We'll never know of course because they don't release numbers, but I find it curious.

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How is he a troll? :confused:


Review his post history.

It's very selective on what he chooses to reply to ( which I guess you won't see in the post history ) and almost all posts are worded in a manner to basically get a reaction from the player/posters who are clearly and overwhelmingly upset with the changes in 5.0 .


The OP in this thread is obviously condescending and designed comes across as a means to not actually thank Bioware at all but niggle at those players I mentioned above. Otherwise terms such as ...


pathetic negativity

deafening roar of a dozen or so vocal forum posters that are completely out of touch with reality and insist on behaving like spoiled children.


would not be used because that sort of pejorative towards the players who are indeed legitimately unhappy with this system wouldn't be used right off the back unless he was hoping to "trigger" a few people.


His follow on responses as to which posts he decides to address and how he does so clearly supports that view.

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I have to laugh at these people talking about this "vocal minority". Some of them would defend bioware if they broke into their house and ransacked the place.


I, like everyone else here, have no idea what the majority/minority opinions about the game are. To claim otherwise is to be completely full of it. I can only go by what I have observed in my little corner of the game. I started in beta and finally unsubbed shortly after 4.0. I came back to finish the story and have already unsubbed again. No new ops and a ridiculous gear grind are of no interest to me. What I do know is that of the 50 plus people I've played with regularly across a few guilds over the years, all but a handful no longer play the game. To my knowledge not one of them came here to talk about it, they just left.


Doesn't mean the game is dead or dying, but I can't imagine bioware is thrilled all those people are gone, and I'm guessing I'm not the only one who has had this experience.

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Huge props to Bioware for listening to the constructive feedback and attempting minor adjustments to a system the vast majority of the folks are happy with. .


Just HOW exactly did you determine that the majority of players are HAPPY with the 5.0 changes? That I'd like to know.

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BW only gives knee jerk reactions when 1 or 2 gamers grind 31K mobs in a couple days and nerfs everyone for just 1 or 2 gamers actions that are not an exploit.


Knee jerk reactions indeed but don't give in bw. :rolleyes:


At least not a second time in a few days at least.

Edited by Quraswren
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Huge props to Bioware for listening to the constructive feedback and attempting minor adjustments to a system the vast majority of the folks are happy with. It would have been extremely easy to bow down to the deafening roar of a dozen or so vocal forum posters that are completely out of touch with reality and insist on behaving like spoiled children.


This part of your comment is completely unnecessary.


The system needs some tweaks, I admit it but it's really not bad overall and DO find the results screen exciting (I know you guys are getting mocked for this statement) when opening crates. I was pleased to hear you're analyzing the data and are willing to be accommodating to some of the few legit concerns. I personally would like to see something done to encourage playing with our alts.


No disagreement.


Keep up the good work and keep gathering the constructive feedback. Try to shrug off the pathetic negativity a few are trying to spin on these forums.


This part of your comment is also completely unnecessary. You are falling victim to mimicking the style and approach of the people you have been fighting with in the forum.


Tip: Next time, just keep it on the high road, without resorting to unnecessary sideways digs at your opinion-opponents.

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12 more days for me. Still going to play until then and if I manage to stop dreading opening another RNG gear box I may stick around.


OMG, right? First one or two I opened I was apprehensive, maybe resigned. That quickly changed to frustrated and a little angry. But then it changed to dread. I have had several just sit there because I know opening them will only disappoint. And when I finally do open them the contents manage to meet those disappointing expectations.


My sub (cancelled last week) doesn't run out til January. But I'm thinking maybe I put those crapcrates in a cargo hold and ignore til I am preferred and then I won't be able to open them at all!


But hey, the silent (or not so silent OP) 'majority' is excited, lol

Edited by Ryenke
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This part of your comment is also completely unnecessary.


No disagreement here.


You are falling victim to mimicking the style and approach of the people you have been fighting with in the forum.


This part of your post was unnecessary. You are implying anyone this poster has been "fighting" with is basically of the same caliber in their "style and approach" as he has demonstrated there. You are making a rather large generalization there and stereotyping many posters into one category.


Tip: Review the posters posting history and you will find they are more than capable of making posts in that "style and approach" without "mimicking" anyone. One could almost say Bruticus thrives on it.

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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Huge props to Bioware for listening to the constructive feedback and attempting minor adjustments to a system the vast majority of the folks are happy with. It would have been extremely easy to bow down to the deafening roar of a dozen or so vocal forum posters that are completely out of touch with reality and insist on behaving like spoiled children.


The system needs some tweaks, I admit it but it's really not bad overall and DO find the results screen exciting (I know you guys are getting mocked for this statement) when opening crates. I was pleased to hear you're analyzing the data and are willing to be accommodating to some of the few legit concerns. I personally would like to see something done to encourage playing with our alts.


Keep up the good work and keep gathering the constructive feedback. Try to shrug off the pathetic negativity a few are trying to spin on these forums.


you think 15 crates and 0 upgrade is a good system i got new for you the minority is you fleet is full of people saying one thing after the sub up good bye there just playing the story and that it. Watch fleet every pver and pvp is pissed off.

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I clearly stated they are some legit complaints and some people providing constructive feedback. These voices were heard. The bingo card was simply to show they had a good sense of humor when dealing with children.


You know what the Devs that launched that game got rid of loot crates at launch people left were getting this now i got a guild of 20 people that has turned into 5 that still play they rather play Against hackers IN GTA online then LOOT crate wars. This game is a month from server mergers trust me on that


US Servers


ø 1.00 West Online Begeren Colony (RP PvE)

ø 1.23 East Online Jedi Covenant (PvE)

ø 0.99 East Online Jung Ma (RP PvP)

ø 0.99 East Online Prophecy of the Five (PvP)

ø 0.99 West Online The Bastion (PvP)

ø 1.34 East Online The Ebon Hawk (RP PvE)

ø 1.58 West Online The Harbinger (PvE)

ø 1.22 East Online The Shadowlands (PvE)




see the server population Kotfe that was at 2.3 on harb 1.9 on JC and at least 1.7 on all the other severs This game is dying and it the only star wars MMO The devs have not learn in 5 years at this rate by dec of next year we will hear sorry guys we are going to have to shut down the servers...

Edited by Neoforcer
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Sorry Bruticis, but your not going to beat Aowin anytime soon, let alone Mad Cuz Bad in terms of trolling threads, although mad cuz bad did have some pretty good points at times...


Aowin and MCB are in a class of their own, sadly the OP isn't up to the same standard. Always low blows, without any meaningful repertoire of his own, or any really valid points without resorting to attacking others. Reminds me of an old girlfriend who always used to cry as a fallback to try and win an argument.


Anyway, what was this thread about? A negative positive feedback thread? Clearly didn't take the time to read the thread from LordArtemis on how to provide good feedback :D

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I don't know what players expect at this point, Galactic command is what we currently have which I suspect took a few months to develop, it would take a futher several months to put it back the way it was pre 5.0 so the best the devs can really do at this point is to try to find a sweet spot in the system through tweeking the system rather than re-working it completely.


The system does have a few flaws, such as it being very alt unfriendly and the RNG nature of a lot of stuff.


Personally I would have taken some of the RNG away by instead of getting SB gear from the crates, you got a SB token in the crates for tiers 1-3, this way you could have a choice of exactly which SB piece you got as the tokens would be used on a 1:1 basis, this way Bioware would have simply be able to monitor the drop rates for the SB tokens.

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I don't know what players expect at this point, Galactic command is what we currently have which I suspect took a few months to develop, it would take a futher several months to put it back the way it was pre 5.0 so the best the devs can really do at this point is to try to find a sweet spot in the system through tweeking the system rather than re-working it completely.


I think gamers expected bw to have a back up plan. TElling us they are going to just watch means they really have no projected possibilities. Seems they really had no clue gamers wouldn't fall in love with swtor online casino in droves.


The system does have a few flaws, such as it being very alt unfriendly and the RNG nature of a lot of stuff.

And there not minor flaws either. Combine that with how harsh it is for new players to ever have the gear in something like PVP and it just gets worse. How many times do you think a new gamer has to get stomped in pvp before the massive grind wall thats in front of them is to discouraging to even play? Not too long. Simialr for PVE as well especially so if they actually like harder content.


swtor is definitely flawed.


Personally I would have taken some of the RNG away by instead of getting SB gear from the crates, you got a SB token in the crates for tiers 1-3, this way you could have a choice of exactly which SB piece you got as the tokens would be used on a 1:1 basis, this way Bioware would have simply be able to monitor the drop rates for the SB tokens.


See, I like your thinking here but how hard was it to come up with that as just a paying customer? Probably not hard at all useless your goal was to string layers along for as long as possible because you are incapable of creating new content in a timely manner much less content that is engaging for longer than a couple runs (aka uprisings)


You'd think a company that build games could have forseen the issues here way back in development and had back up plans for the problems is presents. Unless of course you really just didn't care anyway, which is where we are at.

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How is it if you use the word we in a negative post the 'white knights' jump on the post and say 'YOU CANT SPEAK FOR MEEEEE!'


But if you delegate that your opinion holds the majority view and that anyone that disagrees is in the minority. Surely that is double standards unless you have numbers to back it up. It would also be interesting to see how the numbers reflect given how many servers have been merged and how there is talk of further mergers once the opportunity to charge people to get off dead servers is over.


The masses did not return with the new story, perhaps too many bridges were burnt with the kotfe story, the people that found the crystal system to hard to understand did not flock back with the change (probably found the log on system to hard to understand) and it is likely that raiders wont flood back if a new op is introduced (they have probably gone to pastures new and aren't waiting in the wings to come back to raid). While the people that are left are faced with 5 year old content grind to get lock boxes. Its very hard to see great deal to get excited about in the future aside from some uprisings that will be speed through for the points which will be sold as exiting rather than enjoyable for its own sake.

Edited by Costello
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