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What's after Knights of the Eternal Throne


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....Your point doesnt make any sense there is a whole bunch of lore in the thousands of years beteween now and the films which they can manipulate into the the game. We could accelerate through time a bit and end up in another era with new leaders and abilities or go back in time as one of the old There is billions of years worth of lore which dont go into much depth the game could go into the past to the time of Freedon Nadd or Tulak hord of even the infinte emipire as becoming the emperor is seemingly a final milestone but in the future and the legends and lore there is no such alliance it could instantly crumble and we could take on a role of the new heros/villians of their time maybe even take the role of actual characters like darth bane the game could go anywhere at this point the end of an era and a hell of allot of lore they could do literally anything


Oh Gods, no no no no NO.


And, no.


By the same token, I just can't see too many other options. I'm no Hugo Awrd-calibre writer either, but even I can see that they've very obviously written themselves into a corner with their bad, lazy, self-insert and plot-hole riddled fan-fics.




I mean, really: What's my main Outlander Merc going to do, go back to scragging two-bit marks on Hutta who didn't pay their drug-debts?


Puh-leeze, his ilvl 230 pistols with the 8-inch barrels (in-universe version of Desert Eagle .50AE?) don't even get warm from that, and probably still use more blaster-gas than the mark is worth.




But yeah, I've felt a definite sense of finality to this whole game (both in the in- and out-of-game/meta senses of the term) for a long time, even before I could no longer make myself log in some weeks ago.

Edited by midianlord
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Now that it's over, I am at a loss for something to do in this game. I am sick of Star Fortresses, and there are no actual quests to do, only repeatable companion quests that are simply boring for me because they lack any real story. Worse, I gave up all of my original companions and quests for this. Sure I got T7 back legit and cheated Doc back, but we no longer have the rapport that we did since they no longer talk to me or take me on quests. I log on and auction stuff and wonder what the point is. I quit after the Fallen Empire for this reason, then they added an extra bonus chapter that I can't have because I wasn't a member at the time, even though I followed the entire story-line, which is seriously frustrating. I would have stuck around for it if they had made it known. I love being a Jedi, but now there is nothing left for me. This feels just like all the other defunct games I got involved with just before they were shuttered. Depressing.
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Now that it's over, I am at a loss for something to do in this game. I am sick of Star Fortresses, and there are no actual quests to do, only repeatable companion quests that are simply boring for me because they lack any real story. Worse, I gave up all of my original companions and quests for this. Sure I got T7 back legit and cheated Doc back, but we no longer have the rapport that we did since they no longer talk to me or take me on quests. I log on and auction stuff and wonder what the point is. I quit after the Fallen Empire for this reason, then they added an extra bonus chapter that I can't have because I wasn't a member at the time, even though I followed the entire story-line, which is seriously frustrating. I would have stuck around for it if they had made it known. I love being a Jedi, but now there is nothing left for me. This feels just like all the other defunct games I got involved with just before they were shuttered. Depressing.


You know there's a new content patch coming out April 11th, right? 2 weeks. Don't despair.


And this is sort of a necro, but ANYTHING could be next. People who can't think past Tenebrae lack creativity.


I like the ideas linked in the massively op story about how someone you know could become the next "threat". Like, maybe Vector comes back as an omniscient bug god, organizing all the Killiks and threatening to Join the whole Galaxy. For our own good. :D Maybe insane Dark Jaesa comes back from wherever she's been with a horde of zealots and a strange new power - ready to cleanse the galaxy of those not Dark enough, even the Dark Outlander. Perhaps Doc has unwittingly unleashed a disgusting std on the galaxy that threatens life as we know it? Lord Scourge is still immortal, right? Maybe he decides to challenge your rule?


I *really* like the thought of the Dark Outlander as the big bad - infused with Arcann, Vaylin, and Valkorion's powers. Idk how you'd work the light one, though. >.> Boring. Would be fun to play as the antagonist the whole galaxy rebels against. :cool:

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I hope the will bring a new antagonist. But you know... they might just recycle another one. Who knows.

Scuttlebutt has it that the new big bad could be:


Darth Malgus

Maybe they even bring a companion back in the form of a villain. "Kira" as zealous commander of the 6th line, who ultimately strayed from the light side or something. Because, you know, the community has been asking to have Kira back.

I like your sense of humor.

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I'm sure the next expansion or set of expansions will see the Republic and Sith Empire rebuilt and the Eternal Throne and the fleet written off somehow.


It still ends with the Old Republic and the CIS and begins with The New Republic and Galactic Empire. Somewhere between the time frame of SWTOR and The Clone Wars, the Eternal Throne and the fleet were completely forgotten and erased from history.


4000 years is a good amount of time for the Republic to still be the dominant superpower and eventually collapsing to make way for the Galactic Empire while erasing the Eternal Empire from history, not the Eternal Empire collapsing to the Galactic Empire and the Republic collapsing 4000 years earlier.

Edited by The_Lost_Bean
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Time for SWTOR / ME crossover!



@OP: I think the better question is, can they forge another story that lives up to what they just made? Finding something to tell a story about is not as hard as it sounds. It's more a question of, "Will anything they come up with seem underwhelming by comparison?"


My thought would be, they go back to their roots... make full planet or two, complete with heroics, daily hubs, etc. Then dial back the auto-play, epic Outlander form of storytelling a bit and go back to some slower-paced, class-based stuff. There's still a lot of potential material in what the classes are.


That or not go the class route, but still go back to their roots a bit with planets. And instead of classes, have a story about trying to keep the throne. Someone on the inside betrays you. Some people aren't happy with how you rule and want to get you out of the picture. The material is there for the making.


(This is, of course, assuming they get the funding to continue.)


I would much prefer a dune / sw cross over.

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I'm sure the next expansion or set of expansions will see the Republic and Sith Empire rebuilt and the Eternal Throne and the fleet written off somehow.


It still ends with the Old Republic and the CIS and begins with The New Republic and Galactic Empire. Somewhere between the time frame of SWTOR and The Clone Wars, the Eternal Throne and the fleet were completely forgotten and erased from history.


4000 years is a good amount of time for the Republic to still be the dominant superpower and eventually collapsing to make way for the Galactic Empire while erasing the Eternal Empire from history, not the Eternal Empire collapsing to the Galactic Empire and the Republic collapsing 4000 years earlier.


They cant write off the alliance, because with Iokath you have a choice of the Alliance, Empire, or Republic.

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I think that there were plenty of hints on what comes next during KotET. And I think it makes sense that after the big evil is gone, things get back to normal and normal means the normal fights. Republic versus Empire. Apprentice versus Master. And so on. It doesn't always have to be about some super evil mastermind.


That said, the Outlander is now on top of the galaxy, whether dark side or light side choice. That means that the whole galaxy; everyone can come against him/her.


My main is a light side commando medic. OK, a bit tough to picture someone wanting bad things to her. But just yesterday I finally finished KotET with my super nasty, evil Sith Warrior. Vaylin is a sweet barbie puppet against her. Every sane person in this galaxy should want to get her away from the Eternal Throne. I therefore say: Bring it on, galaxy!



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I think that there were plenty of hints on what comes next during KotET. And I think it makes sense that after the big evil is gone, things get back to normal and normal means the normal fights. Republic versus Empire. Apprentice versus Master. And so on. It doesn't always have to be about some super evil mastermind.


That said, the Outlander is now on top of the galaxy, whether dark side or light side choice. That means that the whole galaxy; everyone can come against him/her.


My main is a light side commando medic. OK, a bit tough to picture someone wanting bad things to her. But just yesterday I finally finished KotET with my super nasty, evil Sith Warrior. Vaylin is a sweet barbie puppet against her. Every sane person in this galaxy should want to get her away from the Eternal Throne. I therefore say: Bring it on, galaxy!




Yeah... with the end of the current evil.. it would make sense for Imp and Rep to squabble, skirmish, and maybe even war over the left overs.


To the OP.. we do know one thing.. what comes next will be story focused.... and.. and.... some players will cry many tears over it too. :D

Edited by Andryah
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Yeah... with the end of the current evil.. it would make sense for Imp and Rep to squabble, skirmish, and maybe even war over the left overs.


To the OP.. we do know one thing.. what comes next will be story focused.... and.. and.... some players will cry many tears over it too. :D


Er, there is pvp to it, and ops, they already said the focus is on group content , pvp and daily areas now. Not story.

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So is this a test to see if they will get the go ahead for the game or a new story to continue or die?

I mean voice over happens months in advance (or years in standalone titles) so if they haven't already got a new storyline and are recording it now, I don't feel like we would see anything this year, which seems like a long time to go on only PVP and Ops to keep the game alive enough to warrant a substantial update. But when does the next Star Wars movie come out? Hmm, timing.


If the game survives the summer I could see some smaller single story driven arcs in the months preceding the movie (Iokath?). The larger campaign, which will most likely deal the fall of the alliance and the rise of a new enemy of all (Malgus?), released around the same time as the new movie to take advantage of the hype.


If the (former) eternal empire goes away it could go back to a two power system, then the future could be set up with separate Republic and Empire stories.

I really miss "Class" focused stories but due to the increased cost in writing, octonion increase of voice roles to pay for, plus other added development costs, I doubt that will ever return.


It is much easier (read cheaper) to just keep both Empire and Republic fighting one enemy so that a singular story can be written.


But how much time has passed in game? Wouldn't some of our characters be getting old?

Edited by Eoshadow
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So is this a test to see if they will get the go ahead for the game or a new story to continue or die?

I mean voice over happens months in advance (or years in standalone titles) so if they haven't already got a new storyline and are recording it now, I don't feel like we would see anything this year, which seems like a long time to go on only PVP and Ops to keep the game alive enough to warrant a substantial update. But when does the next Star Wars movie come out? Hmm, timing.


If the game survives the summer I could see some smaller single story driven arcs in the months preceding the movie (Iokath?). The larger campaign, which will most likely deal the fall of the alliance and the rise of a new enemy of all (Malgus?), released around the same time as the new movie to take advantage of the hype.


If the (former) eternal empire goes away it could go back to a two power system, then the future could be set up with separate Republic and Empire stories.

I really miss "Class" focused stories but due to the increased cost in writing, octonion increase of voice roles to pay for, plus other added development costs, I doubt that will ever return.


It is much easier (read cheaper) to just keep both Empire and Republic fighting one enemy so that a singular story can be written.


But how much time has passed in game? Wouldn't some of our characters be getting old?


BW already stated that you will be having a choice of the empire, republic, OR alliance in the Iokath expansion. They will not be writing off the alliance if that is an option at this point. It just will not happen. And OPs, WZs, GSF and end game are what keep MMOs alive, not story. Notice how within a few months of the story being released recently that the numbers just bombed through the floor? Story players are a fickle group, they play it, and drop it. End game players are the ones that stick around. I am not saying they should abandon story all together, but a balance is needed, and 5 new ops bosses, some pvp oriented stuff, and dailies are a HUGE breath of fresh air considering the draught we have had over the last 2 years.

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[citation needed]


I see lots of references to choosing between Republic and Empire, but nothing on the SWTOR site that mentions choosing the Alliance.


At least as I understand it the alliance exists as the player faction, but the affiliations will be Empire or Republic. It will be interesting to see how the "alliance" is going to make it through the conflict though if it openly supports empire or republic.


But it does set things up to have former Zakuul be the neutral staging area for the future separate but intertwined Empire and Republic storylines probably along the lines of a Hutt Cartel but where you can choose which storyline to run, which supports continued universal stories


OPs, WZs, GSF and end game are what keep MMOs alive, not story. Notice how within a few months of the story being released recently that the numbers just bombed through the floor? ... End game players are the ones that stick around. I am not saying they should abandon story all together, but a balance is needed, and 5 new ops bosses, some pvp oriented stuff, and dailies are a HUGE breath of fresh air considering the draught we have had over the last 2 years.


Exactly, storyline draws people to the game but end game supports the game in between the story arcs.

SWTOR has picked a combination of the two that I don't think could survive under any other title except Star Wars.


There was a drastic shift from the type of storytelling to one that is not repeatable. Could be wrong, but from the limited sample of perusing the forums most people did not take every character through the KOTFE+ expansions. Vs vanilla with 8 different intertwining stories to keep people busy trying them all.

More repeatability, more time retaining the story lovers, more subscriptions, more money (more cost of development vs the potential subscriptions, probably not as profitable or they would have kept doing it).


But with non-repeatable/universal expansions, like was stated, the story people drop off quickly as soon as 1 or 2 characters ran through rather than dragging the other classes through the same plot over and over (also doesn't help that the expansions were kind of Sith/Jedi focused, it just seemed silly to contend with someone as powerful as Arcann and Valkorion with a blaster).


So then end game content has to support the game even more. But then they don't update endgame enough, so what keeps the people around? Because it's an amazing game? Because it's Star Wars and it's the only one


Then gameplay changes due to endgame, also change the flavor of the original repeatable storylines.

I am trying to finish a Vanguard class story who no longer has ranged abilities. It gets old.


I like the game and the stories themselves are good, how it is implemented seems a little weird but the game still survives. I would love to see their metrics vs other MMO's.

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[citation needed]


I see lots of references to choosing between Republic and Empire, but nothing on the SWTOR site that mentions choosing the Alliance.


Hmmm, the link I saved for that on twitter seems to be gone. Well ****.


I was hoping to choose the alliance with 1, the republic with 1 and the empire with one.....:(

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Why instead of needing a new villian for us to chase can't the Pubs and Good Guys (sith) go back to war again. This time no petty bull war where its a few flash points but have the factions actually invade Home Worlds like Korriban and Tython and not in FPs


As the leader of the Alliance your actions will either bring this war to a head or by inactions it was become all out war. This non warring faction in games like this and WoW where the 2 sides hate is other is getting old.


I want war. I want to go to tython and kill younglings :)

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I think the story would work with a treatment of:


Malgus returning as his dying body was stored in carbonite to help lead the New Sith Empire with deep space returning Darth Jadus consequently the Republic counters him with Satele and that Commando. The alliance breaks apart as everyone leaves except for a few loyal companions to their respective factions. These wars are fought over Iokath and possibly the NEW planet Jeddha from Rogue 1 seeing how it is located in the western wilds of the galaxy. The New Sith Empires power base will be the temples of Malacore seen in Season 2 of Rebels and KOTOR 2.


The expansion ends with our protagonist destroying Iokath so it doesn't fall into the hands of Republic or Empire.

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