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"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)."


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All the gold NPC cp nerf did was resort me back to my old behaviour and ignore gold mobs because they have become no longer worth the effort.


However the prenerf situation was such that is made me ignore silver mobs as they didn't give anything. And only attack gold or Boss NPCs for the 10 CP or 20 CP respectively...


What they should have done was have silver give 1 CP, and gold NPCs 3 CP, this way it makes me still want to attack the silver and gold mobs, but currently the drop from 10 CP to 1CP on Gold NPCs was way too much and frankly makes me not want to attack either as they're not worth the time


The command rank gains slows down significantly after the first few levels. So for someone who can not commit to a group because of time constraints or what other reason, it makes doing solo things so much much more slower.


All the change did for me and players like me is make us not want to play because I can not commit to a group play half the time without having to walk away from my computer because of real life stuff.

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We as players will get more response and respect for the studio if we all stop the childish rants, threats, and insults... and stick to an objective statement of the issue/concern, offer potential objective solutions, and politely ask the studio to take a closer look at the issue/concern. Behaving like petulant children on a playground rage is not productive. I encourage players to ask themselves... do you want to encourage positive change.... or just rant and rage and vent and thus encouraging the studio to just disregard you? We, collectively, as a player base can and need to do better in the feedback department.


So how well did that work out in regards to something else heavily nerfed then? You know what I'm talking about :p


With regards to the CXP on this being over nerfed. There is no way on earth I would want to kill 31k+ golds to hit the cap, although by my own admission, I'm not even bothering after the story to play SW:TOR due to RNG gearing, period.


It does beg the question though, smoke and mirrors etc. At some stage they'll have no choice but to increase the CXP to at least 4CXP for a Gold NPC, at least if they intend to sell 25% CXP boosts on the Cartel Market. Otherwise they'll fall foul of advertising regulations.


I would imagine they'll probably just increase to 4CXP and / or lower the weekly cap and / or increase rewards elsewhere. I have no idea why they wish to restrict gameplay so much, it's not as if the new (old) gearing system is legacy or alt friendly in the way it has been designed.


Anyway, I'm enjoying reading this thread. Lots of unfamiliar faces who normally stay quiet, complaining, generally means that BioWare have dropped the ball.

Edited by Transcendent
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If they were doing this as an emergency fix for an exploit then whatever, but no explanation or response to feedback is pretty insulting. They need to buff XP for pve quest rewards instead of nerf it. If you want to nerf mobs than make each heroic give 200 CXP and increase the planetary rewards to even more. Increase flashpoint CXP in response as well along with operations and uprisings. Right now the fastest way to get CXP is through PVP but I get tired of playing it since I still get horrible FPS and it is barely playable in arenas but ranked queue rarely pops unless you play at the right time.


TLDR the whole system is a mess and needs to be fixed. If there isn't a patch that improves some of these issues by the time my sub runs out I won't have any reason to stay subbed I can run the occasional flashpoint or heroic as a preferred to get my star wars fix instead.

Edited by Kaze-Yama
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This is utterly mind-boggling. One person hits cap in about 45 hours of play and you throw this on the entire community? Aside from cut scenes freezing and not allowing progression in the story line (resulting in finding anything that will generate GC points to keep up) and I have tickets and bug reports and calls to your CS regarding that, now we get the nice little hidden nerf to golds.


Does feedback mean anything in Austin? You do hopefully realize that you are alienating your subscribers.:mad:

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So how well did that work out in regards to something else heavily nerfed then? You know what I'm talking about :p


I knew someone would bring that up. :D


If you will recall.. there was much roiling and griping on both extemes over "that" issue. The studio did in the end what I expected they would do (based on how they handled the mission items they once tried to run in CM packs), they walked away...


... and we have never seen another of "that" item ever again... even though there is actually value in one for each faction for players. At least they knew when to cut their losses and just shoot "that" in the head and move on. :cool:


But my point remains.. the best way to affect change is with rational, objective discussion... NOT emotionally based drive by rants to vent frustration. But of course, emotionally driven venters will never agree with me. The studio is staffed with humans, and human nature is such that it responds more readily and positively to rational discussion rather then to irrational venting of frustrations.


Sometimes I think this forum would benefit from a sub-forum just for emotional based venting of frustrations.... but I doubt anyone would use it.. so it would just be a different destination bucket for the forum mods to move such threads to.

Edited by Andryah
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If they were doing this as an emergency fix for an exploit then whatever...


In a way.. that is exactly what they were doing. Otherwise they would not have reacted so quickly.


But I do think this was a quick "Band-Aid", until they can code up a better solution. Time will tell though.


It took what I think most of us would consider to be "extreme play" to demonstrate this weakness in their cap system. Which is why I think each segment of content should have it's own cap.. so that Johnny-45-hours could only go 15-20 hours in one week before hitting a cap on elites, and either waits until the weekly reset or moves to some other content to play in the meantime. That would allow them to return elites to something that is actually worth killing them for. At 1 Cxp.... people are just going to try to bypass elites again as they are simply not worth the tiem and effort.

Edited by Andryah
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I knew someone would bring that up. :D



If you will recall.. there was much roiling and griping on both extemes over "that" issue. The studio did in the end what I expected they would do (based on how they handled the mission items they once tried to run in CM packs), they walked away...


... and we have never seen another of "that" item ever again... even though there is actually value in one for each faction for players. At least they knew when to cut their losses and just shoot "that" in the head and move on. :cool:


But my point remains.. the best way to affect change is with rational, objective discussion... NOT emotionally based drive by rants to vent frustration. But of course, emotionally driven venters will never agree with me. The studio is staffed with humans, and human nature is such that it responds more readily and positively to rational discussion rather then to irrational venting of frustrations.


Sometimes I think this forum would benefit from a sub-forum just for emotional based venting of frustrations.... but I doubt anyone would use it.. so it would just be a different destination bucket for the forum mods to move such threads to.


Well of course :D:p


Anyway, the discussions recently have all been one-sided if you hadn't noticed. Very rarely will we see interaction on the forums (for varying reasons obviously). Each of these threads and types of posts, while some may be "rant ra ra rawr!" type of posts, they are indeed beneficial for BioWare to read and understand that their GC system isn't widely enjoyed in the first place, and doing anything detrimental to that system and making it worst isn't acceptable practice.


If they can read between the lines.*


*Of which I have no doubt they can, because I've seen those live streams where they ignore the real issues and just back slap each other about how well everything is going, even when it isn't.

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In a way.. that is exactly what they were doing. Otherwise they would not have reacted so quickly.


But I do think this was a quick "Band-Aid", until they can code up a better solution. Time will tell though.


It took what I think most of us would consider to be "extreme play" to demonstrate this weakness in their cap system. Which is why I think each segment of content should have it's own cap.. so that Johnny-45-hours could only go 15-20 hours in one week before hitting a cap on elites, and either waits until the weekly reset or moves to some other content to play in the meantime. That would allow them to return elites to something that is actually worth killing them for. At 1 Cxp.... people are just going to try to bypass elites again as they are simply not worth the tiem and effort.


So Johnny-45 hours can afk in warzones for 20 hours too!


BTW how many times are you going to repeat the same post, and in how many threads?

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The worst thing about is 1XP.


They may as well have removed it completely. It is basically an insult to the players to put it at 1XP.


Having 0XP would feel less like the middle finger.


FYI, I never had any intention of grinding CXP, but as somebody who leaves a one cent ($0.01) as a tip when I have truly atrocious service, I have to concur.

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I would like to have seen an "area" cap - so that if you farm in one location you get a progressively smaller amount of CXP. Not that hard to program - reset the counter say after 5 minutes of no combat, and keep track of how far you are from the the time you exited combat and then if the current mobs are say within 50m of the last combat then the return declines by say 5% down to say a 10% floor. So, after killing 20 mobs in the same area (and keeping at it) you have little incentive to keep farming the area. This would not penalize people doing heroics etc as they are typically moving through the instance and the counter would not trigger (unless you have an encounter where you have waves of mobs coming at you for a very long time).
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Up to 22 pages, I cant bother reading all that but it is enough to confirm what I read in the patch notes wasn't a typo. Silly me here I was looking forward to todays patch thinking they would have a few bug fixes and probably a slight bump to CXP. I'm not entirely sure if I feel like playing today frankly. I want to but, I just don't feel it would even be the right thing to do at this point.


Overall I haven't been pleased with galactic command but largely I am a casual player of this game now. I play everyday but I don't care about raiding or PvP so gear isn't really a thing and I was "OK" with the way CXP was, just accepting that I would never be as good as I was in 4.0. This however, I don't have words. Passively leveling Galactic Command on multiple characters seemed a daunting task before but you know I would see maybe a command level here or there everyday. Now? Just no Bioware! If this was truly done because someone mindlessly grinded until their eyes bled so be it.


You cannot adjust for every masochistic no lifer under the sun. Let those people do what they always do, devour the new content and move on. Its a well known fact in the MMO industry which I would have expected you to have learned by now. But punishing everyone for people like that will only drive your core playerbase away. Oh and don't expect to retain those 'hardcore' players that this change was designed to slow down. They will find a way to keep at it and burn out like a moth at a flame. Its just what they do and how they enjoy a game before moving to the next one to do the same. Anyhow rant done, just disgusting :mad:

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This nerf is extremely unfortunate. While it may block what is dubiously labelled an exploit (which is in fact simply playing the game really, really heavily in a dry but highly efficient manner), it punishes everyone else by severely reducing the CXP available from all other activities that would normally be used to gain it.


Elite mobs form(ed) a significant part of the CXP gain from Heroic quests, daily areas, Flashpoints, and Operations. The single Heroic 4 mission for Section X alone contributed over 250 CXP is you killed all the elites, the end boss and got the boss. I haven't done the precise math, but I suspect this change drops the total CXP rewards from doing the Section X weekly by 30-40%, rendering it totally nonviable as a means of progression.


With the exception of this 'exploit' PVP was already more efficient than PVE in earning CXP, and this is now boosted by a significant percentage depending on content choice. So this exaccerbates existing issues when the curve should have in fact swung int he other direction.

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Don't forget this is the SECOND nerf.


They already nerfed companions when they removed crystals and decided to charge $250 k a gift. Before we would get some small cash, a box and crystals from each heroic (cash and crystals from weeklies like Black Hole). Now we just get the small amount of cash and the big cost of buying gifts.


Good luck getting all those companions up to level 50!

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Don't forget this is the SECOND nerf.


They already nerfed companions when they removed crystals and decided to charge $250 k a gift. Before we would get some small cash, a box and crystals from each heroic (cash and crystals from weeklies like Black Hole). Now we just get the small amount of cash and the big cost of buying gifts.


Good luck getting all those companions up to level 50!


Yep and story grants very little affection

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Keep this threading going... it needs thousands of views and 50+ pages of responses to maybe hit BW front office and address this garbo'!


5 would be more tolerable, but I suggest going back to 10 - OR make heroics payout more then 20 (maybe like 40/50 per turn in, to help make up for the gold nerf, and you can only do these once a week anyways...)


Don't count on it. No one will even be in the office until Monday. Remember when they let a glitch languish over the holidays because no one was in the office?

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there was no real reason to do this other than to be jerks. they put a cap, someone reaches cap, and now they are in a tearful rage bcuz someone showed them up.

Exactly this. It seems EA/BW current team of devs etc do not understand gamers; there will always be half a dozen crazy nutjobs who have to do everything the new expansion offers as quickly as possible - in WoW they even have achievements for it (world first, server first etc). The rest of us were happy playing as usual and having the added incentive that H2 bonus quests had become useful again due to the gold elites that were now worth killing instead of avoiding. So what if some people hit the weekly cap in 3 days? The majority of players would not have been getting anywhere near this. Colossal fail Bioware/EA :mad:

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Nerfing the XP because of someone who played 15 hours per day for multiple days grinding them only PUNISHES the 99% of us who don't play that much and/or find grinding mobs fun/worthwile.


Thanks Bioware, you may have finally gotten me to stop paying you.


yup back in the day when you could farm champs for unbounded blue and purple gear there was a 3 times only on a timer, same policy could have been applied here but hey nobody remembers

Edited by Alexandrozingsw
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