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Anyone got lucky with the command crates so far?


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that's why I'm just getting my toons to 70/doing new story and dropping them, all i'm hearing from people is the horrible **** they are getting from crates.


Don't even know if I have it in me to do that.


This game took a serious wrong turn with this system. I love how some peeps we saying give it a chance. Unfortunately, as expected, it is WAY worse than could have been imagined. Just think what it will be like when it takes 5-10 hours per crate (post-CxP level 90) and all you get is a bunch of garbage.

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I've opened six crates so far on my Marauder. I got 230 set bonus pants on my sixth. The rest was as follows: 230 blue offhand (with removable hilt and mods), an armormech schematic (legacy bound), two implants (one blue that I kept and one low rating green that I disintegrated). The rest was random orange empty gear shells, jawa junk, and companion gifts.


A guild mate says that he's had 6 offhands out of 8 crates.

Edited by teclado
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4 of my nine were the EXACT SAME trash green pants. All I've gotten is frustration and just this evening decided frustration is not what I want in a game. With no rewards I can obtain unless I get lucky, well that is just not for me. Unsubbed a couple hours ago. Haven't finished the story so will do that before sub runs out.


RNG has never been kind to me, and since they don't even have a no duplications rule in the drop tables.(c'mon who needs FOUR Eternal Commander MK-1 lower robes? ) .. well. With getting nothing in 9 crates and knowing it will take probably 3 times as long to get the next 9, on and on - I'd never get anything worth while ...I'm never going to be happy with this RNG version of the game.


I was willing to redo the same ops and fp's, willing to DvL it waiting for expansion, even was willing to do the command xp grind. But RNG only gear killed it.


I'm so sad to say goodbye but it is no longer any fun for me. I loved the game so much, that the small sliver of hope that they will redo real gear again so I can feel like I have something to look forward to - will have me checking the boards for updates. I'll keep my stuff just in case, but otherwise, it is time to go cry in my coffee tonight and find another pastime.


I wish everyone here the best RNG luck you can have, may your crates rain down with set pieces and mainhands!

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rank 8 now and I've gotten 2 set pieces, purple implant and some blue crap that had useable enhancements so pretty lucky i guess.


It would appear so. I haven't gotten anything to effectively upgrade my character at rank 10 now. Not a single purple piece of gear, let alone with set bonus.


Some people also forget that some of us have augmented our 4.0 gear and so a new piece of gear has to be definitely better than an augmented 224 piece of gear or it will not be good enough for endgame gearing. I'm sure BWA might like me to start wasting creds on augmenting green and blue gear but I'm not falling for that.

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It would appear so. I haven't gotten anything to effectively upgrade my character at rank 10 now. Not a single purple piece of gear, let alone with set bonus.


Some people also forget that some of us have augmented our 4.0 gear and so a new piece of gear has to be definitely better than an augmented 224 piece of gear or it will not be good enough for endgame gearing. I'm sure BWA might like me to start wasting creds on augmenting green and blue gear but I'm not falling for that.


yeah but cant you just take the mods out and put it in your augmented gear?

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I have spent a total of 26 hours of game play since reaching level 70 (yes i took 4 days off from work to really push hard to see what was in store for us in SWTOR) . i have achieved Command Rank 18...and have opened 18 crates...so far I have gotten jawa junk, useless cosmetic shells, reputation tokens, and 1 piece with a blue enhancement that i can use...Thanks for the great system...I went from working on HM/NIM progression raids to farming heroics, flying GSF matches (btw I have 6 mastered ships), doing PVP ( i am valor 76) to try to get command points in the hopes of getting the gear to get back into progression raiding. Thanks for nothing EA and the Bioware dev team.
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Command rank 1 - 230 mod able helm

Command rank 2 - 230 mod able belt and that was in lest than one hour

Will see what Command rank 3 gives me


Used to take me hours to get 80 crystals just to buy one 208 piece and days to get 120 crystals and a week or longer yet for 150.

Would take over a week or more to get 100 crystals to buy a 216 piece and weeks to months to buy 120 or a 150 piece. 220s took months just to get one piece then months to get another.


I don't do Ops, only doing H2s when I can, took much longer to get the crystals to get anything and could only outfit 2 of 15 characters with 216 gear since KOTFE came out last year. At this rate I will have a full set of 230 gear in a few weeks then I can start on another character.


So I have no complaints.

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