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XP Limit for GSF?


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In lvling, you seem to reach a max amount of good xp before it drops down to around 1k for any further runs on GSF.


News to me. I haven't heard this, nor experienced it myself (though I've only played enough thus far to level one guy from 65 to 66).


Maybe it's a bug? I was flying with a guy last night who was only getting around 1k XP per match, but I think it had something to do with wearing the DvL XP armor. I'll ask him what the deal was there.


EDIT: I'm a dummy, I didn't realize OP was actually flying with me last night too (and thus witnessed the screwiness firsthand). Has anyone else hit an "XP wall"? I'm wondering if it's an isolated bug or if it impacts everyone.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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Well, for my two losses tonight, both while level 66, with the DvL XP armor, an XP boost, guild bonus, and the legacy perks, I got like 1800 xp and 2000-something xp for each match respectively. That's like 1% of what it used to be per match with all those buffs. Since it varied between the matches, it must not be capped per se, which I would think ought to be a static number, but rather just very broken. I'll finish off my weekly but there is no way I'll use it to level. Its too much of a waste of my time with this undocumented feature in place. Edited by phalczen
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There is a bug I assume in the system where when you reach level 66, you start getting 800-1400 XP. I assume this was supposed to be what CXP is at 70, but somehow was implemented at 66 instead. So somehow we lose out on regular leveling XP from 66-70.
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You are right it seemed to kick in as soon as I got to level 66 so it's probably a bug connected to their "safeguard" againts people exploiting galactic command experience. At least I don't see any reason to actually limit the gsf experience intentionally as leveling in this game is a joke anyways.... on otherhand it wouldn't be first time bioware does something that doesn't make any sense.
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After there are reports from other parts of the game that starting from Level 66 the EXP you get is lower than the the mission says what you should get, I would consider it as a bug for the time beeing.


Here you can find a bug report about story chapter giving the wrong EXP.


Because of that I strongly advise you if you affected by this write a bug report using the in-game ticket system to report this. Use both the regular ticket, only than can customer service try to refund you should EXP by refundable like other mission rewards, and the bug report, because only this way it will be forwarded to the developers as a request for a fix. I know writing tickets is not what we want to do in-game but you should always expect something to be broken after the release of a new expansion and I personally also write about 99% of my tickets after an expansion release.


Personally I didn't level with GSF to safe the daily and weekly for the Galactic Command Points so that I can't say if I am effected by this.


However the bottom line of this post is combined with other claims of wrong EXP expect a bug not a cap and because of that report it.

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