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Everything posted by Flusssaeure

  1. I am also playing on Tulak Hord and can confirm this. If you have someone on your team affected by this you can see his ship bouncing around the mini map. In a Death Match if an opponent is affected by this you sometimes only can tell your team ignore player X because you can't hit him. So a fix to this would be greatly appriciated.
  2. I can fully understand your problem, but I don't think that your rating is the main issue, even it ampliifies the issue. The main issue is the drop in Ranked participation in general and especially the participation of Healers and tanks. I saw that in my guild one of my guildmates qued as a tank and I as a DD. My guildmate got every invite of the day and played against the same tank in all the games, on the other hand I had to take turns with the other DDs in que and got skipped in most games. As a result I got two or three games for hours of queing. As a result it took a while to even get to the 10 games where you finally got the rating. So even with no rating as a DD you will wait in que more than you play. The situation can be better on a Heal or Tank if they are the one who are missing in que. I think I don't have to explain why as a result I think it is a bad Idea that "the improvement for the gearing situation of PVP players between PTS and live" was to award Ossus reputation in ranked while on the same time increasing the games requirement of the Ranked Weeklies for everyone who has a below 100% win rate? Not that beeing the only one from my last season TRanked team who is still online helps with that. And yes instead of someone who insist that Ranked players support his view on discord I do blame the 5.10 Gearing system for it. And compared to that person I do think that min maxing does matter. Last year when it was discovered that Alacrity works in steps and you get little out of it if you are between two steps I got depending on which spec I played I got up to +500 DPS for optimizing Alacrity so that I got close enough above a step as possible. And yes in Ranked when you expect that everyone knows what they are doing if one has optimized gear and the other not it does matter.
  3. Maybe in general, but there are some more obvious cases than others. If you move over the Hit % coloum of the scoreboard you can see how many shots a player hit and how many shots a player missed. There are some players I repeatedly have seen leaving TDM matches with 0 hits and 0 misses. Which means they havn't shot at all in a TDM where you can't argue well no enemy came to the sat I was defending. But yes non-contributing is currently a much bigger problem than self destructs and yes it might be because it is more difficult to recognise.
  4. Arsenal, since it's damage Nerf, doesn't hit really better that Sorc but is considerd to be OP because it DCDs acts if it has three lifes. The damage is not the problem of sorcerer / sage DPS in PVP. The problem is their low suvival. Of course you can kite, phase walk, force barrier, but if you do so, that your damage is really going against zero. So the problem in PVP is not damage it is survival. Oh wait Bioware already announced that the damage reduction of some abilities will be buffed for Lightning / telekinetics with 5.9: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9576144#edit9576144
  5. While doing my own research at the moment I found this https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/7z945a/lightning_spec_gearing_alacrity_crit_and_power/, based on the question I have the feeling that both threads have the same OP. However the point to discuss in the comments SionCognus showed up and posted his numbers and build: 1189 alacrity and 2189 crit Alacrity: 3 Enh, 5 Aug Crit: 6 Enh, 5 Aug, 2 Crystals Accuracy: 1 Enh, 3 Aug, 1 Stim Mastery: 1 Aug Remember that for these purposes earpiece and implants count as enhancements. Usually I trust SionCognus in regards with Lightning, but if I compare it with the calculations on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/7n6eu0/some_alacrity_numbers/ according to that getting to an Alacrity of 1229 would be necessary to get a 1,1 s GCD under the affect of Polarity Shift. Which means SionCognus would be less than one augment short of that number. Looking on the Dummy parses on parsely SionCognus currently has the fourth highest parse on Lightning / Telekinetics but from the three parses that beats him two had a slightly higher APM. Around 55 instead of 53,6. After I still have to organize the things to rebuild my Sorcerer gear, after I had to tank a lot during the last time, does anyone has some experience if 1229 is so important or are SionCognus numbers preferable? Well the diiference probably would be one augment so the numbers doesn' t seem to be completly off.
  6. Actually compared to the previous Conquest system the points for GSF where downgraded. So if someone is afk GSFing for 85 Conquest points + stronghold bonus (max 150%), the person didn't realised what really gives conquest points. And Bioware already announced that GSF conquest points is one of the categories that will be increased with patch 5.9. On the other hand the CXP and unassembled component rewards definetly brought an increase of afk players with them. This is what you really want to blame.
  7. I am not fully convinced that this is a bug. There is a second reason why this can happen, even because it is late I didn't checked the video if it is the case here. The reason is a player self destructing does give the opposing team a point but no player is credited with a kill. However damaging the self destructer does give an assist. So this can be easily explained. In regards of the late game kill, again I didn't checked the video if it is the case here, there are some situation where a team does score more kills than 50 because multiple players initated an attack before the end of the game, like launching a missile that has some travel time before hitting that target. In this case all kills are shown in the on screen message but only the kills up to the 50th are counting for the scoreboard. I noticed this when I was trying to get the achivements for X games with 9 kills. There I had multiple games where my 9 kill was the 51st team kill because someone was a split second faster than I was. My kill was still mentoined in the on screen message but not on the scoreboard. Well this I didn't noticed before and will check that video later. Just because you mentoined he disappered from the map without a trace. Does anyone know, if you fligh "too high" or "too much to one side" you will leave the combat area and get an on screen warning to return to the battlefield while you taking periodicly damage this damage can destroy you when staying to long outside the combat area, if this happens what shows up in the screen what happened to this pilot and if this count as a score for the enemy team?
  8. Well so far we only identified the problem. There are two things that you can do: 1) Start a new character to fly with. The penalty counts games per character not by legacy. Starting over will reset your penalty. After you can buy Legacy Ship / Fleet requisition tokens with the fleet commendation you get for the daily / weekly starting new is not as bad as it was in the past. Of course sooner or later that character will have enough games to get the penalty too. 2) Que as a group. Groups have priority over single player. Of course this is one reason why you see so many veteran premades against new player matches. The veterans have to group a game and than ran into new players who also get priority. This is definitly one of the friction points of the matchmaker.
  9. I had four characters active in GSF and didn't noticed any problems. Did you get any error massages? Did you listed alone as a veteran or with a group? Thanks to the que preferring new players over veterans when I que alone I sometimes have to wait for an hour before an invite and I am an fleet admiral.
  10. I am from Tulak Hord and I am mostly flying Imperial side, which is the weak one on that server, so I was in a lot of these matches that ended at our spawn points. And while some might hate me for saying it, in 99% it was always tbe team that got camped that was responsible for how the games turned out. First two to four people jumped in a bomber and hide in a hole in the hope that they not get caught there. Even from the others two to four are always marked as non contributors when you push the M key. The result only two or three players actively engage the enemy and get quickly overrun by the complete enemy team. Who after that start to search for other targets and that search usually ends at the spawn points. So next time you get spawn camped ask what you or your team mates did that the enemy team ended at your spawn point. And yes after I saw this happen a lot the spawn points have enough space between them that only one can be completly camped or two can be partly camped if the enemy waits inbetween them. So I always found one open spawn point to get back. But after my usual tensor experience in Denon is anounce which spawn point you tensor and watch half the team spawn at the other one reading a map just seems to hard to find the correct spawn point.
  11. I agree and disagree with some statements here. The fact that there is still a debate if gun ships or strike fighters are dominating shows how much we figured out the post 5.5 meta, actually not as much as we like. I however agree that stacking a single class is not the best way to go in a TDM. Gun ships, strike fighters and scouts all have a roll in a TDM and stacking a single class gives you advantages over some ships and disadvantages against others. If you stack one class you ask your opponent to switch to ships that are bad match ups for you. If both teams know what they do you see more ship switching in a TDM than in a DOM where you need some specific ships because of some specific components, most noteable Hyperspace beacon and Tensor, while in a TDM you try to adapt to the tactic of your opponent. Of course if one side is dominating the other they don't need to switch if there opponents don't find an answer. This is also the reason why one sided games are more about the experience gap between the two teams than about the chosen ships. If the opponent doesn't know what ships are good against each other and as a result can't switch correctly that is not the fault of the ships. In the case of the bombers I definetly disagree that you need them in a TDM and especially because of a repair probe. First you die even faster than before 5.5, you often don't get the chance to get to a repair drone because you died to fast.Then as a reaction to the Proton Torpedo strike fighters more ships than before use Hydrospanner resulting in a lower demand for repair propes because many ships can repair themself. Of course it might be that you value the ammo refill however after you have weapon power ups even that is more useful in Dom than in TDM. So the resl question is how much do you like Railgun Sentry drones in TDM right now. The answer to that defibetly is tied to the gun ship or strike fighter meta question. If you think it is a strike fighter meta railgun sentry drone is pointless, if you think it is a gun ship meta that it has the same purpose than before 5.5. Regarding the strike fighter versus gun ship meta debate my opinion is you need both but more strike fighters than gun ships. If one team stacks gun ships and the other strike fighters, the strike fighters can tank enough shots to close the gap to the gun ships and if the strike fighters get close the gun ships die. Of course strike fighters with a gap closer like barrel roll can do that better than ships with retro thrusters and strike fighters going for evasion can do it better than strike fighters who went with more hull points. But that is one of the points why stacking is dangerous you need answers for different situations and stacking usually don't give you that. In my opinion per 4 ships you wan't 2 strike fighters 1 gun ship and 1 scout in a TDM.
  12. Is the back-filing the wrong team bug still a thing? There was a patch earlier this year which made it appear in both ground PVP and GSF. However as far as I know it was fixed later and the last time I saw this bug was definetly month ago. However the other two are definetly an issue and I would like to see them fixed.
  13. Maybe the first one has something to do with how "death" works in GSF. Ever noticed that if you have to wait for the respawn that in the background you still see the spot where you died? Now did you ever died to an enemy missile sentry drone and had to wait for the respawn? First while dead you get the missile warning and then you see the yellow beam of the missile sentry drone coming at you. That indicates that after game before respawn the game consider you to be at your point of death just unable to interact with anything. That an enemy missile sentry drone can be fooled by that is not really an argument for the missile sentry drone.
  14. Is there any use for strafing outside gunships? Considering the name it sounds like a movement mode that you should use during firing, which could have been something like increased turn speed to help to stay on target still outside of gunshiphide and seek there didn't seem to be any use of it. Strafing outside of gunship is a mystery like the V button, where the ship starts to do a slow motion barrel roll for no noticeable purpose. Most GSF guides doesn't even mentoin the V button.
  15. Forgot something: I noticed as well as I mentoined that I started to find them myself but run into the problem were I have seen one spawn so that I had no chance to confirm or reject if it is a super cluster. So maybe it would be an idea to start a thread after the holidays to work together which points we consider and which not so maybe together we get results father compared to every one trying to do it himself or herself.
  16. While that might be a random example I do have an answer for that. I played Magic the gathering on a tournament level for a while even when the results where ... mmmh .... nothing to talk about. Every new tournament you had thousand cards to choose from but at least at my time you were limited to take 75 to a tournament. So event when you considered 300 cards ouf of the thousand tournament viable you still had to find a way to break them down to 75 for a given tournament. And you did that by considering what are you going to face what of that do have to play yourself what do you have to counter and if you have multiple cards fighting over the same roll what is the most usefull option out of that. Does that sound common? Well the 75 are five in GSF, the five ships that you can put on your bar to select what you take into a match. That's why I don't beleave that nearly every ship is playable. Because your efficency in a game will belimited what you can put on your bar. So it is not about the individual strength of the ships it's about which selection of five will help you in most situations. So if two or more ships compete for the same roll you most likely will only put one of them on your bar to have room for ships covering other rolls even if the individual ships are all good enough to be put on your bar. And at least for Magic the Gathering with big tournaments all around the world this process will be a lot faster than we see it in GSF since 5.5. If you walked through this process for a time you defenitly get another point of view on the importance of the bar compared to the importance of the individual ship. However after I understand what you talking about lets say before I watched Drakolich stream I didn't expected Verain to be such a trash talker. ("We are the last bomber on the node we have to repopulate the note.")
  17. Well after depending on time slot and server there often isn't more than one gaming running at the same time and people who qued while the game is running have to wait until the game ended that enough people are in que to start a second game I don't think that having to wait that a game ends will change the matchmaking enough to make a difference. Especially when you consider that not every one of the first game will que again because daily full / game was to one - sided / having to go to lunch; dinner; bed and not every one who listed later is patient enough to wait for the full 15 Minute duration. And what about the prime time when two or three games running at the same time? Should one time out match than prevent every one on the server from getting a match because the other games ended earlier but still the people from the earlier ended matches and the player qued later have to wait for the time out matches to get a new game. The biggest sin of the matchmaker today is that it priofities new player and groups at the same time. Because it forces veterans with many matches to group to get a match at all but then pairs them against a random group of new players who also have priority. This together with the small player pool is one of the main sources for unbalanced matches.
  18. Is it just me or are nearly all after 5.5 Videos gone from Twitch? The only one I still see are the crate opening bonanza and the one sided game.
  19. Are you having similar issues in Denon Dom? After that map has also background Blaster fire it would be a surprise if Iokath causes problems and Denon not, or it would mean that not the background blaster fire is the problem.
  20. Which brings up the question has any one already a read on the Iokath super clusters? I have some points on the watch list but except from one havn't seen any thing spawning more than once yet. But the one left I am fairly certain that in C3 is a part of the super cluster. There is a bigger wreckage part which is nearly an entire ship at once. It has an open section, maybe an open hangar, that let you travel through this peace of debris from left to right, or B3 to D3. This open section has two floors, on the upper floor i have found a DO now in three matches in a row and never any other power up. Sure that is still a small sample size but after you don't get Iokath TDM all the time it is what I have to work with.
  21. Oh it's not only Power dive. Let's say Retro thrusters back fire a lot on this map... And yes even barrel roll has it's moments but that could be part of the coloring issue that some of you mentoined, after most deaths with barrel roll come from a part that sticks out of one of the bigger parts of wreckage that you didn't notice when starting to roll.
  22. After I didn't saw much comments on this I tought I might start the discussion. From the look the map is epic. The amount of ships in the background only Denon is coming close to this. Still from a gameplay perspective I found it the worst TDM map. And the reasons for that boils down to one reason: To much rubble on the map. While I am aware everyone was afraid of The Lost Gunship Playground Yards part 2 I really think the amount of obstacles on the map was an overreaction in the other direction. And this are the two of the reasons why I think so: 1) Well by now the map for me has earned the Nickname "Death by Engine ability map". While I unfortunately don't have a chance to track it I have seen matches with double digit amounts of self destructs on both sides combined as result of using Engine abilities to break rockets that ends in the next stack of rubble. Even on Kuat with its narrow canyons I rarely have seen more than 5 unintenional self destructs as a result of engine manoeuvre didn't ending how the player thought they where. So doubling the amount of unintentional self destructs seems a lot. Of course there is a chance that by now not everyone is familar enough with the map to have a feeling where they can use manoeuvre and where not and as a result we will see a decline in the number of unintentional self destructs, but by now Engine manoeuvre deads seem to be a feature of this map. 2) The other thing I saw much more often on this map compared to the other two TDM maps are matches ending because the time did run out. So despite more self destructs the overall number of death went down, so what is missing? Combat that ends in kills. This map offers plenty of opportunities to hide from the enemy and to break LOS. The result compared to the other TDM maps: chasing the enemy around corners up, actually shooting the enemy down. some teams can handle that better than others but still I don't think that the goal of a PVP map is to prevent fighting. I don't know how many of you still know and remember Classic Battletech from the time when the gaming internet consisted of a pen and a peace of paper. There was a series of maps called Heavy Woods. This series of maps throw as many wood peaces together as the map could fit, the result nearly nowhere on the map you had a line of side and movement was reduced so much that even the melee build, that on paper would like the map because the coundn't be shoot down over a distance, had a hard time closing in on the enemy because of all the movement penalties. While Iokath isn't as bad as the heavy woods it feals like a step in that direction. So what are your experiences with the new map?
  23. I found claims that gunships died after 5.5 exaggerated as do I find claims that we are back to the old meta after 5.6.1 exaggerated. To get the same number of Kills and assist I need about three times as much damage on a gunship than I do on a Protorp equiped strike fighter. I blame the shield piercing of the Protorp for that, because with the gunship I have to break through the shield by dealing damage, which give them the chance to regenerate the shield when they are able to break LOS, while I don't have to do that on a Protorp equiped strike. Both ships have advantages and disadvantages something we couldn't say before 5.5. The only small complain I have about that is that the Protorp created "Hull-Meta" even further reduced the TTK. While many including myself like the fast paced style of GSF it can't be denied that an even lower TTK is even more punishing for new players still learning the game. If we could get the new balance with the old TTK I wouldn't complain about that.
  24. Speaking of the Quarrel / Mangler I think you have the pre-patch burst laser cannon upgrades listet: Primary: Burst Laser Cannon (Armor pen/Hull damage) After Armor Pen is now the T3 upgrade. Speaking about your bar would you elaborate if the set-up you mentoined is what you consider the new "best meta choice" or just personal preference like you said with the strikes? Let me explain why I ask this question. As we can see with thr voice chat veteran premade discussion, if we agree with them or not, you have a certain reputation in the community and people look what you do either what you write here or what you stream. If all people see from you in the stream is slinging Protorps and then read in the forum that you have all strikes in your bar someone might take that as a statement how strong Protorps and strike fighters are right now if that conclusion was correct or not. I remember that in one of your streams you mentoined that Domination still resolves around Hyperspace Beacon and Tensor field. This would be completly missed just looking on the ships that you mentoined are on your bar and some of the latter Protorps spam galore streams as of late. While I know people are still testing things while other still refused to adapt to the changes it would be interesting to see if you already updated you templates what the best combination of ship classes for domination and TDM is. And what ships you thing a single player or a team should have available to cover all situations. If the answer there would be have all 3 strikes on your bar then we should wonder if it is time to balance the balance patch becouse strikes were buffed to far. To throw in my two cents: -TDM 4 strike fightes, 2 gun ships and 2 scouts is possible the team set up ou want to have in TDM right now. While the strikes, like the line men in the NFL, clash in the center of the map, the gun ships stay "in the pocket" that the strike fighters created and pick off already wounded opponentens and execute them. The scouts flank the strike clash and either attack the gun ships or attack the opposing strikes that are already engaged with the friendly strikes to tip the scale of the strike fighter battle in favor of the own team. While line and pocket might sound like a static engagement it is not. Especially gun ships does have to be much more carefull where are their teammates and where are the enemies and than look to keep their own team mates between them and the opponent than before. But if they can do that a gun ship can still lead its team in damage and kills, but if the line folds and the gun ships get over run than they do die much faster than before. The loser of this is clearly the bomber where I don't see any role for it in TDM right now. That is why I moved all my Legion / Warcarriers from Railgune Sentry drone to Interdiction Drone and I am surprised that you have not. For Dom I really don't feal that much of an impact of the balance patch, it still feals if Domination is played like it was before the patch. Of course strike fighters are more effective then before but they are still the jack of all trade master of none kind of ship they where before and in domination I think that hurts them after the more specialised ships can do their job much better like you still want a bomber to defend a satellite. And that's why I think having a Razorwire / Rampart mark four and a Bloodmark / Spearpoint on your bar is still mandatory as long as you don't fly in a group where you know someone will fly that ship. I can also see the Interdiction Drone Legion / Warcarrier being used here because a team of a Razorwire / Rampart mark four and a Legion / Warcarrier on a satellite still requires some work to get ride off.
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