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So...Is KoTET the Last Expansion?


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I want them to start building this game to be more like SWG without the massive bad points....What they should adapt from SWG and would work with this games frame.


1- the crafting system (adapted to work with this games resource gathering system).

2- Weapon animations bound to weapon....allowing usage of any weapon style (restrictions based on Force user vs Non).

3- The creature handler system..capture and grow animal companions/ build droid companions with Cybertec.

4- World PvP, Add factional bases on each planet that when conquered through conquest must be defended by that guild...if the base is lost they no longer own the planet...

5- A skill point system on top of the current class system to further character diversity (Not Utilities) Like choosing a specific power to advance further for instance specializing in Force Lightning........


Anyways....I want them to embrace the best parts of SWG and bring them here...I really think people would dig it.

Edited by Soljin
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Back on-topic: I definitely had the same thought recently - that putting the player character on a galactic throne certainly feels like a natural end-point, or nearly an end-point, for the game's story, and by extension perhaps a winding-down point for the game itself.


...but I also had the exact same thought when they seemed to be teeing up a showdown with Vitiate almost two years ago, and BW proved that they had more story to tell (albeit by means of a pretty abrupt swerve in the narrative). So this time around I'm tempering (but not abandoning) my own musings that this may be the closing chapters, given that such musings were disproved in the past.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Back on-topic: I definitely had the same thought recently - that putting the player character on a galactic throne certainly feels like a natural end-point, or nearly an end-point, for the game's story, and by extension perhaps a winding-down point for the game itself.


...but I also had the exact same thought when they seemed to be teeing up a showdown with Vitiate almost two years ago, and BW proved that they had more story to tell (albeit by means of a pretty abrupt swerve in the narrative). So this time around I'm tempering (but not abandoning) my own musings that this may be the closing chapters, given that such musings were disproved in the past.


The swerve: it is ten years in the future. Your toon is trying to watch the highlights of the Galactic Huttball Finals, and Lana is yelling at you to take the trash out to the Skytrooper Collectors.

Your toon briefly looks up, realizes they hate the Throne (and, all the reading materials are rubbish these days, anyway), and the Wookiee's Cantina no longer holds any relish for you.




You take out the trash, and keep on walking...

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The swerve: it is ten years in the future. Your toon is trying to watch the highlights of the Galactic Huttball Finals, and Lana is yelling at you to take the trash out to the Skytrooper Collectors.

Your toon briefly looks up, realizes they hate the Throne (and, all the reading materials are rubbish these days, anyway), and the Wookiee's Cantina no longer holds any relish for you.




You take out the trash, and keep on walking...

Automatic switch to body type 4?

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I'd wager more people have played swtor than kotor I & II combined. Add to that, people are still playing swtor 5 years after it's release in large numbers. Not as many as wow obviously, but the numbers are still respectable despite the doomsayers.


Just for clarification, upon launch there were 70 servers in North America alone that were constantly at heavy to full status (sometimes you had to wait a half-hour to an hour just to log in). One off times they might drop to standard.


Now there are 8 in North America that barely even get to standard load. Heck, with the release of the expansion yesterday, every single server in US and Europe remained light.


I do not think there are large numbers playing anymore. My guild is one of the most active on JC, and when we put a raid group together (of 8) we represent more than 10% of the people on fleet.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but their were no "boatloads of players flooding back" nor are there "millions of players" (both paraphrased quotes from BWA this year).


What little remains, a very good portion will most likely call it quits for good with the atrocious RNG end game gearing system.


This game could have been huge. Even potentially reaching heights similar to WoW. But the problem is, and has always been, that the developers/decision makers behind this game have always thought they know better than their customers (and frequently have been very smug about it like they were at the guild summit).


Had they just listened, and delivered what their customers wanted, this game would have been a much bigger success. But hindsight is 20/20 they say.

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I'm not sure where they have left to go with this story. We're basically the god of everything, right? They let players get to too high of a role. Once the players are the leaders, there is no advancement left unless they plan to do another time hop where everyone forgot about you. It works well in a single player game with an ending, not so much in an MMO.
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I'm not sure where they have left to go with this story. We're basically the god of everything, right? They let players get to too high of a role. Once the players are the leaders, there is no advancement left unless they plan to do another time hop where everyone forgot about you. It works well in a single player game with an ending, not so much in an MMO.


I kind of agree with you, but if BioWare think outside of the box, they could quite easily do a Valkorian type shake up. You could have had children of your own who are born into the Eternal Empire, at a time when it's collapsing due to the combined resources of a renewed Empire and Republic. Then you could start with something similar to the original 50 levels when the game launched. Trying to save your Empire and make your daddy/mummy proud!


How it would work on a technical scale will leave a lot to be discussed, as nobody is going to want to piss away five years worth of work on their toon. So perhaps a level carry over/gear carry over or whatever? I'm not sure. I mean, the point I'm trying to make is that there actually are many viable options where they could go with this and still keep it really interesting.


I'm just doubtful they have the intelligence, motivation or perhaps even funding to do such a thing.

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No, in their last stream before KOTET they said the story is continuing in the next expansion. So no, this isn't the final expansion. I'm actually really glad they let us take the throne. This is a personal story, it doesn't matter that the game is an MMO outside of the personal story, the story is about your singular character and your companions. Star Wars always has Queen's, Kings, Princes, Princesses as very iconic archetypes for Star Wars main characters. To not allow us to fulfill that fantasy in the game simply because it's an MMO would be ridiculous. You can always opt out of the throne with the LS choice :rolleyes: Edited by Jesira
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I kind of agree with you, but if BioWare think outside of the box, they could quite easily do a Valkorian type shake up. You could have had children of your own who are born into the Eternal Empire, at a time when it's collapsing due to the combined resources of a renewed Empire and Republic. Then you could start with something similar to the original 50 levels when the game launched. Trying to save your Empire and make your daddy/mummy proud!


How it would work on a technical scale will leave a lot to be discussed, as nobody is going to want to piss away five years worth of work on their toon. So perhaps a level carry over/gear carry over or whatever? I'm not sure. I mean, the point I'm trying to make is that there actually are many viable options where they could go with this and still keep it really interesting.


I'm just doubtful they have the intelligence, motivation or perhaps even funding to do such a thing.


Or, one day you are cruising about the galaxy, observing a rare stellar collision with a black hole. Unbeknownst to you, a particular set of ideologues have decided to start a rebellion against your rule... and time the uprising to coincide with your observation of this rare event.

The Uprising Fleet has you outgunned, and the best way through the fight involves a tight, tight escape pattern right at the edge of the event horizon...

...only, your navicomp is slightly up (part of the sabotage no doubt) and your ship shaves a bit closer than you intended.


Three hundred and three years later, a ship known as the Eureka Maru shows up, looking to salvage the legen... wait. Dangit, Dylan Hunt!

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Or, one day you are cruising about the galaxy, observing a rare stellar collision with a black hole. Unbeknownst to you, a particular set of ideologues have decided to start a rebellion against your rule... and time the uprising to coincide with your observation of this rare event.

The Uprising Fleet has you outgunned, and the best way through the fight involves a tight, tight escape pattern right at the edge of the event horizon...

...only, your navicomp is slightly up (part of the sabotage no doubt) and your ship shaves a bit closer than you intended.


Three hundred and three years later, a ship known as the Eureka Maru shows up, looking to salvage the legen... wait. Dangit, Dylan Hunt!


I didn't really understand any of this, did I miss an obvious Star Wars themed joke? (sad face).

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No, in their last stream before KOTET they said the story is continuing in the next expansion. So no, this isn't the final expansion. I'm actually really glad they let us take the throne. This is a personal story, it doesn't matter that the game is an MMO outside of the personal story, the story is about your singular character and your companions. Star Wars always has Queen's, Kings, Princes, Princesses as very iconic archetypes for Star Wars main characters. To not allow us to fulfill that fantasy in the game simply because it's an MMO would be ridiculous. You can always opt out of the throne with the LS choice :rolleyes:


I don't remember hearing it on stream, maybe I missed it. So it's kinda confirmed there is going to be more?

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I don't remember hearing it on stream, maybe I missed it. So it's kinda confirmed there is going to be more?


Yeppers. I don't remember which stream it was, but it was a fairly recent one (One of the November ones). Basically, there is another arc they are already thinking through/have the outlines for, that the development is going to be picked up on in January.

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Yeppers. I don't remember which stream it was, but it was a fairly recent one (One of the November ones). Basically, there is another arc they are already thinking through/have the outlines for, that the development is going to be picked up on in January.


Kinda makes me happy knowing they have some kind of future plan for the game.

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I'd like to see some kind of invasion along the lines of the Yuuzhan Vong War.


That would be something that could unite the galaxy once more. However, I agree with some of the previous posts about the Republic and Imperials needing to start a conflict again...


Perhaps another Great Galactic War would be fun! :)

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Well we all remember the cutscene that was cut out the 4.0 Trailer right?


I hope the next expansion will be the return of Darth Malgus, who then get the Spot in the game he deserve.

All figures in the 1 Trailer of TOR had there big Spotlight.


Would be just great seeing Darth Malgus catching Skorpio to then get Controll over the eternal Throne :)

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Or, one day you are cruising about the galaxy, observing a rare stellar collision with a black hole. Unbeknownst to you, a particular set of ideologues have decided to start a rebellion against your rule... and time the uprising to coincide with your observation of this rare event.

The Uprising Fleet has you outgunned, and the best way through the fight involves a tight, tight escape pattern right at the edge of the event horizon...

...only, your navicomp is slightly up (part of the sabotage no doubt) and your ship shaves a bit closer than you intended.


Three hundred and three years later, a ship known as the Eureka Maru shows up, looking to salvage the legen... wait. Dangit, Dylan Hunt!


Yes, blame the Nietzscheans in Bioware/EA

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I'd like to see some kind of invasion along the lines of the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Actually I was thinking about it... They surely can't make a full-scale war against YV, because YV were pretty unknown in the Galaxy when they arrived (and other characters from the era were pretty well known - even after Palpatine eradicated most of the Jedi lore, Tionne had no problem singing songs about Naomi Sunrider) but they can have some conflict in the Wild Space and use it to get Zakuul out of the picture (Vong tech could possibly give Zakuul technology run for its money).

Or some droid revolution hitting all three sides and easily destroying Zakuul because of how much they use droids.

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Let's say that people stay in the game and gain Command rank and Eaware decide to do another expansion with new level/gear etc. As many players will ba at max Command rank or at least near max, how would an increas in gear level work? Will the Command rank level increase to like 600 (imagine the grind for new players)? Scrap Command rank altogether? How will it work out if the level gap increase? I fail to see any solution to make a smooth transition bewteen expansions.


Is this early maintenance mode?

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Is this early maintenance mode?
I sincerely don't believe we're even in maintenance mode any longer...that indicates they would be trying to 'maintain' what they have, which they clearly aren't even attempting to do with 5.0.
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Or they do something like ArenaNet did with Guild Wars did as they created Guild Wars 2. Leave the old SWTOR running in "maintenance mode", create a new game that jumps forward a few hundred years (heck, it's Star Wars....jump forward a millennia)... we get a new game engine with better graphics and game play and they can return to a more "Star Wars" root (Jedi vs. Sith).


Heck, we could play our character's great great great great grandkid ~lol~


ArenaNet kept both "camps" happy with GW and GW2 by leaving the old game up for those that loved it, and they gave their loyal payers a perk by allowing them to use accomplishments they did in GW give them extra things in GW2 you could only get by having played the first one. Best of both worlds.


OK.....probably never going to happen with BioWare and SWTOR....but I can still hope :)

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SWG Reborn. Completely overhauled graphics/user interface and pre NGE.


Is a pipe dream, but what a glorious pipe dream that would be. The only thing better would be a vanilla SWTOR project with active class story development(at least to me it would be).

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