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Shae Vizla Missing head


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Wow. One of the most requested features from 4.0 (customize new companions) is considered a bug and will be eliminated? That's...unfortunately quite believable, as 5.0 has been pretty much all about giving players what they don't want.


In any case, now that we've seen that it (mostly) works, we know the speculation that it was because of "technical reasons" isn't quite correct.


Not sure what's worse - this response or the fact that a dev can't spell her name properly


Typical that the one pleasant surprise I encountered turns out to be a bug.. :rolleyes:


These pretty much summarize my feelings on the situation.


Customizing new companions, a feature that most of your community has been asking for since the day 4.0 dropped, and the one feature that I was desperately hoping was added in 5.0....is a bug that might be removed?


If it does end up being removed, and we can't customize the new DvL companion either, I may very well take my 4 year standing sub (across multiple accounts) and support that I've given you guys across numerous social media and forum platforms to an MMO that deserves them. What is it with this game continuously removing features/content that it's users genuinely enjoy?

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It is not intended that you can customize Shay, outside of the one of the three Shay Customizations you can get from her Alert. This is a bug, and will be addressed in a future patch. Anything she is wearing will be returned to you when she is updated.


Oh thank God! Didn't want to see thousands of Shae Vizla's running around in sl***y outfits! Can we have this fixed on Friday's patch please. :D

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Typical that the one pleasant surprise I encountered turns out to be a bug.. :rolleyes:

QFT. I was praising BW for listening to their playerbase and making this change before finding out it was a bug. I should have known that of course if they did something right it was completely by mistake. Hard to believe there was once a time when I would have claimed BW as my favorite game developer. There is absolutely no justifiable reason why we cannot be allowed to customize our companions. If there are certain outfits that they don't want used, fine -- simply remove the outfits from the game. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water. Another step backward.

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It is not intended that you can customize Shay, outside of the one of the three Shay Customizations you can get from her Alert. This is a bug, and will be addressed in a future patch. Anything she is wearing will be returned to you when she is updated.


Why.... why would you remove one of the best features of the old (far, far, far superior) companion system?


Just leave well enough alone for once please you moon-faced assassins of joy. :mad:

Edited by KarathAnno
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It is not intended that you can customize Shay, outside of the one of the three Shay Customizations you can get from her Alert. This is a bug, and will be addressed in a future patch. Anything she is wearing will be returned to you when she is updated.


Please do not take away the ability to customise Shae, if anything make all the other companions customisable.

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This is crap. I was really hoping that not being able to customize kotfe companions was an oversight that would be fixed today. Now it seems they are making sure that doesn't happen. An explanation would be nice.


While I'm at it, I want companions on my ship again. That is all.

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This is just absurd.

In this game, real bugs become features, because they are not fixed for so many years, but when a feature REQUESTED BY THE PLAYER BASE somehow makes it into the game, it is deemed a bug and will be removed.

What kind of weird, sadistic, twisted humor do you have guys???

Edited by Galahard
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Too late, BW. You've shown us that it is possible. There is no reason why this mechanic should be removed from the game. NONE.


I told my husband about this issue. His theory is that 4.0 bugged companions somehow and ALL post 4.0 companions lose their heads when customized. He thinks you guys simply don't know how to fix it, and so you just removed the mechanic altogether and washed your hands of it.


Is that it, BW? Because it would explain a lot. And it would explain your silence. Since I assume you are simply too embarrassed to admit that you broke something and can't fix it.

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So Tait posted that the ability to customize Shae (outside of her 3 customs) is "not intended", and that this will be "fixed" in a later update.




For the love of Valkorion, WHY?!


We WANT to customize our comps. ALL of them. Not just Shae, but Lana and the rest too! Now that we CAN customize Shae, you're saying NOPE.


It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. There is zero mechanical effect to the ability to customize our comps the way we want. It doesn't give any sort of advantage or disadvantage in combat or credits or crew skills or gear or anything. It is purely cosmetic.


I thought the moves you've been making lately are to allow more player choice and freedom. Outfits for example. Tunings for another. Letting us look the way we want, and play the game the way we want (which is the whole point behind Galactic Command).


So why, with this philosophy, would you not only deny us the opportunity customize our comps' outfit, but actively TAKE AWAY the ability to do so for a comp that already has it?! (I.e. Shae)


Please, do NOT patch this. And please, let us put armor on the OTHER KotFE comps too!


Thank you.


Couldn't have said it better myself!

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It is not intended that you can customize Shay, outside of the one of the three Shay Customizations you can get from her Alert. This is a bug, and will be addressed in a future patch. Anything she is wearing will be returned to you when she is updated.
keep up the troll patches bioware. this is hilarious.
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It is not intended that you can customize Shay, outside of the one of the three Shay Customizations you can get from her Alert. This is a bug, and will be addressed in a future patch. Anything she is wearing will be returned to you when she is updated.

People have been asking for new/newish companions to be customizable (aka: KOTFE companions) for ages. It's a topic that has come up so many times and gets no acknowledgement.


And then you give out a sub reward that apparently isn't supposed to have gear customization (again, with no acknowledgement that it's something people want or why it's not in there). But by hilarity of the universe, we end up with the apparently buggy ability to customize her gear, which you say isn't intended!


Still no acknowledgement or explanation. Just a "that's not intended." I pity you community guys. I pity you for having to go on the forums and post the opposite of what people want to hear, meanwhile you have to ignore what we're actually saying. I hope you're getting paid enough for this ****.


Cause we're paying and getting **** on.

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It is not intended that you can customize Shay, outside of the one of the three Shay Customizations you can get from her Alert. This is a bug, and will be addressed in a future patch. Anything she is wearing will be returned to you when she is updated.


Wow. Just picking my jaw up off the floor.


I guess they finally have came out and said it, that the uncustomizable companions that have appeared since the launch of KOTFE, was not a fluke, but rather an intended design decision. I speculated that was the case, even as BW remained firmly entrenched and silent on the issue, but apparently it's ok to let the dogs out now. Woof Woof.


Proof positive ladies and gentleman, that they don't care what we think. They don't care what we say. They don't listen to requests for product improvements and they circular file all feedback.


Choices matter they say. Well, they made their choice, and clearly it matters. Now the question is, will their choice to be lazy (or conversely not to be lazy, but rather to restrict) will affect their bottom line. Now that I know we will never get to build the look for anyone new, I have no more use for the Cartel Market. Armors, which are the foundation of the Cartel packs, are no longer needed by me. My personal looks are set, and are very unlikely to change, and since I can't control the looks of who tags along with me, I have no reason to spend.


Thanks for making the choice easy for me Bioware! My wallet thanks you immensely.

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It is not intended that you can customize Shay, outside of the one of the three Shay Customizations you can get from her Alert. This is a bug, and will be addressed in a future patch. Anything she is wearing will be returned to you when she is updated.


Translation ... FOOLS! We will not give you what you want for free. PAYING A SUBSCRIPTION IS NECESSARY FOR LIFE. Only the opinions of those willing to spend their money on CARTEL COINS will be acknowledged. THIS THING THAT YOU WANTED IS A BUG! It does not make us any money. What you want will be available in the cartel market some time in the future, for MUCH more than the pitiful allowance of CC that your sub grants you.

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This is crap. I was really hoping that not being able to customize kotfe companions was an oversight that would be fixed today. Now it seems they are making sure that doesn't happen. An explanation would be nice.


While I'm at it, I want companions on my ship again. That is all.


The explanation is simple: They don't wan't people to put armors on their companions that isn't 'Star Warsy and iconic'... I mean, really, it's not our story it's theirs. :rolleyes: Oh, wait... that was Sony.


Actually, it's beyond me why we can't customize any of the new companions. As is their steadfast refusal to even speak on the matter.


If it's the whole skimpy armor excuse, then why can characters still wear it? Vanilla companions? Dancers in all the cantinas scattered everywhere? Various npc's?


Why make customizing companions a part of the game and then remove the option and refuse to explain the decision?

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The explanation is simple: They don't wan't people to put armors on their companions that isn't 'Star Warsy and iconic'... I mean, really, it's not our story it's theirs. :rolleyes: Oh, wait... that was Sony.


Actually, it's beyond me why we can't customize any of the new companions. As is their steadfast refusal to even speak on the matter.


If it's the whole skimpy armor excuse, then why can characters still wear it? Vanilla companions? Dancers in all the cantinas scattered everywhere? Various npc's?


Why make customizing companions a part of the game and then remove the option and refuse to explain the decision?


My assumption was that at some point they mean to sell customizations on the CM, and they figure we will still be buying all the regular armor sets for ourselves (that's what they believe alts are for, never occurred to them that we'd actually want to gear them, but that's another story), so they might as well separate the companions and have us pay extra to make them look different.


I am honestly a little surprised that we have not seen kotfe-companion customizations on CM yet, but this is the only reasoning that made sense to me, so for now it's what I choose to believe.

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It is not intended that you can customize Shay, outside of the one of the three Shay Customizations you can get from her Alert. This is a bug, and will be addressed in a future patch. Anything she is wearing will be returned to you when she is updated.



WTH!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!? The best companion change in this expansion is actually a bug. :mad::confused:


*flips table and throws chair at screen :mad:

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It is not intended that you can customize Shay, outside of the one of the three Shay Customizations you can get from her Alert. This is a bug, and will be addressed in a future patch. Anything she is wearing will be returned to you when she is updated.


Do you WANT me to UNSUBSCRIBE? This kind of thinking is EXACTLY what will cause that to happen.


I can't begin to voice how much disapproval I have for this idea. As other people have said - if WE want one of your three customized appearances, then we can load them up but if not, then we put on the gear WE WANT to see on our companion. It is this way that we (THE PLAYERS) feel that the companion is OURS. As long as you feed CANNED FIXED appearance companions to us, the player base will be UNHAPPY and a majority (I'd like to think) will simply NOT use them as companions.

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I am sorry this is very unacceptable. You guys really need to knock it off. We really don't have options now to customize our companion. It what makes a different aspect of the game fun. Also in making our own toons appearance. You let us customize our original companions. Then when KOTFE hit in 4.0 you throw us all these new companions and we cant modify the look whatsoever. Whats the point now??? Its really sad you guys dont let us have our decisions in appearances and TBH, these half-baked stories is not our alliance. Its Lana's. She's the deciding factor in all of the decisions. She might as well be the hero of the day not us. Thank you very much !!! we want more!! please sir can I have another!!!! absolute B.S. !


Couldn't agree more.

I wasn't even going to use Shae until I make a new alt, but now I'll have to dress her up on just about every character just to prove a point.

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It is not intended that you can customize Shay, outside of the one of the three Shay Customizations you can get from her Alert. This is a bug, and will be addressed in a future patch. Anything she is wearing will be returned to you when she is updated.


I claimed Shae using the clickable token item I got in the mail, and didn't receive the other two customizations for her. I'm guessing this is a bug too?

Edited by Honouree
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It is not intended that you can customize Shay, outside of the one of the three Shay Customizations you can get from her Alert. This is a bug, and will be addressed in a future patch. Anything she is wearing will be returned to you when she is updated.


No please do not do this bioware!

Eric go tell your fellow team out there that it is a mistake to remove such a cool feature to customize the looks of armor our companions can have.

This is what I said on an other forum post too:



I 100% agree! Bioware please keep this setting how Shae Vizla is now and give us the freedom to dress our companions in the way we want. :( Any idea why this is important? That freedom of choice is, important, and that is what makes it fun. And any idea why so many people crave for it too? It is because it is also not fun to see everywhere the same clone of Lana or perhaps now Shae Vizla around literrally all over the fleet 40x for example if people pull lana out and all look the same. Such things are important for players. Please try to implement this thing you made for Shae now for other companions, it would be so cool and nice of you! Please do not remove a good thing you did, it is otherwise a real shame, you gave us something what we all like. Greets! (BTW I love the new KOTET story so far! Really goodjob with that bioware if you read this now, I do it on Veteran Mode and it is so epic and fun, I am glad you listened to the critics for kotfe it worked for kotet! Please keep listing to us and do not revert changes what are well received by players Thank you and do not screw up things alright? haha)





PS: I posted the same message on: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9132804&posted=1#post9132804


Perhaps these 2 threads can be merged? ^^ Anyways bioware do please keep this addon it is so cool! :D

I will haunt you forever if you remove this whahaha.

Greets! ^^

Edited by -JE-BLAZAR-
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I btw never use Lana because of this reason, same for Theron, that I can not customize them. :( I really would like to give Theron the same cool Bounty Hunter/ or Imperial Trooper outfit what I made for all my other companions, so it all looks more like 1 big Team you know, same accounts for Lana, it would be so cool to see in Cutscenes to see them all as 1 unified team.

And everytime I see Theron still wearing that same jacket what he wears for YEARS now, I get this feeling, ''go CHANGE your clothes!!!, you wear this since you where 19 years old???''. It is funny a bit that someone gets so attached to 1 specific look I guess lol, but bioware you can make with the way you made Shae Vizla give people the look what you guys want the companions to look like, and at the same time give us a free choice if we want to change it. It is a win win situation. I can not think of 1 reason what would damage you or the players in the process with keeping things like they are now. :) So implement this for all companions who are unable to get dressed differently. Please do it! :D And be smart! I say you we all would like this feauture. I will give you an kiss Eric if you guys do not change this and make it happen haha. (Good luck anyways with all the other projects and things you work on)

Greets and best whishes,


Edited by -JE-BLAZAR-
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I claimed Shae using the clickable token item I got in the mail, and didn't receive the other two customizations for her. I'm guessing this is a bug too?


No, you get them when you do her Alliance Alert (sometime after KotHE Chapter 14)...you can do this mission even if you use the token, so basically you have to do KotFE to get the extra customizations.

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It is not intended that you can customize Shay, outside of the one of the three Shay Customizations you can get from her Alert. This is a bug, and will be addressed in a future patch. Anything she is wearing will be returned to you when she is updated.


I don't get outraged by much. I've been a subscriber for years with little to complain about.


But if you remove the ability to customize Shae, I will be outraged. It's a slap in the face, in clear defiance of obvious, widespread user feedback.


We want to be able to customize our companions. You should want us to also, since it gives us another body to put Cartel Market outfits on.


The fact that I could customize Shae was a delighter. I promptly dressed her up in the same armor that my wife's red-headed BH character wears. I showed my wife, and she was thrilled too.


If you "fix" this, then you really are lost.

Edited by Nemarus
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