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Petition for Dark V Light Achievements to be acknowledged / archived


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And do you think this act will make me DO IT again? This is good marketing but who would be insane to re-do again for same rewards?


At least name it something else but why erased from your hard worked achievements like it never happened?


Good marketing I would say this is terrible marketing as it confirms how much the developers do not give a crap about the people who play this game.


Have you ever heard of other games completely revoking achievements all gamers enjoy the satisfaction from completing objectives and getting achievements for it.

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I may have misunderstood too but harokiti said the title is still there. That's something at least. Won't show that you were 99% to Legendary though.


I was so amazed by what the dev trackers said I re read the terms and conditions of the Dark V Light event, it stated that we would get rewards and titles on earning the achievements. I earned 100% DVL status so I have checked to see that I had the titles that were rewarded and I can confirm that I still have the titles. The point is I am very upset to have put effort in for achievements I expected to keep and now log in to see 0% DVL achievements and not see them archived anywhere!! Our hard work deserves to be recognised.

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Ok I'm horribly confused. I attained up to Eternal Champion and now I have none of those achievements enabled, why didn't I receive my rewards? Why is everything set to 0 again????

Rewards and achievements -> two different things.

You will get your rewards on Friday (at least that's the promise).

Achievements have been wiped, but they really should have been just left alone, because those have been achieved, they are done and done history.

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Ok I'm horribly confused. I attained up to Eternal Champion and now I have none of those achievements enabled, why didn't I receive my rewards? Why is everything set to 0 again????


You will still get your rewards - when you login you will see that you still have the titles you were awarded for completion of each event tier the complaint / petition is about the removal of our achievements. We were not notified that this would happen and for many of us the sole purpose of us completing the event was for the achievements and not the rewards.


It took much time, effort and in some cases cartel coins to unlock char slots to level the chars - had we been informed at the onset the achievements would reset many of us would have not bothered with the event but we were not given a choice to make an informal decision on this!

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You will still get your rewards - when you login you will see that you still have the titles you were awarded for completion of each event tier the complaint / petition is about the removal of our achievements. We were not notified that this would happen and for many of us the sole purpose of us completing the event was for the achievements and not the rewards.


It took much time, effort and in some cases cartel coins to unlock char slots to level the chars - had we been informed at the onset the achievements would reset many of us would have not bothered with the event but we were not given a choice to make an informal decision on this!


AH, ok that makes sense. Well in that case double /signed. I want my damn achievements back >: (


EDIT: could it have just been a bug or is there clarification they did this on purpose?

Edited by xeoneex
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AH, ok that makes sense. Well in that case double /signed. I want my damn achievements back >: (


EDIT: could it have just been a bug or is there clarification they did this on purpose?


No if you read the dev tracker there is a post from Musco saying that it is intended as they plan to run the event in the future again and everyone would farm it again!


However there are some achievements for eg the purchase of the data cron you can only have one data cron decoration in your inventory so how would people do this again? I remember from watching the live stream Musco mentioned that the achievements had to be earned in the time period and if you failed to complete it in the time scale then you would need to do it all again the next time they ran the event. It was never mentioned that it would be reset for those that completed otherwise I would not have spent time doing it.


I am a founder I got legendary status more or less when it was launched as I love this game (loved this game is the way I feel now as it's being destroyed) I had every class and advanced class on rep and imp side prior to DVL I have even done dark side and light side choices in the story. I had to purchase server slots to roll the toons.


Personally I think this has to be a mistake and they think its fine to say "oh its because it may run again in the future" there are plenty of events that have run again in the future that have not reset for example Gree, Bounty Hunter, Rakghoul, The nightlife events.


I can confirm that DvL will now show as being 0% for everyone and has been reset. This will have no effect on you receiving your rewards on Friday. The reason this happened is that since the DvL event is over, the Achievements have been wiped/reset should we run it in the future. Apologies for any confusion/alarm this has caused!


Again, this will have no effect on you receiving your event rewards on Friday.




Eric Musco needs to re read what he wrote and ask himself if he would be happy hearing those words after putting the effort in to complete the DVL to 100% tbh I doubt he or any of the Devs even have legendary status let alone 100% DVL status. I have looked at and played other games and I love Star Wars the graphical changes that they have made are really nice I am enjoying the new stuff they have added not that there is much of it. The problem I have is the direction that this game has now headed in is making me question if its worth me spending time and effort on anymore. Removing these achievements with no prior notification I think is insulting and shows that EAware do not care about their player base, I used to pay my subscription six monthly I have changed this to monthly and am seriously contemplating unsubbing.

Edited by harokiti
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