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All you who hate this game...


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... why do you insist on writing on these forums how much you dislike it? Why do you even bother wasting your energy here instead of doing somethin you actually enjoy? Are your lives really that miserable?


I hate golfing. Tried it once and it's not my cup of tea. That doesn't mean I take frequent trips to random golf courses and shout at the players how stupid they are for enjoying something I don't. But that's exactly what you are doing.


Why can't you let us "deluded fan bois" enjoy this "linear", "bugged out", "empty", "what-ever-fault-you-can-find", game?

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... why do you insist on writing on these forums how much you dislike it? Why do you even bother wasting your energy here instead of doing somethin you actually enjoy? Are your lives really that miserable?


I hate golfing. Tried it once and it's not my cup of tea. That doesn't mean I take frequent trips to random golf courses and shout at the players how stupid they are for enjoying something I don't. But that's exactly what you are doing.


Why can't you let us "deluded fan bois" enjoy this "linear", "bugged out", "empty", "what-ever-fault-you-can-find", game?


Because we feel cheated since we were promised a good game and received a bad one. And surprise, our money have actually the exact same value as yours.

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I have some frustrations too, but I resist the urge to inflict them on others unless provoked. They could do the same, it's called common courtesy.


It's a message board, they aren't coming into your home and screaming in your face. Don't open complaint threads then.

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The same reason you made this post, they are venting their frustrations.


Get over it.


Venting frustrations?? over a Video Game? Are you serious?


Fine...that may be. However, after receiving bad service at a restaurant, do you stand up in the middle of the dining room and scream FAIL and call the staff a bunch of IDIOTS?


I don't think so. Childish Cowards pollute our community forums. It takes an adult to offer constructive critism and concerns.

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It's a message board, they aren't coming into your home and screaming in your face. Don't open complaint threads then.


Being on a public message board is no excuse to act like a jerk and provoke people because you can operate under a safe mantle of anonymity.


EDIT: I don't mean "you" in particular, just clearing that up.

Edited by archifikoss
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I agree... I love seeing posts with constructive criticism or at least well articulated and reasonable, but unfortunately the majority just sound like those crappy customers you used to get when you worked retail :mad:


I'm really sick of this line of BS people keep hauling out. You keep saying so it looks like you aren't trying to silence all dissent. But when you actually look at it no suggestion or complaint thread EVER meets your standard of "constructive criticism".

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I'm really sick of this line of BS people keep hauling out. You keep saying so it looks like you aren't trying to silence all dissent. But when you actually look at it no suggestion or complaint thread EVER meets your standard of "constructive criticism".


:sy_bank: CE-VIP The Force is like Duct Tape, it has a light side, a dark side, and holds the universe together.


LOL, how's that working out for you?

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Venting frustrations?? over a Video Game? Are you serious?


Fine...that may be. However, after receiving bad service at a restaurant, do you stand up in the middle of the dining room and scream FAIL and call the staff a bunch of IDIOTS?


I don't think so. Childish Cowards pollute our community forums. It takes an adult to offer constructive critism and concerns.


No, I ask to speak to the manager, and give him/her my feedback. That is what these people are doing. Some are just wining. Others are giving constructive critisism.


Constructive critisism is very, very important. It allows future design/patches to take place, and hit the mark.


In it's current state, TOR is massively flawed. Letting the Devs know where we feel the flaws are, and how we'd like to see them improved is solid gold for companies that make MMO's. It allows them to remove alot of the guess work associated with what a player wants.

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... why do you insist on writing on these forums how much you dislike it? Why do you even bother wasting your energy here instead of doing somethin you actually enjoy? Are your lives really that miserable?


I hate golfing. Tried it once and it's not my cup of tea. That doesn't mean I take frequent trips to random golf courses and shout at the players how stupid they are for enjoying something I don't. But that's exactly what you are doing.


Why can't you let us "deluded fan bois" enjoy this "linear", "bugged out", "empty", "what-ever-fault-you-can-find", game?


I think it's because of several reasons:


  1. It's Star Wars.
  2. We've invested a lot of time follwing the development of this game.
  3. Our anticipation was off the charts.
  4. Many had high hopes that this would be the MMO of MMO's.
  5. When it was announced/leaked that BW was doing this, it was around the time that SWG flopped with the NGE and so looked at BW as somewhat of an answer.
  6. It's 2011 and we're floored at how 1997 this game is.
  7. We still hope it can be fixed.

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The same reason you made this post, they are venting their frustrations.


Get over it.


Em venting your frustrations is one thing. Like the OP said he tried golf it isn't his thing.

State you point and leave. Bioware can decide to listen or not. What's happening here is almost like a troll movement and is getting out of hand.


I think the OP is well aware there is going to be grief with any product but myself and the OP share the same view that what's occuring with the whine crowd is just insane. And it started before the game was even in beta or before the game was even realeased.


Just whine about this and that and this and that


Mate there is a point when people get sick of hearing your frustrations.


If the game isn't perfect and you'd like to play then either


Quit completely


Quit until a patch comes in and fixs what your problem was


Keep playing until said patch and post once about your problem then leave it at that.


This is the way to behave not like the crazied lunitoons we see on these forums

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