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Musco opens 4 crates at level 90+ ZERO set gear


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lol who did the math?? ON PTS you could have BiS gear in 3 weeks, but relics were cancer to get!


Is that on the latest patch of PTS or an earlier version? Just curious, since I'm a casual solo player and won't even need BiS gear, but I'm still interested in having lots of other players in the world. :)

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No, I think it would best work like this:


1. Legacy Galactic Command rank is 100.

2. New alt reaches level 70.

3. New alt does content that generates CXP.

4. Hits legacy rank 101 while playing new alt.

5. New alt gets command crate at that tier.


This way, any character I play would push my overall command rank forward, but I would still have to run content with the character in question to receive gear rewards for him/her.

That would be FAR less punishing to alts...not a bad idea Khevar.

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lol who did the math?? ON PTS you could have BiS gear in 3 weeks, but relics were cancer to get!

BiS, meaning full 6-piece bonus as well? 3-weeks? If it only takes a casual player 3-weeks, I'll shut up...but we know that it won't be 3-weeks for most players...there's no chance it will be. None. There's NOTHING good about RNG based gearing. Let players earn tokens...that's rewards participation...but to punish us all with RNG? Who the hell approved this? It's by far, the absolute worst design imaginable.

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BiS, meaning full 6-piece bonus as well? 3-weeks? If it only takes a casual player 3-weeks, I'll shut up...but we know that it won't be 3-weeks for most players...there's no chance it will be. None. There's NOTHING good about RNG based gearing. Let players earn tokens...that's rewards participation...but to punish us all with RNG? Who the hell approved this? It's by far, the absolute worst design imaginable.


Yes, a 1 token fits all would be far better than RNG.

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That would be FAR less punishing to alts...not a bad idea Khevar.

I'll agree it's less punishing but only a small step away from the brink I'm afraid. We'll still need to farm the set pieces for all specs for any alt we care to play.


I still don't get why they think repackaging stale content as a sub-only Korean grinder is going to improve things. I just don't.

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I'll agree it's less punishing but only a small step away from the brink I'm afraid. We'll still need to farm the set pieces for all specs for any alt we care to play.


I still don't get why they think repackaging stale content as a sub-only Korean grinder is going to improve things. I just don't.

Oh, I completely agree...but at this point, I'll take anything over 100% pure RNG...

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According to this article, Command Rank goes up to 300. The grind will be... mind-numbing.


It is outrageous that we have to get this kind of info from third party websites or dataminers or dataleaks and not from Bioware itself. It's a spit in the face of their playerbase who have completely different needs then being developed at the moment.

Edited by cashtwomuchos
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A 232 modable green is not bad gear, and not reflective of what we would normally see from "green" gear.


232 gear (I could care less about color), stinks for being Command Rank 93.


The new raid gearing is 236/240/244. So after more than 90 command levels (90 hours?), you are still not getting gear that will help in upscaled raids.


My guild currently runs four raids a week. When this drops, it appears raiding is going to be dead if everyone first has to grind 150 command levels (hours) just to get gear to do what we are able to do now.


Plain and simple, BW is giving very little new content with this expansion, then they are adding a painfully ridiculous grind just to be able to do the content we do today.


At this point, I honestly would rather they leave the game at 4.0. 5.0 with it's grind and RNG, and gating group content to only subscribers, will have a severely detrimental impact on the game. It did the last two times they tried it, why does anyone believe it is going to be different this time?

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It is outrageous that we have to get this kind of info from third party websites or dataminers or dataleaks and not from Bioware itself. It's a spit in the face of their playerbase who have completely different needs then being developed at the moment.

100% agreed.


And then I read this: "All the gear you get in the game now comes from Galactic Command"


This is one of the worst possible progression systems. That's not even progression. That's just ludicrous.


Some more quotes.


"You can't do big, meaningful things." Well, I can't do that in SWTOR either. I can grind the same old content over and over again for RNG gear. That alone is utterly stupid. But then I finally have the RNG gear I want, but there's no content for it, except the same old content that a lot of people have been doing since launch. And over 20 chapters of badly written SINGLE PLAYER content that I can redo over and over again for absolutely no good reason. Oh wait, grind more command stuff for more RNG gear that I can't use in any content except the same old content hat a lot of people.........


SWTOR is run by the citizens of Schilda.


"If they say, 'Huh, I want to play a Star Wars story game,' we're the only Star Wars story game that's in the marketplace right now."" Proving why monopolies are a very bad thing. PLus, $15/month for a story focused, single player game.


But there is some light on the horizon.


"The character that players control throughout the story will take the Eternal Throne and become the rightful ruler of the galaxy." That pretty much guarantees that SWTOR will never be canon.



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At this point, I honestly would rather they leave the game at 4.0. 5.0 with it's grind and RNG, and gating group content to only subscribers, will have a severely detrimental impact on the game. It did the last two times they tried it, why does anyone believe it is going to be different this time?

Nobody actually thinks it'll be different - they just like to antagonize others. Where we critique the game, development and design, they critique you. They take impersonal debate and make it personal.

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A quote from that article: "We are the only Star Wars story game in the marketplace." is a perfect display of the blinders BW is going around with.


First and foremost, most players are MMO players - many of whom have probably played other MMOs before. The whole purpose of an MMO is to play a game with your friends together. KOTOR and KOTOR II, along with any other desktop RPG, is what most play for story.


Secondly, BW is putting WAY TO MUCH FAITH, in the Stars Wars IP allowing them to make really dumb decisions and think people's tolerance level will be high.


Losing 75% of the player base within 6 months of launch should have been a clear indication that the SW IP does not hold the weight they seem to place on it.

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BiS, meaning full 6-piece bonus as well? 3-weeks? If it only takes a casual player 3-weeks, I'll shut up...but we know that it won't be 3-weeks for most players...there's no chance it will be. None. There's NOTHING good about RNG based gearing. Let players earn tokens...that's rewards participation...but to punish us all with RNG? Who the hell approved this? It's by far, the absolute worst design imaginable.


Honestly as a casual who does not do ops and tries to avoid pvp I will feel lucky if i can actually get tier 2 before 6.0 is released.


A legacy based cxp would increase my chances by quite a lot.

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First and foremost, most players are MMO players - many of whom have probably played other MMOs before. The whole purpose of an MMO is to play a game with your friends together. KOTOR and KOTOR II, along with any other desktop RPG, is what most play for story.

Oh, oh, can I play this "let's make broad, sweeping statements about what 'most' players want without any evidence to back it up, just to validate my own preferred gameplay" forum game too?


Alright, let's give it a try:


"Wrong. Most players are here for the story and don't care in the least about "MMO" content or grouping up with other people. This game is a continuation of BW storytelling in the KOTOR universe, and it gives ongoing updates of the story - which is exactly what most players are here for. Everything else is irrelevant."


How was that?

Edited by DarthDymond
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How was that?


Pretty good. Please continue with broad sweeping statements in the future please, you have just been nominated for the job. :D


Anyway, good luck with getting BioWare to change RNG gearing or to at least leave it "as is" while also leaving current gearing methods "as is" to cater to all players. History teaches us that BioWare Austin literally will not alter this system, they're already dead set on it due to business reasoning.


With that said, I've got nothing else to add to this thread. Apathy has set in.

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A quote from that article: "We are the only Star Wars story game in the marketplace." is a perfect display of the blinders BW is going around with.


First and foremost, most players are MMO players - many of whom have probably played other MMOs before. The whole purpose of an MMO is to play a game with your friends together. KOTOR and KOTOR II, along with any other desktop RPG, is what most play for story.


Secondly, BW is putting WAY TO MUCH FAITH, in the Stars Wars IP allowing them to make really dumb decisions and think people's tolerance level will be high.


Losing 75% of the player base within 6 months of launch should have been a clear indication that the SW IP does not hold the weight they seem to place on it.

if people want story they will go play one of the billion awful wrpgs on the market or one of the great jrpgs on the market.


really swtor has been a failure time after time and the other thing bioware loves talking about is how it has story. and guess what? the story isn't all that good it's the normal bioware "omg you are special! save the galaxy!" stuff we've seen in ever game they put onto the market. they don't get the mmo community they don't understand why tons of people talk about swg pre-cu with fondness.


really there needs to be a full on gamer revolt over bs like this. i want to go back to the days of devs talking to us, no f2p and p2w systems, bugs being fixed asap not months later. really if 2016 has shown us anything its the only devs that do care are blizzard and square. the rest should be run out of town.

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A quote from that article: "We are the only Star Wars story game in the marketplace." is a perfect display of the blinders BW is going around with.


First and foremost, most players are MMO players - many of whom have probably played other MMOs before. The whole purpose of an MMO is to play a game with your friends together. KOTOR and KOTOR II, along with any other desktop RPG, is what most play for story.


Secondly, BW is putting WAY TO MUCH FAITH, in the Stars Wars IP allowing them to make really dumb decisions and think people's tolerance level will be high.


Losing 75% of the player base within 6 months of launch should have been a clear indication that the SW IP does not hold the weight they seem to place on it.


I don't know. I think the Star Wars fans are all that's left. I can't speak for others but I only play it for the Star Wars and slightly for the RPG, but not for the MMO. I play another game for the MMO and the RPG.

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It is unknown how accurate that 'data' actually is, so I'll take it with a pinch of salt.


You're choice - it comes from the actual data live in the patches right now and has proven to be accurate in the past.


On another forum there was a discussion about the fastest way to earn cxp and apparently you can earn it from killing elite mobs in HM ops. So their plan was to just farm the mobs and reset the instance then repeat. Not sure if that works but it won't be long before someone figures out the fastest way to accrue cxp.


Because that sounds like a fun game I want to play spending 10's of hours doing just that to level up to do content I want to do. :rolleyes:


Look, I understand why most people are pissed with these changes. But for me personally, outside of pvp i never really worried about gear. I'm happy doing warzones, story and the odd flashpoint / sm. I never have and probably never would had the chance for bis gear. I've never attempted nim operations and unlikely to ever try. But now for me, and players like me, we have a chance for the best in the game and I think it's cool. So not everyone is going to be upset over this.


I don't give a **** how you get gear, I care about how I can get gear and these changes are retarded in that regard and will earn no money from me. Keep the story and content coming though and I'll sub for as long as it takes before I tire of that ( couple of new ops would at least get a couple of months out of me for example ) - this time around I'm looking at 1 month since I have no reason to do uprisings more than once. Unless they prove to be insanely fun which they didn't look to be in the stream - about as much fun as EC was which was fine for a once or twice but after that it as pointless doing again.

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Possibly. But that would make BW much craftier than they appear. I still believe they are just out of touch with the player base and the game.


Take the original gear being tied to advanced class. They quickly changed it to discipline based on feedback, which is good. But what's bad is that they didn't think of it in the first place. I don't think it was a plan to give us crap, then add some seasoning so it tastes a little better. I think they just didn't understand that some people play tank/DPS or heal/DPS on the same toon and/or just didn't think thru the mechanics of their own system.


Ultimately while its good they changed that aspect, it caused my faith in their ability to properly implement this system disappear.


Who knows - point is they aren't changing the system at this stage ( and I'd argue it's too late ) to cater to the outrage received.


They've done surveys in the past too so what I don't get is why they didn't survey out some of these major changes before going through with them. They could have quickly seen that yes people would like a GC system but in addition to the system they have now and no - no one wants RNG crates.

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Who knows - point is they aren't changing the system at this stage ( and I'd argue it's too late ) to cater to the outrage received.


They've done surveys in the past too so what I don't get is why they didn't survey out some of these major changes before going through with them. They could have quickly seen that yes people would like a GC system but in addition to the system they have now and no - no one wants RNG crates.


I will still contend, that once this goes live, this is going to be an unmitigated disaster - to which they will claim they are surprised. They have done this twice before and both times it was an complete disaster. How they expect this is going to be any different this time is completely beyond me.

Edited by Wayshuba
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Even a competent developer can be over tasked.... I am by no means defending RnG or the lack of new content in the "Expansion". On that note I am really starting to think Bioware is resource starved and under very specific profit driven direction.....to the extent that it's the number one imperative throwing all other concepts aside...AKA fun.


I suspect this is close to the truth. Look at uprisings, bare bones group instances using existing assets with some new enemies. It looks like they don't even have resources to do proper FPs any more. In some respects uprisings just appear to be a glorified horde mode with mobs blinking into existence from nowhere. I really don't see why any of the so called infuencers are really happy about this as group content compared to what we used to get.


Whether its BW making design decisions or EA dictating to them either is unpalatable. If its BW even if they're resource starved they are making extremely poor design decisions.

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I suspect this is close to the truth. Look at uprisings, bare bones group instances using existing assets with some new enemies. It looks like they don't even have resources to do proper FPs any more. In some respects uprisings just appear to be a glorified horde mode with mobs blinking into existence from nowhere. I really don't see why any of the so called infuencers are really happy about this as group content compared to what we used to get.


Whether its BW making design decisions or EA dictating to them either is unpalatable. If its BW even if they're resource starved they are making extremely poor design decisions.

Theorizing just for the heck of it: Part of it, I suspect, is that the studio is also working on the development of Mass Effect: Andromeda, along with the other BioWare branches, and the demands of that project are probably ramping up as it moves into its final year of development.


I'm still looking forward to KotET, overall, but the simple fact that the entirety of the KotET story is nine chapters released at launch, while KotFE had nine chapters at launch plus seven more released monthly, seems to indicate that they have fewer resources pointed at this game than in the past. (Unless Uprisings were far more resource-intensive to develop than they seem, or implementing the GalCom system was much more involved than the KotFE's new Alliance system, or 5.1 and after are going to have much more content than the KotFE patches, etc.) Whether that's due to EA tightening the purse strings or just BWA splitting its focus to include more hours on ME:A, I obviously can't say.

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