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Musco opens 4 crates at level 90+ ZERO set gear


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People who demonize a system before trying it are the most cancerous people known to gaming communities.


Nah, I would argue the people who see everything coming out of a development workshop and do nothing but sing developer praises are the most cancerous people of a community. "Oh my god thank you so much BW!" "You guys continue to astound me and I love everything you put out!" "Don't listen to these haters and arm-chair developers, you know best how to keep this game successful!" "I want to have your babies BW, you continue to put out great content every single patch!"




They are the reason the gaming market is stagnating in recent years - developers don't want to try out "new" things because the backlash might be substantial without any factual information to boot.


Implying there is one reason for the stagnation of gaming shows your lack of intelligence. I guess lazy developers, over-reliance on microtransactions, profit margins, inter-company disputes, placating investors, DLC, pre-launch fake footage, early access, pre-ordering, and false advertising have absolutely no affect on this stagnation. Nope, meanie gamers are the sole cause.


Agreeing with MeNaCe is like accepting the defeat of factual information and objective observation. He's using degrading language to describe a system he doesn't even know the numbers and statistical average of ("****"), and he is trying to attack people who like the new system and want to give it a chance - the same you are doing right now.


Telling him to stop bothering trying to convince people =/= agreeing with all of his words or views. I just told him to stop wasting his time, and gave my own take on the types of people he's fighting against, ultimately a losing battle.


Yes, I will say that it is still on the PTR. Because that is the factual truth. It's not on live. It is an ongoing system that can be tweaked and adjusted with different tokens, drop chances, XP rates, new content and safety mechanics now and after launch.


No, you say it's on PTS with the implication that it could change and be different at launch, even though we have five years of proof that PTS does NOT change this close to launch of a build. If there was no motive behind the statement, there is no use saying it, and it's ultimately worthless to bring up (truth or not). When you don't stay within the realm of possibility or keep in touch with reality, you present yourself as a fool. You are either unfamiliar with the track record of this game or deluded into thinking BW/EA do any meaningful adjustments to their SWTOR systems either before or after launch of a terrible idea. They have more instances of ignoring players than listening.


It's on the PTR and it can be adjusted is the factual state of the mechanic. Saying "Bioware is so inept that they won't do it!" is a subjective opinion. Argue your subjective opinion all you want, and I certainly agree you can, but denouncing someone based on saying what is happening and what is factual correct is akin denouncing yourself in this conversation.


I never used the word "fact" in the post you are replying to. Not sure who you are talking to with this comment.


Yes, I will be. I am paying for a game I am tremendously enjoying. If you cannot deal with the fact that some people like the new changes, and you're trying to argue that those people are somewhat "worse" than you for liking/reasoning in support for the system, I suggest exiting the forum. And before you attempt to construct a false defense like "you are allowed to state your opinion, and I am allowed to state mine!":


You are allowed to state your opinion on a subjective level. You can say you dislike the system. You can argue against it and propose changes. That's all fine, and I can agree for the sake of conversation. But the moment you start degrading people as white knights or as members of a "faction" that is inferior to your own (in your perception), then you have lost all right to claim "right of discussion".


Um, no I haven't. I retain my "right of discussion" (a fictitious right) no matter how mean I am. I've seriously been wondering in the past few years where all these idiot kids learned argumentation from? Are liberal arts professors teaching their students that the minute somebody becomes a "meanie" and uses negative words, that an argument is lost? That's fallacious as hell. At worst I'm guilty of appealing by emphatic language, but in no way does that detract from any arguments I make. And it sure as hell doesn't remove my "right" to state my opinions. Come back to the real world buddy.


Actually, I don't disagree with the idea that the new system needs some tweaks. I disagree with how you, MeNaCe and some others are going about the suggestion itself. You are an armchair developer. The idea that you are part of a faction who knows better than the people who like it is so unreasonably hilarious that I can't help but smirk.


Considering you dismiss the possibility that many of us ourselves are developers, causes me to smirk, considering the vast amount of twenty-something gamers are flooding into Computer Science programs. The days of the "mystery behind the code" are over. Many gamers actually know what they're talking about. Many gamers, like myself, have worked in the gaming industry and are WELL familiar with poor hiring practices, stagnation of innovation/talent, and working with developers who are inflexible, don't make code concerned with the integrity of the entire framework, and are just plain lazy. There are many out there, and I've met several.


And before you attempt to hide behind a mask of "red herings" and "I didn't actually write that" - there are levels of communication that are hinted at by what was said and how it was said. Those things are called "layers of communication". The fact that you regard yourself as superior and more knowledgeable than the "faction" you are calling out is as apparent from your wording as the disdain and dissatisfaction of that idea is apparent in my words.


And regarding your quote: The same people who are now saying they are going to quit will be around in two years, whether with a break inbetween subscription or not doesn't matter. And they will say the same thing about another proposed system.


It's funny you say that, because this "quote" you attribute to me is something I didn't write. It's hilarious. You go on a huge rant about my arguments and what my words really say, and you can't even properly read or quote somebody. I didn't write the word "quit" in that sentence you are referencing. lol


All of my frustrations originate from my desire to play a Star Wars MMO that is GREAT. Patch after patch and patch, SWTOR has turned from a game that was "PRETTY GOOD" to a game that is "NOT THAT GOOD". If this game were't packaged in a Star Wars costume, the game would have already closed its servers. Anyone who argues otherwise is just plain deluded.


After KOTET story is over, I plan to go back to a private SWG server. That's not an empty threat (or a threat at all). It's just reality.

Edited by AlaecusMcFly
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Agreeing with MeNaCe is like accepting the defeat of factual information and objective observation. He's using degrading language to describe a system he doesn't even know the numbers and statistical average of ("****"), and he is trying to attack people who like the new system and want to give it a chance - the same you are doing right now.


OK. chastising someone for attacking others. Followed by this:


People who demonize a system before trying it are the most cancerous people known to gaming communities. They are the reason the gaming market is stagnating in recent years - developers don't want to try out "new" things because the backlash might be substantial without any factual information to boot.


Talk about attacking. Now people that don't like the new gearing system are cancerous and are actually impacting the gaming market as a whole?

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Agreeing with MeNaCe is like accepting the defeat of factual information and objective observation. He's using degrading language to describe a system he doesn't even know the numbers and statistical average of ("****"), and he is trying to attack people who like the new system and want to give it a chance - the same you are doing right now.


Aaaand here comes the usual Alssaran ad hominem nonsense buried in a ramble of text.


We've seen the system. I've seen the system, it was demonstrated to us in the stream and the posts being made come from that fact.


Your nonsense defense of it amounts to "it might change" and that's a rather sorry argument to make when trying to belittle the point everyone else is making to the contrary.


You seem to like to see facts yet people are using the best facts they have at hand to sustain their position however you have no facts what so ever to the contrary. I suggest perhaps YOU wait until launch and perhaps you can support your position from a "factual" position for once instead of all this other babble.

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Yes, I am part of the "get information on the facts and try out the system before you doom it" faction. I'm rather proud of it to be honest.


People who demonize a system before trying it are the most cancerous people known to gaming communities. They are the reason the gaming market is stagnating in recent years - developers don't want to try out "new" things because the backlash might be substantial without any factual information to boot.


Agreeing with MeNaCe is like accepting the defeat of factual information and objective observation. He's using degrading language to describe a system he doesn't even know the numbers and statistical average of ("****"), and he is trying to attack people who like the new system and want to give it a chance - the same you are doing right now. Yes, I will say that it is still on the PTR. Because that is the factual truth. It's not on live. It is an ongoing system that can be tweaked and adjusted with different tokens, drop chances, XP rates, new content and safety mechanics now and after launch.


It's on the PTR and it can be adjusted is the factual state of the mechanic. Saying "Bioware is so inept that they won't do it!" is a subjective opinion. Argue your subjective opinion all you want, and I certainly agree you can, but denouncing someone based on saying what is happening and what is factual correct is akin denouncing yourself in this conversation.




Yes, I will be. I am paying for a game I am tremendously enjoying. If you cannot deal with the fact that some people like the new changes, and you're trying to argue that those people are somewhat "worse" than you for liking/reasoning in support for the system, I suggest exiting the forum. And before you attempt to construct a false defense like "you are allowed to state your opinion, and I am allowed to state mine!":


You are allowed to state your opinion on a subjective level. You can say you dislike the system. You can argue against it and propose changes. That's all fine, and I can agree for the sake of conversation. But the moment you start degrading people as white knights or as members of a "faction" that is inferior to your own (in your perception), then you have lost all right to claim "right of discussion".


Actually, I don't disagree with the idea that the new system needs some tweaks. I disagree with how you, MeNaCe and some others are going about the suggestion itself. You are an armchair developer. The idea that you are part of a faction who knows better than the people who like it is so unreasonably hilarious that I can't help but smirk. And before you attempt to hide behind a mask of "red herings" and "I didn't actually write that" - there are levels of communication that are hinted at by what was said and how it was said. Those things are called "layers of communication". The fact that you regard yourself as superior and more knowledgeable than the "faction" you are calling out is as apparent from your wording as the disdain and dissatisfaction of that idea is apparent in my words.


And regarding your quote: The same people who are now saying they are going to quit will be around in two years, whether with a break inbetween subscription or not doesn't matter. And they will say the same thing about another proposed system.



I am from the faction of those who are unhappy about many of the changes coming in 5.0. Admittedly, some of that comes from the PTS [which, you are right can still change before release] , but much of it is from official announcements from BW itself.


That said -


I recognize that some people will like the new system and some people who are first coming to the game or who are coming back after a long absence won't know any better so to them this will just be 'normal'. For those who are not new to the game [like yourself] and whom are either of an "let's wait and see" opinion [which has merit, we don't know anything for certain until release], or simply don't mind or actually like new aspects that are being added in 5.0 or being changed in 5.0, more power to them.


Whichever 'faction' one might belong to with regard to their thought's on the changes coming to [or are expecting to] 5.0, there is no wrong or right about it.


I don't have to agree with you and/or others of a similar view to yourself, to respect the right to the views held.


For now, until we know for sure with the actual dropping of the x-pac, all we can do is hope for the best and once we see what the realities are, than we can make our decisions on whether we want to stay or leave the game.


Regrettably though, I'm not optimistic. If history is any guide, changes from the PTS this close to the date of the x-pacs release are unlikely.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Unfortunately for those of us who only play science fiction story oriented games, finding another one is hard to come by.


While I am certainly more of a Star Wars fan than a Star Trek fan, Star Trek Online is a pretty cool game as well. One of it's best upsides compared to this game is that it gives equal attention to both starship [space] aspects of the game as well as 'on the ground' aspects of play and has a utility whereby players can make their own missions up and share the missions with other players, that are not all that different from the official content put out [not on as grand of scale of course and only with aspects already present in the game, like you couldn't use aliens that may have appeared on one of the tv series but were never used by game developers themselves in the game], and this adds a lot to playable content and only grows bigger with time.


Downside is, no lightsabers or Jedi to kill =[

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Star Trek Online is a pretty cool game as well.


Thank you for the suggestion but I was one of the folks who were getting our support tickets answered with graphic descriptions of sexual acts the first or second year it came out.


Got screwed over royally with the crews and how only some of them were donateble to our fleets.

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Unfortunately for those of us who only play science fiction story oriented games, finding another one is hard to come by.


True as that is, there are some games coming out for me in spring that will do nicely. In the mean time, I'd rather watch netflix than play game that's no longer delivering what it needs to.


As my sub runs out Jan 4th, I'll give KotET some play time even just to see how they finished this story arc. Then after doing that an playing a couple of uprisings I'll be bored again and that'll be that. A lot of this game is about faith in the future. That's what's falling apart for me now. The GC system by itself isn't that bad an idea but as they say the devil is in the details and the more details we get, the less enchanted I am with the whole thing.


Here's the thing: I could enjoy myself just fine in my life before I started playing SWTOR and so I'm sure I'll be fine after SWTOR. It's a shame of course to leave a game that you've invested a lot of time in. But truly, you have to be happy with the game as it is today and have the hope that the future will bring more so you'll look forward to it. It fails on both counts now.


But really, I can find other things to do in my life than play this game. A shame it has to be but we all have a point where we have to draw a line and say that's as far as it can go. For me the game has been on the wrong side of that line for about 4 months now and so I took a break for most of that. Now that I've been back for a bit and see what's coming, I'm thinking it was a bad idea to come back, but hey I had that 6 month sub thing so it runs out early Jan. I am not expecting to spend any more money on this game. And the fact that there's nothing else out there that's a direct competitor or alternative to this game, doesn't matter to me anymore. As I said, I'd rather watch Netflix than continue with this game. It's been great but that's in the past. Not gonna pay for past glory anymore.

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I'm very disappointed. The idea that we're supposed to regrind insane hours of old content to get our heals, dpses, and tanks all geared because the level at which higher tier available is pretty high and the Rng doesn't seem to be anywhere in our favor. It is an insult to all vet players who have supported this game for so long and to new players alike. All we wanted were a pack of new flashpoints, warzones, and operations yearly with a few new story ideas thrown in here and there, but no. Once again the developers are pushing the customers out with the bad changes. The whole point of doing end game content is to group together and get a piece of gear and worse case scenario you could trade it with someone in the group to get a piece you need more. Now, we will just open boxes of stuff that will rarely have the pieces we want in it. Why would most people want to RE non set stuff ? Seriously, when all we want are the set pieces. We will all be able craft our own RE crap that we won't even want to use. Nice way to ruin the already limited crafting system.


Another point, I and many others like me want to play harder content on multiple chars and gear them accordingly when we do group content, not sit around waiting for our mainhand or chestpiece to drop on each character because we got 5 of the same belts, 6 feet,14 trashy non set gear pieces and 8 regurgitated speeders on each char. With this new system we become very limited on characters we can play because the time demand on each is way too high.


If it isn't already obvious, it's a really bad idea to push this RNG gearing for both old and new players alike. If this were a good idea I'd be singing it from the mountain tops , but it sadly is not. Story patches and a bunch of rescaled old content just won't give much if any incentive to play end game, especially without set piece drops after killing bosses, and the subs that are still here are already starting to look elsewhere, because most good things about the game are gone.


I'm confused as to why you would want to continue to destroy this game by removing good features and keeping bad ones, instead of giving us what we want. So we can enjoy the game. If you knew better what the players wanted, the servers wouldn't be the ghost towns that they are now. Fyi, heroics never should've been nerfed, companions can stand to lose some percentage of effectivity, classes should'nt be nerfed for pvp because it effects pve too (only altered to perform differently in pvp only). There are many things besides heroics that used to be fun that were ruined.


The time since the Revan expansion and during the DvL event should' ve been used to create new Flashpoints and Ops to launch with the 5.0 expansion. After all of this time, I honestly can't say I am getting a value for my sub anymore. Things in game aren't looking as appealing as I had hoped they would be for 5.0 with one exception the uprisings. I really hope we will get many new ops, fps, and pvp maps, and the RNG will be reworked or removed. We need good, playable endgame content not gimmicks like DvL. and I also hope. The servers won't be ghost towns shortly after expansion hype wears off like in 4.0.

Edited by AriaHimmelberg
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Did you even look at the stats on these modable green drops? They are better then top tier gear currently in game (with the exception of set bonus). They are gateway gear on the road to getting your set bonus gear, and being modable you can easily reuse the mods on alts with ease and not have to worry about max gearing an alt unless you intend said alt for end game PvP/Ops.


We also have no visibility into what drops in Heroic boxes in 5.0, but the fact is that in 4.0 once you hit a particular level, they no longer drop gear... but shift to token items for Alliance faction. No reason to believe this will change in 5.0, and so yes.. GC will be the pathway for cap level gear in 5.0. Whereas in 4.0, the non PvP/Ops pathway to gear was building Alliance faction and grinding for crystals.


The net of the GC approach is they are now giving players many content channels to earn GC xp and levels, and hence the gear grind at cap level is no longer specialized by content channel (OPs, PvP, etc)... it's now a broad based approach rather then a niche approach. I get that it rankles veterans in their established habits, but it remains to be seen if it is actually as evil as some insist it is.


As for what the actual time investment will be for players (on average) for a full set of max gear with set bonus... nobody.. nobody knows yet (except perhaps the internal alpha testers, who are under NDA and cannot speak). It could be as tedious as the sky-is-falling crowd insist it will be. It could also be much less so. We simply do not know yet, and no amount of doom and gloom in the forums is constructive at this point.


I would like to revisit something they said in an earlier stream... when they talked about why no monthly chapter releases (like they did with 4.0) in upcoming 5.0. They stated that they recognized that for the most part todays players are binge consumers of content. Hence, 4.0 monthly chapters did not achieve the goals they targeted. So, with 5.0 they move in a different direction of: making most content at level cap grant progress toward GC, and GC is the new binge food for the binge consumers. Will it work? No idea, and nobody here has any idea either at this point. I do give them credit for changing things over time, rather then just dig in and follow the deeply established formulaic pathways MMOs have settled into over the years since WoW landed in the market place.


Each player can choose to be open minded to change or not, and to prejudge before playing or wait and play before judging. Not surprisingly, many of the vocal posters here are choosing the closed minded prejudgment & condemn approach... as though it has actual weight of pressure or validity just because.


As I have said, personally, I'll take a wait and see approach to 5.0. It's definitely change, and it remains to be seen if it ends up being collectively good or collectively bad.


TL;DR: there is always a gear grind in MMOs. It differs from MMO to MMO, and it differs within an MMO over time.. but the key element is always present..... grind (work) for your gear. And like it or not, virtually all MMOs make the gear grind a gateway to end game content or min/maxing.


Andryah, I've never liked you. Your contrarian, deliberately miss the point, and many times don't have a credible one. I just want to know one thing and one thing only: How much does Bioware pay you to spout your drivel? I hope BW nerfs the slot machine again so you go away.


On point: People are voicing their displeasure in an attempt to clue BW in to the fact that their new gearing system is atroicious, irritating, and almost antagonistic at this point. That's our hope that it will be seen, taken to heart, and give BW a chance to "do the right thing" instead of pissing everyone off. How can you not see that? Oh, I forgot, your THE LAST OF THE FORUM APOLOGIST FIVE that is left in game, the rest have left already. It's your turn dear.

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You're assuming that "geared" means BiS for all slots. It doesn't. Casuals will still have all they gear they need for SM FPS and OPS, and they will have that gear as soon as they hit 70. PvPers will might have problems fighting players with a far larger time investment, but who knows, maybe Bioware will adjust reward rates from crates according to time played.


I think you missed the whole point of my post.


By geared I mean BiS or atleast gear to do the highest pvp or operations. It's this gear that the casuals have been all excited about. They've argued that it will now be fairer and they'll be able to get that gear. But really they won't able to if they play casual. The game servers would probably be turned off before they reached enough CXP.


If you were talking about gear for SM content, they already have access to all the gear they would ever need for that. So "their" argument that this system is better for them is completely blown out of the water and utter rubbish.

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I suspect there will be a bolster system and pvp will not be as bad as most people are predicting. I'm not saying better gear will not help, I just think if your gear is adequate and you are good enough then you will compete perfectly fine.


I must admit I'm getting a little down with all the doom and gloom posts lately. There seems to be a subset of embittered vet players who refuse to give the new system a chance without even experiencing it. Yes people are entitled to vent their spleen, threaten to cancel their sub etc, but there seems to be a core set of veterans here who have become so cynical that it's just not healthy.


Some people need to learn to let go and move on.


Eric stated that people geared higher in pvp will have a significant advantage

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First, by various events like DvL, 2x exp or even 5x from class stories, they encourage people to make dozens of alts. They even say (just before Shadow of Revan), "you should create all the classes, so you will pick whatever suits you the most". Then they even change pvp gearing system making it very accessible for fresh players and people who like to play many toons.


And after all that stuff they introduce the most time-consuming, frustrating and punishing people who have many alts, RNG system. And it is done of course against players feedback. Have anyone asked for such grind? Dont think so. But Eaware doesnt give a s...


Someone who is new in the game may ask, are swtor developers sane people, do they play their game? But folks who are playing star wars for 2+ years should not be surprised. They did a lot of things (on diffrent scale tho) like that in the past. They dont care ruining good things in this game (against players feedback) just to introduce another "glorious" revolution that none asked for.

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Andryah, I've never liked you. Your contrarian, deliberately miss the point, and many times don't have a credible one. I just want to know one thing and one thing only: How much does Bioware pay you to spout your drivel? I hope BW nerfs the slot machine again so you go away.


On point: People are voicing their displeasure in an attempt to clue BW in to the fact that their new gearing system is atroicious, irritating, and almost antagonistic at this point. That's our hope that it will be seen, taken to heart, and give BW a chance to "do the right thing" instead of pissing everyone off. How can you not see that? Oh, I forgot, your THE LAST OF THE FORUM APOLOGIST FIVE that is left in game, the rest have left already. It's your turn dear.


Looks like he makes valid points to me. Whereas you have to resort to ad hominems.

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I think you missed the whole point of my post.


By geared I mean BiS or atleast gear to do the highest pvp or operations. It's this gear that the casuals have been all excited about. They've argued that it will now be fairer and they'll be able to get that gear. But really they won't able to if they play casual. The game servers would probably be turned off before they reached enough CXP.


Citation required.


If you were talking about gear for SM content, they already have access to all the gear they would ever need for that. So "their" argument that this system is better for them is completely blown out of the water and utter rubbish.


It's not a better system for casuals. It's not a worse system either. Currently casuals (and all players for that matter) are limited by what difficulty ops they can do. In 5.0 they'll only be limited by time.


And yes I was talking about the ability to do SM ops. And unless there's some massive difference in layout between SM and HM/NiM ops that I'm not aware of, they aren't missing out on anything by just doing SM ops.

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Who asked for this and why is Bioware implementing such a system. Why are they releasing something that'll make players even more unhappy and miserable? I haven't thoroughly read through everything that is being released in this new expansion and how it all works but it seems like a lot of people are upset... I'm really sad. I want people to be happy and feel like what they pay for excites them.
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Who asked for this and why is Bioware implementing such a system. Why are they releasing something that'll make players even more unhappy and miserable? I haven't thoroughly read through everything that is being released in this new expansion and how it all works but it seems like a lot of people are upset... I'm really sad. I want people to be happy and feel like what they pay for excites them.


The days of Bioware doing what the forum base "asks for" are over.


You asked for space PvP, Bioware gave it to you and you spat in their faces.

You asked for monthly updates instead of yearly, Bioware gave them to you and you spat in their faces.

You asked to make old content relevant again, Bioware did and you spat in their faces.


If I were Bioware I wouldn't listen to any of you either.

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You asked for space PvP, Bioware gave it to you and you spat in their faces.


Space PvE (not on rails). Not space pvp.


You asked for monthly updates instead of yearly, Bioware gave them to you and you spat in their faces.


More frequent updates, class stories, operations, PvP game modes (including 8v8 ranked and a hutball league), pod racing (or similar). Not monthly updates.


You asked to make old content relevant again, Bioware did and you spat in their faces.


Actually, I haven't seen any posts asking to make old content relevant again. Perhaps asking for Macrobinocular missions / Shroud Heroic 4s to be able to be solo'd.


Citations required.

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The days of Bioware doing what the forum base "asks for" are over.


You asked for space PvP, Bioware gave it to you and you spat in their faces.

You asked for monthly updates instead of yearly, Bioware gave them to you and you spat in their faces.

You asked to make old content relevant again, Bioware did and you spat in their faces.


If I were Bioware I wouldn't listen to any of you either.


People asked free roam space pve and got space pvp.

Actually don't remember anyone ask monthly story chapters and old content to be relevant in level cap.

People asked more class stories, new group content and new events. Updates to legacy system and new daily areas and planets.

BW has been taking too long to introduce features players asked, some of those features are nothing people asked and after short time they are just abandoned.

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The days of Bioware doing what the forum base "asks for" are over.


You asked for space PvP, Bioware gave it to you and you spat in their faces.

You asked for monthly updates instead of yearly, Bioware gave them to you and you spat in their faces.

You asked to make old content relevant again, Bioware did and you spat in their faces.


If I were Bioware I wouldn't listen to any of you either.


Like BW you are a bit dilusional.


Open space ship flight not instances of space pvp.

No one asked for monthly story updates. We asked for class story and got this travisty of one story for all bs. Maybe quicker fixes to bugs and problems but not what we got.

And no one asked for make old content relevant. It's a known mentality in mmos that redoing old content is crap design much less relying on it for as long as BW has.


BW read what they wanted to read and heard only what they wanted to hear and barely any of it was what gamers actually asked for.

Edited by Quraswren
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I remember people on the forum screaming for space PvP.

I remember Bioware asking the forum before 4.0 hit if they preferred regular small updates or one big update a year.

I remember people on the forum asking to make old content relevant again.


citation required

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I remember people on the forum screaming for space PvP.

I remember Bioware asking the forum before 4.0 hit if they preferred regular small updates or one big update a year.

I remember people on the forum asking to make old content relevant again.


It's clear you are delusional then to what actually was requested.


Gamers asked for open space combat and flight. Not instances of space pvp.


Gamers did want faster updates but it was mainly. Balance and fixing bug. Sure, any gamers would want faster content updates given just how poorly Bw is at updating the game but again. You seem to be confused on what was really asked for and the end results no one asked for one story for all much less that one story once a month.


I guess I shouldn't say no one asked for it but damn near no one asked to make 5 year old content relevant much less the crap mechanic down leveling we got to do it. That's all Business and a Bw move, not gamers as i said and is historically accurate. Gamers do not like being fed a steady stream of old content over and over. They never will.



Like class stories! Bw heard what they wanted to hear, not what was actually asked for.

Edited by Quraswren
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