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To everyone who has cancelled their subscription


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actually i have cancelled my sub, i did it a few days after i began playing, took off all of my card details too, reason i can post is because i have x number of days left to play


unless bioware sort out the server maintenance times for EU and sort out many glitches i wont be back, this game has nothing i havent seen before so i may end up going back to either wow or rift, this game just feels like the same old crap with a starwars element to it, rift did it right, brought in something new to the game, and are constantly adding new content and patches, bioware wasted their budget on voice acting which is something i could have done without in all fairness as i skip most of the content anyway

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it's funny how i keep reading the "i cancelled my subscription X days ago" quote.


The thing is you can't post on this forum without a current subscription to the game..


So much trolling in this place.


People keep comparing this game to wow, and complaining about how many things need to be added.... i love it the way it is now; sure, many improvments can be done, but wow can also be improved. And i'm sure tOR will get better by the time.


Just have fun and stop analyzing the game so much!


well hopefully we only have 20 more days of this.

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If you left for one problem you'll probably leave again sooner or later.
Maybe, but what does it matter? The feedback is provided to help BW and the remaining community, why should that be ignored based on whether the player is likely to leave sooner or later? And in particular, why should it be ignored if the player HAS left?


I will leave the game at some point, I might as well stop giving feedback... Yea, I know, extreme situation and that's not what you mean, but I'm very certain you get my point.


The reason for player X to leave is entirely at his discretion, but the fact that the player has left is never a usable argument as to why the subsequently provided feedback is irrelevant or useless. That feedback may in turn be what the remaining community also hopes to be fixed, but for them is not serious enough to cancel or even report.

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Fanboy Ideology 101:


Lesson Number 1 Only those that think the game is perfect should post.


Lesson Number 2 Make as many whiner posts about whiners whinning as you can.


Lesson Number 3 Never take the time to check to see if you can still post with a canceled sub before making a post calling people who say they canceled liars.


If I could sig it, I would, dude.

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Really, you're suggesting what the 'critics' have to say has any value?


Sub numbers?



In fact, on the basis of registered acounts, Rift was more successful at launch than SWTOR.


When the critics all agree, yes it has value, and lets be honest they wouldnt have a job as a critic if they werent at least somewhat proficient.


And everyone knows the sub numbers are good, and growing fast, so you have no argument there.

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Dont you love the short attention span of kids today. Game releases 20th... Cancelled sub by 28th, then they come on the forums and tell us.


We that subscribe are not really bothered about your pathetic little epeen low attention span mouth breathing dwarf huggers, just cancel sod off and jump on the next shiney game release and shout how you also played SWTOR in your forum posts.


Bye. and we dont miss you.

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After following this game for years and really looking forward to it, I am SO disappointed. Have already cancelled along with friends. This game is lacking in so many areas its not funny. All the fan boys that are trying to protect Bioware and everything they do will realize soon enough how poor this game actually is. Makes me think that all the beta testers they picked to give them feedback have never played an mmo before. This game is NOT an MMO. Its a single player game on rails with none (or very little) exploration. As for communities in the game, pfttttttttt, there isnt any except you can do group quests and flashpoints together. Woooop deee doo. And even then we have flown through them with ease. And as for all the people saying " This game has only been out a week blah blah ", seriously? Is that the excuse your going to tell yourself? This game has been in development for YEARS. If they can't get the basics of an mmo right with a massive budget then there is no hope. And to be honest, this game looks YEARS old.


Bioware should stick to their single player games because they do it very well. This is Dragon Age with Star Wars instead. Bioware you should be ashamed

They have utterly failed at this, i give it maximum of 6 months before you never hear of this game anymore.

Just another sucky star wars game to add to the long list.

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Maybe, but what does it matter? The feedback is provided to help BW and the remaining community, why should that be ignored based on whether the player is likely to leave sooner or later? And in particular, why should it be ignored if the player HAS left?


I will leave the game at some point, I might as well stop giving feedback... Yea, I know, extreme situation and that's not what you mean, but I'm very certain you get my point.


The reason for player X to leave is entirely at his discretion, but the fact that the player has left is never a usable argument as to why the subsequently provided feedback is irrelevant or useless. That feedback may in turn be what the remaining community also hopes to be fixed, but for them is not serious enough to cancel or even report.


Let's not forget one thing. BW is not a humanitary organisation. You're not giving feedback for a greater good like saving lives or something like that.

They need to satisfy their paying customers, within a certain framework off course, so they keep paying.

When you don't pay anymore for a long time, your concerns have no values. I'm sure they are fixing and adding stuff all the time. What else are they doing?

It's just a matter of giving priorities. And your vote, as a non paying customer, has less value than a paying customer. Isn't that normal?


Well I don't work at BW, so I'm just guessing.

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Really, you're suggesting what the 'critics' have to say has any value? God knows how many games have ahd great reviews (or more often PREviews) only to turn out utter turkeys when played more than the couple of hours the 'critic' spent.


Sub numbers?


Frankly, I was surprised that Bioware only had 1m 'registered accounts' (that's not the same as subscriptions of course) some days after launch, given the ultra-hype they've been givingit for years and the large number of gamers who for months and years have been telling their guildies in other MMOs they'd be 'moving' to SWTOR.


In fact, on the basis of registered acounts, Rift was more successful at launch than SWTOR.



The game is getting fantastic reviews across the board, go look for yourself. It's a blast to play and will only get better. But then I guess we should all yield to your all knowing everything about MMO's right? You are the expert on this after all aren't you? Why are you even here if all you can do is post the above quoted negative rubbish? Go back to whatever game you were playing and pour your negativity out there. Meh, I guess we only have to wait a few weeks and your type will be gone. Then we will have ourselves a great community and whatever game you came from will welcome you back with open arms and a fanfare.... NOT! :rod_tongue_p:

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Let's not forget one thing. BW is not a humanitary organisation. You're not giving feedback for a greater good like saving lives or something like that.

Uhm, I agree... (?) Why would you even bring that up?


They need to satisfy their paying customers, within a certain framework off course, so they keep paying.
Of course, but it is also in their interest to re-invite old players and by getting completely new players.



When you don't pay anymore for a long time, your concerns have no values. I'm sure they are fixing and adding stuff all the time. What else are they doing?
Much fixing is based on the experiences of the player, whether it is a past (recently unsubscribed) or present (currently subscribed) experience.



It's just a matter of giving priorities. And your vote, as a non paying customer, has less value than a paying customer. Isn't that normal?


You know how you can give your feedback as to why you're cancelling for many subscription based games? That's because the company wants to know whether they can change something (within reasonable boundaries of course) to make you come back. E.g. "game has x y z game-breaking bug".


Is that not important feedback?

Edited by Narzeja
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Uhm, I agree... (?) Why would you even bring that up?


Of course, but it is also in their interest to re-invite old players and by getting completely new players.



Much fixing is based on the experiences of the player, whether it is a past (recently unsubscribed) or present (currently subscribed) experience.





You know how you can give your feedback as to why you're cancelling for many subscription based games? That's because the company wants to know whether they can change something (within reasonable boundaries of course) to make you come back. E.g. "game has x y z game-breaking bug".


Is that not important feedback?


Allright listen, say you sell bread.

I tasted your bread one time, when you started making bread. I told you I won't come back because reason x.

You changed your bread several times, to please your customer's. You love them because they keep comming back, even though they come with new suggestions. But they love your bread too, you can see that because they keep comming back.

But you didn't do anything to reason x.


Now let's say I go to your customers, who are loyal to you, tell them your bread isn't good because of reason X. What would you think of me?

Perhaps everyone agrees with me and reason X, but for some people it might be less important than for others. I have my reasons why I don't eat your bread, so I should just stop eat your bread. No reason to push it further than that. No?

Edited by Gimano
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it's funny how i keep reading the "i cancelled my subscription X days ago" quote.


The thing is you can't post on this forum without a current subscription to the game..


So much trolling in this place.


People keep comparing this game to wow, and complaining about how many things need to be added.... i love it the way it is now; sure, many improvments can be done, but wow can also be improved. And i'm sure tOR will get better by the time.


Just have fun and stop analyzing the game so much!


Actually I can, since I have x amount of days I can post until my actual days are over.


what's funny is that you cared enough to make an entire thread about it.

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In every MMO I've ever subscribed to, I cancel my auto-sub everymonth. As soon as my 1 month of game time takes effect, I cancel. Then, I resub the following month.


I can still post on these forums and every other MMO forum I'm a part of.


Nice try though :D


Edit: You might ask why. Well, I'm paranoid. I don't want my credit card info "attached" to an account. Also, If I was to "expire" I don't want my wife to have to struggle for months over a silly $15 a month fee, sending in records of my expiration and such just to cancel.


Get a game card fool. Buy it in cash. Your argument is stale.

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it's funny how i keep reading the "i cancelled my subscription X days ago" quote.


The thing is you can't post on this forum without a current subscription to the game..


So much trolling in this place.


People keep comparing this game to wow, and complaining about how many things need to be added.... i love it the way it is now; sure, many improvments can be done, but wow can also be improved. And i'm sure tOR will get better by the time.


Just have fun and stop analyzing the game so much!


Epic fail.

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When the critics all agree, yes it has value, and lets be honest they wouldnt have a job as a critic if they werent at least somewhat proficient.


And everyone knows the sub numbers are good, and growing fast, so you have no argument there.


Well all critics agreed that Age of Conan was a fantastic game. Look at it now, they had to switch to f2p to stay afloat. No endgame.

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Taking my time , allowing for patches,new patch in a few days.

Biowares not panicking and throwing band-aids out with a zillion mini patches.


They could very well expect that there will be discontent no matter how they respond, when they respond but they do announce server maintainance for this wednesday, we may or may not see a huge bug fix list, maybe we will.


In the meantime those who dislike the game may make their sacrificial announcements or threats to unsub to get reponses that help justify their actions.


Misery loves company, alot of times you see winos cling to each other,because they can justify their life failure and dependance on booze with someone as miserable as they are.

They post more so in hopes that others will agree, maybe feel sorry , or they are hoping that the developers will add preferances that they demand.


its a good game being polished, they are polishing the game more so than they are polishing the behinds of the trolls haters or those making ridiculouse demands who have not even experienced but 1 or 2 patches these 1st few weeks.


basicaly you can threaten, P*** , moan, cry, threaten all you want in these forums, which is fine.But really has no impact on the games success or failure its more or less offense / defense cesspool.

Edited by CygnusMX
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Well lack of acknowledging the issues people are posting about and when threads reach 1000 post it is closed and a new one opened. so with that happening over 1 main issue you would think at least acknowledging an issue would be the Least they could do



And one account might not make much of an impact but if the EU players band together and enough of the unsub, that will make a difference.


There are 94 EU servers presently in EU and during the day time here and evening most those are at full or max....so ya we do have numbers


EU players are not being over demanding. We just want our maintenance times to be more in keeping with our off time peeks. (like the USA has now but only adjust the EU ones to EU times)

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Pherhaps I should make a thread about how I'm sick of people complaining about people who complain about the game.

Get my point?

Criticism is very good. Much better than groundless praise (atleast for consumers). Some of it might be a step beyond criticism though, but it's still much better than complaining about complainers.

Ironically by writing this post, I'm complaining about those who complain about the complainers.;)

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