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Everything posted by Immoral_Atheist

  1. He gave the impression that those 5% or 100k is based on number of people who have complained. The actual number of people with problems can be much higher.
  2. There's lots who won't say anything. Maybe they just searched it up on the forums, seeing others have similar problems. Eurogamer.net says Game Director James Ohlen estimated the percentage with problems to be 5%. If that is as you describe, based on amount of posts in forum and complaints, then the actual percentage can be much higher. There's also the issue with underperforming. I can run it on a GT 540m, but shadows will really drop down fps. Considering the enviroments are very static empty, and that the instanced areas are quite small, I would say graphics compared to specs required are very poor. In that regard I'd say the game is underperforming (badly optimized/poor performance).
  3. New York Times has an article where the budget is estimated to be somwhere between $125 to $200 million. Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/19/arts/video-games/star-wars-the-old-republic-vs-world-of-warcraft-online.html They say: That would make it the most expensive game ever. Fortunately for the makers, it shows. I'll have to say I disagree about the last part.
  4. Pherhaps I should make a thread about how I'm sick of people complaining about people who complain about the game. Get my point? Criticism is very good. Much better than groundless praise (atleast for consumers). Some of it might be a step beyond criticism though, but it's still much better than complaining about complainers. Ironically by writing this post, I'm complaining about those who complain about the complainers.
  5. I'm saying I dislike the game. I do not intend to continue paying for a game which I have not enjoyed up until that point. I haven't heard of some drastical change later in the game. Atleast not positive. The worlds I've encountered so far have been dead. You know like the npc's that look like they're doing something, with some movements, although they don't give off a sound, and it's just the same movement repeated over and over again. Please tell me if they come to life later in the game, although I doubt it. The core gameplay is boring.
  6. I cancelled aswell. I thought it might be fun until Guild Wars 2 comes out, but this game really failed. Will probably play it a little more until my 30 days runs out. It's a dead world. Even more so than in the other mmo's.
  7. People tend to either vote thumbs down or thumbs up. You're likely to see people voting 0 if they really didn't like it, and 10 if they really liked it. Those complaining 0 is an unrealistic score should also keep in mind that most find 10 (perfect score) unrealistic aswell. I think the user score reflects quite well that a large part of players were dissapointed. A more "realistic" user score, with more centered reviews does not mean the average user score would be different. What's really wrong are the "professional" reviews, made more as commercials than reviewing the game.
  8. Skyrim did go well. Being a single player game does not exclude these things from being possible in mmo games. Actually much older mmo games have more complex behaviours than SWTOR (which has unusually little of this).
  9. This population is split up in servers, and their populations needs to be massive. A single server may have around 10k. You also have the design of the world. I haven't seen a single encounter with lots of players. The RvR in Warhammer gave you the feeling that you were actually playing an mmo. A keep siege with balanced sides could be quite epic.
  10. It's quite normal (in real life too) that you have to pay much higher amounts of money for something that's only slightly better. It's worth it when you don't have anything else that's very important. You're not required to buy it on lvl 40, it just opens up then.
  11. This is where the developers are supposed to make interesting creature behaviours. I mean more than just standing around, attacking anything that enters their aggro zone. They're a subscription game. I like open areas. Coruscant is horrible. Neither are particulary interesting though, when enemies are evenly distributed, often 3 enemy types in a given area, and they just stand around, or pherhaps move a little. Skyrim had some interesting behaviours (Giants, fox, rabbit etc), and it really helped make the world feel more alive. Today's mmo's don't have an interesting wilderness. They have grinding fields. You could make enemies more evasive. I remember in STALKER generic quests could be highly entertaining because of the dynamic world. Things would occur, and I would have to adapt to that.
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