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So Gear from the Box is not only RNG but NOT guaranteed Set pieces??


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Well I don't know about you guys but I'm going to stick around to finish the story. Get the last 2 class missions done and see if this new system is worth a damn. Some friends of mine literally only log on for weekend ops and play final fantasy online rest of the week, may give that a go. Although pretty excited about this Revalations online game, look it up, looks pretty cool. If the game survives past 5.0 I'll likely just watch the story content on YouTube and treat it like a TV show.
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I still haven't understand the whole DvL bull**** (and the double xp that is going atm), like, was there a point to it or did i just simply miss something?

BW: "Go roll alt of every class"

Me: "gg ez"

BW: "Done it? Great. Now we will be droppin' this lit af 5.0 with some rng on the rng. From those ~30 characters you now have, pick only one of them for 5.0 to gear (if you are in favor of rng gods, you might manage to gear it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ), rest are useless and you might aswell delete them"

Me: "noice"



BW: "Oh, another thing, assassins are too mobile, we are taking phase walk away"

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I mean yes, when I look at the system it does make a little sence, mainly since the Uprisings are like Flashpoints, which means you can spam them till your eyes bleed.


Operations have a lockout! You do it once and you cant do for the rest of the week. However people have learned to work with this. You have alts! When EV HM is Prio you run it with all your toons getting several MHs, Belts and with a group of friends you farm Earpiece and relics for everyone!! The main thing raiders will miss is the "gearing of a person". You get a new raid member, he is good but needs gear, so you run 2 NiMs with him and he is full 224, that is a question of 2-3 hours and a person has almost full 224! THAT will not be possible now!


The only thing that there will be in 5.0 is the repeatable option. You can do those Uprisings over and over and get better in it, find ways to speed it up etc, but that still doesnt remove the fact that its gonna be boring as hell to do the same thing over and over just to grind 1 level of GC. Its like the AP weapon points in WoW, it seems impossible to get!! People will give up on the way its just too much, even if we have a spamable way.



I think it's a bit unrealistic to state implicitly how fast it is to gear up in 4.0 using this model. I am a progression raider, and have been in raid teams the entire time 4.0 has been live. I only play one character. I have only in this last month gotten to be fully 224 geared.


Not everyone plays 7000 characters. Some of us only play one or two [undoubtedlty, we are the exception, I recognize that], point being, you can't build models based on the assumption that people will gear at a rate consume-rate with the number of alts they have. For those of us who play only one or two characters, once a week [Operations] means just that.


I don't think you need to go any further than to say that most people [using responses on this subject across the forums, I'd venture a guess at 80-85 percent] are much happier with the present gearing system model than this RNG dog crap model being introduced in 5.0.


Here's an idea BW.


How about taking some polls when you are working on new x-pacs so you can actually do things that you know a majority of players are in favor of? It's a business. And businesses care about one thing, the bottom line. Happy customers, continuing customers. If gamer's heard of an MMO that takes polls about changes beforehand and takes consensus into account when developing new and revamping old] aspects of the game, I can't imagine there wouldn't be a literal explosion of new players wanting to get on board such a progressive MMO customer relations platform of gaming.


Give us what we want. How hard is that? I know you can't make everyone happy, no one is expecting that or thinks that's even possible, but don't go against the majority when you are working on things that haven't even been released yet. It's just plain bad business.

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Are we also assuming that there is only one set per class or role? Imagine if there are different sets as well do the odds of you getting a piece in the same set goes down.


They already confirmed that gearboxes will drop gear relevant to your specialisation. So if you open gearboxes in heal spec you will receive healer gear.


Originally, it wasn't planned like that but it's a change they made based on player feedback. So that was a positive change that made a lot people at least ok enough to give it the benefit of the doubt.


Now, with this tidbit of information about the gearboxes not dropping token quality gear by default, it increases the RNG element again and therefore a number of people are unhappy again.


It does seem that BWA are regularly checking in the WoW kitchen to see what's cooking. Personally I do think the RNG gearing is an issue also because of the way SWTOR has been so far. We're accustomed to getting gear relatively easily or reliably. This also allowed people with a lot of alts to gear up more quickly and in fact made that achievable without playing 40 hours a week.


What really ticks me off about all this is that from the moment BWA extended the max amount of characters per server to 40 and then 50, they've done everything they could pretty much to discourage getting more alts. Think about things like a single story line instead of class or even faction stories which kills replay value and now making those single story lines repeatable in different difficulty modes and now RNG gearing. See, I already deleted half of my characters to fit the current game. I used to have 34 characters and now I have 17. Even with 17 I am starting to worry now that it's going to be virtually impossible to gear them up. It's been a matter of personal achievement for myself to put all my characters in endgame gear as I did always enjoy raiding and gearing them up.


I really don't want to cull my characters again but with the way things are going I will probably have to focus on playing 4 characters on each side (one heal, one MDPS, one RDPS, one tank) and hope that I can get them geared up with in the next 6 months to a year, so that I can do the HM/NiM content I used to do before.... It can't be that I am the only one who finds that at least weird if not nonsensical.

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Are we also assuming that there is only one set per class or role? Imagine if there are different sets as well do the odds of you getting a piece in the same set goes down.


No, if you open a crate while youre on lets say, Sorc lightning spec, you wont get piece with healing spec set bonus.


Not sure what happens when you have no spec at all selected, maybe its a mix between the 3 :rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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What would a player get if they respec and don't choose another before opening the box?


I've already found that running heroics without choosing an advanced spec means you don't get a loot crate at all, just the crystals. Looks like my Knight experiment character isn't worthy of even dps gear, which I assumed would be the default.

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What would a player get if they respec and don't choose another before opening the box?


I've already found that running heroics without choosing an advanced spec means you don't get a loot crate at all, just the crystals. Looks like my Knight experiment character isn't worthy of even dps gear, which I assumed would be the default.


Do you mean you advanced class or the specialisation within that advanced class?

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No, if you open a crate while youre on lets say, Sorc lightning spec, you wont get piece with healing spec set bonus.


Not sure what happens when you have no spec at all selected, maybe its a mix between the 3 :rak_03:


Yes, but what I am saying is; what if there is more than 1 set for lightning spec?

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Yes, but what I am saying is; what if there is more than 1 set for lightning spec?


Hahaha, yeh, in theory you have a point but knowing BWA and the history of the set bonuses, I don't see any reason to assume this might happen. In case you've missed the last couple of years, they are simplifying the game wherever they can, not adding more layers to it.

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Has anyone considered this can be tied to the GC level? E.g. the max level 120 and there are 6 levels of it. I will use current sets


0 - 20 - occasionally set 216 + mostly nonset

20 - 40 216 set + occasionally nonset 216

40 - 60 216 set + nonset 220

60 - 80 220 set + occasionally nonset 220

80 - 100 220 set + nonset 224

100 and above 224 set + occasionally nonset 224


I am still not liking it but that's when is someone with yellow font supposed to come in and get us more details so the dev tracker is updated from time to time with some answers :D



You know what i could live with that progression, with gear improving like that in tiers, providing that a cxp rank is not like watching paint dry and is somewhat semi regular.

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Has anyone considered this can be tied to the GC level? E.g. the max level 120 and there are 6 levels of it. I will use current sets


0 - 20 - occasionally set 216 + mostly nonset

20 - 40 216 set + occasionally nonset 216

40 - 60 216 set + nonset 220

60 - 80 220 set + occasionally nonset 220

80 - 100 220 set + nonset 224

100 and above 224 set + occasionally nonset 224


I am still not liking it but that's when is someone with yellow font supposed to come in and get us more details so the dev tracker is updated from time to time with some answers :D


See I might be willing to work with this type of system but the complete lack of communication and information on this topic since the livestream does not help what so ever. I truly do not understand this mentality of doing a stream, dropping information that they know will be divisive, then going completely quiet for days on end. Short of the post stating there will be maintenance tonight, there hasn't been one yellow post from Bioware since the stream announcement post. That is 4 days of zero communication. Completely unacceptable.

Edited by Silko
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See I might be willing to work with this type of system but the complete lack of communication and information on this topic since the livestream does not help what so ever. I truly do not understand this mentality of doing a stream, dropping information that they know will be divisive, then going completely quiet for days on end. Short of the post stating there will be maintenance tonight, there hasn't been one yellow post from Bioware since the stream announcement post. That is 4 days of zero communication. Completely unacceptable.


You have to realize that the devs only respond to positive feedback. The more negative feedback they get, the less they read the forum and the more they have internal discussions about how great some totally stupid idea is. They've done it for every expansion. Some times they come back later and fix it once it is shown to effect the bottom line, but otherwise they ignore it for a year or so and pretend all is great.

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I guess I'm referring to either a new progression team built up during the KOTFE cycle doing progression raiding together for the first time at level, or an older team that had to progress through the new tiers of gear. Regarding the latter, if you took a team of players at your level Curt, or Jerba or Hayete or Oofalong or whomever, with the goal of being able to gear up into 224 to then clear NiM at level 65, that process is obviously going to be easier to do with a) having highlighted hard modes AT ALL, and b) having EV and KP as two of aforementioned highlighted hard modes. An experienced hard core team from pre 4.0 was probably able to clear HM EV/KP in 198 gear, right? The presence of those two alone would be enough to ensure rapid gearing into nearly complete 224. But even if EV and KP were excluded, having HLHMs at all speeds up the gearing process, and endgame gear acquisition and upgrading is a form of content by itself.




Maybe 90% of the hard core raiders, but if 90% of the entire game's playerbase did operations, we wouldn't have KOTFE.


i would much rather have nim loot drop from nim operations. to hell with highlighted shyt and gearboxes.

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So, i guess all this ************ is about cause they can't get the best gear right away? oh my word......you guys need to learn some patience...yikes.

Patience for what? To do what we're doing today? To do ranked PvP? To do progression Ops? It's not like we're impatient to beat NEW content, you're asking us to be patient to do 5-yr old content. Some of that content is the only reason people sub.

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So, i guess all this ************ is about cause they can't get the best gear right away? oh my word......you guys need to learn some patience...yikes.


I guess you haven't even bothered to read about the issue. Obvious troll is obvious.

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So, i guess all this ************ is about cause they can't get the best gear right away? oh my word......you guys need to learn some patience...yikes.


Some people have been on the gear treadmill for near-on five years. some have stored up 100s of 1000s of WZ comms over that time, some have done NiM content since it started years go. Heck even some solo players have 1000s of crystal comms. - How patient does one have to be?


People are salty coz all that previous effort is being swept away. And I for one can see their point.


Enable players to work for the next tier up is standard MMO practice. I get that. - But to go all Tabula Rasa over it....And add in the lottery of random gear boxes.....That's what's got people's backs up.

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I really don't agree with the developers' rationale for this entire system. Their choices are nothing more than slimy ways to increase play time for a dying game. This is what I see:


A. Developers cannot create content that keeps players engaged for very long because players eat content too fast.


B. Players complain for months about "nothing to do" when they've burned through content too fast.


C. EA will not hire more developers for this game, thus making content creation never go any faster than its' current pace.


D. EA + Developer Solution: Increase the amount of game playtime required before players can actually play/complete new content. Easiest way to do this = gate all endgame gear behind yet another arbitrary time constraint wall.


Dailies. Weeklies. Currency Caps. Lockouts. These are all arbitrary gates that force you to play longer, and exist for NO OTHER REASON. Just more dumb decisions to pull as much money as possible out of a game that's on its last legs.

Edited by AlaecusMcFly
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See I might be willing to work with this type of system but the complete lack of communication and information on this topic since the livestream does not help what so ever. I truly do not understand this mentality of doing a stream, dropping information that they know will be divisive, then going completely quiet for days on end. Short of the post stating there will be maintenance tonight, there hasn't been one yellow post from Bioware since the stream announcement post. That is 4 days of zero communication. Completely unacceptable.


That's what I wrote there - we need an official response and the fact we are not receiving one worries me.

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