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Operative and Smuggler Class Changes


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"Below the Belt: New ability which replaces Dirty Kick. Allows you to stun a target from 10m away."


why.. WHY... WHY!! Why you replacing instead of adding? Precious funny animation of Dirty Kick! I so love it and you removing it now? Why it can't be like that - "if target is in melee range, its Dirty Kick, and its Below the Belt when target is away" ??


damn you

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"Below the Belt: New ability which replaces Dirty Kick. Allows you to stun a target from 10m away."


why.. WHY... WHY!! Why you replacing instead of adding? Precious funny animation of Dirty Kick! I so love it and you removing it now? Why it can't be like that - "if target is in melee range, its Dirty Kick, and its Below the Belt when target is away" ??


damn you


Agreed. Inability to kick Revan in the balls is far more outrageous than losing Flamethrower or some other **** like PW removal.


Maybe they will make it dependant on distance? There's number of skills already doing that.

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Mobile Strategies: Exfiltrate grants a charge of Mobile Strategies, reducing the energy cost of your next Overload Shot by 100%, allowing it to be used at 30m, and making it knock the target back. Each use of Overload Shot consumes a charge of Mobile Strategies and grants 10 energy.


are you serious?!?


please just give some precision before i laugh so hard....


- is there a limit of the number of charge we can stack?


because if not, just stop this madness...it's so OP that we don't have to test to see how it's hilarious ! do you PvP really in your dev "crew" ???

Edited by Thaladan
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Wow I totally missed the replacemnt of Dirty Kick with Below The Belt. Dorty Kick along with the Take Cover pose are one of the reasons to play Melee Smuggler. Please restore both abilities.


Or restore Dirty Kick under a new name: Roshambo

Edited by jimmorrisson
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I still have the feeling as if the Operative still gets so much more power than the Sniper - and the mirrors.


A true sign - by the way - of the dev's favouritism is simply this thread's title :


Operative and Smuggler Class Changes


It should have been :


"Agent and Smuggler class changes".


It really shows what the devs are favourizing.


( If this isn't a simple mis-writing, that is. )

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[*]take cover, crouch, snipe: These abilities have been removed from the base class and are now sniper exclusive.

[*]take cover, crouch, charged burst: These abilities have been removed from the base class and are now gunslinger exclusive.

no no no no no no no no

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I'm wondering about energy. In the last patch it seems that I have less energy. With these new abilities/ utilities, will energy become an issue?


Also...Replacing Dirty Kick...not cool. It's the best, and I mean best move in the whole game/ I've been playing for over 4 years. There's no greater thing at the end of a WZ to crush some dude's cookies...whether U win or lose the match...it is brilliant...please say the animation is based on range? Can't lose dirty kick...

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Operatives/Scoundrels still suffer greatly from not having interrupt immunity in PvP. Can we please, please get a CD or a utility that helps us get heals out after white bar if players are rotations 3-4 interrupts on our cast heals?


It is one of the reasons Operative healers can't play group ranked anymore because you devs refuse to give us any from of interrupt immunity cd. 5.0 was a good opportunity to give PvP operative healers a bone, come on guys.

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In addition, Kolto Infusion heals for more initially, but no longer has a heal over time component.


Kolto Pack now heals for more health instantly, but no longer heals the target over time.





Is it initially or instantly? This is important. If it is initially this talent is bleh. If it's instantly it's a solid utlity.

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So it's great to see that you recognize healing disciplines as being ranged disciplines with the range increase on the new ability. Any chance we could see the same type of treatment to our interrupt?


Being the only healer with a 10 meter interrupt as opposed to 30 meters is quite annoying in certain OPs encounters. Seeing as we have NO positive benefits to playing within 10 meters besides the limit on the interrupt, it appears to be an odd tether that only affects one of the 3 healing classes.

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Being the only healer with a 10 meter interrupt as opposed to 30 meters is quite annoying in certain OPs encounters. Seeing as we have NO positive benefits to playing within 10 meters besides the limit on the interrupt, it appears to be an odd tether that only affects one of the 3 healing classes.

^ Totally agreed on that. Having a 30 meter interrupt would be very benefitial on fights like Draxus and Revan. There really is no reason to have only a 10 meter range in PvE content - in PvP content it may be slightly overpowered but even in PvP it's better to stay away from your (melee) enemies when you're healing and not get in range to interrupt. All the other healers have a 30 meter interrupt, so why not scoundrels?


The 10% chance for bosses to resist remains a problem but that can be worked around with accuracy gear, stim or adrenal, and it affects all healing classes equally.

Edited by Jerba
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  • 2 weeks later...

From the fresh patch notes:



Slice Droid has been removed


This is a joke? Seriously the constant removal of abilities over the years (Freighter Flyby/Orbital Strike, I am at looking at you) is becoming annoying beyond reason. Updates are supposed to make the game more fun by addition not removal...

Edited by demotivator
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Is it initially or instantly? This is important. If it is initially this talent is bleh. If it's instantly it's a solid utlity.


Eh, to me it seems like it's now instant and heals for the whole amount right away. That's how I read it.

HoT is now a part of the first instant heal, in other words.

Edited by Equeliber
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  • 1 month later...
One of my biggest gripes about this game from the beginning is just how narrowly focused the classes are. Rather than giving us more options within each class it seems like they are consistently being taken away. It's bad enough each class is being pidgeonholded so much but now I can't even use the cover system for RP purposes on my operative.:confused:
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  • 1 month later...
STOP gutting my class and their abilities.


Yeah, I hear you, I tend to play games in rotation, and in the last couple years, every time I have come back to SWTOR the small mechanics like this have changed more and more. I was an original subscriber via preorder back when the game came out, but it has gotten to the point where a lot of the things I first liked about the game are no longer in the game. It plays very differently now.


I was never a big PVP'er which is maybe where a lot of this is focused on balancing, but as a PVE player I got tired of relearning/redoing my character traits every time and having to play them differently. In PVE, to me it is all about how you are able to play a character in their story.


I cancelled my subscription today.

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  • 3 months later...

Take Cover, Crouch, Snipe: These abilities have been removed from the base class and are now Sniper exclusive.




This mutilates the Operative Class to sometihng very bland. Take Cover and Crouch are essential for the base class. Snipe can be made enhanced (longer range, more damage) for Sniper Class, but dont take away abilities that the classes once had!


This removing of abilities do NOT "enhance the playing experience". It just makes playing more dull.

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