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Possibilty for SWTOR to Go Full Pay-to-Win


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I saw some speculation that there are going to be Command XP boosts sold on the Cartel Market in 5.0 and the possibility to sell Command Crates on the Cartel Market like the current packs. If they do this, it will be a full on pay to win system. They specifically mentioned in one of the livestreams that they could sell power on the cartel market, but don't.


If they do in-fact cross this line, the day this game goes pay-to-win will be the last day I ever play this game.


Can someone from the dev team please unequivocally state that something like this will never be in the game in order to end this speculation?

Edited by kvandertulip
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I can't think of any reason not to sell command boosters. I wouldn't buy them myself but I never bought any of the other boosters. If they can bring in more money to continue to improve the game and build on its success, more power to them.
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It would be weird if they wouldn't put a cxp boost in the CM, given all their other boosts. Not that they need to but yah, not sure why this would surprise anyone.:rak_03:


So with a cxp boost we could do the easiest and least amount of content, and simply pay our way into top tier gear, and that seems ok? XP boost were different, because regardless of capping level it didn't affect loot drop/type.

Edited by Darkside
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So now we can do the easiest and least amount of content, and pay our way into top tier gear. XP boost were different, because regardless of capping level it didn't affect loot drop/type.


I'm not saying I agree with it, If it were to be a new thing. I just don't see how another boost along with all the other boosts should be a newsflash.

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Agreed, with a CXP boost I would seriously consider leaving the game. I can deal with the other 5.0 changes, but gear acqusition should come exclusively from playing the game; it should have nothing to do with the Cartel Market in the slightest.

But Musco was pretty certain on the livestream that GC would have nothing to do with the Cartel Market, so hopefully these boosts won't go live.

Edited by Jerba
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They never sold a boost for better Ops rolls, or double loot drops from Ops in the past, or double PvP comms...a CXP boost would be the same as any of those things and it would absolutely be unacceptable.


That's because those systems worked differently cxp works like exp does it not? Get a little bit of exp here and there, bar fills up, when it's full you get your reward, next level.


Maybe if they introduce a token to fill up your bar to max for that level, your argument would be valid. That's not the case.

Edited by Eshvara
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Doesn't really sound any different from an XP boost which has been sold on the market since time began.

More frequent RNG rolls does not equal a better chance of a good RNG roll.

Based on what they've said, I imagine people will be begging for a CXP boost by the time they get into the higher tiers.

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I can't think of any reason not to sell command boosters. I wouldn't buy them myself but I never bought any of the other boosters. If they can bring in more money to continue to improve the game and build on its success, more power to them.


Unfortunately, that's not how it works (I've worked for big corps like EA). The corporations set aside an operational budget for the year for them to do the things they need to do. Any amount they make above and beyond that does not get reinvested into the game (heck, even if they fall short of the goal they don't get it all). It is just pocketed by EA and they use it for whatever they decide, whether that is investing in other games, or even towards executive bonuses. So, sadly all the Devs at SWTOR care about is making enough money to meet their operational budget.


I could see them doing this to get more revenue especially if they are losing subs because of all the bad news of 5.0

Edited by FourPawnBenoni
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Doesn't really sound any different from an XP boost which has been sold on the market since time began.

More frequent RNG rolls does not equal a better chance of a good RNG roll.

Based on what they've said, I imagine people will be begging for a CXP boost by the time they get into the higher tiers.

If you want to be technical, no it doesn't improve the drop chance of individual armor pieces but it will shorten the average time until a player gets such an armor piece.

The whole GC system is designed with "harder content > solo content" in mind, but if a single CM boost can cause the easiest content to give more CXP than NiM operations, my raid group will be forced to either run solo content during raid hours, or it will take significantly longer to gear up. I was planning to farm tons of CXP when 5.0 launches, figuring out what gives the most CXP/time because that's what I enjoy doing as a MMO player.

With such a boost, I'd lose interest in doing that, and to me it would be a sign that SWTOR has gone P2W and it's best to jump ship because the longer you stay, the more P2W it will become.

Edited by Jerba
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I can't think of any reason not to sell command boosters. I wouldn't buy them myself but I never bought any of the other boosters. If they can bring in more money to continue to improve the game and build on its success, more power to them.

For BioWare, it's a simple calculation: "How many players' subscriptions will we lose by going P2W vs. how much additional revenue could we generate from P2W items on the Cartel Market?"


Until now, it always seemed that the former was bad enough that they'd stay away from P2W but who knows. 4.0 had too many Cartel Market overhauls in a short time period, so sales must be lacking, and the monthly chapter content did not attract as many players as they planned. I was hopeful that the focus on group content in 2017 would signify a change in BioWare's direction, but maybe they're getting desperate and considering going P2W.

Edited by Jerba
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Doesn't really sound any different from an XP boost which has been sold on the market since time began.

More frequent RNG rolls does not equal a better chance of a good RNG roll.

Based on what they've said, I imagine people will be begging for a CXP boost by the time they get into the higher tiers.


Well, I think the difference with CXP is it is more akin to reputation than experience since it is tied to crates/gearing.. Boosts for this would be like having GREE/Rakghoul boost that limits the amount of dailies/grinds you would ahve to do to reach your legendary tier.


It would be like buying crystals in GoH to speed up the process of leveling/gearing.

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Unfortunately, that's not how it works (I've worked for big corps like EA). The corporations set aside an operational budget for the year for them to do the things they need to do. Any amount they make above and beyond that does not get reinvested into the game (heck, even if they fall short of the goal they don't get it all). It is just pocketed by EA and they use it for whatever they decide, whether that is investing in other games, or even towards executive bonuses. So, sadly all the Devs at SWTOR care about is making enough money to meet their operational budget.


I could see them doing this to get more revenue especially if they are losing subs because of all the bad news of 5.0



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For BioWare, it's a simple calculation: "How many players' subscriptions will we lose by going P2W vs. how much additional revenue could we generate from P2W items on the Cartel Market?"


Until now, it always seemed that the former was bad enough that they'd stay away from P2W but who knows. 4.0 had too many Cartel Market overhauls in a short time period, so sales must be lacking, and the monthly chapter content did not attract as many players as they planned. I was hopeful that the focus on group content in 2017 would signify a change in BioWare's direction, but maybe they're getting desperate and considering going P2W.


If it's something that comes to happen, it's no different from any other boost you can buy currently from the market. The levels of hyperbole around here are sky rocketing by the day.

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Actually it could be. Assuming it would be unbudgeted revenue, it would just be a cash flow win. Highly doubtful they would take an unplanned revenue win and reinvest it back into game changes, it would just be a good guy. They wouldn't increase their spending because of it. Now if it was planned revenue, then its already accounted for so it's just would BAU.

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If it's something that comes to happen, it's no different from any other boost you can buy currently from the market. The levels of hyperbole around here are sky rocketing by the day.


For pvp given there's no pvp gear any more it would most definitely be p2w, and in what is going to be essentially a sub game.

Edited by Morrolan
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