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The DISGUSTING state of general chat


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Why? Why should I have to deal with someone who' date=' if they said the same thing in public would have had them wind up in jail or, depending on what country they're from, with a body part or two chopped off?[/quote']


Because A: whether you interact with these charming individuals is YOUR CHOICE, and B: we don't live in North Korea or some Islamic totalitarian cesspit. In fact, in my country, people have a constitutional right to spew just about whatever viscerally offensive drivel they like, and as someone serving in the US military I happen to defend this right regardless of whether or not I agree with how some people use it.


I don't know what country you're from, but if you're referring to GENUINE THREATS made against your person, that is illegal and is reportable and BioWare WILL do something. I know Europe is currently in the process of criminalizing anything vaguely offensive, and with that I wish them good *********** luck.


But last I checked, EA is an American-based company, and BioWare is owned by EA. And last I checked the ToU, most of the garbage in Gen chat isn't anything BioWare is going to bother with (and they don't).


I get that private companies can (or should be able to) impose whatever restrictions they want on their services, but in most American multi-media companies there is relatively little active moderation of customer expression (because most people aren't hypersensitive pedants like OP, and doing so would drive away business).


So yes, deal with it.


And while you're dealing with it, go read Marcus Aurelius and learn to stop being so nauseatingly effete. OP's type are equally as unpleasant as the trolls in general chat, but at least the trolls in general chat aren't the ones whining for censorship.



Edited by Stultophobe
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Uh, behavior like that is seen everywhere really. Whether on gaming forums (for as far as moderation allows), as in chat channels in most MMOs I've played and basically any form of social media. There's like this weird thing that happens the moment people go online, like their entire demeanor changes and suddenly anything goes. Asinine behavior suddenly becomes 'cool' and 'funny' and anyone who doesn't like it, well they're free game. I don't really get that mentality nor do I see the point in it but I've learned to ignore it. I barely look at chat and shrug at most anything else I see, it's about all you can do really to maintain your own sanity and not stoop down to those levels.


And active human moderating in chat channels is just not a thing anymore, I don't think BW even has the manpower to do so. Report someone if it truly bugs you and you can or hit ignore and just move on. Not trying to dismiss your concerns OP but with this there's just very little to be done about it I believe.

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Yeah, yeah I know there is a profanity filter; I know I can turn general chat off, but I shouldn't have to.

Well, that is one of the reasons why there is the ability to turn off chat, and it does only take few clicks.


There's always going to be kids and trolls who want to be "naughty" when mommy's not looking.

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This is really getting far beyond acceptable. I understand there is always going to be some chat which is considered unacceptable by someone, but the current state of general chat is absolutely ridiculous. In fact it's so bad I cannot repeat any of it here, because I would get banned.


So why the double standard? Why is it not acceptable in the forums, but completely unmonitored in the game chat?


Yeah, yeah I know there is a profanity filter; I know I can turn general chat off, but I shouldn't have to. They bypass the filters with ALT letters or other means and since BioWare failed to put in a LFG channel, Gen chat is the best way to link up with other people for ops and heroics.


Where is the legacy ignore feature Eric talked about months ago? Why isn't there a TOS within the game chat like there is in order to use the forums (and a way to report people who violate that TOS)?


If there is a single biggest complaint I see or hear about SWTOR, this is it!


cos freedom of speech? *unless you live in russia*

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So why the double standard? Why is it not acceptable in the forums, but completely unmonitored in the game chat?!


I guess because it leaves no trace. You can google crap here.


And, you nailed it. Thanks. The moment you set up a rule, and time and again make it clear to anyone that you will NEVER implement that rule - it's worse than if you never had put a rule in the first place.


Which is happening IRL, in my country at least.


BTW, general chat is toxic as well here in France. Not AS bad as Harb's tho. But still - not suitable for posting here.

Guild names, player names. I reported one with Jihad in its name days before the Charlie massacres. I'll let you imagine what happened. Nothing.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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I'll be honest, if text in a game hurts you, than you have bigger issues to worry about. Don't be so thinned skinned, and who cares really. Let it be an outlet for people, cause in the grand scheme of things, it is absolutely trivial. Edited by Darkside
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I'll be honest, if text in a game hurts you, than you have bigger issues to worry about. Don't be so thinned skinned, and who cares really. Let it be an outlet for people, cause in the grand scheme of things, it is absolutely trivial.


In the grand scheme of things the above makes ANY peace impossible. And you have no option to mute bullies IRL. And it snowballs. Becomes the new norm.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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I was always taught a couple of things regarding the way a person talks:


(1) If you can't say anything nice don't say anything.


(2) If you have to resort to name calling, questionable words then it shows your intelligent level.


I have learned to turn off general chat and I am sorry if you are looking for help and you have to deal with these "people" you most likely will not find the help you need as a lot of people are starting to turn off general chat and then people come to the forums saying they can't get help.


Duh, wonder why?

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Because A: whether you interact with these charming individuals is YOUR CHOICE, and B: we don't live in North Korea or some Islamic totalitarian cesspit. In fact, in my country, people have a constitutional right to spew just about whatever viscerally offensive drivel they like, and as someone serving in the US military I happen to defend this right regardless of whether or not I agree with how some people use it.


Why do military personnel always need to mention it? 'Serving' not enough of an ego boost so you need validation from internet strangers?

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... and as someone serving in the US military I happen to defend this right regardless of whether or not I agree with how some people use it.


Thank you for your service. (And in case someone thinks that I am being sarcastic, I'm not. I'm saying this very sincerely.)

Edited by Trynitris
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Been this way for years now in MMOs. No amount of direct studio policing can squelch it, so it's absurd to expect they can.


Which is why studios give players tools for filtering or ignoring, as well as the /report feature.


If a player cannot cope with the nonsense, and/or won't make use of existing tools provided to cope with it.... perhaps they should not play games where other people can interact directly or indirectly with them.


Seriously... MMOs have an ESRB rating for a reason. I expect an adult to be able to manage and filter their environment on their own inside an MMO for the most part, with the provision that I also expect them to be mature enough to report and ignore the more flagrant violations.


General chat in MMOs is for the most part the haven of toxic social chatterers these days. Nothing will change that until some other more interesting venue pops for them. But it is also completely within the ability and intellect of the player to use the tools (including the filtering ability of their mind to mentally put people on cerebral ignore) to filter their environment.


Closing words of advice: DO not counter punch or in any way harass people in chat that offend you. Why? Because some of them are actually looking to taunt you into something they can report you for and get you banned. Just filer them out and/or report them and move on.

Edited by Andryah
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