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Why do YOU play STAR WARS: The Old Republic?


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To finish the class stories and see the end of the Valkorion story.

Valkorion`s story may not end. In Wookiepedia it says Valkorion died "sometime before 67 BBY.". So it is possible Valkorion does not die for 10 more real life years. Maybe he still is alive when SWTOR shuts down. That would propably be boring, but as long as it is interesting and fun and great, it does not matter if we have Valkorion or someone else. Valkorion does seem to be very different from Vitiate, even though they are same person, so next Sith Emperor may be very different from Valkorion.


In any case, Valkorion has amazing voice acting.

Edited by TheRomanRuler
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Quite simply because THIS is my Kotor 3. I'm here for the stories...I replay em over and over again. It may be a mmo for some, but for me it's a single player RPG that now gives me free DLC (expansions), exclusives (companions, mounts, pets, etc) and 600CC every month. :D

Yes :) This game is single player RPG hidden in MMO clothing that has quite seamless transition from single player to multi player. And i love that. Of course i might like MMORPG even more. But what ever the case, i certainly like where Shadow of Revan and KOTFE are taking SWTOR towards. Propably would love pure single player RPG more - but i still like this game.

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I just genuinely enjoy every aspect of the game. I started playing around the end of 2012 and have subscribed off and on since then when I have the time and desire to play. I mostly play for the story and flashpoints, but I jump in operations once in a while, and I do quite a bit of PVP in warzones and in GSF. I even do the PVE space missions on occasion. I leave no portion of the game untouched.
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  1. My lightning hands Sith Inquisitor main :sy_consular:
  2. Story, especially class stories
  3. Aric Jorgan! Vector Hyllus! Malavai Quinn!
  4. Companions and the saga of their return (yes, as I expected they've got me by my money until my companions return)
  5. Drunken datacron hunting with a couple of my rl friends (how we got the 2nd Makeb one I will never know)
  6. Because its Star Wars
  7. and :mon_trap:

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It's Star Wars.


It's a Star Wars MMORPG.


It's the best mainstream sci-fi MMORPG as far as I'm concerned; it's easy to master, there's lots to do, most of the story is good. It certainly has flaws, but I can't think of a game in the genre that doesn't.


This. And the stories, of course :)

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I'm still finishing some class-story stuff from SoR, and then will probably re-roll 2 chars to replace some broken capture footage. So - for class stories. Despite all the game's problems and the time past, those things are still genious.
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Because I couldn't get a good guild in WS. Guild left in BnS. There's no good superhero MMO since CoH closed. Though, TOR does have multiple stories, which is awesome, before it takes all that promise away.


Been here since a couple weeks of release and I've come and gone and returned...I enjoy the stories. That's TOR's selling point for me.

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Because its better then WoW. I have no investment in the Star Wars series but I always enjoyed the setting and characters. And bioware holds the game up with immersive story (crap animations but I can deal) and it just feels overall more engaging then just "Stand in you're gariso- I mean class hall waiting for ques"


I like PvE still but I would never go as hard as I used to. Pubs will suffice.

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Class design and fantasy is nice, especially since blizzard managed to mess that up for the first two months of their latest expansion release.


Wish there was more variety in character races (which star wars is known for) than just skin color in most cases to go with the class fantasy.


Given the option, I would jump at the chance to not be human in any rpg. I'd be a turian, or a quarian in mass effect if I could.


The mmorpgs that really leave a lasting impression are the ones that have races that vary wildly from each other, and even express themselves, or move differently. TERA, WoW, FF14, archage do this, just to name a few.


I'd shut up about it, and give bioware/EA my money in an instant if nautolan were playable. After all, I immediately bought CC to unlock togruta, and cathar the moment I came back from a 4 year hiatus.

Edited by wtfimblue
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I play SWTOR because I enjoy the Star Wars franchise and the stories. I have other MMOs I play for end-game stuff like gearing, ranked PVP, Raiding/Ops but SWTOR is purely story immersion for me so as long as that's provided, I'll stick around. I'm pretty pleased at the moment. :)


It is pretty much the same for me, mostly franchise and stories. I like cinematics when they add to the story.

Strongholds is a nice addon without being important, also I put energy into dressing up my toons.

That is part of the reason, I think I might like the new expansion, just not sure about the RNG boxes you get as reward!?


For PVP I think WOW is much better - you should try if you haven't. PVE is about 50/50 with an advantage to WOW.


I am also a fan of starships (GSF)! However I will enjoy it more if starships have a bigger part in the story. Not just the minigames or a transport from one planet to another.

Like doing quests to get a new engine, smuggle goods. Example in new expansion when one side is about to win. Landing in your starship you can fight enemies from it, then continue the fight outside if you wish.

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Blasphemy and spoiler warning on KOTOR:


I didn't even like KOTOR very much, didn't even get to finish it.

Haven't even started KOTOR2, I heard it was broken and buggy in so many ways (I know there was a restoration patch by the community, but I couldn't care less to look for it and patch).

The 'big story twist' was spoiled for me on the internet, before I could get there in the game (yes, I was poor when it came out and I couldn't afford it at release). I hated the almost first person perspective and only one companion (previous loved bioware games were isometric and 5 companions). My character was a female, for some reason Bioware decided for SWTOR that Revan should be male.

So I love SWTOR despite KOTOR, lol!

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