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"We wanted more instant gratification : kill, get treasure, repeat."


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World of Warcraft is falling down the same hole actually, even since WotLK. Instant gratification, casual friendly. It is what kills MMOs interest, litterally.


Disagree here. The subs started to plummet after Cata was launched, and the number one complaint at the time was that the Heroics were too hard (that still cracks me up... HEROIC is too hard). Making the game easy in Wrath is what made it so popular, which is why they are going the route they are going now to get people back.


They are going the "Network TV" route, and I really want to play the "HBO" of games.

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Instant Gratification... hmm... could you pick a more ambiguous term



Here's one take on consider instant gratification:


A looking for dungeon tool or looking for raid tool. I can get into dungeons and raids within 5-10 minutes with these tools. Or I can wait 1-2 hours spamming the channels. In this cause, "instant gratification" is going to make people happy and bring them into the game.


WoW hit 10m subscribers before LFD was introduced. Implying everyone who joined after it was released joined because of it, nice logical fallacy.

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"Difficult" and "Time-Consuming" are two different things. I love difficult. I hate time-consuming. I don't have 4 dedicated hours, 4 nights a week anymore. I did when I was 21, working full time and living at home. Now I'm 26, working full time and own a home. I stil have plenty of time to play, as my wife would surely point out, but I can no longer say "Yeah, Monday-Thursday, count me in for four hours a night." I might be free all those nights -- or I might not be free for any of them.


So long story short, I love challenging stuff. It's why I enjoyed WoW raiding back when it was harder. But my time isn't really my own anymore -- I play when I can, and the hours surely add up, but it's not at my choosing like it once was. So having to coordinate something that takes up a whole night, multiple nights a week...it's just not practical for me anymore.

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"if you don't actually pay attention you're going to DIE"






The bosses can be extremely easy, once you know how to beat them.


On the last boss in Directive 7 my group wiped twice trying to figure out the correct way to beat him, but once we were aware of what was going on it was simple, plus beyond fun.


I don't know about anyone else, but I seem to get the god affect when running around dodging missiles, THE CLAW, burning down several champions, and holding adds.



Very fun run

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wow lost 600,000 subscribers the moment they made their game 'challenging' in cataclysm. in just 3 months.

AND they are still losing subscribers as we speak.


excuse me but statistics speak about the nonsense you are blabbering to us.


games. are. not. jobs.


people do not want to be subjected to 'effort' when they log into a game to entertain themselves in evening hours.




a game should be entertaining RIGHT at the time you are doing any activity within that game.




what is flawed is the 'grind-reward' format. it has worked for wow only for some time until its novelty wore out.


How did Cataclysm make wow even remotely challenging??? I think you and I have VERY different definitions of that term. WoW has not been even slightly challenging since they nerfed the hell out of everthing back during TBC.

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:confused: Are you sure? The thread here has quite a few replies along the lines of 'I'm pretty casual, but I enjoy a bit of a challenge.'
As a moderate difficulty casual who enjoys a stout challenge in flashpoints as a matter of course, I agree with this post. I've had my fill of end game grinds as most other MMOs define them. Roots in playing TOR's predecessors KOTOR, SL and ME was the draw for me, where VA story interaction is king.


I feel most aspects of gameplay should be challenging to some degree, whether it's contemplating the more correct plot choices for one's character makeup during questgiver convo or licking wounds from learning a boss' fight mechanics. It all depends on what you're looking for. In the end, no one game will ever be everybody's everything because it's just not feasible.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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The Game is bad. started really good...went nowhere .


reached the point where it is nothing other than the world of warcarft starwars patch or Starwow as we call it.


i played wow for 5 years or so, pretty much scince it started. i hat the grind . the multiplayer dungeons etc were fun...for a while.


i had a lot of hope for this game and the familiarity of the u.i was good for instantly being able to play withou fumbling around. i too am time limited now, so i really dont want to play another wow in space. wow has had its time. all the die hard players i know have got fed up with the ,go here kill this bring it to him ,go there kill that take it to him...then once in a flashpoint/dungeon.... set your makros and thrash m1 key till it bleeds routine....


this is how it feels for me, the space fights are terrible as well....


i was hoping it would develop into a open world space ship eve style battle or galaxies type game (before it got nerfed) once the story path you did was complete with future add ons . but no


its nothing more than wow with speeder bikes and light sabers. :(

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