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Level 50's are Killing pvp


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Am I the only one here who still gets top dps and top objectives on my level 15 toon? 50s are super simple to kill whether you are a level 10 or a level 49. Stuff scales in pvp so really the only thing they can use to get an advantage is more skills and talents and expertise gear if they have it. Honestly the only characters I have seen with ANY sort of advantage at 50 are the healers, dps is dps and tanks are tanks.
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Am I the only one here who still gets top dps and top objectives on my level 15 toon? 50s are super simple to kill whether you are a level 10 or a level 49. Stuff scales in pvp so really the only thing they can use to get an advantage is more skills and talents and expertise gear if they have it. Honestly the only characters I have seen with ANY sort of advantage at 50 are the healers, dps is dps and tanks are tanks.


People just die to a level 50 and come to the conclusion that it is inbalanced. They are quick to forfeit the idea that it is on their end.




*Rushes to the forums*



Edited by Deffin
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I have full PvP orange gear with the best mods available and I have no problem against 50s badly geeared and playing like ****.

Yes, a 50 with PvP gear knowing what he does kills me. He'd better, levels have to count for something.


Bottom line: you won't perform in PvP at low levels AND with green gear.

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It's their fault for rushing to the end. I am not going to feel sorry for people that rush to the end because they wanted to get their first or feel like conquering other people that have little chance against them. This is quite fine, you reap what you sew int he end, and you need to sleep in the bed you make. If you can't handle the fact you rushed and others might not be catching up, you have no one else to blame.





This attitude is no less worse than the people whining about low levels in warzones. You try to tell those people at higher levels how to play while becoming incensed when they do the same? I imagine brackets will be added eventually, but currently it would be just as unfair to force ridiculous queue times on those people as it is for the lower levels fighting over their heads.

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I dont really understand these topics anymore... None of them are started by people even close to the home stretch.


I will admit right after release these topics made sense to me. Now... I am wondering *** you are still doing below lvl 45 -.-



maybe, A LOT of ppl have a life to take care ....



and that no-bracket idea was the most retarded ever in the mmo's

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Actually it is easy to get. You can get a full set of 50 gear in less than a day with expertise, blue quality form your PvP vendor on your faction capitol world. And it's actually a 30% to 35% difference. Bolster is 10% below the top (at base) that a class can reach, while PvP gear is stated to only be 10% above it, but that's definitely not true. A bolstered level 10 doesn't even come close to what a bolstered level 30 can get from damage, health or even stats, just from the gear bonus.


You realise it costs 500/600 per piece, so you would need about 7000 commendations to get the full set, takes alot more then a day, girly. (and most people would rather do dailys for champion gear, since it would take months.)


Most level 50s don't even have most level 50 gear, only 2-3 pieces.


Most Flashpoints are BUGGED/Operations broken, so they can't really PVE for gear less they do Black Talon hardmode, which they can't find a group for.



Many people are under the impression that a set of 50 gear is just HANDED to them... thats not the case, you have to fight with the RNG Monster, and its given me 5 Champion Relics... (completely worthless btw.)


Another reason why 50s win so much is because they are grouping with FRIENDS they started the game with, they learned how there friends play and compliment and help each other.

Edited by Daecollo
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Agreed, the only ones that can basicly kill a 50, is another 50


LIES... My whole team took on a 50 and killed him, after he killed 2 of ours :p


Thing is depending the class, lv 50s will have 2-3x more AOEs to **** you with, more abilitys to heal (small to large heals) many debuffs to get out of stuns, or to stun you perma with 5 diff stun attacks. Plus those 50s with super gear (like full 15% expertise) thats abit more of a tank than i could ever hold with lol, Unless im bugged and i magicaly have maxed expertise that does not show up on me but does on 50s who have no life :p

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Many people are under the impression that a set of 50 gear is just HANDED to them... thats not the case, you have to fight with the RNG Monster, and its given me 5 Champion Relics... (completely worthless btw.)


Those aren't worthless! They give you statless relics that don't really compare to the vendor blue and green relics!

Edited by MrRaptorJesus
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They should've raised the pvp entrance to at least 20. Lvl 20s and above have a pretty comfortable skill package that lvl 10s don't.


If you're a lvl 10 and you enter a warzone, you might be bolstered in damage and HP, but you don't have access to:


1. talented passives / abilities

2. base class abilities that provide CC / survivability / "oh noes!" cooldowns

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They should've raised the pvp entrance to at least 20. Lvl 20s and above have a pretty comfortable skill package that lvl 10s don't.


If you're a lvl 10 and you enter a warzone, you might be bolstered in damage and HP, but you don't have access to:


1. talented passives / abilities

2. base class abilities that provide CC / survivability / "oh noes!" cooldowns

^Brackets plox

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Only work some time go toe to toe whit one who is a pvp'r and know what he is doing like your self and you wont win you don't even have a change to win cuz he is more gear and have allot more levels on you


Omg this is painful to read.

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Then stop complaining about the ppl who dont and have put in more work than you. Its a trade off. u cant expect to have the same things as ppl who work harder than you. Thats life.


No, life and actual work is quite a bit different than RNG. In life, you can work towards a goal, minimize risk and have a reasonable certainty that with time and effort, you can achieve that goal. Work isn’t just about investing time and hoping for luck, it’s about working intelligently towards a goal. For example, you could spend 18-25 going to Med School, or 18-25 working retail 60 hours a week, the former being a more intelligent way to spend that time that will eventually yield better results. This is why working 10 hours as a Heart Surgeon nets you more money than working 80 hours as a grocery store clerk.


The PvP champion gear system rewards luck and working unintelligently towards a goal. The thing is you could reward players who invest epic amounts of time into PvP, while eliminating the frustration of RNG by creating a certain high token turn in for PvP armor. For example, I'd personally rather pay 600 Mercenary commendations for a Certain piece of level PvP gear then 200 Mercenary commendations for a chance at the same. Both require alot of work and time, but the later more intelligently works towards the eventual goal.

Edited by Torcer
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